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  1. Saxima
  2. Saxima
    I have a feeling that there's a super happy fun story behind this.
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    AT this point, it was basically like Leo and Hay Sun were being dragged around everywhere, and Leo could beat the daylights out of Saxima for letting it be like that. During downtime, he had been mostly operating missions and coordination with his contacts.

    He somehow felt they were running in circles, but he couldn't focus on any of it. Hay Sun had told him about Danel when she knew she couldn't hide it anymore. Knowing that the Dark Angels hadn't found Leviathan yet was relieving, and it meant they still had time . . . Which was where Leo felt Dumah came in. He seemed unversed in their situation right now, but Leo thought that Dumah was the keeper of Leviathan's location.

    The only thing now was getting that information out of Kai before the Dark Angels could.

    At the moment, Leo was standing to the side, staring down a beast that might as well have been called a starving tiger. As more of a sarcastic comment, he looked to Joslyn. Perhaps the compass is malfunctioning. But even he knew that they couldn't pass up anyone with a single trace of Glamour, especially when it was an archangel's. He had to be honest, Zachariel seemed like more of a serious person than this. Looks were often misleading, Leo supposed.

    Can I help you?

    The group didn't move. Leo thought it was probably bad for them to be moving so largely like this because it wasn't like they weren't completely suspicious. It's more like we can help you. he replied. He looked at the others and motioned for them to take seats around at the tables so they weren't all standing around the table.

    Hay Sun continued to mutter under her breath about hating Italy and never wanting to be here again, but Leo ignored her. He pulled up a seat across from Zachariel and sighed. With a tone of patience and little room for argument, he began to quietly explain the situation in a detached way that clearly showed he wanted little to do with it. Every then and again, Hay Sun would loudly throw in a cynical, sarcastic comment. A part of him wished Brandon was around to lighten things up and explain in his place.

    He looked pointedly at Hana and then back. Joining us isn't without risks, but as you are now, being alone might as well have you being at the mercy of the Dark Angels. he further explained. Now that he thought of it, not many of them had family to speak of, or people that they were leaving behind . . . And, if you do happen to come with us, anything you might be attached to here will have to be left behind. Hay Sun seemed to fidget at this.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Saxima
    _ B U M P !!
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  5. Saxima
  6. Saxima
    My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark; Fall Out Boy

    Post by: Saxima, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. Saxima
    Congratulations on blueberryship. • u •
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Saxima
    jesus x hitler otp
    Post by: Saxima, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone