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  1. Saxima
    Restless; Dropping Daylight from the Sue Generis album
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Saxima

    To say that Elton didn't like or trust the boseul-achi who he would never, evereverever in a million years! like. It didn't help that the woman looked a lot like eomma – though the more Elton stared, the more imperfections he found in the woman that were less like the face he was so fond of.

    { ◖ Eomma is the most beautiful in the world. ◗ }

    Even when she said things like they already knew her, he still didn't like it. Really, it was dumb that he was asleep in the first place because he never slept before. He eyed her warily as she waved her hand and then golden, glowing butterflies splayed out from her fingers and began to dance around them. His eyes widened in surprise and he took a step back, biting the inside of his cheek. His eyes grew even larger when his bare feet could feel the familiar, soft texture of flowers growing beneath them.

    It was beautiful.

    . . . Elton didn't like it.

    And then the pens were suddenly everywhere, and he didn't know what to think. There were so many nice ones! Shiny pens, or longer, thin ones, and even the fat ones that he once tried to choke a nurse with. It was a dream realm right? Before, Elton's dreams hadn't really ever been so lucid { the ones that he did have during his extremely rare spells of a restless sleep }, so why was it so vivid now?

    He wasn't sure what to do at first, but there was no leaving. It probably wasn't safe outside or in the house, but as Elton looked at the pens and flowers around him . . .

    —————————————— ——————————————

    And that was how he ended up in the strange house full of all the strange servants. They probably didn't want any of the children in the Servants' Quarters because they were hiding a bunch of dead bodies of lots of other children they had lured in with the same methods. Elton held fast to this idea even though he was supposedly dreaming.

    Instead of mixing with the others, he wandered off to the library and plopped into one of the large, plush chairs in a corner where two bookshelves were intersecting. He couldn't be seen from the door. A blanket seemed to simply be laying over the arm of the large chair and he looked at it with blinking eyes. It was soft; he immediately wrapped himself in it and curled up in the chair like a cat.

    This is dumb . . .

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Saxima
    * quietly decides to get some chances *

    And I Cooked/Baked THIS!: Elly makes delicious hot chocolate, but doesn't share it with anyone!​
    Instagram time!: Where Elly hates coffee but has a strange taste for coffee ice cream.​
    Story Time:

    The room wasn't very large, but just spacious enough that the twenty of us ( mostly composed of complete strangers ) didn't have to stand close or have bodily contact. I was relieved at this because it meant I could stand in the corner and not pay attention to anyone, and they would pay me the same respect. It was hard enough as it was, coming to a place where I didn't know anyone – and if they had expected me to even graze one of them with skin-on-skin contact, they might as well forget it.

    By the murmurings of the rest of the group, I could tell that none of us really knew why we were here or what exactly it was that we were waiting for. My hands were folded in front of me tightly and I tried not to fidget or think about what we were waiting for. The atmosphere of the room, despite the nervous murmurings, was fairly relaxed and with the dimmed, tanned lights that streamed from the ceiling, I found my muscles loosening up slightly. I kept preoccupied by keeping my eyes trained on the thin clouds of dust motes that danced in front of me.

    It was some time later that a mic that seemed to have magically appeared at the front where a small stage was revealed and the group of us collectively jumped. All eyes turned to the front and some clattered to see who tapped at the mic. Just then, a mouse wearing a tuxedo stood up and asked that everyone be seated. I didn't understand the fact that it was a mouse . . . in a tuxedo, but no one else seemed to question it; the same went for the twenty chairs that seemed to come from nowhere.

    As soon as I sat down, I had a sinking feeling in my gut but tried to ignore it and played my tingly, bad feelings up to nerves.

    Before we begin, does anyone have any questions?❞ the mouse asked. Mouse. I tried not to laugh.

    Someone near the front raised their hand and was then called on. ❝Wh - What's your name?

    The mouse's beady black eyes gave the inquirer, a frail-looking girl with sinewy brown hair, a steely look.

    Kress.❞ the mouse replied simply.

    There was a gasp and everyone looked in the direction of a boy with sunglasses and unruly blond hair. ❝Are you . . . Are you the one?❞ he asked, his voice stretched thin and heavy with disbelief. I didn't know what he was talking about, but he was clearly nuts. ❝The personification – well, more like animalification, or whatever – of the . . . ❞ There was a long, dramatic ( annoying ) pause. ❝. . . The goddess . . . ?

    I looked back at the mouse and it ( he? ) seemed to . . . smile.

