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  1. Saxima
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C


    Hay Sun opened her eyes after what felt like weeks of sleep. She tossed to her side and ran her fingers across the familiar texture of her wall. She tossed to her other side and then saw the familiar view of her desk and the bulletin board that hung above it. Her eyes zeroed in on the slip of paper that had a list of names and numbers on it.

    Her laptop was closed on the cluttered surface of her desk and the lap was off.

    She was in her room again. Must have been a dream. she thought to herself as she got up and started getting dressed. After opening the blinds and cracking open her window she breathed in the fresh air of the cool, autumn morning. Paris was beautiful in the autumn, she always thought to herself, though it attracted a lot of sightseers. Still, living there was worth it.

    Breakfast's ready.❞ called her dad from downstairs and Hay Sun was there in an instant, looking and smelling the delicious-looking meal before her. ❝How did you sleep?❞ he asked as he poured her a glass of chocolate milk.

    With food stuffed in her mouth, she went ahead and talked anyway. ❝I had a really weird dream.

    Oh yeah? Tell me about it.

    Hay Sun swallowed and then looked thoughtful. ❝I met a lot of really weird people who were supposed to save the world from some sort of apocalypse. Jun Tae was in it, too. He was like this underground-kingpin-dude who did a lot of shady stuff.

    This really pretty guy took me to Mexico to meet this ginger named Hana. I can't really remember his name . . .

    Was his name Leon?

    Hay Sun stopped mid-chew and blinked at her dad. ❝. . . How'd you know?

    Her dad had a knowing-glint in his eyes that bothered her and he motioned to the entrance of their café. ❝He's out there inspecting your motorcycle.

    Her fist collided with her chest as she recovered from food going down the wrong pipe and then she was out of her chair. If that guy touched her motorcycle ( whoever the fuck he was ), she was gonna wring his fucking neck.

    As soon as she was out the front door, the guy was sitting on her sleek black bike with the engine on. She could have sworn she saw her keys on her desk. ❝Hey,❞ she called out with a deep scowl on her face. ❝What the hell d'you think you're doing, prick?

    He looked at her. Hay Sun came up short as she stared at his ridiculously pretty face. ❝Wait a sec . . . I know you.❞ she told him, slightly baffled. He continued to stare at her with shining gold eyes.

    As if realizing where she was for the first time, Hay Sun looked around. . . . The store? she thought to herself. Her blue eyes fell on the motorcycle again. I . . . don't have my bike with me anymore. Carefully, she looked at the man again. You're name is Leon. No – . . . It's not.

    Ariel is in Paris. a voice murmured in her ear.

    The motorcycle revved loudly and then he was driving away.


    Hay Sun sat up with a start. The loud sound of a motorcycle's engine was still roaring her in ears, and she thought it was coming from outside. She got up and pulled back the curtains of the window to look outside, seeing an unfamiliar landscape that was draped in ice and snow. When her eyes glanced at the ground, she saw a man on a gleaming brown motorcycle who didn't look familiar at all.

    With a sigh, she rubbed the back of her neck and then looked back at the bed. Red was still asleep. She started walking, but her legs quickly gave out and she tripped to land on her face. Jesus fuck. What's with this insane soreness . . .

    Deciding not to move, Hay Sun stayed on the floor, stomach down, trying to think of where she was, why she was feeling like complete shit, and what was going on. She tried to grasp at the last thing she remembered.

    It didn't work out very well.

    Uriel, what the fuck is going on?

    . . .

    . . .

    . . .

    . . .


    . . .

    No answer.

    Goddammit Precious Moments, this isn't the time for you to be AWOL.

    . . .

    Still no answer. She growled, and with tons of winces, groans, and strain, she pushed herself off the carpet and took a look at what she was wearing. Sea green, white-flowered overalls with a long-sleeved black shirt and black tights. When did she put this outfit on . . .

    Her heart really hurt for some reason.

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    THE fight against the swarm of zombies that had awaited them was a short-lived one and only fought to get through the crowed and back to their plane that would return them to Russia. Their mission for the swords was a success and he wondered how the other two groups fared.

    As soon as they were in the clear for peace, Leo was able to check his phone and got part of his answer.

    To: Jun Tae
    Staying the night in Yakutsk. Found Uriel
    and got him to return Hay Sun to her body
    if even for a little bit. Heading back to
    St. Petersburg in the morning. Good luck.

    To: Hana
    Thanks. You too.

    Every muscle in Leo's body instantly [ and visibly ] relaxed. After the rest of the group settled in and ate a bit of dinner, he slunk over to the cockpit to ask about flight time and also inform the pilot, Peter Tellins, that he would be paid in full when they landed. After being told they had a good few hours, Leo knew he should take this time to rest.

    He dropped himself into one of the chairs and reclined it. I'm more exhausted than I thought I would be . . . Almost instantly, his eyelids drooped close and he fell asleep.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Saxima
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C



    Honestly, Uriel had half a mind to toss Salvatore over his shoulder and into a wall of bricks, but the stirring Hay Sun made him feel physically sick and other things to worry about became his priority.

    Xathanael stepped forward and said exactly what Uriel didn't want to hear. A part of him knew that Ariel was not in the city, or even in Russia – but as it was, Ariel had been here.

    . . . but for now, you must let Hay Sun go.

    Uriel's face went hard.

    She can't handle more of this. You know that. Hay Sun white is a human and all humans endure pains such as heartbreak. I understand that you are just trying to appease her soul and lift the burden that Ariel has placed on the poor girl, but she will die before you heal her of that heartache. You must let her regain control, at least for a little bit. She needs rest, proper rest.

    Uriel pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew Xathanael was right. He was going to disintegrate Ariel whenever he found the moronic boy.

    You must be feeling very bold today, Xathanael. he eventually replied with a cool, warning tone. Very well, I will let the girl rest, but as soon as I find a good thread for trail, I am leaving again to find Ariel. There is something . . . amiss with the matter of he and Araquiel's wife.

    He looked to be deep in thought for a moment, sighed, and then closed his eyes.

    As if reaching for breath after surfacing from the deep water, Hay Sun gasped awake and collapsed to her knees, the freezing cold of the area slamming into her ( as well as every other sensation of strain, stress, tiredness, and exhaustion ). Although she was completely out of it, she had the energy to start spouting off curses about dumb angels, fucking weather, and all the shit in between.

    God fucking dammit, I am freezing . . .❞ she said, breathing visible breath. Her eyes were half-lidded, but she looked up to see Red staring at her with concern and she blinked, looking around. ❝So tired . . . Where am I?

    That was the last thing she remembered before blacking out into exhaustion.

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Saxima

    Elton recognized the expression of impending doom on Ainsley's face, but he wasn't one to be scared of others regardless of how withdrawn he was. ◖ Fear is really ugly. ◗ he told her with a slight frown. ◖ It's also pathetic if you let this big meanie bully you.

    He poked her nose playfully.

    A brief moment later, he was immediately zoned in on the person approaching them. Kyle, one of the more violent patients. Elton tilted his head to see the condition of his ❀ orchid; it was still intact. A hand was placed on his chest and harsh words were spoken. Elton wasn't sure why this idiot thought he was harassing Ainsley.

    I really wish you wouldn't touch me so familiarly. ◗ Elton said plainly as he sat back down on the couch next to the smaller girl. ◖ My medication was upped in dosage, so I'm practically harmless now. I would have really hurt you otherwise. ◗ Just for effect, he lightly pinched Kyle, and then looked back at Ainsley pointedly ◖ Cowardliness isn't becoming of you, so you should be less pathetic in the future.

    Footsteps stopped in front of him and he saw - ◖ Halmeoni . . . ◗ Elton abruptly stood and shot a narrowed glance at the nurse beside her who looked a bit abashed by his expression. ◖ You should have told me you were going to talk to one of the dumb nurses, halmeoni. I'll stab the next one you talk to if you don't tell me.

    The nurse flinched, but his halmeoni simply inclined her head with a smile, and then looked at Kyle and Ainsley. ◖ Elly, I think you should apologize for saying such rude things to the little girl.

    A frown graced Elton's pale face and then he flicked his grandmother in the face. ◖ I was only telling her the truth.

    Not everyone can be like you, darling.

