Cool. KHV could always use new competent roleplayers, so I hope I'll see you around. Have a good stay.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ CONFUSED ✖ DAY 53 ※ 2/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ JET PLANE [/url]Her sleep might have been one of the least-fitful she's had in days – weeks, even. Being woken up, however, was way less pleasant than sleeping. She had been hovering in consciousness for a while, but something kept tugging on her and rousing her awake, and it was making her all kinds of grumpy. A muffled, excited voice was talking near her ear. ❝. . . all that way . . . miss me? . . . liked to pretend I was a bother . . .❞ What the fuck are you talking about . . . she thought groggily. You are a bother. Get off of me you weirdo . . . The voice kept stupidly, happily rambling on. ❝. . . love you Hay Sun!❞ And then she felt something press against her forehead and then her pale eyes snapped open with . . . panic? With a body that was starting to glow dangerously hot, she instantly wrenched herself out of the ( killer ) hold that was around her and pointed a loaded finger-gun at . . . Pretty Boy? Teal fire was leaking slightly out of her two pointed fingertips at him as she tried to think straight about what was happening. After long moments of contemplation ( and leaking fire ), she narrowed her eyes at him. ❝Okay, first of all Pretty Boy, just because you almost died and that would have completely sucked ass, but you're here now and safe, doesn't mean you can just attach yourself to me and t - touch me like that, got it? And what the hell makes you think – ❞ She stopped up short. ❝I've missed you so much. Did you miss me? You must have been worried about me, coming all that way to find me.❞ She dropped her good hand by her side and stared at him. All of her flames ( which were dangerously close to not only incinerating Pretty Boy, but the rest of the jet as well ) snuffed out as she realized that he was talking . . . differently. Like he actually knew who she was and didn't treat her like some sort of dangerous stranger. She didn't want to jump the gun on the idea, but fuck all if that wasn't what she wished for. ❝You . . . remember?❞ she asked with a raised eyebrow, leaning in slightly.
아이돌 하기 싫어 ( I Don't Want to Be An Idol ); VIXX
• ROUND ❷❽ • S A X I M AFrambuesa del Chocolate Spoiler Click Here!A beautiful game which allows you to dress up your own Huldra and her male victim. According to Scandinavian legends, the Huldra are very beautiful and sometimes lure men for pleasure, slavery, or death, depending on the source of the tale. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. • Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ • Unless specified by the contest outline, DO NOT recreate characters from any sort of media. This includes characters like Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, Princess Zelda, and etc. • DO NOT remove the dollmaker watermarks. This is solely for respect purposes only. DO NOT DO IT. You will be disqualified. L O X A R EAstrid and Lord Maccon Spoiler C A T ~Devina and Samuel Spoiler L A R I AMia Spoiler M I S HHinnøya and Martin Spoiler N O M E SNantula and Joseph Spoiler • Happy Voting ! •
Ash, I hope that you've already realized the room that belongs to me needs to be there. It also needs to be fairly large and something akin to, I don't know . . . a torture chamber, and it will also need to be next to our lovely K-Pop karaoke room. I will also need a room to keep all of my male K-Pop idols in. Preferably next to mine. thx bby
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ TIRED ✚ DAY 53 ※ 1/5 ✚ DATE ※ 11/13/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ TAUPO, NEW ZEALAND ALL of his movements were slow, deliberate; Angels didn't exactly need sleep, and if he channeled his energy the right way, Leo didn't either. He hadn't slept since the night before, but he was working.As far as recruiting went, the others could handle that; he was simply there for insurance, in case anything went wrong. Other than that, he was focused on the most important; he finally found Leviathan – or at least narrowed down his location to an exact area. Releasing a slow breath, Leo rose on his toe to stand straight up, and then gracefully flipped off the bo staff. It flew into the air, shrinking into a more compact form and he slipped it into a bag after catching it.Raziel, please come find us soon.He suddenly stood upright and looked around his empty hotel room. Xathanael was calling for him from . . . A place that wasn't Hell. Of course he knew she had been in Hell, but what was he supposed to do? He had to face the cold fact that he was no match for Lucifer, although he would take pleasure in bringing down those snide Dark Angels, regardless of their past. Not to mention, there had been no real point in risking it; if Father had seen fit for Xathanael to live, then so be it. Apparently, he did.Quickly checking his phone, he tried to feel out Xathanael's Glamour at the same time. It was weak and very distant, but after a few minutes of deep concentration, he grasped at the spider-thin thread and tugged.You're not dead. I'll be there as soon as I can be.Everything really needed to be sorted out. He needed to be in South America as soon as possible, but the kid was a Fallen and Joslyn's compass pointed the way. He could only be in so many places at once. He could always reroute Hay Sun's plane to South America so that she could take care of Hana and Alice. He didn't know about Samuel. That idiot was better off dead, causing so much trouble as he did.A few moments later, he had Hay Sun's flight heading to the Falken Islands. He sighed.⎧This is ridiculous.⎭ ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
I like my cozy little spot in the closet. I'm kind of like Godoka, except I'm in everyone's closets.
baby all i want for christmas is youuuuuuu idk something useful like candy or all the members of vixx But if you really want a legit Christmas list; ✖ Kim Wonshik✖ Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds✖ Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon✖ iTunes giftcard✖ Jung Taekwoon✖ Socks✖ Assassin's Creed VI✖ Lee Jaehwan✖ PlayStation 4✖ Cha Hakyeon✖ Loads of manga✖ New shoes✖ Han Sanghyuk✖ Lee Hongbin✖ Tickets to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags✖ A lifetime supply of Dr Pepper✖ Did I mention VIXX?
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ SLEEPY ✖ DAY 50 ※ 5/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ JET PLANE [/url]Hay Sun decided that she liked Italie a good deal. Originally, when they first met him in Rome, she thought he was going to be deadweight, much like the rest of the group felt to be. The same applied to Ralvie; but they both helped save Leon's life and that was more than she could ever ask for. She hated it that her dumb brother forced companions on her when she thought that she could do it all by herself. She could always do it by herself. Except not really. She wanted to thank them. She wanted to thank Alistair. She probably never would, though. Pretty Boy's hair was soft, and as she leaned her head back against the comfortable chair, she used her good hand to stroke and run her fingers through it. Hay Sun didn't know what she was going to do about her left hand; it was her writing one, the one she used her sword with . . . To top it off, she wasn't ambidextrous and was a complete klutz with her right hand in everything she needed it for, except for brushing her teeth. As she closed her tired eyes to finally sleep, she hoped that Jun Tae would have a solution.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ STRESSED/TIRED ✖ DAY 50 ※ 5/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ PARIS, FRANCE • LEON'S FLAT [/url]Alistair seemed friendly with the kid, which didn't put a chink in Hay Sun's nerves like it usually would have. ❝Hey kid, sorry about messing up your mission and all.❞ . . . Mission? To do what? What mission? The doctor turned Hay Sun's way. ❝She is the daughter of an angel and human; a Nephilim working for Lu.❞ Sirens went off in her head as she quickly recalled all of her pre-Fallen Life research on angels and Heaven. She had never read of a Nephilim that was used for good. They were extremely powerful little brats and Hay Sun had no issues believing that it was working for Temeluchas, and Lucy in turn of that. The question was, who's brat was it? God help them all if there was more than one of them, too. ❝If you're working for Temeluchas, that means you're the one who did this to him.❞ Hay Sun said decisively, rage boiling under her skin. ❝He's not your papa, so you should go away before I kill you. I don't care how strong you are or who the hell you have to help you. If you did this to him, you little shit, there's no reason for me to let you live.❞ Before her KILL KILL KILL mode was switched on, her phone vibrated in her pocket, and she sighed explosively, and then snatched it up, barking a greeting. ❝You've found Ariel, so you have no business in France anymore.❞ It was her brother, as straight to the point as always. ❝I'll route your flight back to where we are so we can join up again. If you're going to bring him with you, then do so, but you're going to be looking after him, no one else. Accept your responsibility.❞ The call clicked end, and then Hay Sun stared at it, and then to the others, slightly bewildered. Before she could do anything else, the little punk touched a ring on her hand and then mist began to collect around her feet ominously, when more sirens went off in her head. When she could feel Leon slipping off her lap, her heart leaped out of her chest and the atmosphere flared around her. ❝I don't fucking think so!❞ she shouted, thought it mostly came out as a jumble of raging shouts. Hay Sun dove and looped her arms under Leon's and around his chest and then looked back at Ralvie and Italie with glowing eyes. ❝Help would be appreciated,❞ she ground out, struggling to pull back. God, if she ever got a hold of that little shit, she was gonna wring its fucking neck.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I CMOOD ※ STRESSED/TIRED ✖ DAY 50 ※ 4/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ PARIS, FRANCE • LEON'S FLAT [/url] Hay Sun was on the verge of tears – no, scratch that. There were thick, hot tears running down her face as she stared at Leon's lifeless, frail frame finally collapse to the floor on what was their eighth combinations of herbs. She really didn't know if he was dead or alive, but the color was returning to his skin and she begged God for it to be the latter.That had to be one of the worst – if not the fucking worst – experiences in her short life of seventeen years.Calm down, Hay Sun. Uriel's voice seemed oddly soft and comforting, but it didn't help at all because her body was practically shaking with fear, worry, and grief.What if I've lost him, Uriel? What if he's dead?I didn't realize that you had formed such an attachment to Ariel. he replied. I have been involved with and known Ariel for many millenia; I hope you will take my words to soul when I tell you that he is a stubborn fool who has never been eradicated so easily. I have tried and failed many times.It seemed like Uriel knew the right words to say to Hay Sun; violence was truly the way to her heart.She looked up at Ralvie, over to Alistair, to Italie, and then back to Leon's now-calmed features. He really did look a hell of a lot better . . . But the question was, how the hell did he get like this in the first place? Where that bitch Temeluchas was involved, she didn't have a doubt that she had something to do with it, but then there was also the matter of this little girl who seemed like a parasite in his side. What Uriel said about her bothered Hay Sun; That isn't a little girl.What did he mean by that? If she wasn't a human brat ( no, of course she wasn't a human ), then what the fuck was she?Hay Sun was already stressed out as it was, and this little punk, whoever or whatever the fuck she was, was the last thing she needed to be worrying about.Carefully, she scooted to Leon's still body and gingerly lifted his head onto her lap. Her tears had only subsided slightly, but somehow, gently stroking his face ( it was still too fucking pretty for her ) brought her a sense of peace that she hadn't felt in a hell of a long time. After a few minutes, she looked back up to the girl. ❝Alistair, you've been here, haven't you?❞ she asked, her eyes not leaving the girl's face, ❝Who is she?❞Tread carefully.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ STRESSED ✖ DAY 50 ※ 3/4 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ PARIS, FRANCE • LEON'S FLAT [/url]❝Fine, fine . . . Gonna get my ass kicked . . . again . . . But I'll do what I can.❞ The immense weight on Hay Sun's shoulders lifted and she roughly bit the inside of her cheek to control all impulses to both tackle the shit out of Alistair Grey ( which, with her elevated, manic emotions, might have actually killed him ) and cry. ❝You!❞ Her head snapped up to see Pretty Boy ( jesus fuck, he even looked worse in the good light ) pointing accusingly at Alistair. ❝All of you, out.❞ She quickly opened her mouth to argue. ❝Out!❞ Like his legs were giving out, Leon slid to the ground and Hay Sun was on her feet immediately, panicking. The pendant around his neck began to glow, he whispered something, and then a barrier shimmered around him. A flash of memories passed through her mind, invoking the plane crash over the Atlantic, where the same shimmering, golden banner saved her life. Her arm reached out to touch him, but Hay Sun was taken aback that he was protecting himself from . . . her. God, this was so fucking stupid. ❝Papa?❞ The little girl that had been with him on the bed appeared and managed to slip inside ( or was she let in? ) the barrier and her lips pulled into a thin line, suddenly feeling very . . . not good. . . . Uriel, that little br - . . . girl. Who is she? Uriel was silent for a long moment, and Hay Sun could feel his unpleasant feelings bubbling under her skin. That is not a little girl. he told her decisively, and she blinked. All of her protective instincts went on high as Italie explained their motives. She dropped to her knees and cautiously shuffled towards the barrier. ❝Leon,❞ she began, her voice pathetically desperate, ❝please let me help you. I . . . You can't die. I won't let you. God fucking shit . . . I don't know what'll happen if you d – ❞ Hay Sun choked on the word, on the idea, as she placed her hand up to the barrier. It began to sear into her palm, but fuck her if that even slightly affected her resolve. Wincing slightly, she forced her way into the barrier until it was just her hand that was completely in. Her skin was red and it felt like it was on fire, but she didn't care. ❝I'm . . . I'm going to save your ass, whether you fucking like it or not. I've been through too much shit for you to just die on me, so let me save you, dumbass . . .❞ One small pulsation later, and then the barrier melted away, and Hay Sun gripped at her burning hand which she couldn't feel anymore. In a slightly strained tone, she called for Ralvie to come to the room and then looked at Italie with the jacket, and then to Alistair. ❝What do we have to do?❞