    That's impossible.❞ said another girl with strawberry blonde hair matter-of-factly. ❝We didn't do anything for this!❞ She sounded angry.

    The mouse, whose eyes were glowing a purplish color now, seemed to sigh and rub the bridge ( ? ) of its nose. This group of people was clearly nuts. I had no idea why I was there. All I knew is that there was a letter involved that was basically blackmailing me, and . . . Jesus.

    Another person walked onto the stage and . . . What the hell? She was wearing a bag over her head. ❝I'm glad that you all received my letter so well. Unfortunately for you, this show is over, but thank you very much for attending.❞ She seemed ecstatic and her cryptic words made the color drain from my face.

    There was the sound of gas filling the room and then a wall of glass surrounded Bag Lady as she lifted the small mouse in her palm. They seemed to glow.

    Devyn!❞ one of the girls screamed furiously, and she threw her body at the wall of glass. Another boy grabbed her shoulders. ❝Harley, let me go!

    I stood up from my chair, the air around me starting to grow this. ❝Is this . . . Is this a joke?❞ I asked with disbelief, and then turned my head to look at the person who had just grabbed my hand. ❝What the hell – Elliot?!❞ He was wearing a medical mask, but then he quickly sank to the ground and that's when I really began to panic.

    . . . Then the people in the group started to drop one by one. My legs gave out and I was still clutching onto Elliot's hand. I couldn't think straight anymore. My mind went cloudy, and the last thing I saw was Bag Lady actually . . . removing her bag. The mouse and the Bag Lady disappeared.

    When I opened my eyes again, I was back at the academy. Well, in what looked like a dorm. I sat up and rubbed at my eyes. How long was I out? I looked around the room I was in ( definitely one of the dorm rooms ) and the entire group from that dim room was there too, all unconscious like I had been. In the corner, curled up in a rocking chair, was a small, tanned girl with a mask on her face. She hadn't been in the original group. From the sound of it, she was asleep.

    . . . What the hell happened?

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    HIS entire day had been spent out of commission and completely useless. For hours on end, Leo had slipped in and out of a cloudy consciousness accompanied by a hot body and sniffling, coughing, and shivers. It was perpetually annoying, disgusting, and disorienting. He had things to be doing, and in this time of such . . . human weakness, he was completely useless.

    The woman who was his caretaker, during the times that he was awake, kept him posted on Vincent's condition and took care of him, asking little to no questions about how he ended up here and why he had been soaked. He was grateful to her.

    She called herself Amelia and she had three sons, two of which were in college and another a doctor abroad in some third-world country that Leo didn't pay much attention to.

    Her care was tender and he hated that he was a liability at the moment and someone else had to take care of him. He had only be able to check his phone once, but then they were all in the boat crash, and not everyone was as prepared as him. He sent the message anyway.

    To: Hana
    Sick. In a woman's home in Yanakie.
    Farmland. Vincent's with me. Don't
    know where Hay Sun is. Watch your

    If the two of them were lucky, Raphael's powers would magically kick in during the moment of need and get them both on their feet, but until then, Leo would just have to rely on his accelerated healing. He would be better tomorrow, he hoped as he closed his eyes.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Saxima

    • ROUND ❷❻

    L A R I A
    Linda Weiss

    Click Here!
    Create your own Sailor Senshi from the Sailor Moon series with this wonderfully detailed
    game, created by Drachea Rannak. He was good enough to create a second version
    of the game ( this one ) with lots of customization options so that your dolls could
    look fabulous!

    Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet.
    Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone.
    Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given!
    Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed.
    Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load.
    For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place.
    Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun!
    You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified.
    Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win.
    Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~
    Unless specified by the contest outline, DO NOT recreate characters from any sort of media. This includes characters like Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, Princess Zelda, and etc.
    DO NOT remove the dollmaker watermarks. This is solely for respect purposes only. DO NOT DO IT. You will be disqualified.


    N O M E S
    Sailor Neptune

    B I T E THE D U S T
    Sailor Saturn

    D O K U R O
    Sailor Mars

    D I N N Y
    Sailor Jupiter

    L A R I A
    Sailor Uranus & Feline Ariel ( ! )

    L O X A R E
    Sailor Pluto ( Ella )

    C S T A R
    Sailor Venus

    • Happy Voting ! •
    Thread by: Saxima, Nov 12, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  6. Saxima
    Family Business; Kanye West

    Who knew I'd have to look at you through a glass?
    And look, tell me you ain't did it, you ain't did it
    And if you did, then that's family business

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 12, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. Saxima
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C


    It felt like she had been sleeping for the better part of a century after her bastard of a brother had basically put her in a fucking coma back in Russia. Whenever she saw that douche again, she was going to kick his ass.

