*sighs* Fine....
I'll save you Random Angel!..... After I finish my sandwich. *bites sandwich* Yum! ^^ But it's nothing like that! What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm fine?
Me? Upset? Never.... I'm calm.^^
I'm not being difficult. I'm creating a spiritual atmosphere for my Ying and Yang to become equal. xD Yay! *happy dances*
No!!! *runs into wall* Damn my ghostly mouse body...
But it's true!!!! I'm fine.. I'm calm... And of cousre I'm dead... I died in a fire the day the world was hit by a comet. Now I'm a ghost. xD Infact... I'm a mouse ghost! xDDDD Yay bordem...
No.... Then I'll be... A mouse! With my tiny size, I can run away without being seen. *squeaks* xD I'm not upset...
O.O... Damn. *runs* Meh.... I'll think about it.
Um... NO!!! *bites Random Angel* Muahahahaha.... Alright.. Alright.... Now should I answer the first one.. Or the second one...? Such a diffcult desicion...
...I could. NO!!!... Aw forget it.... *sits on floor*
A....Fish? .....*Bites Random Angel*
I like the Cloud and Tifa pairing. Aeris and Cloud... Not so much.
If you're a tree.... I'm a bear.
That was good. You wrote it really well... I can't wait to read the rest.
Too much sugar makes me hyper... Not enough sugar makes me calm.... SHAME UNMEI!!!!...... SHAME!! xD
Wow.. That sucks... I've been doing cartwheels and backflips since two in the morning... I think I had too much sugar yesterday.... I'm just hyper... .. Too hyper. xD
I ish bored... You? xD SADDEN!!!! :glomp:s*
Hi Destiny! *:glomp:s*