Search Results

  1. Saxima
    Or two Dumbledores.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Saxima
    Inherit Nothing; PhemieC

    I must obey the order, for I've order to restore.

    Each circuit sends a signal to the process in the core and if none of this means anything than what's my anger for?

    I'd rather be most anything, the dirt under your heel my king; a peasant or a pauper, or a knight in shining armor – what's required of your noble steed?

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Saxima
    The poll is up. I know that if I didn't do it now, I never would have.

    . . . I need to be better about being diligent.

    Vote away!
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Saxima
    Metal Breaker; BlockB

    My friends ask me from behind, if I’ve gotten a girl ( Really? )
    After beating around the bush for a while, “Well, I don’t know.”

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  5. Saxima
    This list is prone to being edited.

    Highlighted media is the current favorite of that section.
    Highlighted names are the overall favorites from listed media.​

    • Kuroko no Basuke ( Generation of Miracles / Kuroko Tetsuya / Aomine Daiki )
      Sailor Moon ( Sailor Moon / Sailor Uranus / Sailor Neptune )
      Durarara!! ( Izaya Orihara / Shizuo Heiwajima / Celty Sturluson / Basically everyone )
      Mawaru Penguindrum ( Takakura siblings )
      Naruto ( Naruto Uzumaki / Itachi Uchiha / Sai / Kushina Uzumaki / Sasuke Uchiha )
      Blood+ ( Saya / Diva / Haji )
      Evangelion ( Shinji Ikari / Kaworu Nagisa )
      Free! ( Basically everyone )
      Meguca Magikal lesbians ( Mami Tomoe / Kyouko Sakura )
    • Teen Wolf ( Stiles Stilinski / Derek Hale / Lydia Martin )
      Heroes ( Claire Bennet / Hiro Nakamura / Peter Petrelli )
      Avatar; The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra ( Korra / Asami / Zuko / Toph )
      Adventure Time ( Marshall Lee / Fiona / Jake / Cake / Marceline / Finn )
      Heirs [ Korean drama ] ( Cha Eun Sang / Yoon Chan Young / Joo Myung Soo / Choi Young Do )
      What's Up [ Korean drama ] ( Oh Doo Ri / Park Tae Yi / Lee Soo Bin / Jang Jae Hun )
    • Pacific Rim
      Rise of the Guardians
      The Hunger Games ( + the books )
      Pixar ( Monsters Inc./Monsters U / The Incredibles / Toy Story 3 / WALL-E / UP / Basically all of them )
      Ghibli ( Sprited Away / Howl's Moving Castle / Porco Rosso / Basically all of them )
    • [ ♥♥♥ ] VIXX ( Ravi [ Kim Wonshik ] / Leo [ Jung Taekwoon ] / Basically everyone )
      NICO Touches the Walls ( Tatsuya Mitsumura [ and his voice ] )
      HOME MADE 家族
      of Montreal
      Ólafur Arnalds
      The Antlers
      Penguin Café
      Grace and Tony
    • Minor Acts of Heroism
      Ava's Demon
      Teahouse ( NSFW )
      Homestuck ( Dave / Aradia / Sollux / Caliborn & Calliope / Terezi / Karkat / Basically everyone )
    • Legend of Zelda ( Majora's Mask / Twilight Princess // Link / Sheik / Zelda / Midna )
      Kingdom Hearts ( derp ) ( Dream Drop Distance / Kingdom Hearts II //Sora / Riku / Xigbar / Terra / Naminé / Axel )
      Assassin's Creed ( Brotherhood / III // Rebecca / Ezio / Yusef )
      BioShock ( Burial at Sea Elizabeth / Basically everything )
      Ninja Gaiden
    • GAY BASKETBALL: AOMINE x KUROKO ( ♥♥♥ ) / Midorima x Takao / Generation of Miracles x Kuroko
      GAY SWIMMING: Rin x Haruka / Rei x Nagisa / Makoto x Haruka
      Kingdom Hearts: Riku x Sora / Riku x Naminé / Riku x Sora x Kairi
      The Heirs [ K-drama ] : Kim Tan x Cha Eun Sang
      Legend of Korra: Korra x Asami /
      Homestuck: Dave x John / Karkat x Terezi / Sollux x Aradia / Kurloz x Meulin /
    • JIBUN WO​

      I actually really just love all colors. I'm an avid fan of softer
      pastels as well and creamy colors.Really, anything is fine, so
      I don't know why I have this tab.​

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Saxima
  7. Saxima
    Pretty sure Voldemort was never a member of KHV, but Makaze isn't my problem anymore. Please direct all questions, concerns, and complaints to someone who is responsible.

    This thread is actually really embarrassing for me to look at, which is why I haven't posted in it at all, but I guess I should say thanks to Hyuge for taking stock in my . . . interests. So yes, happy birthday to me and thanks to all my frens who wished me on Skype, Tumblr, and other places that people apparently know me in.

    Oh, and the presents, too. This list includes:

    Nova and his beautiful avatars​
    Drew and his beautiful GIF set of VOODOO DOLL on Tumblr​
    Hyuge and her image that she made me.​

    You guys really shouldn't have.

    It's not easy being nine. I feel so old already.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ TIRED DAY 48 ※ 4/4 DATE ※ 11/08/2013

    WHEN Sal was following him with a single question not too long after he left the Walkers' house, Leo genuinely thought about all that had happened while Sal wasn't around. Somehow, he had been far too tired to answer the question.

    He had simply looked at him, shook his head, and then continued without a word to the inn and to his room. All of his cordiality was stripped of him by that arming question. With Hana gone and Leo feeling like Samuel was her captor, he was left with the position of being leader. There was always Heinrik, but Leo couldn't trust another person to do what he could do better himself.

    . . . But Leo didn't like being a leader. He didn't like being in groups, either. Really, he didn't like this situation at all. It was a hell of a lot easier running the underground than being an angel. His powers set him above others and were self-serving. In reality, Jun Tae wasn't the 'save the world' sort of guy.

    By the time he had gone back to his room, Hay Sun was already asleep. He wondered if she had left bed at all that day.

    After taking a shower, Leo got under the covers and forced himself to sleep, and while sleeping, his subconscious forced him to dream.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Saxima
    FanPop is close to becoming the bane of my existence.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ SYMPATHETIC DAY 48 ※ 3/4 DATE ※ 11/08/2013

    AS soon as Leo finished talking, the only sounds were that of Lauren clapping, as if he had just told some marvelous, out-of-this-world story. That was a good performance. I'm pretty good at improv myself.

    Leo blinked once, twice, and then sighed.

    She was going to say something else when Alice interrupted and the two stared at each other. Alice looked back at him and she was clearly shaken. Interesting. I . . . have no idea what to think. He wasn't sure why it was Lauren that was Ahriman and not Alice, who was certainly taking the situation more seriously than her wife.

    The two pursued a relatively broken conversation until Lauren spoke more seriously. This explains a lot. I . . . I always thought it was odd how much I broke . . . things . . . He wondered how she ever dealt with it in the first place and minimally empathized with her. I - she started again, but Alice cut her off.

    She's not going with you.

    The room went quiet. Leo made eye contact with Alice. You said you weren't here for her, and she's not going anywhere.

    Alic -

    Dammit, with all the stuff going on in the world and hearing of some Apocalypse responsible for it, I don't want to see her go. Leo nodded once to show he was listening reasonably. I don't want to see her die because dammit Lauren, tôi yêu em but you aren't the brightest bulb on the tree – if anything you're the broken one that makes you need to replace the string of lights.

    Leo almost snorted but contained himself because this was clearly getting emotional for Alice. It wasn't like Leo had come here for the sole purpose of taking Lauren with him [ although with training, that would prove to be a good idea ], so her behavior was uncalled for, really. I - I d - don't want anything to happen to h - her . . . Lauren was at her side almost immediately and he watched the two interact.

    He always knew he would never marry, never have a significant other, or kids for that matter. They just didn't fit into the lifestyle he had, especially with what he was. How Heinrik could deal with it, he didn't know. How Hay Sun thought she might be able to love, he didn't know. How Hana could "fall in love" with Samuel, he didn't know. How he ever loved in past lives . . . He didn't know.

    It was a little unnerving . . . Not knowing.

    His attention returned to ground level when Lauren talked to him. I still think you look like Leo . . . but if you are an angel, that makes even more sense now. He snorted, rolled his eyes, pulled out his phone and quickly typed a message up.

    TO: Taekwoon
    According to this girl, you look like an angel.
    You should tell Hakyeon to pitch that for BIKS'
    next concept. You can all carry harps and

    - Leo

    After setting his phone back in his pocket, he looked back up at the two. It's a name from Zoroastrianism, which is an ancient Iranian religion. Ahriman, however, is simply a Zoroastrian deity. His – your – nature has always been described with The Lie, which represents greed, wrath, and envy. However, you, Lauren, aren't embodying that at all. The deity always bends and adjusts itself to the nature of the mortal, and sometimes, when they lie dormant, they don't effect your life at all.

    He looked to the side for a moment, thoughtfully. Look, like I said, I'm not here for Lauren, but I will have to bring Sal back because we have to leave soon. We're staying at the inn down the road, so if you feel anything else, have any questions, you can come find me. Alternatively, He asked for a pen and small piece of paper, and then wrote his number down and handed it to Alice. you can call me if need be. It's a dangerous world right now, and whether or not you come with us doesn't matter much. If you really feel you can't be separated, I suppose the choice of you, Alice, coming along isn't completely gone. Keep that in mind.