    Hay Sun felt something nudge at her side and she wanted to grab it, twist it, and hear it crack so that it would leave her alone. If there was anything she hated more in an already-shitty situation, it was being rushed. Unfortunately, all of her limbs and muscles were too tired to move and the most she could manage was a weak, low growl and the shifting of her eyelids to be opened.

    Wh - . . .❞ she tried, but her mouth was unbelievably dry and so she kind of opened and closed it without sound, looking like a fish. Shifting, she carefully licked her lips and tried again. ❝Jun Tae . . . ?❞ There was no response where there would usually be some hum of response or cool sounding reply. ❝. . . Red?

    Wincing, she slowly began to prop herself up on her elbows and then looked around. Just a few feet away was a group of three; Red, Heinrik, and *Rinsommeillé. They were all on some shore, and Hay Sun slowly began to recall a slow rocking motion, yelling, and loud thunder. Australia had been surrounded by storms, and their boat was destroyed. All the men overboard.

    . . . So where were the others? She worried at her bottom lip for a brief moment, thinking of Blanc, Mutie, Heinrik's wife, Paco, and . . . she even thought about Jun Tae, regardless of the bastard he was.

    She cleared her throat and sat up further. ❝My head fucking hurts,❞ she complained in a murmur, wincing as she stretched herself out. ❝Where are we, and where are we going?

    *Rinsommeillé: French. An unclever play on the word
    ensommeillé,which means drowsy, sleepy, or dozy.
    A combination of the word ensommeillé and Richard.

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 11, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Saxima
    You and God both got the guns, when you shoot I think I'd duck
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    WHEN Leo woke up, he knew that there was something completely off and that he was with only one other person. That person wasn't either Hay Sun or Joslyn. In the grogginess of his tired, slightly stressed mind, he [ almost worriedly ] thought about how he hoped neither of them ended up with Adam.

    The other person had instead been Vincent; the albino waiter from Rome who Leo knew to be a flirt but didn't care to know otherwise about him. He had figured that it was some time around early morning when he came to and it was very cold, though he tried not to pay attention to it as he pulled out his phone from the securely zipped pocket from his drying pants.

    The Bass Straight.

    With a small bit of struggle, Leo lifted Vincent's unconscious body, heaved it over his shoulder, and then began to walk. If they stayed out any longer, they were going to get sick. That was really the last thing he needed.

    Luckily enough for them, they had washed up near a road that circled farmland. It had taken over an hour or two before there was any semblance of civilization, but once they arrived at an out of the way house, Leo knocked on the door. An elderly woman answered and nearly jumped out of her skin upon seeing him. Feeling too tired for antics, Leo calmly [ with a hard tone that left no room for argument ] his situation and the woman's maternal instincts had kicked in.

    After setting Vincent down on a bed in the spare room, Leo followed the now-chatty woman around while she fussed over them, and then he collapsed in the kitchen.

    ——————————————————— ———————————————————

    When he came to again, Leo was immediately aware of his extreme body heat and a cold compress on his forehead. He was wrapped tightly in blankets and there was the potent smell of some sort of herb cream rubbed against his chest and neck.

    . . . I have a fever. he thought tiredly. I'm sick.

    Vaguely, Leo wondered if Vincent was awake yet and whether or not he was sick. Where was Hay Sun? Was Joslyn with someone trustworthy, or not? Brandon was probably being either troublesome or useless to whoever he was with. He wondered which of the group didn't know how to swim.

    The door creaked open and there was a humming as he closed his eyes to feint sleeping. This feeling was . . . strange; he found himself remembering his childhood during the times he was sick, when his mother would fuss over him [ but quietly ] and keep him in his bed all day. Those days, he always thought, were some of the best, and Leo had gotten over any and all of his sicknesses in no time.

    His mom would sing to him, Hay Sun would come in and talk for hours about her delinquent day, and his dad would bake him sweets and make him coffee or tea. During those times, Hay Sun would tease him and call him a pretty princess, but then their mom would berate her, and after his sister left, his mom would whisper that he would always be her noble little prince.

    She died when he was fifteen.

    Leo blamed all of this on the fever. He wouldn't be thinking about it otherwise.

