Pretty sure that was obvious, if that's what you're insinuating.
Happy birthday, Ed!!
The matte doesn't fit KHV. . . . * shot *
Super happy fun times again! Meanwhile, poor personality #2. [✖]04
The body wasn't the youngest Uriel had ever handled or been born into, but it was definitely one of the most convenient. Over the centuries, he discovered that little had changed about traveling in Europe; people still looked oddly at young women who were constantly traveling alone. So long as he wasn't looking to attract attention, Uriel thought that the Dark Angels wouldn't bother him. Hay Sun was still unconscious and it didn't seem as if she would be resurfacing any time soon. By plane, Uriel had successfully made it to Moscow in a matter of hours, where he managed to slip into a hotel. Russia was a large country, but Hay Sun's dreams were very informational, and by their consistency, he knew that Ariel would be here, somewhere. . . . Why mortals would forever need sleep, he didn't know, but by the time he arrived to his room, he felt very sleepy. Humans were strange. He slipped into the bed, and then fell asleep. Russia was a lot colder than Italy, he decided. ◇ – ◆ – ◇ – ◆ – ◇ – ◆ – ◇ – ◆ – ◇ – ◆ – ◇ – ◆ LEO had told Uriel to stay in contact, but there was no such luck. By tracker on Hay Sun's phone [ which at the last second, he had slipped into the suitcase ], he found that Uriel had made it to Moscow before he got into bed. Tomorrow, he thought, he would get more headway into finding Leviathan. More training with Joslyn and Azazel would occupy his time, as well. He sighed. She was probably going to be extremely sore, but he still wouldn't go easy. He decided that Joslyn was lucky to have a teacher rather than learn through the numerous near-death encounters he had faced over the years. Most of that was all worth it; one of the products of his experience being that Raziel was almost completely bonded with his soul. There was a bad side to that, but that was better elaborated on a later time. He would have to tell Hana that Uriel left, tomorrow. After a long shower, Leo crashed on the bed.
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I C MOOD ※ SIGH ✚ DAY 35 ※ 3/4 ✚ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY LEO watched Joslyn. ⎧I - I would appreciate t - that.⎭ He had no remorse that they had gone to an extreme on what was her first day, but there was little time to turn her into someone who could look at their target and it simply disappear. Raziel didn't have those capabilities ( although he had capabilities fairly damn close to that devastating level ), but he was sure that it was possible for Joslyn. His role in that was simply finding the fastest way to that point. ⎧L - Let's go . . .⎭ Her laugh was nervous and her physical stability was even less reliable. He sighed. ⎧You shouldn't be hesitant to ask if you require assistance.⎭ With one smooth movement, Leo spun Joslyn around and up until she was in a comfortable position on his back with his hands hooked under her legs. Without another word, Leo began to walk back to their hotel. The girl was light, he thought, and probably never ate enough. With the training he was going to put her through, he thought that Azazel wouldn't be enough of an energy supply. Leo decided to take control of her diet as well. They arrived back at the hotel some twenty minutes later and a warm relief flooded through him as the warmth seeped into his skin. Although his face was stoic, he was freezing. After a little more walking and elevator-usage, Leo set Joslyn down in front of the door of her hotel room and nodded at her, returning to his own room and wondering if she would show up tomorrow. He opened the door to see Hay Sun staring out of the window with a suitcase next to her. The air was different around her and he immediately grasped that it wasn't Hay Sun he was looking at. ⎧Uriel, is there something wrong?⎭ he asked. ⎧I am leaving soon. I must find Ariel.⎭ Uriel replied in a monotonous voice. ⎧Danel has trifled far too much with Hay Sun's mental state regarding Ariel, and I can no longer stand by.⎭ ⎧It's not just that, is it?⎭ he asked knowingly. ⎧It's hard to hide anything from me, Uriel.⎭ ⎧Don't patronize me, Jun Tae White. I will end your meager mortal existence.⎭ Leo wasn't bold enough to face Uriel, so he conceded with a sigh. ⎧. . . But yes, you are right. Pathetic as he is, Ariel holds a special meaning to me. I cannot let the fool die, even if that will save me much trouble in the future.⎭ Uriel sighed, grabbing onto the suitcase. ⎧I do not know when I will return, but you will be able to keep track of me. In the meantime, Danel is under the impression Xathanael knows something of Leviathan's existence. That is unreliable, but worth looking into.⎭ He placed a hand on Leo's shoulder, and then left the room. From his window, he watched as Uriel left the hotel. He sighed. Did he have any idea where to begin looking? Most of Leo's attention had been focused on Leviathan, but there was little to no luck so far, even though the more intense part of his search had just started. Ah. Joslyn still has my jacket. he thought to himself. I'll get it tomorrow. Russia, Hay Sun had kept mumbling in her sleep. Something about Russia, East, and lots of snow. ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ — ✖ DAY 35 ※ 3/4 ✖ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ ROME, ITALY [/url]With little success of getting free, Hay Sun continued to struggle against the mist that was holding her to the ground. If only she could get free, she could snap the son of a bitch's neck and be done with it. What the hell made him think that they knew where Leviathan was, anyway? Annoyingly enough, Italie had become the reverse-side voice of reason and let room for the suited douche to say what he wanted. ❝To give you a piece of advice. Well, actually, two pieces of advice. First,stop recruiting. You're all better off if you don't get involved.❞ Well shit; she could have told anyone that. ❝Second,❞ he pointed at her, ❝if you actually intend to go for Ariel, I suggest you do so soon. In his current state, he won't be able to handle another attack. He's lucky he survived the current one.❞ Hay Sun stopped listening. Pretty Boy? Attack? Where? Of course she wanted to find him! But Jesus fucking Christ, where was she even supposed to start looking?! Meanwhile, something was mentioned about Red and knowing Leviathan's location, where Hay Sun's eyes then fell on her companion. Did she know where the dude was? Personally, she didn't even care – and who was Jehoel? She wanted to ask Danel where Pretty Boy was because he said he knew last time, but Uriel . . . said they didn't need him. Italie's voice dragged her from her thoughts. ❝So if you wouldn't mind telling us, where exactly is Ariel? And what kind of threat does he face anyway?❞ ❝Aaaaaaaaaaah, good question indeed. Unfortunately, I offered to tell Little Miss Hay Sun here, his whereabouts the other morning and she shot me down. Pretty Boy is apparently not very high on her saving list.❞ ❝Fuck you.❞ Hay Sun spat. Moments later, the mist and Danel was gone, and Hay Sun was getting back to her feet. ❝Shit.❞ And when she pounded her fist to the floor, the entire building shook, the ground of the epicenter completely shattered. Pretty Boy . . . Leon . . . Leon. Leon. Leon. Ariel. Calm down. Ariel. There is no use in letting Danel rile you up. Calm down. Hay Sun couldn't think straight anymore. When she opened her mouth again, a high-pitched scream howled out that lasted for several long seconds before she clenched her eyes closed. ❝Xathanael, I need to find Ariel. I'm in charge of this body now. Hay Sun is no longer conscious.❞ Uriel stood up, dusting off her clothing and sighing. ❝Since Israfil is dead, there's no need for us to be here anymore. Shall we go?❞
Wasting Time ( Eternal Summer ); Four Year Strong
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I C MOOD ※ QUIET ✚ DAY 35 ※ 3/4 ✚ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY PATIENTLY, Leo waited for Joslyn to try again, but then she began to talk to herself. He internally sighed while crossing his arms. Not only was she still thinking about the chair too hard, but Azazel was going to become a cheat sheet. He didn't mind that, Leo supposed, but because Joslyn was so physically weak, he thought that Azazel suddenly exerting herself through the physical body would cause harm to it. A few moments later, he watched as all of the girl's muscles completely relaxed and her face smoothed over, along with a glaze covering her milky eyes. ⎧That's far better.⎭ he thought to himself, watching closely. Aconitum began to glow as Joslyn lifted and Akasha heated up in his pocket. One fluid motion later, the chair was sliced in half. The girl was surprised, which made Leo sigh, but he did say with any means necessary. ⎧ Well done. Your connection with Azazel is confirmed, but it will be bad if that keeps happening. She needs to learn to draw on your power herself, not the other way around, Azazel.⎭ he explained, ⎧Alright, now . . .⎭ After saying they weren't going to use Aconitum for the rest of the day, Leo spent the next four hours arduously working with Joslyn on improving her control over her breathing and relaxing. He taught her the basics of controlling her body for when to strike at the right times, and how to draw on the energy that Azazel provided without over exerting herself. It was a long, would-be stressful process, but Hay Sun was always complaining about how he had the patience of a saint. He treated Joslyn just as he would any other person from the group; he was cordial but distant and impersonally cool. By the time they were done, Joslyn had fainted at least five times, and spent about thirty minutes altogether of just lying on the floor and breathing hard. ⎧It will not be easy,⎭ he told her plainly, ⎧But you need to be able to fight and defend yourself. I won't force you to continue, but if you wish to, meet me here tomorrow.⎭ Leo left his jacket to Joslyn because the temperature had dropped a few degrees. From the lobby of the building, he retrieved his phone from where he left it on the desk and checked it; there was a message from Cassandra's phone, which, if he recalled correctly, was in Brandon's care now. To: Jun Tae Yo, Lion bro. Me and Heinry are going on an adventure to go save his wife or something. We're apparently flying to Moscow, and yeah. Keeping you in the loop~ -Brandon He raised an eyebrow. Henrik's wife? . . . Lion bro. He sighed. To: Brandon. Don't be useless to him, then. Leo returned his attention to Joslyn, who was still looking completely beaten. ⎧Would you like me to walk you back?⎭ ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
11:30; Block B
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ ANGRY ✖ DAY 35 ※ 1/4 ✖ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ ROME, ITALY [/url]❝Come now, Puriel. No need for the hostility.❞ Hay Sun rolled her eyes as he smiled at her. ❝Xathanael, what a pleasure. I'm surprised the both of you brought along Dumah and Zachariel, risky move.❞ Now that she looked at it, the douche was probably right, but there was no undoing it now. Red snapped at Danel, an then he tucked in his wings while rolling his eyes. She couldn't help but think again about how she missed her own. ❝The both of you need to relax. I haven't even done anything. Why don't you have a seat.❞ ❝Why don't you suck my di - ❞ A strong blast of wind slammed the group into the wall and Hay Sun's mouth opened with silent agony as the shock set across her body. Thick mist began to climb up their legs and Hay Sun forced herself to a standing position before it could catch her arms too. Great, now she was stuck to the ground. ❝That's better.❞ Danel said and she growled ferociously at him. Her eyes darted to Mutie and Italie, her expression almost apologetic. This was a bad way to show them anything, but it was always like this, now that she thought about it. They would have to get used to the bullshit if they were going to stay with them. Raziel told her to take care of Zachariel, and remembering that, she sighed. ❝Why are you here?❞ ❝What the hell do you want?❞ Red and Hay Sun spoke at the same time. ❝The same reason you are. You came for Israfil, but I took care of him shortly after he through the lot of you out. That's too bad about Cassandra. I liked that one. She wasn't as hostile as the both of you.❞ Heat flooded through Hay Sun. ❝Don't talk about her.❞ she spat at him with narrow eyes. ❝You can't be here for the same reason as us, if you already killed Israfil, you dumb fuck. I wanted to tear his windpipes out and shove it back down his throat. Now I wanna do the same to you.❞ She rolled her neck. ❝What are you really doing here? If you're looking for Leviathan still, none of us know where he is, and even if we did, we sure as hell wouldn't tell you.❞
Poll's up !!