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ STRESSED ✖ DAY 50 ※ 3/4 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ PARIS, FRANCE • LEON'S FLAT [/url]It took a few long moments for anything to happen, but then the lamp clicked on and Hay Sun's eyes widened at who she saw. It was him, but he . . . He was dying. That was clear as day. Attached to his waist was a little girl, but Hay Sun didn't care about her at all. A few more long minutes of silence passed as she continued to stare, baffled, shocked, and Pretty Boy stared back, as if he was looking at something he didn't quite recognize. ❝I'm sorry, do I know you? Did Lu – ❞ That was dandy; he had a fucking pet name for that bitch. ❝invite you over here or something?❞ Everything stopped. Hay Sun's stomach dropped and her legs were suddenly weak; she leaned on the bed frame to keep from falling over. ❝What . . .❞ she started, slowly, pained, ❝What the hell kind of greeting is that . . .❞ Her voice cracked. But here he was. He was still alive. Temuluchas was lying then? No. He really looked like he was dying. God, she needed to do something. Anything. Uriel, help me out here . . . I – I don't know what to do. What's wrong with him? Why is he like this? It was quiet in her head. Against her will, her bottom lip began to wobble slightly. Jun Tae would know what to do, but she couldn't call him. Pretty Boy was sick, right? He needed to be healed . . . ❝How can you not remember me, you dumb idiot . . . You stalked me in the city . . . You took me to Mexico . . . and saved me in the Atlantic . . .❞ Healed. Hay Sun looked back towards the kitchen where the others were. Her legs found life again and she was on her feet once more. If you're thinking about having Raphael heal Ariel, you should try again. Raphael's vessel isn't nearly powerful enough to heal Ariel on his own. ❝Uriel!❞ she exclaimed out loud. ❝Help me – Ariel – he . . . He doesn't remember me! What should I do?!❞ she said, her voice elevating in pitch. Raphael may be capable of helping Ariel, but not alone. Do you remember Alistair Grey? He's the man in there with Temeluchas. He's also a doctor, who, coinciding with the Dark Angels for as long as he has, no doubt has extensive knowledge that may be helpful. Temeluchas is in your way, however. ❝Well then let's get her out of the fucking way!❞ she exclaimed. She threw a frantic look at Pretty Boy and the little girl on the bed, and then without listening to a word of reason from Uriel, she slid into the kitchen, ready to kill Temeluchas. ❝Save Ariel? That idiot deserves to die for falling for such a stupid ruse.❞ That was the first thing she heard, followed by a chuckle from the man named Alistair Grey. He continue to say something else, but Hay Sun's tunnel-vision hearing locked on to 'Save Ariel'. It didn't register that Temeluchas wasn't in the room, and she didn't care about anything else. ❝Can you do it?❞ she asked with a tone that bordered pleading. ❝If - If you can . . . Can you? I can't . . . I can't just let him die.❞ Her voice was strained and she was ready to get on her knees and beg if she had to, even though that was so fucking unbecoming. When had Leon become so worth it? ❝Uriel says that you and Raphael can help. Please . . . Please help him.❞
Too lazy to get on Skype. Here is the modified HB gif, with the text and all. I'm too tired to be peppy about it, but tell me if there are any...
[/url] ◖ ❀ That sounded amazing. You're really good. ◗ At least the byung-shin had good taste in music. He wasn't sure what to say to her. Of course it sounded amazing. Of course he was really good. She walked further into the room and it became apparent that his willing her away wasn't working at all. He was disappointed. Elton stood up, cello neck in hand, and looked at her. He opened his mouth, but then closed it again. Surely she didn't come because she'd heard him playing. He would have rather it been someone like Xyloh – who also played the cello. ◖ ❀ I know . . . ◗ he mumbled in reply, and then set the cello down in a corner of the room. ◖ ❀ It's late. I'm going to bed. ◗ And so he did, in his room after leaving the girl alone.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ STRESSED ✖ DAY 50 ※ 1/4 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ PARIS, FRANCE • LEON'S FLAT [/url]God, that fucking smile was the most annoying thing in existence. ❝There's no need to get so upset, Pet.❞ ❝I'm not your fucking pet.❞ Hay Sun spat. ❝Threatening me won't help you and no one has to die . . . well, I mean, except Ariel and he's right down the hall. Although, he's changed since you last saw him. It's amazing that Gabriel even answered your call. They normally ignore the rest of us.❞ Hay Sun opened her mouth to shoot a least a thousand obscenities about angels, archangels, demons, and Dark Angels, and how she couldn't give a flying fuck about any of them at the moment. If Pretty Boy was dying, then there was no time to waste. ❝They wouldn't even think about ignoring me.❞ she hissed, and then looked at the door to the hallway behind Temeluchas. ❝I don't have time for you.❞ she murmured quickly, and then darted around the Dark Angel, down the hall and then broke the knob getting the door opened. The room was . . . darkened, but the stench of rotting life was strong. She looked around until she found a bed with two figures curled up on it. She took a step forward, and then another. She was standing near the foot of the bed now. ❝. . . Pretty Boy . . . ?❞
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ STRESSED ✖ DAY 50 ※ 1/4 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ PARIS, FRANCE • LEON'S FLAT [/url]Nothing. There wasn't anyone in the room. Hay Sun clenched her fist and then slammed it into the wall. She jet back down to the door to slid to a stop in front of the kitchen. She just barely caught a small arm running around the corner down the hall. Clenching her teeth, she glared at Temeluchas. ❝Hello pets. Glad you could make it in time. I didn't think you would get to say goodbye, and that would be oh-so-sad.❞ Hay Sun wanted to rip the bitch's fucking face off. ❝Where is he?❞ she bit out, using every ounce of her self-control to not attack. ❝Where's Leon? If you don't tell me, I'm going to fucking end you.❞
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I CMOOD ※ NERVOUS ✖ DAY 52 ※ 1/4 ✖ DATE ※ 11/12/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ PARIS, FRANCE • HOME [/url] Her dad had gone absolutely insane when he had come home to find her running the shop. She was completely jetlagged, but there was something . . . Something. It felt so good to be home, to be embraced by her dad so tightly. It felt so nice to feel safe. She tried not to cry.After tearful greetings with her dad, Hay Sun introduced Sal and Vincent, and he basically chatted all of their ears off. It was kind of beautiful and terrible, she thought, that he didn't know the situation of her life now, or how she knew these two people from Italy, or how she had met her long-estranged brother.When they first landed, Hay Sun had thoroughly threatened the both of them; they were here on business and her dad was to know nothing about who any of them truly were or what they were doing. Trusting them to value their lives, they had gone to the shop – it felt so damn good to see it again – and stayed the night there. Dinner had been festive and then they were at the next day.Now that the greetings were over, Hay Sun dragged Sal and Vincent along with her to begin their search for . . . She didn't know if they would actually find him, or if he was actually in France at all, but she just . . . Ugh. There was something here, and it was connected to Pretty Boy and everything. He just had to be in Paris. Where else would he be? This was where it all started for her.Putting her years of gymnastics and track-running/swimming to use, Hay Sun began to scour the city, worming and slithering through the even the ugliest cracks and nooks of Paris that tourists would be aghast to see or imagine. Her father had apparently bought five new motorcycles while she was away and lent them to the group of three, sending them off with a 'be careful' and 'come back this time'. That put the guilt on her so fucking much, and she almost screame at her dad for saying such a thing, but there was no point in it.She wanted to start as far away from the shop as possible and then work her way back towards it, so that's what they did. Vincent and Sal asked no questions, but it wasn't like she was up to giving answers; time spent explaining was time wasting away and she couldn't have that. There was no indication but a damned hunch, but Hay Sun felt like time was running short.Still, even if it hadn't been that long since she left her home, it felt like it had been years, and she couldn't help but animatedly point out all of the places she knew. The school day was in and they passed by the private academy she had once attended to see students hanging outside in the front courtyard and everywhere else. Hay Sun had had half a mind to stop and catch up with her friends, but the more rushed, nervous side of her kept her on track and the passed by it without stopping.When they were coming back near the shop, she started to get worried. Was she wrong after all? Was this trip a waste? Feeling frustrated, stressed, and angry, she began to emit a flow of power that created a near-crushing pressure for the people around her. It would be completely bullshit if she didn't find Pretty Boy. She needed to find him. She . . . Shit. She needed him. To be okay, to be alive. To be there.She fucking hated him.Just as she was ready to level the city, she saw a familiar gleam of black and dark teal from the corner of her eye and she slid her bike to an abrupt stop. Taking a deep breath, she slowly turned her head and then . . .❝That's mine.❞ she breathed, suddenly lacking oxygen in her brain. Hay Sun turned off the bike she was on. It was parked next to a relatively hidden flat. ❝That's . . . That's my bike.❞Her pale eyes scrutinized the bike and then the building, and then finally, the door. Her heart thumped violently, almost painfully, in her chest and ears as she stood, rigid, staring at the door. It looked like she either wanted to banish it from this plane of existence, set it ablaze, or kick it down.Her blood suddenly surged through her veins and she felt it. Uriel. He didn't say anything, but now he was making her move. Towards the door. Up the small amount of steps, and then she raised her arm. A small part of her had a bad feeling about this, but fuck it.She knocked. The door exploded.She began to run through the flat, searching every room, practically destroying and knocking over everything in her way. She didn't know if Vincent or Sal followed, but she had a bad feeling about the place and she might need backup. On the one she – Uriel – thought was the right one, she threw it open.
[/url] Elton had kept himself holed up in the music room for who-knew-how-long, but time seemed to flow differently when he was playing his music. It was most certainly the bestest passtime and there was no one who did it better than him – and anyone who thought otherwise was just completely dumb. The hair of the bow moved slowly against the thick strings of the cello, producing a rich sound as he played Abaco's No.11. The music almost reflected the mood he was too stubborn to admit; a little anxious. Not sleeping had always been the norm, but ever since he had come to this dream world, it was so easy to close his eyes and drift away. It was just really weird. To trapped in the music, he didn't hear the door open, which must have come unlocked during the time he was napping. That was annoying. The bow suddenly ground against the strings, screaming a scratchy screech that was nails on a chalkboard. ◖ ❀ Hello. ◗ It was a girl's voice, and if it was Kyla again – that annoying little twat – he was going to impale her with the bow through her windpipe. ◖ ❀ Do you mind if I'm here, too? I can leave if not. ◗ ◖ ❀ If not. ◗ he mumbled to her, not turning to look her way. ◖ ❀ ¹Byung-shin . . . ◗ he mumbled again. Suddenly not wanting to talk, Elton nibbled at his bottom lip and then continued playing his piece until it was finished. His eyes delicately danced from the strings to the girl and then back to the ground. ———————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————❀ ~ ELTON'S KOREAN DICTIONARY !! ~ ❀————————————————————————————— ✿ ¹byung-shin/븅신; [ offensive ] dumbass / retard
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ STRESSED ✖ DAY 50 ※ 1/4 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ NEW ZEALAND • HOTEL DINING ROOM [/url]In the dark liquid, Hay Sun continued to see things that weren't there. Home was beckoning again, but what else was new? . . . Then again, there was something different about now. It was scary, the thought of what was waiting for her if she went back. And it's not like she could just do it willy-nilly however and whenever the hell she pleased. Her hands tightened around the mug, her head feeling almost scarily empty. Uriel hadn't talked to her for days. Weeks, maybe, even. That made her nervous. She still felt powerful, still felt his power, but what was wrong with him? Fucking angels, stressing her out like this . . . She was kind of starting to hate them. Paco – that fucking piece of shit idiot – was gone and so was Hana. Still. That situation didn't make sense to her. She didn't know what was happening. What she did know was that she hadn't tried to look for Pretty Boy. Saving the world was more important. Right? She fucking hated this feeling nagging in the back of her head. A small part of her mind knew. France. Russia. Russia. France. France. France. Hay Sun abruptly stood from her seat and her cup of coffee fell over. She ran out of the dining room and to her shared room with Jun Tae. When the door flew open, he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. ❝I'm going home.❞ she told him, snatching up her backpack that had recently been restocked. He stared at her. ❝What, do you not speak English?❞ Her French accent grew thicker along with her irritation. ❝Fix me up a jet. Get me back home.❞ ❝This is sudden. Has something happened?❞ There was a strange edge to her brother's voice that Hay Sun could have stupidly confused with concern. ❝You know you can't just leave like this. We have obligations to – ❞ ❝Fuck obligations. I need to get back home, Jun Tae. There's something – no, there's someone waiting for me.❞ Her brother eased up. ❝You're not going alone.❞ he told her as he pulled out his phone. ❝Take Sal and Vincent with you.❞ Her face lit up in protest and her eyes flashed. ❝No fucking way – ❞ ❝Are you forgetting Raphael is an Archangel? And Zachariel is very strong now. They'll protect you. You either take those two or you don't go at all.❞ ❝Do you think you're going to stop me?❞ A vibrant aura began to whip around her. Just an hour later, Hay Sun was sitting in a small private jet, facing away from her two forced companions and silently wishing their death. She would have just tossed them out as soon as they were off the ground, but . . . It was too much trouble. Instead, she flared a dangerous aura around her that told those two not to bother her. The trip was said to be two days at most, a day and a quarter at the least. She wanted to get back home as soon as possible. There was . . . She just knew it, there was something waiting for her. Wait for me.