    Hopefully Vincent would wake up soon so that they could start finding out about the others and meeting up with them. Until then, Leo thought while he listened to the woman's humming, he would let himself be delirious with his fever and think of a time where he didn't hate himself.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Saxima
    sometimes i see jiku and her posts and im just like

    "man i knew there was a reason i wanted senpai to notice me"

    but yeah fuck youtube comments
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Saxima
    You really need to stay out of my closet. If you're going to be in my house, at least you could be in my bed. Jeez, be a gentleman. Ugh.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Saxima
    i say the once because it was THE ONCE it happened

    like it didnt happen again u feel me

    saxima dont make the same mistake twice

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Saxima
    Um. See, this is why I don't play truth or dare with y'all guys no more.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Saxima
    If it makes you feel better Jad, there was the once where I was going to do the laundry and we didn't have any detergent / fabric softener / etc., and so I turned to my dad and I asked him if he thought it would be alright if I didn't use any of that stuff, and he just stared at me.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Saxima
    I feel a bit awful for expecting more of a worse turnout.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Saxima

    Falling asleep had been numb and empty and it reminded him of those nights when he would curl up in his overly-large bed and cry because eomma didn't say she loved him or she slammed the door after yelling at him. He had clung to her the entire next day after nights like that.

    Waking up had been . . . warm. Elton thought of those nights where eomma, and sometimes even appa, slept with him and he woke up to the feeling of their warm bodies encircling him. Mornings like that enforced his already-intense love for his parents.

    Elton decided he was dreaming. The doctors said he probably wouldn't, but he knew the doctors to be experienced liars, so he wasn't surprised that he was.

    Sitting up, his pale eyes peered around and saw a few of the others lying around and he vaguely wondered if they were dead or not. He wanted to poke them with a stick, but then he didn't want to talk to him. Blinking, he felt surprised with himself. While awake, he definitely would have poked them with a stick { even when another part of him didn't want to } , but what was this . . . ? He didn't move at all.

    In the distance, there were a few familiar voices and Elton looked up; there was a large, beautiful house whose details were outlined by the flowing light of the moon above. There were a few of the others already up there and so he stood, dusting himself off and beginning to cautiously walk in that direction. While walking, he glanced over his shoulder to see a wall of trees that circled the area behind them. ◖ Looks like I can't leave even if I wanted to.

    The closer he came to the house, the more nervous Elton felt and his hand instinctively went up to his ear. Instead of the familiar petals an ❀ orchid, he felt the petals of a rose instead; curiously, he plucked it from it's place and looked at it. It was the ❀ pink rose from earlier that day.

    As soon as he arrived at the porch, standing a bit of a distance from the group, his heart jumped to his throat and his entire face burned up. ◖ E - Eomma . . . ? ◗ he mumbled almost incoherently upon seeing the woman. He blinked once and then realized that no, it wasn't eomma. Her eyes were less angular and her skin was just a shade darker. The eyes were what clarified the most; his eomma's eyes were a pearly green color { where he got his from } and were far more shiny and pretty.

    The woman called herself the Dream Maker and Elton immediately scowled. ◖ You can't make my wishes come true, ¹boseul-achi. ◗ He looked at the others behind the woman who he immediately didn't like and saw a group of what appeared to be servants.

    Is there something we're supposed to be doing here, boseul-achi?



    ¹boseul-achi/보슬아치; [ offensive ] towards women who think they are more
    important than they are, just because they’re female and think they are precious.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Saxima

    Elton didn't know what he was supposed to do. He had woken up, bound to his bed. He started crying because his halmeoni left him, again, just like she always did. This time, however, it was for good. That realization hit him when he sat, listening to the miss about questions, comments, concerns, and other things Elton would never be able to voice, because what could he do?

    Where could he go? Halmeoni abandoned him. Just like his eomma and appa.

    Why couldn't they begin in the privacy of his room? These other people were hardly the ones he wanted to see before he was forced into sleep. A permanent sleep? He had so many worries. Who would take care of his garden? Who would scream at halmeoni? Who would tell people to not be pathetic, or to not be bullies, or to just stand in the corner?

    I really hate this.

    One of the nurses looked at him as he laid down. After saying that, he refused to move completely and then his { exasperated? [ good ] } nurses lifted him and down the hatch went the pill.

    He blinked as he was laid back flat. At first, there was nothing, and then . . . and then there was a creeping weariness that made his eyelids grow heavy. There was a faint { surely ridiculous } yell, some pathetic, pitiable murmurings of goodbyes and farewells, and Elton . . . Elton thought this was it.

    . . . He had so many regrets, didn't he?

    ¹Dangsin-eun halmeoni shilheo . . .