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ QUIET ✚ DAY 35 ※ 1/4 ✚ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY AFTER Leo presented the chair, Joslyn seemed to fumble around for something and then reached for her back pocket. A wand was pulled out, which he recognized as Azazel's sword, Aconitum. ⎧Aconitum?⎭ Joslyn asked, and then flinched when it transformed at the sound of its name.Akasha resonated with the other sword almost hungrily and he distinctly remembered almost being killed with it. As Joslyn began the prepared exercise, Leo watched with scrutinizing eyes as her body moved and the soft muscles shifted from under her clothing. There was a long way to go, he thought, but if they continued for several hours every day, she would be capable of bringing down the country of Holland by the time they were nearly done.⎧At least she is putting all of her effort into it.⎭ With her seemingly fragile mental state that he hoped Azazel would be working to improve, he saw that if she tried, she could hold the determination and confidence to do what it took to survive and dominate. If he was right about her, then it was this potential that Lucifer was so interested in. She would make any power-mad demon an incredible and beneficial companion.As she tried to hack the chair to pieces, he circled her, observing her form and the way she held her sword, and then finally, she was done. ⎧H - How was that?⎭ she asked him.The chair . . . If he would have been anyone else, he would have facepalmed.⎧The chair is still there.⎭ he said, stating the obvious. From the chair to the girl, his eyes switched, and then he squatted down next to the chair, settling on looking right at her. ⎧Maiming is not the same as destroying.⎭ He held out a single finger to the chair and then lightly poked it. It completely disintegrated. He stood up and then moved towards her, motioning to the way she held her sword. ⎧You attacked too desperately, and it was more like you were a barbarian waving a club. You waste more energy that way.⎭ Leo adjusted her hands to be more parted on the hilt and for her fingers to relax around the grip. ⎧For us, our swords are not simply companions, they're extensions of ourselves. You have to treat the sword as fluidly as you would a wave of your own arm.⎭He then adjusted how she was holding her body. ⎧Relax your body and always keep your breathing steady when you're attacking or moving, you'll be able to keep your cool. Don't think about destroying the chair, think about it disappearing. At least that way, the body of it will be broken.⎭Leo set another chair in front of her. ⎧Again.⎭ ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I C MOOD ※ QUIET ✚ DAY 35 ※ 1/4 ✚ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY IT wasn't a long time waiting before the door was answered, and Leo slipped his phone back into his pocket once it was. He watched as a look seemed to pass over her face, as if in thought, and then she took a deep breath. ⎧H - Hello there, Leo. How a - are you?⎭ Externally, it seemed that he was regarding her coolly. ⎧I'm fine. I hope you're well, too.⎭ he returned, and then continued. ⎧Have you been training during your time with Hana?⎭ If Hana had been specifically keeping her from training, that could be both a good and bad thing. ⎧A - Ah, no. I haven't.⎭ He was a bit afraid of that. He sighed, a little annoyed with Hana, but then looked directly at Joslyn again. ⎧Would you be adverse to start training with me?⎭ ⎧Ah, well . . .⎭ she trailed off, and a silence settled. He raised an eyebrow when she murmured to herself. ⎧I know, I know . . .⎭ And then there was another silence. She was clearly talking to someone in her mind, and it was either schizophrenia that comprehended the situation and didn't tear her mind apart, or Azazel was a separate entity from Joslyn. ⎧Okay, I'll train with him.⎭ Him? ⎧I mean, I - I'll train w - with you.⎭ He nodded in reply, and then turned to start walking down the hallway. ⎧Follow me.⎭ With zero conversation, Leo led Joslyn down the elevator, towards the back exit of the hotel, and out into the cool October air. He didn't feel it so much, but the girl looked like she would shatter if a snowflake touched her. He handed her his jacket. The pair was walking into an apartment building that looked empty from the outside and then into the abandoned dining room that was on the the first floor. It was just as large as he wanted it. Wind gently blew in from the broken windows and the cracks in the aging walls. He cleared away the area and then stood across from her, giving a once-over in where his eyes flashed. ⎧You have been confined to a hospital all your life with voices talking in your head and have seen little to no constant sunlight, much less any physical activity. Your build is small, weak, and your endurance and stamina is most likely low.⎭ he explained in a detached manner. ⎧You have yet to exert any sort of ability that involves your Glamour, and your sword has seen little to no use. Your abilities only spark when you're in danger, but that isn't reliable. As a training goal, when we are done, you should be able to successfully use your sword with level power while defending yourself. It also helps to be trained in hand-to-hand combat, so we'll begin that as well.⎭ Setting up a chair in front of Joslyn, he took a step to be beside her and then motioned to it. ⎧First, I will measure the extent of your current ability. Destroy this chair in any manner you see fit.⎭ ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ WARY ✖ DAY 35 ※ 1/4 ✖ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ ROME, ITALY [/url]Mutie pulled a fast one on her without even having to try. Only a small, more conscious part of her had noticed he was there, but without physically acknowledging it, it was safe to say he scared the living shit out of her and she almost snapped his neck upon realizing he was actually there. Red took the moment to explain to their two guests about what they were doing in a relatively obscure way that suggested there may or may not be danger – but Hay sun knew better. Shit was gonna hit the fan, and she would make sure of that. ❝Doesn't seem like anyone's been here. So what did you have planned for the Big Bad? And what are you going to try to do if he isn't here?❞ Her eyes danced from wall to wall, remembering how quickly her flames consumed the place. That had been really . . . amazing, if she thought about it. She hadn't been able to do anything like it since. Truth be told, her training had been coming to a standstill and that bothered her. ❝If they're not here, we're going to see if the bastards left traces so that we can track them down.❞ she explained, hopping onto a large pile of rubble and examining the expansive, charred area around them. ❝We will find them.❞ So the four of them set out to start searching for anything out of the ordinary. Hay Sun easily leaped around but decided it would be good to keep an eye on Mutie and Italie. Neither of them were trained in combat yet, so it would be extra work to defend them when something did happen, but she figured between her and Red, they'd be clear for safety. What felt like a long-ass time passed, and they were coming up dry on and clues as to where their targets were. Hay Sun sighed loudly and crossed her legs while sitting on a broken balcony that overlooked the ballroom. ❝Those assholes.❞ she murmured to herself, narrowing her eyes. Just as she was about to jump down, footsteps resounded throughout the decaying room. Her muscles tensed and she began looking for the source. All four of them were stopped and Red moved closer to Mutie and Italie. Hay Sun reached into her pocket to reach for the pendant that would turn into her sword. ❝Who's there?❞ she called with a cold edge to her tone. From the shadows of the main balcony, out walked the ever-suited douchebag from hell. Danel. Hay Sun landed on the ground immediately. ❝It's you.❞ she practically growled, remembering their talk on the roof. ❝What do you want, Danel?❞
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I C MOOD ※ QUIET ✚ DAY 35 ※ 1/4 ✚ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY A few hours of sleep was something Leo was extremely used to, and so when he woke up, tired wasn't a feeling he could use to describe himself. It was more worn down, or lightly weary. The faint memory of talking to Hay Sun as she walked out the door went through his mind and he looked at her bed to see it empty. It didn't take him long to remember why. As far as he knew, Hana and Hay Sun were returning to Rome to clean up what they had left behind, which honestly wasn't much if he had seen the disaster sight correctly. There was a large human trafficking link that had been discovered and busted, which put a lot of black market workers in lawful custody. That lead to more than one type of person focusing on the people [ Hay Sun and Hana ] that exposed the operations. They had better be careful. Putting those unwanted worries aside, Leo decided that he absolutely needed to concentrate on discovering Leviathan's location before the Dark Angels did. Not only that, but there was Azazel to protect – especially when it seemed like she couldn't protect herself during this life cycle, which he didn't understand. It couldn't be possible that she wasn't awake now, and Raziel was almost tempted to forcefully wake her if she wasn't already. . . . Training would be a good way to do that. Leo dressed in impractical wear and then slightly opened the curtains to his room, letting bright Italian sun soak in. The weather was getting cooler, but not by much. After checking in on personal matters, he left the room to look for the one Joslyn stayed in, and then knocked. ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ LIGHT ✖ DAY 35 ※ 1/4 ✖ DATE ※ 10/26/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY / ROME, ITALY [/url]Hay Sun's sleep had been so much less restless than it had been for weeks. She was even up before Jun Tae was, and that was saying something. She showered, dressed, packed a bag for the trip and then left a note for Jun Tae. The door opened and his raspy voice started talking to her. She raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder. He didn't quiet sound like himself. Maybe he was being much more of a regal ass this morning. ❝Keep an eye on Zachariel, and if there's anything you can find about Leviathan, keep it to yourself.❞ ❝I did not plan to play babysitter. Zachariel is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. As for Leviathan . . . That is more your field of expertise, is it not?❞ CAN'T SEE THE FONT? Raziel didn't reply. Hay Sun left the room with a sigh. She walked down the hall to Red's room, giving a knock. After a moment, Red joined her in the hallway and Hay Sun unconsciously leaned around to see if Sam was in there. It was Joslyn instead, and Hay Sun felt a little better, and then brought her concentration to back to what they were doing today. Now that she thought about it, what were they doing today? ❝Are we going to Rome to tear shit up?❞ she asked with a slightly hopeful tone. ❝Yes. That's one way to put it, I suppose.❞ Hay Sun found she couldn't be more pleased with the answer. ❝That's all I need to know.❞ It took the pair a few minutes, but eventually they found Italie's room and gave a knock. Hay Sun had him up and moving about, and when he joined them, she turned to look at Red again. ❝I took the courtesy of booking us a ride to Rome.❞ she said, remembering that she messed a little with Jun Tae's phone. Hay Sun liked to think of herself well-versed in technology, but shit, his phone might as well have been something from a completely different universe. Honestly, she had suspicions that he stole it from an American CIA agent. After they hopped into their transportation ( a black car with tinted windows ), Hay Sun and Red made conversation to fill the silence and she felt more relaxed than she had in a long time. She even invited Italie with a few questions and laughed freely. It felt . . . nice. When they finally arrived, she turned to Red. ❝Alright fearless leader,❞ she said, ❝let's get this show on the road!❞
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I C MOOD ※ MINUTELY STRESSED ✚ DAY 34 ※ 4/4 ✚ DATE ※ 10/25/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY THERE was clearly an issue when Hay Sun wanted to go back to Rome, where she had been shot and almost whored out to the public. He didn't understand what was going through her mind – then again, he never really had to begin with. She even asked Zachariel to go along with them, and Leo decided he didn't want to understand what sort of game she was playing at. Did she care that they weren't very team-like? He wasn't versed in how it was before he left Korea, but with this lot, he thought that them lasting so long together had to be some kind skill. ⎧ CAN'T SEE THE FONT? ⎭ ⎧Of course, the point of Uriel's invitation is to show Zachariel that we are a capable group. He has no real reason to trust us, and so we must earn that trust.⎭ Leo sighed to himself. His eyes trailed over to Joslyn, ever-stuttering, and Adam, who seemed to form a new acquaintance with a waiter at the restaurant. He narrowed his eyes from behind the shades. The appearance of the waiter was practically bordering albinism, save the blond tint to his hair. Leo found that any person with red eyes was . . . definitely different from other humans. Before he could start a trace on the Glamour, his attention was caught by Zachariel's question. ⎧So I suppose we're going to go find a place to stay now for the night? Or do you and your group have other plans?