    Leo stood and dusted himself off, noting the vibration in his pocket but ignoring it for the moment. He glanced at Sal. I told you where we're staying, so you don't have to come with me now, but soon. I won't wait forever.

    With a slightly sympathetic nod to Alice, and then a small wave to the other two, Leo left the porch room and started heading back.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 20, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Saxima
    Username: Saxima
    Doll's Name: Frambuesa del Chocolate
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. Saxima
    Mr.ECHO; NICO Touches the Walls

    I’ve known all along all along
    That’s it’s an echo that won’t occur twice
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ STRAINED DAY 48 ※ 2/4 DATE ※ 11/08/2013

    WHEN the grounded one said that it was fine in a clear voice, Leo assumed it was the adrenaline talking. The sesaeng, whose name was apparently Lauren, joined him at the other's side and had a first-aid kit with her. I'm sorry I went too far again.

    . . . Again. He looked between the two women; just what sort of relationship were they in?

    The injured one sat up and reached into the first-aid kit, confirming that yes, this had happened before [ and by the looks of it, multiple times ]. She started chiding Lauren while she worked on her arm and then looked to Leo. Sorry for the rude introductions, I am Alice Walker and . . . This is my wife Lauren Walker. I took her last name -

    . . . Abusive relationship? He thought of Stockholm syndrome and applied it where need be.

    Because I'm the woman of the relationship!

    . . . Because if we changed her last name . . . Her parents are kind of homophobic.

    Leo found, despite himself, himself nodding at the situation, still a little confused between the two of them. They quarreled a little more [ truly lovers, he didn't doubt for a moment ] while Alice continued to treat herself.

    She means well, she really does. She's just a bit of a . . . I don't know how to explain it . . .

    He glanced from Alice, to Lauren, to Sal, and then back to Alice. I do. he replied simply. I suppose my friend hasn't realized it yet . . . That's fine. It's better if we talk about it somewhere more private, is that alright?

    Soon, after Alice had treated her own arm [ Leo was still curious about the nature of their marriage ], the group was sitting in the front porch room where the sun seeped in from all sides. He gave Lauren a good once over and tried not to recall almost being mauled by her and continuing to think about how the hell Taekwoon, Wonshik, and Hakyeon did it all the time. Those kids were saints.

    As I said earlier, my name is Jun Tae White, and this is my friend Salvatore Osario. he began, crossing his legs and getting comfortable on the bench swing. You might not believe me, but I'm able to prove to you what we are, so be patient. My real name is Raziel, and Sal is the archangel known as Zachariel. We're referred to as the Fallen, angels who have been cast out of Heaven because of our "wrongs" against God and our punishment is to repeat life cycles in the body of mortals. With a tinge of bitterness to his tone, Raziel recalled his trial from eons and eons ago.

    I didn't come here because I sensed Sal, but it was more out of caution because the two of us are apart of a group that has been traveling the world for some time to find and recruit other Fallen into our ranks for the impending war that is happening against Hell, even as we speak. In essance, the Apocalypse is coming is upon us. He was calm and straight-faced. Alice, you meant that your wife was . . . different. She is different, and the reason is because Lauren's true identity is the angel Ahriman, or a more familiar name, Angra Mainyu. She is a – rather, the Destructive Spirit.

    He let the words linger for a little while before he continued.

    I'm not here for her, and I didn't know she was in Australia before now, but as I see it, she has a good source of potential for the war against Hell, untapped and untrained as she is. What do you think of her situation?

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ STRAINED DAY 48 ※ 2/4 DATE ※ 11/08/2013

    IT was an expression that Leo was all too familiar with upon looking at the girl who just turned around to notice him. At first, he was nervous she was going to let the gun go off in excitement, but when she lowered it, he relaxed a little and then she jumped. OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH. Leo winced as she latched onto Sal by the shoulders and began to [ rather violently ] shake him. You're friends with Leo from BIKS? She then turned sharply in his own direction.

    He fought the urge to rub the bridge of his nose, truly feeling sorry for the real Leo. Dealing with sasaeng fans must be a complete nightmare. he thought to himself.

    Just as he was going to be bombarded, the other young woman appeared and trapped the excited one. It's not him, thằng ngốc. He looks a little like him but it's not him. Leo let out a small breath of relief. The two quickly jumped into an argument about whether or not he was actually the Korean idol, Leo. He could only stare.

    While the sasaeng was giggling and still trying to reach for him, the second pulled her to the ground and he raised his eyebrows with an air of being impressed. She bowed at him. I am sorry about that . . . The grounded girl continued to rave and eventually broke free and he took a step back and mutely prayed to Father. If you could provide protection for those boys, I would be eternally grateful.

