That playing them at the same time-thing is actually quite terrifying. I like it.
I'm not grumpy. Everyone else is just too damn cheerful. by the way that drawing is super kawaii can i be in it lol jake's edit tho
[/url] Elton had been so absorbed in his breakfast that he barely paid a thought to the giant chickens running around, ridiculous as that was. He was, however, immediately aware of a presence that sat next to him and his shoulder tensed up slightly. Why did any of these ridiculous people insist on trying to interact with him? It was either he came to them first or they didn't bother him at all. ◖ ❀ Annyeong . . . ◗ His body went still as he slowly wrenched his neck to look at the girl named Kyla. His pale expression was unintelligible for a long moment before he smoothed it out to indifference. She hid her face with her hair, and rightfully so as he scrunched his nose. ◖ ❀ If you're going to greet someone in their language, do it right. You and I are not equals and I don't know you and don't care to know you. It is annyeonghaseyo. And do you not think I can't speak English? Did you come over to test me or something? ¹Dangshin-i jukgo ship-eo, ²ship-seh-ggi? ◗ He began clutch the eating utensils in his hand, though his face showed no real hostility. Because of a placebo effect that was rooted into his mind, the impulse to stab went uncontrolled and he drove the fork into Kyla's hand without even thinking about it. When the deed was done, he narrowed his eyes at her hand, waiting for it to bleed and then looked up at the Dream Maker. ◖ ❀ ³⁴Kkum-noona, ◗ he began, pulling an ❀ orange lily from the next to him and placing it next to the hand that may or may have not been bleeing. ◖ ❀ Your chef is a very good cook. Thank you for the meal. ◗ He tilted his head slightly { begrudgingly showing respect for the [ she's definitely! ] boseul-achi } and then motioned to Kyla's hand before actually looking at the girl. ◖ ❀ You should be more careful. ◗ Elton left the dining room to find the music room and locked the door behind him. That will teach the girl a lesson to not talk to him like they're equals – because they were definitely not. Elton was extremely petulant now because of Kyla and stomped around the music room to see if he could find a cello. A trail of ❀ orange lilies seemed to follow him into the room. ———————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————❀ ~ ELTON'S KOREAN DICTIONARY !! ~ ❀————————————————————————————— ✿ ¹dangshin-i jukgo ship-eo?/당신이 죽고 싶어?; [ phrase ] do you want to die? ✿ ²ship-seh-ggi/십세끼; [ offensive ] bitch / fucker / piece of shit ✿ ³kkum/꿈; [ n. ] dream ✿ ⁴noona/누나; [ n. / honorific ] older sister / older sister-figure
The better part of two days had been spent in a car when they finally arrived at the nowhere-town of Birdsville, where Leo then booked them rooms at a small hotel along the way. Considering he had slept for the better part of the drive ( instinctively keeping to Vincent's side as a matter of survival and getting better ) he wasn't very tired, but he knew that if he laid down for even a few minutes, he would sleep some more. Hay Sun had been unusually quiet and he could tell that she had some sort of heavy guilty weighing on her shoulders about the disappearance of Hana and how she could do nothing about it. She had gone to bed without a word to anyone. Leo had tried to focus on getting better because he was useless to the group sick, but instead he knew that Hana had been taken to the Dark Angels' headquarters, even though he didn't exactly know where that was . . . yet. Slowly, his top priority was now finding Leviathan. He was right about sleeping; he was out in no time.
[/url] Elton didn't understand the dream world and how it worked. He was hungry, but he shouldn't be, right? He had little experience with dreams in general, actually, so he guessed the only thing he could do was take all of these new experiences in stride. Another thing was . . . actually sleeping. He hadn't realized it would happen when he was curled up in that oh-so comfy chair in the library. He had never had a better night experience in his life, he thought. Maybe. Elton crept out of the library later in the morning at the lure of food and let his hunger lead him to the dining room where – joy – there were others already in there, chatting. At the head of the table, he spotted the Dream Maker and then some of the others surrounding her and actually . . . talking to her. He mutely shook his head, wondering how they were so easy to trust. He took a seat at the far corner of the table and waited for a little while, and then the chef came out. He told them they could have anything they wanted, and Elton immediately thought of every international breakfast he had ever had because halmeoni was a really cool world traveler and was really wonderful cook. Meekly he raised his hand for the chef to come over and muttered quietly to him about what he wanted. A little while later, he was staring at the plate of Danish foods with slightly-disbelieving eyes and vaguely wondering if the chef's cooking would be up to par. . . . It was. Almost. He sneaked a timid peek at the boseul-achi and really wished that this whole thing wasn't being this good.
[INDENT=1][COLOR=#6C4646][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=11px]Life can really suck sometimes, but I'm really glad that everything is better for you. What's...
This Is Gospel; Panic! at the Disco
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ TIRED ✚ DAY 42 ※ 3/4 ✚ DATE ※ 11/05/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ YANAKIE, VICTORIA; AUSTRALIA JUST before there was any reply to his tense question, the other bedroom door opened and Vincent appeared, looking as if Leo never had to carry his unconscious body to this house in the middle of nowhere just two days ago. Being Raphael clearly had its advantages. His dimmed blue eyes narrowed when he wrapped Joslyn in a hug. ⎧Italians.⎭ he thought to himself, and of course, the actions went straight to Joslyn's nerves. When he let the frail girl go, Leo looked pointedly at her, waiting. ⎧I - I can't s - say where S - Sal is, w - w - we haven't f - f - found him. A - As for Hana and S - Sam . . . Well . . .⎭ A tenseness returned to his shoulders as she started fidgeting. ⎧S - Sam just d - disappeared all of a s - sudden, and . . . H - Hana was k . . . ki . . .⎭ Leo quickly sat up in his chair, his entire mind coursing with thoughts and plans for their next move, having expected the worst of her stuttering voice. ⎧Hana was k - kidnapped . . .⎭ . . . Kidnapped. He leaned back. Just kidnapped. Not killed. There was a drop of weight in another chair. Samuel was gone. Hana was kidnapped. Samuel was gone. Hana was kidnapped. His eyes closed and he recalled his dream. The fire didn't represent Samuel, but Leo couldn't smother the feeling that he had something to do with their sudden disappearances. Abaddon was never to be trusted and how Xathanael had even formed that kind of relationship with him, Raziel didn't know or care – but this situation was not coincidental. ⎧Jun Tae?⎭ Hay Sun said with a good amount of uncertainty. He looked at her and then at the rest of the group, now leaderless. ⎧This is troublesome.⎭ He covered a sneeze and then sighed. ⎧We came to Australia to recruit.⎭ he stated. ⎧Now that the compass has lead you here, is there anywhere else it points to?⎭ ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ TIRED ✚ DAY 42 ※ 2/4 ✚ DATE ※ 11/05/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ YANAKIE, VICTORIA; AUSTRALIA LEO's fever had broke early morning that day and he had been up since then, still restrained to bed by the woman named Amelia. He had woken up with an uneasy feeling, having had a nightmare about a large ruby being surrounded in a ring of fire. Raziel wasn't a Prophet [ although he had, in several past lives, received training from Prophets to interpret dreams and visions ], but he had an extremely unsettling feeling in his stomach that something had gone very wrong recently.Around noon, after Amelia had forced him to eat [ for such a small, aged woman, she was surprisingly scary ] and told him that Vincent's fever had broken far earlier than his own. He had felt guilty knots in his stomach when he realized she must have stayed up nearly all night watching over them.Just an hour or so later, Leo checked his phone for the thousandth time; there were still no messages. A little while after that, there was the sound of a car outside and he thought that maybe one of Amelia's sons had come home. Carefully, he made his way towards the window. He watched as –⎧Brandon?⎭ he let out with a rare expression of disbelief. He strained his eyes to see who else was in the car and then quickly turned away from the window, walking [ or more like slightly stumbling ] towards the living room. There, he saw Amelia – small-framed, aged Amelia – cocking an Ellipse Evo Light shotgun and cautiously making her way towards the door. For a moment, he was completely baffled by this strange sight, but at the realization that his comrades were in danger of being blown through by this little old lady.⎧A - Amelia,⎭ he said, his voice cracking, and she jumped and then turned on him. With an expression of surprise on her face, she lowered her weapon. ⎧They – . . . I know those people. It's okay.⎭ Her face softened, but she didn't put away the gun as she set out to the kitchen to start preparing snacks. He stared after her with a disconcerted expression for a moment before returning his attention to the outside.He opened the house's door after slipping a dark gray crew-neck sweater over his torso and looked at the arriving group expectantly. Leo forcefully swallowed all of his coughs, making a visible effort to not wince.Quickly he counted heads. He relaxed a good deal when he saw Hay Sun's familiar burning eyes. Hana and Samuel were . . . not there. Sal was missing as well. A small part of him immediately thought the worse for the three, but that didn't make sense, considering . . .The tight feeling in his stomach quickly rose to his chest and Leo stumbled back into the house, going into a coughing fit. ⎧Sweetie,⎭ Amelia was at his side with a steaming cup of tea, ⎧it's a bad practice to do anything strenuous while you're sick.⎭ She forced him into a chair.The door opened and Hay Sun was the first one inside, frantically looking around. Her face washed up with visible relief when she saw him huddled in the chair with a cup of tea in his hands and a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. ⎧. . . The ahjumma* is taking care of me and Vincent.⎭ he muttered quickly before setting the mug down and removing the blanket, trying to be somewhat dignified.His sister was laughing and Leo felt that pang of nostalgia again before quickly shoving it away. The rest of the group filed in and he looked at Vincent's bedroom door before returning his attention to them. ⎧Where are Hana, Samuel, and Sal?⎭ he asked with a raspy, but steely tone. *Ahjumma; lit. "aunt"; which is generally only used to refer to women who are middle-aged or older, and working-class. ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
okay i really dont know what's going on in this thread, but fucKING ASH'S POST.
hey you know what else to "beware" of? other people who have been nerdy orchestra students sitting at lunch together who talk about things that aren't rape and make fun of other thingslike, i know im blowing this thing up the ass but seriously, being a nerdy orchestra kid doesn't excuse anyone for that kind of thing so don't use a silly reason like that okaybecause i was a nerdy orchestra kidi even told everyone on nerd day at school that i didnt have to dress up because i lived the nerd life every day yo, u feel me. . . i've said dumber things but i was pretty smug about it
Shit's gettin' deep and personal up in this thread.I, like Craig, am only here on court order, so . . . I'm gonna need you to sign my papers otherwise I will be forced to castrate you and then be sent to other doctors who I will also castrate, and I'm really, really sure that you don't want that on your conscious, Doctor Forklift sir.(◡‿◡✿)
There’s no way I said those harsh words. There’s no way I hurt you. ( There's a crazy person inside of me. )
> rape jokes > funny what are they teaching you lowlifes who will never amount to anything in school these days
Oh, I actually made this thread. A part of me was really hoping this was just a dream. . . . Hi guys. o - oh. . . Well good. I didn't invest in my ~ special ~ closet for nothing then.> is actually the creepy one no u ( jiku-senpai is posting my thread this is gr8 )Maybe i should make threads more oftenlolno
[INDENT=1][COLOR=#6C4646][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=11px]Hi hi hi [COLOR=#436d68]( ´ ▽ ` )ノ[/COLOR] I don't know if we've ever done a duet in...
and hasn't slept all night and is emotionally delirious and not in control watch out i might do something crazy like massacre an entire species of netizens like the specific species of kayeichus veeus sleep god im tired i miss you guys kind of not really . . . no im lying i really do lol jk no i dont what am i doing ( orz )
You're just jealous because there's no forum dedicated to you. Envy isn't your color, Benny.
Well, see, we somehow got around to finally solidifying the idea, but then it was way too heavy to move, so we had to liquidize it and put it into a glass jar. Somewhere around the northern Pacific, we ran into a storm and the jar fell overboard.. . . It spilled, and now friendship is mixed with the ocean.Oops.
Feels like it's been forever since I've seen you around, Excasr. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was thinking about you the other day while watching some KHV Chorus videos. . . . Hi.