    The look he sent Ainsley was slightly disgusted and he rolled his eyes, but his stupid halmeoni was annoyingly stubborn, and so he bowed lightly. ◖ I'm only apologizing to you because she told me to. It doesn't change anything. ◗ He looked at Kyle next. ◖ You really shouldn't touch me like I did something wrong.

    A small sigh escaped the elderly woman's lips and she grabbed her grandson's hand and led him away from the pair of patients. Elton's eyes fell on the ❀ orchid again and he immediately grabbed it, ran back to Kyle, tucked it behind his ear like he had to Trevor, and then ran back to his halmeoni who smiled fondly at him.

    Another game of chess? ◗ she asked. Elton nodded vigorously.

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Saxima
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C
    MOOD ※ — DAY 41 ※ 4/4 DATE ※ 11/01/2013 LOCATION ※ YATUSK, RUSSIA


    Uriel was never one for patience, and it was something Father and his brothers ( especially brash Michael and spoiled Lucifer ) often berated him for. However, the fact that this city was heavily saturated with Ariel was driving him positively mad. There was something missing among this idiot-infested aura . . . The imbecile to go with it.

    That made it worse.

    He took out his frustrations on the local fish market, and every patron, seller, and peddler in sight feared him. He didn't mind, and really, he was holding back a lot. He just needed to release a bit of pent up stress. The girl's body was feeling the strain of his slightly-leaking soul and he knew he didn't have much longer before . . . Although she had trained a long time and rigorously, Uriel actually found the body of Hay Sun White to be somewhat weak in constitution. He had previous vessels that had lasted him an entire lifetime without once being in jeopardy.

    Pl - Please, just take whatever you want and leave !❞ one of the salesmen begged.

    Uriel cast a smirk upon the mortal. Do you think anything you possess is something of my interest? However, if you could tell me the wherabouts of a man named Leon, I would be more than welcome to leave. The human had nothing to say, nothing to do but cower and fear, and Uriel scoffed. He set the stand on fire and soon, there were only ashes left.

    An elderly Russian woman had started whispering a prayer that would ward away demons and he rolled his eyes. To confuse him with a lowly demon was more than insulting, but there was something almost like shame keeping him from doing anything about it. Before he decided, there was another presence next to him, and Uriel turned to face it.

    Hay Sun, we've come to make sure that you don't kill yourself.

    This was the boy named Sal, who Hay Sun and Xathanael met in Rome, and had taken to the destroyed brothel.

    I am no fool, Salvatore Osorio. he said levelly, almost snorting. However, I am afraid that Hay Sun cannot be restored until I have found Ariel, whose presence in this city is unmistakable. Even Uriel had to admit though, that there was still something missing.

    Ur . . . iel . . .

    Return to your slumber.

    It hurts . . .

    I am aware.

    You're . . . hur - ting . . . me . . .

    Uriel came up short, opened his mouth without words coming out, and then closed it again.

    Ariel must be found. he said solemnly.

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    THE warehouse they were in was completely surrounded and London was still a hub for the zombies. Leo had little to no patience and every second, he was expecting a message of some sort from Hana because back in Russia, he had taken her to the side and told her to message him whenever they found Uriel.

    He knew that it was dangerous for the occupying Fallen to control the vessel almost completely, yet he hadn't warned Uriel the way he should have. A smaller part of him felt guilty because of the peril he let Uriel put Hay Sun's soul in.

    [ He also knew that Ariel wasn't in Russia anymore. ]

    [ So what was he trying to accomplish by not telling Uriel? ]

    Leo was surprised that their party of alpha-personality types didn't have more trouble arriving and navigating into the warehouse. They were there to retrieve the swords of Samael, Raphael, Zachariel, and Dumah. He still wasn't absolutely sure on getting Sariel's because the way things were left [ from what Hana explained ], it didn't seem like the man named Regulus would actually join their party.

    Banging on the walls of the warehouse brought him back to the objective at hand.

    He glanced up and sighed. He really didn't feel like climbing to get Raphael's sword, and Vincent wasn't with them. He glanced over his shoulder. Brandon, he called, I've found Raphael's sword. Come get it down. He pointed at the box, and then moved on to find the next.

    Fairly soon, all of the swords had been found, and none too soon. The hoard of zombies that clearly knew they were taking sanctuary in the warehouse were becoming impatient and he felt that the walls might come down soon.

    It's time for us to go. he told the others as he pulled out Akasha, which immediately started to glow with the anticipation of a battle.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Saxima

    He promised he would be good and he would be damned if he didn't hold to that desperate plea to be let out. It was Visiting Day and likely the last day he would see his grandmother. As a precaution, they upped his medication. Normally, it wasn't needed because he rarely spent time around the other patients and nurses anyway, but visiting rules applied and they were confined to a room.

    I don't like that you came to visit me. ◗ he said as he moved his chess piece to another space with a klak. ◖ This Miracle pill is utter nonsense to me and you're a dummy to condone it. ◗ His oddly mixed speech of childish words and a high school-level vocabulary didn't spare the elderly woman sitting across from him from a smile.

    His eyes watched her fingers { ◖ You're getting old, halmeoni. ◗ } move a bishop that completed a trap and he raised his eyebrows and looked up at her to see the quirk of her lips. He narrowed his eyes.

    Perhaps we should have played shogi instead. ◗ his halmeoni told him, her eyes crinkling with amusement.

    Perhaps you shouldn't have come.

    The woman seemed impassive at the blunt words as she moved the final piece. ◖ Checkmate.

    I hate chess anyway.

    With a calm look on his face, he moved his hand under the slightly elevated board and flipped it; the pieces clattered everywhere and eyes were attracted to him as the nurses looked on with caution. The lines of his face were laced with petulance as he felt disappointed that his halmeoni showed no signs of being affected. He flicked a piece at her forehead, but she only smiled. How did she do that? Control herself, he meant. He couldn't stand it, not really. It was dumb. Stupid. She was a big dummy idiot who came to visit him.

    I really hate you, halmeoni. I won't be sad when you die.

    She seemed to ignore him and instead reached for her bag and then brought out a ❀ white orchid and placed it on the table. The vines that were the flower's stem were clipped and he was disappointed at this { ◖ Do you think I'm going to strangle someone with the vines? I would have, if you would have left it. ◗ } but brightened up immediately when she got up to adjust his hair and slip the flower into the nook of behind his ear.

    Her fingers ran fondly through his hair and he almost purred at the relaxing motion as she got up and lead him to one of the couches where she sat down and then laid his head on her lap. He nuzzled into her body warmth and curled up more next to her body. While her fingers ran through his hair his eyes lulled closed. Dumb halmeoni.

    When he ripped apart the flower and sprinkled it on her hair, she simply tucked another one behind his ear.

    He watched, hearing muted, as a doctor had come to talk to his halmeoni and felt a surge of jealousy that he was here talking to her. She had noticed his tensed body and then continued to run her fingers through his hair; he relaxed and then dozed off. The lack of relaxing, small circles on his scalp brought him to again and he sat up and rubbed at his eyes with balled fists.

    Halmeoni . . . ? ◗ he asked, almost meekly. After a moment, he turned his head slightly to see a small pile of ❀ white orchids that were tinted with pinks, purples, and reds where his halmeoni had been sitting. She left him.

    I hate that withering bitch anyway. ◗ he murmured { bitterly } as he picked up one of the ❀ white orchids and began to pick at its petals. Among the pile there was a ❀ pink rose.

    He stood, gathered the flowers into a basket and then began to walk around the room, placing one next to { or on, in, around } all of the patients; the one with the banana bread, the one with the headphones, the two playing an annoying game of checkers { they both were no good at the game, he decided }, and finally, the one with the book, who he subsequently plopped down next to and then pulled an orchid and slipped it behind the book reader's ear like halemoni did to him.

    It's not nice to take from other people without their permission. ◗ Elton began. ◖ The penalty for theft used to be chopping off the offenders hands. I think that would really suit you.

    Elton proceeded to remove Trevor's elbow from Ainsley's head.

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Saxima
    Your roleplay looked interesting. (´∀`)

    If I make any edits, I'll let you know.