    The excited one stopped short of a foot from him, easily invading Leo's personal space. You can sign my forehead! she said animatedly, and this time, he really did pinch the bridge of his nose, and then glanced at Sal with a look that read This girl is one of us, and you were trying to recruit her? . . . Seriously?

    He took a slow, patient, deep breath. You have me mistaken for someone else. he said coolly, taking another step back from her. My name is Jun Tae White, and I'm not the Korean idol you're thinking about. . . . But I'll be sure to give him your . . . regards. He turned his head to see the girl on the ground holding her arm. You hurt your friend. Are you an idiot? He quickly made his way to the girl, who was clearly in pain.

    Don't move. he ordered, and then laid her on her back to check the injured arm. His eyes widened momentarily as he glanced over his shoulder back at the other. Ahriman. he thought to himself in realization, and then returned his attention to the girl. There didn't seem to be any real hospital in a small, nowhere-town like this one, and so the only thing he could think of was Vincent.

    Still, it would take too long to get to him . . . He looked over the other girl and back. This was strange. I could treat you myself, he murmured to the girl on the ground, What would you like to do?

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Saxima
    Username: Bite the Dust
    Doll's Name: Alyssa
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 19, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ THOUGHTFUL DAY 48 ※ 2/4 DATE ※ 11/08/2013

    THE morning was calm, thankfully, but Leo couldn't stop thinking about Hana, Samuel, and where they could be. A part of him was relieved [ grateful ] that Hay Sun hadn't been taken, but he should have known better than to be worried in the first place, because what could the Dark Angels possibly want with her?

    He was thinking that they came for Hana [ Samuel . . . Did he help? ] because she was another keeper of Leviathan's location [ he just knew it ] and they weren't able to extract the information from Jehoel.

    The girl that Kai was talking to . . . Leo had one of those feelings about her, as if she was familiar, but being sick for the last four days had dulled his senses a good deal and it would be another day or so yet before he returned to his normal self. He just hoped that nothing bad would happen in that time span.

    A faint shooting sound reached Leo's ears and he glanced around the inn's dinning room to see if anyone else had noticed it; there were no other signs. There was another and he was quickly out of his chair. The sounds weren't very far, but they sounded extremely weak, as if maybe they weren't real bullets. He left the dinning room and soon found himself standing on the porch of the inn.

    He glanced around the area that laid out in front of the inn and watched people go by, living their lives while the world was on the brink of destruction. It was a bit surreal, but Leo played that up to still getting over being sick. The popping sound of a gun hit his ears again and he turned his head to a neighborhood that he began to walk towards. Birdsville really was a small town because everything was within walking distance. He subconsciously compared it to the large, neon Seoul, where he took bikes and tinted-windowed black cars to all of his business meetings and transactions.

    Leo's hearing eventually brought him to stand in front of a house with a large yard and he glanced around until he saw some others standing. One of them was holding a shotgun and there was another hiding behind a wall; both women. He looked to the third person. Salvatore? he thought with slightly raised eyebrows. Leo tried to grasp on the Glamour and twist through the memories in Sal's head to see how he had come up to this point and why he hadn't tried to look for the rest of the group when he settled on the black-haired girl he was with.

    There was that feeling again. He eased his way towards the fence, wary of the shotgun in the girl's hand and then quickly jumped it, hugging the wall next to it. Sal, he called out carefully. is this where you've been the entire time?

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Saxima

    • ROUND ❷❼

    N O M E S
    Sailor Neptune

    Click Here!
    A fabulous Lolita dress up game where you can customize
    every little detail of your Lolita dress. Choose your bodice, blouse,
    skirt, socks, shoes, stockings and jewelry. You can even choose
    your trim style, and its colors!

    Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet.
    Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone.
    Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given!
    Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed.
    Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load.
    For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place.
    Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun!
    You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified.
    Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win.
    Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~
    Unless specified by the contest outline, DO NOT recreate characters from any sort of media. This includes characters like Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, Princess Zelda, and etc.
    DO NOT remove the dollmaker watermarks. This is solely for respect purposes only. DO NOT DO IT. You will be disqualified.


    L O X A R E

    M I S H

    L A R I A

    C S T A R

    B I T E THE D U S T

    J I K U _ N E O N

    S A X I M A
    Frambuesa del Chocolate

    N O M E S

    • Happy Voting ! •
    Thread by: Saxima, Nov 19, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Playground
  18. Saxima
    . . . It's beautiful.

    * sobs *

    Frame this shit up, put it on the wall. I'm keeping it.
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Saxima
    닐리리맘보; BlockB

    Post by: Saxima, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Saxima
    Jake for best admin 2013?
    Post by: Saxima, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone