W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ TIRED ✖ DAY 54 ※ 3/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/11/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ FOREST • STANLEY, FALKLAND ISLANDS [/url]Hay Sun was too gripped by her new hand to keep track of her surroundings, and it would have been easy for someone – Sam – to catch her off guard and attack her. It was hard to really determine whether or not it could really feel anything. She thought to try a few things like pinching or flicking it, but there would only be a strange tingling sensation like someone might have cracked an egg on where she made contact. Outside noises were muffled, so when hands wrapped around her from the back, she immediately flared up and it was like her new hand was a loaded faulty gun, ready to explode on her enemy. When she could finally tell she wasn't in danger, she originally thought it was Leon, finally come to check on her. He'd probably completely freak out at the sight of her hand, she thought bitterly, and blame himself for it all, even though she had been the dumbass to penetrate his safe barrier back in Paris. Xathanael is extremely bold today. Uriel commented faintly. I would suggest taking care of that before I blow her from this world. You wouldn't want that after going to all the trouble of saving her, would you? The threats sounded like the Uriel that she was truly familiar with, and it brought her a sense of comfort, but Hay Sun thought he might have been aiming for that. ❝Your hand . . .❞ Hana tried, stating the complete obvious. ❝Don't.❞ Hay Sun murmured weakly, evening her voice out as much as possible. She tried not to give into the temptation of leaning into the comforting hold she was in. ❝I'm okay. I'm alive.❞ Maybe Jun Tae's words did hold some weight to them that she could lean on. If she looked at it from a . . . new perspective, she was completely lucky that she still had ( some semblance of ) a hand at all. Uriel was right; Hana was feeling very handsy today, and it bothered Hay Sun because she knew she was still being treated like a china doll who was already cracked as it was. Her eyes dulled as the redhead grabbed her fresh hand and ran her thumb over the sophisticated emboss and engraves. She wondered if the hand only burned to Hay Sun, but by the look on Hana's face, it seemed that wasn't so. ❝Hay Sun, you can talk to me. You don't have to, but you really look like you could use someone to talk to and I like to think of us as friends.❞ Hana lifted her chin and she couldn't look her back in the eyes. ❝Friends, huh?❞ she muttered, running her human hand through her sticky, disheveled hair. ❝I don't need to talk to anyone.❞ she said, trying to sound sincere are she could. ❝It's just been stressful for the last week.❞ Or last month and a half, since things started going to shit. ❝I've been a delinquent all my life.❞ she said tiredly. ❝I've put tons of other people in the hospital. This is . . . This life is nothing. I've always been in danger because of the way I treat other people. Now, the stakes are a little higher, that's all. Instead of risking the emergency room, I'm risking my grave.❞ she quietly explained, shuffling to a cleaner side of the crater and sitting. Hay Sun lifted her hand to flex it in front of her face a few times. ❝You're kind of an idiot, aren't you?❞ she asked, standing again. ❝You shouldn't be up and walking around, you're just making yourself worse.❞ Pulling together all of her strength ( not like she used much of it today ), she handled Hana gingerly and pulled her up onto her back, even though Hay Sun was the shorter of the two of them. She concentrated on not letting her new hand burn the other girl as she began to scale out of the small crater. As she started walking back in the general direction of their group, she tried not to smile, even just a little. Hana was kind of like her mom, she thought. ❝We need to get out of this forest and find a place to stay for the night. Jun Tae and the others will be coming as soon as they can. He says he wants to go to Brazil, but he was thinking of going alone.❞
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ !!! ✖ DAY 54 ※ 3/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/11/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ FOREST • STANLEY, FALKLAND ISLANDS [/url]Most of everything that Hay Sun was doing was Uriel carrying her body weight. For now, she just couldn't find the will to go on. She was so tired. Jun Tae, she knew, wasn't supposed to be her reassurance, he had no obligation to be that, but . . . It would have been nice. ❝You're alive.❞ Sure, but for how long and for what real reason? All of the adrenaline that she might have relied on earlier was gone and left her at the bottom of a valley, and she knew this was going to be completely awful. There was no room to complain because this was something she had to do, otherwise she would remain useless and her already budding self-hate would grow and be seeded even deeper. Are you ready? Uriel asked her, and he sounded comforting and strangely human. Swallowing thickly, Hay Sun gave a numbed nod and then raised her left hand. Suddenly riled by the fact that Jun Tae hadn't said the right words, the fact that she couldn't ever trust Sam again, the fact that Hana thought she needed a break or something, Hay Sun practically pierced her right hand with her fiery eyes. At first, it was just a tingling sensation, but it rapidly grew into millions of needles stabbing at her upper wrist and down to her finger tips. The smell of burning flesh crashed against her nostrils and it took steel will to not keel over and vomit. Her concentration was all on the fire, teal and bright, searing off layers and layers of skin faster than she could even hope to keep track of. She hissed through her teeth, breathing in staccato breaths that were heavy and fast while she tried to deal with the immense pain that her own hellfire caused. This wasn't something she could deal with on a daily basis. The only thing keeping her from screaming and collapsing to the ground like a heap of body was Uriel, who continued to mutter in a rather soothing tone that she might have fallen asleep to if she didn't feel like she wanted to die at the moment. The heels of her boots dug clean into the ground as the hellfire eventually seared through the layers of muscle and started licking at her bone, which she could now clearly see. It was a surreality that tried to force her to come to terms with the fact that she wasn't human. She stomped her feet into the ground, creating a small crater at least three to four meters in diameter. Who needs to be human anyway! she screamed in her mind. Her live hand went for her back pocket and whipped out her sword, which conveniently took the form of a hacksaw. The fire began to mix with the blood that was now freely waterfalling out of the gaping wound that was her missing skin and muscle and started turning a putrid lavender color. She forcefully logged the blade of the saw into her bone, hissed at the contact of her fire with her other hand and then violently began to yank back and forth. No, not the bone. We need that. Uriel told her, forcing her to stop. Her sword returned to its neutral shape of a bat as it clattered to the ground. Rest now. Hay Sun clattered to the ground in a heap and the fire snuffed out as the blood continued to pool out of her wound. Just as quickly as she had dropped, Uriel stood up and looked at the missing skin and muscle and quickly and effectively used the hellfire in a more controlled manner to seal off the wound by melting the skin and area around it into a stub that the bond seemed to grow out of. Quickly recalling the spell that Raziel had taught him moments ago, he started shooting off ancient Latin as his eyes flashed. Threads of a metallic black liquid began to emerge from the stub of pale skin and weave themselves together to form layers and layers of a new skin. They strung around and through the bone as layers were being built to create a new shell of skin. The process was sluggish but effective as new nerves laced with old magic and power seeped through the metallic black. The finger tips were next and the ribbons of liquid careened around the skeleton hand to be what was once a hand. Soon, Uriel was looking at a hand that could have passed for a glove; the only obvious sign that it wasn't was that Hay Sun's pale skin seemed to melt into a dark silvery material with intricate, swirling designs spiraling around and about until they reached the finger tips of the new appendage. Uriel flexed a few times and it felt normal to him, but would possibly take a while for Hay Sun to get used to. With the new hand, he picked up his sword. The two seemed to be composed of the same material, but the sword, Veraculum, was a few shades lighter. It took its true form which was as an elegantly designed sword with a complex hilt instead of a metal baseball bat. Hay Sun blinked as thick blood was pooled in the crater she had created earlier and clung to her face, some of her clothing, boots, and hair. In her hand was her baseball bat and her eyes widened at her left hand, which the bat was rested in. It was . . . almost beautiful. She watched as her own skin seemed to lacily turn into a strange silvery black. Bringing up her hand to feel the other, her fingers ran across the strange material and it felt cold to the touch, but so much so that it burned. ❝What the hell kind of spell was that . . .❞ she murmured to herself as blood continued to drip from her hair and face.
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ . . . ✚ DAY 54 ※ 3/5 ✚ DATE ※ 11/14/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ TAUPO, NEW ZEALAND THE sound of Hay Sun's voice over the phone was unnerving and surprising. Jun Tae hadn't ever heard someone sound so shaky and calm at the same time. She talked deliberately, as if her tongue might have twisted itself if she went to fast and emphasized on every point that things were stable and Hana was alive. Jun Tae knew this; she had been on the brink of death, and Michael, who is always rather selfish and self-righteous, offered her place back in Paradise. Michael never did that for anyone. ⎧Jun Tae,⎭ she said slowly, grabbing his attention once more. ⎧I need to do something about my hand.⎭ He frowned slightly. ⎧Your hand? What's wrong with it?⎭ ⎧I fucked it up when we were saving Leon in Paris. He tried to heal it then, but it didn't work. This is really no joke . . . I can't use it anymore.⎭ she explained somberly. Jun Tae leaned back in the chair and gave a good bit of thought for a few minutes while listening to the slightest hitching of her breath from time to time, as if she was sniffing and recovering from a long fit of crying. He didn't know what she was crying for, though he was extremely tempted to ask. ⎧Do you want my advice?⎭ he eventually asked. ⎧If you're going to tell me to wait, then no. I can't wait anymore, Jun Tae. It's dead.⎭ ⎧I wasn't going to tell you to wait.⎭ he replied calmly. ⎧Only do this if you're absolutely sure. I have an incantation for you, but if you mess it up, it's going to be bad. In fact, I would rather talk to Uriel, if I could.⎭ He expected some sort of protest, but his sister just sighed in resignation and Jun Tae knew that there was something wrong, and it was more than stress about Hana's life. ⎧What is it, Raziel?⎭ The other angel seemed strangely subdued. ⎧I'm going to tell you the incantation now, so please listen closely.⎭ Raziel began to clearly recite a prayer in an ancient tongue, and when he was done, he double-checked with Uriel. ⎧This is a very old spell, Raziel. Are you sure of its effects?⎭ ⎧Spells never grow old and are only improved. I wouldn't teach it to you if I was wrong about it. You'll have to be patient with Hay Sun come the time. She's in a delicate state right now, and I don't expect her to sway so easily to this.⎭ His reply was a noncommittal hum. ⎧Hay Sun, call me back when you're done.⎭ ⎧Jun Tae . . . ?⎭ she started tentatively. ⎧I'm . . . You don't think I'm . . . Am I okay?⎭ What sort of question was that, Jun Tae asked himself. Hay Sun was never like this; unsure of herself, nervous, worried about what others thought of her. He was no guardian, and this was way out of his league. He wasn't parent material, role model material, human material. So he said the only thing he could. ⎧You're alive.⎭ There was no reply, and then the line went dead. He felt his heart almost thumping in his chest. He had been somewhat afraid of this and knew it was coming; his sister was becoming unraveled. He might have been, too. ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ !!! ✖ DAY 54 ※ 2/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/11/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ FOREST • STANLEY, FALKLAND ISLANDS [/url]❝Hey, I had no idea that they would take her, alright! Those bastards did that behind my back!❞ Hay Sun clicked her tongue loudly and it sounded like the snapping of a thick tree branch. ❝I'll admit that what I did was stupid, but you don't have to get in my face about this! If you want to blame someone for all of this, blame that damned chicken winged bastard! Had I known he had her taken after I went with him, I would have torn him apart with my bare hands! So don't start calling me worthless trash, you goddamn brat!❞ She huffed a sigh and rolled her eyes. ❝Oh, spare me your pathetic excuses, Samuel.❞ she hissed back, stomping a foot forward. ❝It would be a hell of a lot easier for me to blame that piece of shit Danel for this because yeah, he's caused a lot of trouble – but you know what? You didn't have to go with him, you should have known better that it was a fucking dumb-as-shit idea to go off with him. I don't give a damn what he offered you.❞ Her good hand ran through her dark hair with frustration. ❝Jesus fucking christ . . .❞ she murmured, feeling the tears coming on again. ❝I have to get in your face about this because it was fucking stupid, and how do we – How do I know you're not going to do this again? Hana almost died, and you wouldn't have even known. Leaving in the middle of the night, no words, no nothing, and she just happens to disappear? Do you think that was an accident?❞ ❝Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass! I can't believe I trusted you!❞ She tried to bring up both hands to rub her temples, but flinched again when her left hand did nothing but remain limp. Just as she was about to pull through with her resolve, Red's voice joined the fray and broke through her insanity-clouded mind. Hay Sun was on the verge of shooting finger-hellfire at her because the burst of vibrant ( but dirty ) red hair was just a screaming target, but Uriel seemed to be holding her back. With boiling blood, she watched Red tell Samuel things she didn't even care to hear about his stupidass-self, and then . . . and then she turned to her. ❝Hay Sun . . .❞ she started tentatively. Butterflies of anger, embarrassment, and worry exploded in her stomach as she gnawed on her bottom lip. ❝Don't you – . . .❞ she started, but then she was enveloped in a hug that reminded her of arriving in London. ❝Thank you. I'm sorry if I worried you. Thank you for coming to find me and for standing up for me. We've been through a lot together and I appreciate everything you've done for me.❞ Hay Sun was suddenly putty in Hana's hands as she stubbornly fought back the tears that seemed to be constantly threatening her today. With a wobbly bottom lip, she clicked her tongue more gently this time. She was still angry. Beyond angry. Livid, even, but even though Hana's red hair made her a walking target, Hay Sun couldn't bring herself to do anything. ❝You've been so strong and brave Hay Sun White. You can rest easy now. Ariel is safe. We're safe. Soon everyone will be together again. We all appreciate how hard you've been fighting for us.❞ She could only feel one of her squeezed hands. Her blue eyes widened with many emotions when she was hugged a second time. What did Red think she was, some sort of goddamned sap?! Some sort of porcelain doll that needed to be taken care of whenever it was cracked? She was just fine as she was. Cracked and glued. Ready to fight. Ready to kill. Seventeen-years-old and a killing machine – Hay Sun White was just fi – . . . One kiss on the cheek. ❝You don't have to be so angry anymore.❞ Baffled, bewildered, stunned, completely floored, Hay Sun didn't realize that Hana wasn't hugging her anymore. She didn't register whatever was said after that. ❝I – . . .❞ Her voice was raspy. She numbly felt around for the phone Chang had given her. ❝Jun Tae.❞ she choked out, as if that were enough explanation, and then spun sharply on her heel and sprinted away. What was that even? Hay Sun didn't know the meaning of that. You don't have to be so angry anymore.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ !!! ✖ DAY 54 ※ 2/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/11/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ FOREST • STANLEY, FALKLAND ISLANDS [/url]They had been hiding in a barrier that collapsed when things started going to shit. By the time Hay Sun and the others had reached Red's side, she seemed like she was already a goner, which made her panic on so many levels when she tried to reassure herself that there was some sort of backup plan – because Jun Tae always had a backup plan. That reassurance didn't stop her from begging Ralvie to do something because holy shit, it was like people were dying all around her all of the fucking time now and honestly, her soul couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't just anyone this time though; it was Red. Stupid Red. Stubborn Red. Goody-goody Red. Red whose real name was Hana, whose real-real name was Sadie-Clare Renvick. Mexico. New Jersey. The plane. London. The warehouse. Her hands curled into tight fists on her stockings and she fiercely bit the inside of her cheek as Ralvie tried for something that might be impossible now. She twitched slightly when a weight settled around her shoulders, but when it was Pretty Boy, she relaxed slightly, thankful for the comfort and leaned into him slightly. When Hana's arm twitched with life, Hay Sun jolted and Leon was forgotten. Her chest felt about a million times lighter when Red was on the conscious side. She took her moment away from the group. When things settled down again, Hay Sun was leaning against the trunk of a near tree, deep in thought. Paco's question burned through her mind and her focus was zeroed in on him. ❝You.❞ she ground out unevenly, all thoughts of Red's health and anything else far gone. ❝This is your fucking fault, you piece of shit.❞ She grabbed him by the scruff of his tattered shirt and lifted him from the ground with her good hand, chucking him at a tree. ❝If it wasn't for you, none of this would have happened!❞ she screamed. ❝First you bang her in the dead of fucking night – don't think I couldn't hear you – and then you just up and disappear! Is it just a fucking coincidence that she just happens to poof away too?!❞ ❝What even gives you the right to show your face around here you worthless trash?❞ she seethed out, steam practically shooting from her ears. A small, more rational part of her mind knew this was a bad idea; her fighting hand was useless, and she wasn't good at swinging bats with her right hand alone, but she didn't care. Samuel deserved to have his ass kicked all the way out into the Indian Ocean. Out into fucking space. Into the sun. She threw her arm to the side and started yelling obscenities in French and Korean, mixed with the little Spanish she had learned in class. When the Russian that Uriel seemed to magically know kicked in, she was screaming in a completely new language, ready to tear Sam limb from limb.
Hana should return to her body. The players won't know what to do without a character to channel Hyuge who knows what the fuck is supposed to happen when the rest of us aren't privy to what we're really supposed to do here.
4 W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ CONCERNED ✖ DAY 54 ※ 1/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/11/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ FOREST • STANLEY, FALKLAND ISLANDS [/url]Maybe Hay Sun didn't know better, but she had to honestly say that the phone was probably made of some alien techonology because it didn't run electrically, was solar powerd, didnt have any OS she had ever seen before, and . . . Jesus, the phone was probably some organic, nanotech animal. Jun Tae was scary sometimes. Completely focused on the task at hand, Hay Sun made little to no conversation with Italie, Ralvie, or Pretty Boy. Every now and then, she would remember her resolution and flick at her left hand to see if anything about it had changed. There was nothing. But there was no time to worry about that. The phone beeped and a map was pulled up without anything being done to it. There was a single blinking light with the initials of JTW next to it, and Hay Sun assumed that was where he wanted them to go. The phone, in red, marked their own location and they were relatively close, but she couldn't find any traces of life that wasn't wild. They scaled hills and maneuvered around trees until they started getting closer. The atmosphere started growing more heavy, and eventually they came to a stop. She looked at the other three boys of the group and then shrugged, slipping the device back into her pocket. ❝. . . Hello?❞ she called out tentatively, and then motioned for Ralvie to come near. If any of them were injured, it'd be a good time for Raphael to work his healing powers. ❝Red, can you . . . Are you here? It's Hay Sun.❞ she tried again. ❝. . . Anyone?❞
7 W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ CONCERNED ✖ DAY 54 ※ 1/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/11/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ JET PLANE > CAR [/url]When Hay Sun woke up again, she was curled against the wall of the jet and their pilot was announcing that they were at the Mount Pleasant Airport and that he was going to call her brother. ❝Here,❞ Blinking the sleep away from her eyes, she looked at the pilot's hand and saw it had a touchscreen phone in it. ❝Jun Tae had me purchase and modify this for you. Don't lose it.❞ Hearing that it was modified made her eye it warily, but at that point in their situation, Hay Sun thought that maybe, just maybe, Jun Tae knew best. Her eyes trailed up to his face and she realized that he was one of two pilots she kept seeing. ❝What's your name?❞ she asked. He frowned and then looked to the side. ❝Chang.❞ he murmured, and she thought that sounded familiar, and that he looked like someone she might have known. ❝You should get going. Jun Tae tells me your on a timetable and there isn't much time left.❞ Wondering what that meant, Hay Sun slowly nodded and then unwound herself from the chair to wake up the others. ❝It's time for us to get going,❞ she said with a yawn, ❝Seems like there's not time to fuck around, so we need to hurry.❞ Chang opened the door to the jet to let them out and it seemed like there was a car ( something out of the 90's, a slightly rusted paint job ) waiting for them. If they were short on time, she hoped that it could get them where they were going. The inside was surprisingly spacious and nice, and there was little to no noise from the world outside the doors. Sometimes, Hay Sun wished that things would actually be whatever the fuck they appeared to be. After settling in, the phone beeped and she frowned, fiddling with it until she opened a received memo from Jun Tae. ———————————————————————————————————————— Subject: Directions There isn't much time left. I've already talked to the driver. You're here to find Hana, Alice, and Samuel. They're somewhere in a forest. when you get closer you'll have to walk. They're in danger, so be quick about finding them. Don't waste time. ———————————————————————————————————————— Hay Sun was all emergency at once. How the fuck did Red end up all the way in godforsaken South Africa?! And why the fuck was Paco with her? Wasn't it that dumbass' fault that she was gone in the first place? Alice was that chick's wife, right? Laura, Layla . . . Laurie . . . Some name she didn't give two shits about at the moment. When they were all loaded into the deceiving car, Hay Sun barked at the driver to get on with it, and then they were speeding away from the somehow-familiar Chang and his jet plane.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ WORRIED ✖ DAY 53 ※ 5/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ JET PLANE [/url]The flight was boring, but a part of Hay Sun was only too glad that Uriel pulled his sleeping trick on Pretty Boy. He suited her far better when he was sleeping peacefully than when he was being . . . strangely clingy. It was nice to know he was safe, alive. Well. Healthy. Okay. Despite Uriel's reassurances, she didn't know if he would really be useful in battle or not, and that worried her. It would be better to just take him back to France to stay with her dad, but they were already almost to South America. Upon trying to flex her fingers like she normally did when she was thinking, Hay Sun's attention alertly turned to her left hand. What was she going to do about it? It was dead. Useless. She couldn't feel it. Now she was at least two times weaker because of that; what good was her right hand? She wasn't ambidextrous either, though that really would have been convenient if she had kept training herself to be in the past. As her eyes lilted closed, she came to a drastic resolution. If her hand wasn't better by the time they got to the islands . . .
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ . . . ✚ DAY 53 ※ 5/5 ✚ DATE ※ 11/13/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ TAUPO, NEW ZEALAND A part of Jun Tae didn't know what on earth he was thinking, but the other part was completely charged by his hurt pride because of Taekwoon and his stinging words. When Lauren sat back down, he was still thinking of a song to sing and trying not to think of that it was in public and that others would hear him. Just when he was going to open his mouth, his phone vibrated in his pocket and he looked at it again. His eyes widened upon seeing the messages and he clamped his mouth shut once more. ⎧I . . .⎭ he started, unsure of what to say. ⎧Sorry. Some other time. I promise.⎭ He quickly stood up from the table, internally bit his lip, looked around, and then headed away to his room. When getting in, he checked his phone again. Rubbing his forehead, Jun Tae collapsed on his bed and thoughts rushed through his mind. How easy would it be to readjust to his old life once all of this was over? The heavy thoughts fell on his eyelids to close them and they didn't open again.
In the Name of Love; Ken of VIXX from The Heirs OST Part 3
Surprisingly enough, I wasn't budged. . . . I did, however, choke on my drink.
The truth is, I want to see you. No matter how unfair you are, no matter how much you try to resist . . . I'll go to you, I promise.
Diver; NICO Touches the Walls
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ . . . ✚ DAY 53 ※ 3/5 ✚ DATE ※ 11/13/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ TAUPO, NEW ZEALAND SEEMINGLY stirred from her chipper mood, Jun Tae watched as Lauren played with the food on her plate. ⎧I was just trying to make a little talk.⎭ He let out a little sigh, reminding himself that she was new to all of this and that she had lost her wife. That was no real solid reason to treat her with complete pity, but Hay Sun would tell him on one of her good days that she should be nicer. Brandon would probably get on his case, too. Why did everyone want him to be so tolerant? ⎧I just assumed maybe you did if you had the charm of a K-Pop artist . . . Eh . . . Sorry mate, if I bugged ya.⎭ For a moment, he thought about everyone who had ever tried to pry into his personal life, and how it made him feel. As Raziel, he was naturally secretive, but as Jun Tae, being asked to disclose information about himself was a ridiculous request and annoyed him to no end. What business of theirs was it about his life outside of business? ⎧I used to randomly dance to that music, pretty badly usually, but I had fun . . .⎭ she began again after a sigh. ⎧But I was always dancing with Alice.⎭ Alice was with Hana. Now Jun Tae had a second obligation to get to South America as soon as possible. Lauren, and especially her wife, didn't really need to be dragged into this mess that the Fallen called their lives. Any other reincarnation cycle would have been fine, but not one with the impending Apocalypse. ⎧Everyone can dance . . . But can you dance well?⎭ ⎧Dude, look at his legs! It's like he's moving on air. Juntae-ya, how do you do that?!⎭ ⎧Maybe I should steal his legs while he's sleeping.⎭ ⎧Yah, Jaewhan, he'd kill you!⎭ ⎧Sanghyuk, dance with me, c'mon!⎭ Laughter rang out in his head, and then he sighed, blinking back to reality and the now. He sat up straighter and rested his folded arms on the table. ⎧You're persistent.⎭ he commented, glancing at his cup of coffee. ⎧I don't see why it matters, but yes. I can dance. And sing. I have no use for it, so I don't anymore.⎭ He looked to the side almost solemnly and then pulled out his phone again. LJT : Taekwoon LJT : I need your advice, if you could be quick. ☾ L E O: This is a surprise. What is is? ☾ L E O: **it LJT : If someone I didn't know asked me to sing/dance again, what do you think I should tell them? ☾ L E O: I wouldn't, but you know why. You're different. You just don't like showing people your less serious side. ☾ L E O: You have a lot of talent, Hakyeon never fails to complain on a weekly basis what a waste you went to when you left the company. ☾ L E O: And you used to like it a lot. Enjoyed it, even. Even now, we all think you still miss it, but we're just too busy with our schedules to worry. LJT : I think I might be scared. ☾ L E O: Coward. LJT : We can't all be fierce lions like you. ☾ L E O: If you're going to look like my twin, you should act like it. I'm not a coward. ☾ L E O HAS LEFT THE CHAT. Jun Tae stared at his phone and the departing message. In a rare moment of bewilderment, he looked up at Lauren and then back to his screen. Coward. Coward. Coward. Coward. Jun Tae was many things; an asshole, secretive, manipulative, bad – but he would rather go to Hell than be referred to, believe that he ever was, or be a coward. What the hell was he so scared of? Nothing. Jun Tae White wasn't scared of anything. ⎧I don't know about dancing, now anyway, but if you want, I could sing for you.⎭ he said suddenly, his tone even and rational. Jung Taekwoon would eat his words. ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
This one is my favorite. I don't really like bright reds that kind of look like pinks, so this one is clearly the best. Why? Because Saxima says so.
W E A R I N G ✚ S O L V E ? ✚ M U S I CMOOD ※ SIGH ✚ DAY 53 ※ 3/5 ✚ DATE ※ 11/13/2013 ✚ LOCATION ※ TAUPO, NEW ZEALAND LEO had been sitting idly in the dining room of their current hotel, waiting to hear anything from [ of all people ] Adam, who had gone to visit Brandon and Kai. He had routed the hospital bill to an offshore account that was kept by his friend Tan with a message containing minimal details about the situation. It was hard enough with every single one of his contacts constantly asking why he had practically fallen off of the face of the earth, so he didn't need brash Tan spreading rumors if he had the mind to. On his phone, rarely killing time, he was in a chat with Wonshik and Hongbin about their new concept and launching when an annoying voice pitched in to bother him. ⎧Oh, Leo! G'da – AHH!⎭ He lazily looked up from his screen to see Lauren falling to the ground. She was a complete klutz, and that triggered alarms in his head because that was dangerous. It was one thing to train Joslyn, who didn't know how to use her strength and power, but a complete other thing to train Lauren, who simply couldn't control hers. He watched as a poor hotel employee cleaned up her mess. She skipped back over to the table he was sitting at. ⎧Sooo, g'day!⎭ Leo internally sighed. LJT : Have to go. Remember that girl I told you about? ♔Rᴀᴠɪ: the crazy one who thinks youre Taekwoonie? LJT : . . . Unfortunately. She's bothering me again. beany❢: *salutes* we wish you all the luck, junnie ♥ ♔Rᴀᴠɪ: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ nah man he's toast. See you on the other side, bro. LJT : You guys are clearly the best friends ever. beany❢: we love you too junnie ♥ *salutes* LJT HAS BLOCKED ♔Rᴀᴠɪ AND beany❢. ♔Rᴀᴠɪ: ...he's such a queen sometimes beany❢: dont say that or he'll find you in your sleep! but youre right lol Internally rolling his eyes, Leo clicked his phone off and then gave a bored look to the black-haired girl. ⎧So, you say you aren't Leo . . .⎭ ⎧So I've said.⎭ he replied evenly. ⎧But you look like Leo . . .⎭ ⎧Unfortunately.⎭ ⎧Can you sing and dance? I bet you caaaan.⎭ Leo blinked at Lauren, taken off guard by the question, but still looking bored as ever. Why would she ask something as useless, silly, ridiculous, and . . . intrusive as that? Jun Tae rarely thought about that kind of thing, not just because it was absurd, but because it also connected a little to his more innocent past, before he became a shady character in the world. It brought him to his first three years in Korea, when he had met the would-be idols of BIKS. ⎧Why do you want to know?⎭ he asked flatly. His head began to buzz with memories long-gone of long, tiring hours of moving his arms and legs across a wooden floor with six other teenagers who didn't have a clue whether or not they would ever be in the entertainment business. Things were better then, and it was a good distraction from the death of his mother at the time. ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
W E A R I N G ✖ W R I T I N G ✖ M U S I C MOOD ※ IRRITATED ✖ DAY 53 ※ 3/5 ✖ DATE ※ 11/10/2013 ✖ LOCATION ※ JET PLANE [/url]She was subjected to yet another death grip hug, but it was thankfully shorter than the first as he began to explain to her what he remembered. When he mentioned Gabriel, Hay Sun recalled her ( mixed with Uriel's ) resolve to destroy Gabriel and the council of Paradise, but that determination had been short-lived when other things began to happen. He was now indisputably, disgustingly in Gabriel's debt. Uriel hated being indebted to anyone. ❝. . . to you being all over me. Like Archangel, like human. You can pretend, but I know the truth.❞ Pretty Boy tapped her nose lightly and she almost smiled, but then slapped his hand away with an irritated scowl. He started rambling again and Hay Sun retreated into her mind for an emergency meeting with Uriel. Is he always like this? she asked him with confusion. Unfortunately. the Fallen replied with a certain amount of solemnity, and Hay Sun suddenly felt for the guy. Ariel is a bit of an idiot, to tell you the honest truth, but he is extremely loyal, and stupidly brave. You couldn't ask for a better warrior companion, really. She frowned. I . . . What exactly are the two of you? It was quiet for a moment as she watched Pretty Boy's lips move with excitement. He was saying something about school now. He is a subordinate. We had fought alongside each other for hundreds of years. After I fell, he was still interfering and constantly risking becoming like me, but it wasn't until you that the Council had finally decided to do something about it. He sighed and Hay Sun frowned. So was it . . . really her fault that Pretty Boy was like Uriel, now? She felt bad but he didn't seem so distraught about it. Hay Sun studied his face as he continued to ramble. He really was pretty, but he sounded awfully innocent and naive. ❝. . . teach you, we can do that thing humans do were you pretend to be the teacher and I get called to the desk after class and then the humans get naked for whatever reason? That sees fun. What is that anyway. That just doesn't seem like the right way to teach someone . . .❞ Hay Sun's breathing hitched and her face turned cherry red. She raised her good hand on impulse to fist it across his face in a rush of irritation, anger, and embarrassment, but before she could do anything, Italie pulled him from harm's path and she struck at thin air. There was a loud snap broken into the barrier of sound when her fist crossed. Uriel was . . . hysterically laughing inside her head. She took the chance provided by Italie to calm down and clear her thoughts. This was ridiculous. Leon was . . . ridiculous. She didn't know how Uriel put up with him for the last . . . however many years they had spent together. If you can believe in me, he isn't always like this. Uriel explained, coming down from his extremely rare fit of laughter. Rubbing at her temples, she finally found herself taking deep breaths and calming down. She listened to Pretty Boy replying to Italie and he glanced at her. Remembering the embarrassing, stupid things he had just said, she looked down at her lap and tried to control the urge to blow up the plane before they reached South America. When things started looking sour between the two boys, she stood up and just kind of . . . threw herself in there. This was dumb. Pretty Boy was dumb. ❝Okay, shut up. Shut up. It's too damn early in the morning for this.❞ she irately ruffled Leon's soft hair. ❝I'm glad you're okay now, but I'm won't hesitate to throttle your ass and send you into your next life already.❞ A murmured string of cussing in French ensued. ❝Quit being so . . . dumb. I will kill you.❞ When done sealing her threat, she looked over to Italie. ❝Jun Tae is sending us to South America. Someone's waiting for us there, but he wouldn't tell me who.❞ She winced as she tried to move her left hand, but nothing worked. God, she was afraid of that. Let me help you out with Ariel. I often did this when I grew tired of him. Uriel raised two fingers to press them to Leon's forehead and cast a sleeping spell. Hay Sun blinked and then looked up at Italie and then back to Leon. She shrugged, trying not to think about anything too much. Her hand was what she was most worried about.
You clearly haven't met me, Jad, or most of KHV. Browsing naked is the only way to browse. But in all seriousness, I usually check my alerts first, then roleplays, then open Skype, and then the SpamZone. I usually never find anything interesting, but I continue to remain vigilant. There are things I like sometimes.