⎭ For a moment, Leo just looked at him. Did he not live in this city? Deciding not to comment on that, he pulled out his phone and pinned their location. ⎧We're staying here for the night. I didn't think you would be joining us, but this is a decent setup so that you can leave with . . . Hay Sun and Hana.⎭ He narrowed his eyes at his sister for her could-be-heinous idea, but she didn't see the disapproving expression. When he saw Hana joining Adam and Joslyn in talking to the waiter, he raised an eyebrow, still not close enough to judge their Glamour. — ◆ — ◆ — ◆ — ◆ — ◆ — Because the group had been hiding in mostly fancy hotels, Leo decided on a location that was a little less ostentatious, solely for the reason that anyone following them would be confused by the sudden change and would hopefully be thrown off. After the group had bid their good nights to each other and split off into their own rooms, he looked at Hay Sun. ⎧Are you sure you want to do this?⎭ he asked her quietly. ⎧Not really.⎭ she replied, and he raised his eyebrows at her honesty. ⎧But I think I need this freedom. I've been so angry lately and having to keep my shit in check is tiring. Raising hell will be good for me.⎭ The idea clearly made Leo uncomfortable and she smirked at him. ⎧Caring now, Jun Tae? Unlike you.⎭ Her expression softened though, and then she buried her face in the pillow. ⎧I'll kick some ass and then come back. It'll be fine.⎭ . . . He somehow doubted that, and that doubt kept him up late into the night after everyone had gone to sleep. ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
I feel genuinely grateful for this because I've read numerous articles on this subject and I could still . . . never . . . get it. Thanks.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ BROODING ✖ DAY 34 ※ 3/4 ✖ DATE ※ 10/25/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY [/url]Every moment of being in Italy had Hay Sun internally screaming and using every last bit of her energy to not set the world on fire. She didn't understand why there had to be other Fallen here. Okay, so that meant she was admitting that the whole whorehouse ordeal left her a bit . . . traumatized – but you've got to be fucking kidding her, who wouldn't be? ❝Jun Tae for best recruiter, all time.❞ she commented after the Italian man declined their offer. Although it pissed her off ( why couldn't the asshole have just said yes and spared them the fucking trouble? ), Hay Sun had to admit his reasoning was sound. The more time passed, the less she wanted to be doing this anymore. All of her frustrations went into her training, which was becoming a dangerous pass time for any location she was training at. To her surprise, Jun Tae merely shrugged. ❝We can't force you into anything, and I'll have to agree with you on most all points.❞ True as that was, Red was probably the better option for trying to get people to join them, not her scary, broodish brother. Hell, even she could do better than hi – okay, who the fuck was she kidding. Hay Sun probably would have strangled the other guy if he declined her. From another table, Red caught her attention. ❝I'm going to Rome tomorrow. I want to take care of what we left behind, if you want to help.❞ The thought of going back to Rome both frightened and excited her, along with dragging out her boiling aggression and anger at what had taken place there. . . . Who would be going, though? Cass . . . wasn't around anymore, so it would just be the two of them. What was the hesitation for? She internally growled. Fuck hesitation. ❝I want to crush them.❞ she replied, her eyes flashing and her fists clenching. ❝THAT IS THE BETTER WAY TO THINK. SPARE YOURSELF OF HESITATION.❞ Feeling satisfied with that small but effective resolution, Hay Sun smiled. An idea popped into her head and she looked back at the Italian with a more positive aura radiating off of her. ❝Hey, how 'bout a test run into being an Angel Ranger? It's not all that bad once you actually get started. We might all seem like we hate each other now, but we've been through a lot of shit. Come with me and Red to Rome tomorrow. We've got some business to take care of.❞ Her grin was unnervingly excited.