    { ◖ ²Saranghaeyo, halmeoni. ◗ }



    ¹dangsin-eun halmeoni shilheo/당신은 할머니 싫어.; I hate you, grandmother.
    ²saranghaeyo, halmeoni/사랑해요 할머니.; I love you, grandmother.
    sarang/사랑; [ n. ] love
    s[h]ilheo/싫어; [ n. ] hate

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    WHEN have I ever had time for personal relationships that didn't involve Azazel?

    It was better if Leo didn't reply to that, so he waited for whatever else she had to say to him, having a feeling he knew what it was about.

    I know what you've been up to on your computer and phone all this time and I really think you should quit. The less people that know, the better.

    You must not have much faith in who you're talking to. he said pointedly.

    Did I ever tell you they got Jehoel? When we were in Rome the second time, Danel asked for his location, which means that Jehoel still hasn't been broken completely, but I think it's only a matter of time now.

    Do I look like an idiot? Of course I know they got Jehoel – in fact, I was one of the first to find out. he began to reply with a clipped tone. Michael offered me to return to Paradise so that I could help find him, but I refused on the grounds that its their loss, not mine. Unfortunately, as Father would have it, Leviathan's prison must be found by the side that will save the world – that's us. Do you think I went looking just to brag about knowing where he was? I knew that Jehoel would eventually break, and that's why we have to find him and, if we can, move him somewhere else. Or kill him.

    Leo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I don't have time to be worrying about me and what will happen once I do figure out where he is. It'll be better to know before them, and you know that. So I suggest that you quit worrying about me, worry about yourself, training this group of unstable nuclear warheads, and devising a plan against Lucifer. There's not much time left. I will find the prison.

    Without another word, Leo turned from Hana and passed by Sal who was moving to her. He felt like she just didn't get it. As fortune would have it, there was a chance that Leviathan could actually help them if they reached him first. But once Lucifer got his hands on him, there was no hope left. Both he and Michael would destroy Paradise, and then that battle would resound to the mortal world, and that would be it. Raziel didn't particularly care about what happened to their former home, but he rather liked Earth, and he always had. Humans were far more interesting than angels.

    We're going. He motioned for Joslyn to follow him. There was a black, tinted-window car waiting for them outside and he ushered her in, murmuring directions to their training location.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Saxima

    Although he didn't look over his shoulder much once he started playing again with his halmeoni, Elton had heard what Trevor did to Ainsley. He didn't really care that she got hurt { or that halmeoni said that he might have actually made the situation between those two worse } and wondered why she didn't stab him. Elton most certainly would have.

    Instead of worrying about pathetic little girls or idiotic bullies, Elton started to think about the so-called Miracle pill. It wasn't much of a cure if they were just gonna put all of the patients to sleep for what was probably forever. It was a waste of time. Elton ad better things to do, like tend to his garden outside. In fact, he could be doing that right now, but instead, he was playing chess with his halmeoni who wouldn't wipe that absurdly kind smile off her face.

    He wanted to sew her lips into a permanent frown.

    The number of visitors and patients in the room was dwindling and he watched { trying to keep a horrified expression from his face } as his halmeoni glanced at her watch. ◖ You're going to leave me . . . ? ◗ he whispered, almost brokenly. She looked at him with a tired expression that made her seem years older.

    Elton dropped his head into his hands and tears began freely flowing as he heard someone loudly shout about brothers and sisters. ◖ ¹Sonja . . . ◗ The wretched woman murmured, standing from her chair. He quickly drew his knees up to his chest and his fingers clenched into his hair. Feverishly, he began to shake his head. ◖ Elly, I won't leave forever.

    Yes you will, you filthy liar! ◗ he whispered loudly, still shaking his head. ◖ You're gonna leave me like eomma² and appa³! ◗ Even though he really meant to say that first, she took him away from them, and now she was going to abandon him.

    For a moment, Soon Hi looked helplessly at her sonja. Her little Elly did this every time she had to leave him. With a deep breath, she steadily patted his head, knowing full-well the danger she was putting herself in by touching him while he was like this. He immediately grasped her hand and she prepared for the worst, until she felt wetness in her palm; she looked down to see him desperately rubbing his cheek into her hand and she sat down next to him and held him as he sobbed almost uncontrollably into her arms.

    The nurses looked their way with concern, but she simply held her hand up to keep them at bay. Her grandson was not a monster like they thought he was. He was simply . . . a lost little boy whose parents { her hateful adeul⁴ and myeoneuri⁵ } had completely destroyed him when he was little. She wasn't completely sure what to think of this Miracle pill, but considering the care he was in { and his conditions }, what other choice did she have but to consent?