    Puppeteer's Name: Saxima
    Puppet: Elton J. Desrosiers
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Photograph: { }

    Personality: Elton ( sometimes referred to as "Elly" ) is a quiet, effeminate young man who is constantly aware of his surroundings and other people. He has an unstable child-like quality and innocence to him that extends to regression, his mental state's optimal choice for a defense mechanism. He is also blunt and usually can't hold back his thoughts or actions when they come to mind. He tends to isolate himself a great deal, though no one really knows why. He is actually quite vain and sometimes looks down on his peers. Through his lack of sleep and excessive creativity, Elton is a perfectionist and will often sink in mood if his goals are not completed. He also doesn't like to share.

    Other traits: Observant Defensive Internally erratic Withdrawn Non-confrontational Posessive

    History: As a young boy, Elton was lively and creative, but prone to fits of mania and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, as well as Hypomania. After a certain trauma developed and he was taken from his home under the pretense that his grandmother was sure he had Stockholm syndrome, Elton became withdrawn and quiet. He stayed with his grandmother until he was twelve, when he then strangled a girl who ( he claimed ) stole his ( male ) friend. He desperately told his grandmother he didn't mean to do it, and that it just happened.

    Diagnosed Psychological Disorders:

    Impulse control disorder
    Regression ( Not exactly a disorder, but is a mental detriment. )
    Bipolar disorder/Hypomania/Mania ( long since uneffecting )​

    Talents: Playing cello Observant Musically inclined Drawing Gardening
    Hobbies: Gardening Writing Taking walks outside Drawing people
    Favorite Things: Flowers Classical music Pens
    Fears: Isolation Silence/White noise Burning himself Bodies of water that he could drown in
    Hospitalized: 5 years, 10 months
    Favorite Song: Kids Poppy

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Saxima
    DAY 41
    Friday, November 1, 2013

    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C
    MOOD ※ — DAY 41 ※ 1/4 DATE ※ 11/01/2013 LOCATION ※ ???, RUSSIA



    Uriel didn't understand modern technology and why humans were so completely attached to it, but the girl's seemingly vast knowledge of mobile devices helped him navigate to the source of the musical tone that sounded vaguely like a group of young men serenading a woman to background melodies that, in his mind, resembled technology and sweet candy.

    The message read from Xathanael who informed Hay Sun that their group was now in Russia as well. For what business, he didn't know, but she told him not to kill the girl. Uriel had scoffed at that.

    Meanwhile, the search for Ariel was becoming increasingly tedious. Russia was an obscenely large country with an expanse of wasteland that was mostly uninhabited, especially the depths of Siberia. Another issue was also arising; the longer he stayed in control, the more he could feel Hay Sun's consciousness mind slipping away into what would be a permanent switch for the both of them. He didn't mind, but Xathanael and Raziel would strongly disapprove. However, Uriel knew that if he switched back now, the girl would be too unstable to function properly and that was a risk he wasn't willing to settle on the world.

    The sooner he found Ariel, the better. That imbecile . . .

    At least he had a good lead, which was leading him closer to the right location. If he was right, it would either be today or tomorrow when he finally tracked Ariel down.

    Post by: Saxima, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Saxima
    Iris was clearly uncomfortable in her situation, but Leo didn't care much. He also didn't understand why Henrik insisted she stay with them; simply because they were married? She was a complete hassle to take care of and was better off in another country comfortably settled. He rolled his eyes.

    Meanwhile, whenever Adam showed any signs of consciousness, Leo pinched a nerve in his neck to wring the consciousness out of him once more. He hadn't slept at all for a long time anyway, and it was better than having to cut his tongue out if he stupidly decided to open his mouth.

    The Fallen that the group had found had no set address [ Of course not, Leo thought to himself. ] and so they had to find yet another hotel away from their hotel to spend the night. Their way of function and travel was utterly messy and appalling, but Leo cared too much about continuing his search to criticize them. Leviathan certainly wouldn't find himself, and Leo was warm on the location.

    Warm . . .

    Tropical areas.

    He closed down all of his work and slipped into a bed for the night, drifting off to the thought of Mexico, Honduras, Columbia, and South America.
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Saxima
    * quietly pets head *

    Rewrite; Asian Kung-Fu Generation from Saxima's Anime List
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ ANNOYED DAY 40 ※ 3/4 DATE ※ 10/31/2013 LOCATION ※ WEST RUSSIA

    IN reality, Leo felt relieved when their next destination wasn't France, and a part of him also felt like Hana knew that. It was annoying to think how their redirection to Russia [ where Uriel was ] happened because maybe Hana thought it best. However, between continuously and rigorously training Joslyn, inadvertently talking to Azazel, and slowly narrowing down Leviathan's location to the Americas, their geographical direction mattered little to him and he felt silly for even worrying about it or feeling even slightly petty about returning home.

    His secondary concern was keeping his eyes trained on Adam. Ever since he had pulled that little stunt back at the hotel, Leo wasn't feelin' it with the kid. Azazel had taken care of it, sure, but because Joslyn had been showing little progress in her mental strengthening, Leo had kept specific eyes out for anyone who was messing with her.

    His first instinct had been to kill Adam, but then there was Semyaza who wouldn't let that happen so easily, Azazel who would become pouty and stubborn about defending herself, and Xathanael who probably wouldn't stop tossing disapproving looks his way for the rest of this life cycle.

    It was more trouble than it was worth, was what he meant.

    But, to satisfy the thought, Leo returned Adam to his room and then roped him to a chair on the balcony. He had to admit, he did feel better after that.

    Hana was the recruiter, not him, and so while the others went inside, he poured over his digital books, maps, and other resources to continue his search for the [ annoyingly ] elusive Leviathan right outside. Don't make a mess. was all he had said to the group as they went in.]

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Saxima

    I wish I had a more reliable response, but I did start narrowing my search to laptops similar to the ones you posted, Misty, so thanks. I found a Toshiba that I really liked ( the color was goddamn ugly though ), but BestBuy was completely sold out in my area and it's like shit, no one else has the model either.

    While my dad was looking ( the first chance I gave him to look ), he seemed to find this Samsung, which doesn't seem bad, but jesus, I'm so awful with computers that I don't know left from right, and that I've been basing a lot of things on the size of the HDD, the processor speed, and the fuckin' graphics card because what am i doing am i doing this right. Oh right. I know everyone's kind of like "hey water u doin disk drives aint cool no more" but I feel the need to have one because I'm paranoid, and it would really be convenient. ( this one was a thing too )

    I'm not exactly stuck on the idea of having more than 5400rpm because that seems fine to me and I think I'll be alright with it. I really just feel like I need someone to tell me that I'm not fucking up here and being derp because i know nada about computers and their quality. orz

    But thanks to everyone who gave assistance/replied. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Saxima
    Ah, I guess I didn't think about that. I'm not really sure, actually. Not gaming, mostly just for basic things like writing, using Photoshop, maybe Vegas if I ever feel like doing that again. Something with a decent processor, and I'm not too worried about battery life.

    Right now, this is the one I'm sort of leaning on.
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Saxima
    Aw shieeeet.

    I thought I was the only one who liked the 1997 film. I'm glad I'm not.
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Saxima
    Don't know where to start, but my budget is $350.oo and . . . Yeah. So do yous guyses wanna help a pal out with some recommendations?
    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 25, 2013, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Saxima
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Saxima

    So it was flooding. That was dandy. The residents of the city seemed relatively ready for this, but Jun Tae had little to no experience with flooding. Maybe he did, but he couldn't remember. The storm outside was heavy and everyone was scrambling. It seemed that today's White Knight was the Italian native, Vincent, who Jun Tae remembered from the cafe on their first day back.

    With everything he had ( which was all he brought ), he stood his ground against the broad, strong wind and rain that was threatening to knock the group off their feet and whisk them to unknown lands.

    Jun Tae eyed the boat, but really, it seemed like their only option. He glanced at the others and then his sights fell on Joslyn, who looked something akin to a wet kitten out of place in a storm that would swallow her up. He didn't understand how Azazel could be in such a vessel sometimes. "Don't stand around," he said to her, sweeping her up, "We're going to drown if we stay here." Before getting into the gondola himself, he set her in there and then looked expectantly at the others.

    He wondered if Hay Sun was fairing better in Russia.
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Saxima


    O - Oh. I thought it was a thread about the HOME MADE 家族 song, FREEDOM.


    Post by: Saxima, Oct 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Saxima
    シークレット; UVERworld
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 18, 2013 in forum: The Playground