Well.. Yeah... Hi Kiburedo!!! *waves*
What's wrong with being formal?
It's between Axel, Zexion and Roxas. Really, I can't decide which I like the most.
I'd want it to be Ariel but she did leave her home behind so I guess that doesn't make her princess material. So then I'd want it to be Wendy. I think she'd be a good Princess, but she seems a lot like Alice. Maybe Mulan would be a good Princess. She's already saved China, why can't she just own it too. =)
Yeah.. Now since your on Fire... I should ask you my VERY important question!!!! *gets on one knee infront of Fire and holds Black box up* Um.. Fire... I don't know how to ask this but... Will you do the honor of.....TELLING WHAT ON EARTH WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF MISA BIT HER TONGUE WHEN L HAD BEEN HOLDING HER UNDER ARREST?!?!?!
Right.... I already did!! So.. THERE! Later, love.
It was you, wasn't it?! xD Fine.. Fine.. But first.... Have some composure Where is your posture? Oh no no Your pulling the trigger Pulling the trigger All wrong! xD... I love that song.
O.o I did not see this coming. NO! Not the duck!! Anything but the duck!
Yeah.... Let's go with that... *kisses forhead* Now die!!!!! .... Please? xDDD
lol.... I see how it is. It's not like I'm trying to kill you... *shifty eyes*
Of course! Read my signature ^^..... And now that I've read yours... *gives sandwich*
Stay Tasty....? xD That's going on my signature.
*Raises hand*.... I am.^^
*is in shock* O.O...I'm..I'm... LOVED!!! *:glomp:s Tularim* That.... Or he just wants to eat me... Yes... Now I can be seen by all my many stalkers. xD
Feed Kairi to what?
No! Not the cage! This even worse! *runs around in cage*
NO!!!! *cries* Don't eat me! I've so much to live for! There are people I haven't glomped! Pictures I haven't drawn! And cupcakes I haven't eaten!! ....And Kiburedo!! Yes! Kiburedo!! How on earth will he live without me?!?!?!?!?!
It's a really tiny Samurai sword... Anyway... DIE DEMON!!! *charges at Destiny* xD
*claps for Destiny* But now... I must destroy you, Destiny-san. *pulls out Samurai sword* Prepare to die. xDDDD