    I hate you, halmeoni . . . ◗ he sobbed into her cardigan and she continued to rub soothing circles into the small of his back until his sobs dwindled to sniffles and hiccups. He was soon dozing into her side and she let out a tired breath.

    One of the nurses came over. ◖ He'll likely be unstable again when he wakes up, so we'll have to return him to his room now. Thank you for calming him down. Another outburst wouldn't be good for the other patients. ◗ Soon Hi nodded and then kissed her Elly on the forehead.

    And then, she had to watch one of the male nurses easily lift her extremely light, precious sonja and whisk him away to his prison.



    ¹sonja/손자; [ n. ] grandson
    ²eomma/엄마; [ n. / informal ] mother
    ³oppa/아빠; [ n. / informal ] father
    adeul/아들; [ n. / informal ] son
    myeoneuri/며느리; [ n. ] daughter-in-law
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    AS promised, Leo had paid their constant pilot in full once they landed. The group had made good time back to Russia [ even if it had taken a little longer than he wanted ].

    Seeing Hay Sun [ who looked less vibrant and more tired ] again made him feel about two times lighter than he had before, but he knew that her soul wouldn't go without some temporary damage. It was strange though; it seemed like Uriel in her was almost . . . nonexistent.

    When he heard that the others hadn't been able to successfully recruit Regulus, Leo stared at Vincent, Adam, and Richard. He also immediately regretted not staying behind, but the swords had been far more important, and from what he understood, Regulars was relatively unstable anyway. They didn't need anymore loose canons in their group.

    Their next location was mentioned and Leo looked at the compass on Joslyn's neck as if he wanted it to explode. He knew where that accursed thing would be pointing and he sincerely hoped that Hana was not a complete idiot. There was too much at stake. When Adam mentioned them going wherever it led them, Leo looked at him as if he wanted him to slowly burn to death while dipped in acid.

    Leo . . . knew not to trust Adam. Instead, he really just wanted to kill him.

    Hana cleared her throat and Leo prepared himself to manipulate Brandon into striking her down with lightning. We should head south, towards Australia. The compass isn't pointing that way right now, but I believe that once we get closer, it will. With the storms, I'm not exactly sure how we'll get to the continent, but there is something telling me that we need to go to Australia first.

    Although he hadn't looked tense in the first place, Leo's fists unclenched from inside his pockets and he subtly moved away from Brandon. He watched as Hana looked at Hay Sun and then back at the others to continue to talk. First thing in the morning? They should leave now. What, did she think they had any time to spare?

    Jun Tae, can you arrange for us to get as close as possible without actually ending up in the middle of the storm? Everyone else should use this time to practice up and train.

    Mapping immediately started out in out in his mind and within a few minutes, he had their trip planned out. They would fly from St. Petersburg to Coimbatore, India and refill there, and then they would have to fly around to Tasmania . . . Mainland Australia was too dangerous right now, and there was no way they would actually be able to get through that storm without using some kind of barrier. Leo would rather use one around a boat rather than a private jet. He nodded once at her to signal he already had a plan.

    Or sleep.

    When their leader clapped her hands, Leo's bright blue gaze fell on Hay Sun who looked at him at the same time with a scowl. But – she began to protest loudly and he narrowed his eyes. You can't make –

    Hay Sun, you are a liability to the group right now. If we run into trouble, you'll be useless and don't think I won't leave you to die. Go up to my room and sleep.

    She stomped towards him and grabbed the scruff of his shirt. Short as she was, he let his sister pull him down to her level. You are not the boss of me. she hissed. It's not like you even fucking care anyway, so leave me alo –

    Leo pressed a finger to her forehead and she collapsed into his arms. Her soul was more torched than he thought. You are truly careless, Uriel. I won't be so forgiving the next time you put strain on Hay Sun's soul like this. He said in a low tone. He knew the Fallen inside his sister could hear him and the dangerous line he was walking on by threatening an archangel.

    After returning to the lobby, he walked towards Joslyn. Now that things are somewhat calm, we're resuming your training. I have something to take care of first, so don't move or go off.

    He turned away from her and then made his way towards Hana. I have our route to Australia planned. We're going to Tasmania first, as it's the only way to get into the rest of the country. He paused briefly and inspected her facial expression. There's something you need to tell me. Your personal relationships can wait. he said as a statement, rather than a question.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame