O.o..... Okay.......?
Isn't being grim what this whole family is about? xD
I rather shoot myself in the heart or stab myself in the heart. It's fast, and if I fall back into a river... I doubt I'd be found.
That... Is weird. lol. Unless they shoot you in the arm... I doubt you'll make it pass the shots...
...What is it?
Fire... How many times have we been over this? Poison is a better way to die!!! That.. Or jumping off a tall building. If you insist on killing yourself... Do it in a creative way!
I'm bored....
What's with all this...Shy-ness?
..........*runs into wall*
..... I'm not..... Okay.. I'f I'm gone for more then five mintues.. Then I'm not.
What do you mean...."Issues"..?
.....Hi Sadden.
Agh.. Why does she keep doing that?!?!
FIRE!!! I need to ask you something very important!
Yay.. Cake. Hi RRMS.
Did someone say cake?!?!?!?! *runs up to Destiny* You're making... A cake....? Is it for me?!?!?!
I am happy.
Because I don't feel like it...
How do you know UnSaintly Saint just acts like a guy when he's on the computer....? ..Although... I'm not sure if it is or is you Saint.
You people are insane.... REALLY insane... WHERE'S FIREKEYBLADE?!?!?!?!!! Or maybe Random Angel can answer my question.....?