Happy Birthday Trace... FIRE!!!!! I have to ask you a very important question!!!!!
I've heard the Adventure. It was cool. I don't listen to a lot of their music though. I've never heard them live either.
Yeah....... *puts away gun* Then where's my cake?
Wait.. I thought that was Destiny...?
....What BF? You need flour....? *grabs gun* I'll find some! *runs to nearest store to find flour* Anybody who gets in my way shall be shot...
Ow.... *rubs cheek* You slapped me... I've never been slapped before..
...But..But... *panics* If I don't have cupcake, or a slice of cake, or a piece of icecream pie, or two cookies I'll lose it! I've been eating sweet things my whole life! In fact.... If I don't... I'll go crazy... .. I remember when I was three and I had my first pie... *sighs* Those were the days..
*hugs knees close to just and rocks back and forth* Mother says sweets are bad for me.. But what does she know... Destiny...? Where's my cake?
Yay... *sits on couch waiting for cake*
OOC: What.... Happened..?
....Make it cake and I'll stay.
You people are insane. *leaves*
O.O......Um... Okay....?
SADDEN! *:glomp:s* I missed you!
Yumiko rolled her eyes playfully before turning back to go to her dorm.
A Death Note is a notebook that will kill anybody who's name is written inside it.
Who said I'd take it to school? xD I probably wouldn't do it though. *clear throat* I Death Note is basically a notebook that kill whom evers name is written within it. http://death-note.animeshinobi.com/pic/deathnote/deathnote_instructions.jpg
"Um, right," Yumiko said. "I know that. I wish I hadn't done what I did though."