Wow... Watch your language.
No they aren't! And I like this avater!
Nobody said you were Tularim...
*gets out of sack* He's gone now.. Right?
Not fair! *hides in potato sack*
*Throws rockls at his head* Muahahaha...
Um...No.... I'm litterally lonely. As in... I'm in my basement all alone dying from the boredom.
Yes I am! I'm alone! With no one beside me!!
*waits for something...ANYTHING to happen*
Yes, I'm guilty of that. But it's not as if anybody has to care about what I say or not. You don't need to take it to consideration...
I think everybody has something they want to say...... But we must keep it to ourselves!...I think. =3
Yay! Cookies! *picks up cookie and nibbles on it* Stop insulting people! It's not nice!
I like Weezer and Green Day equally. From Weezer, I like "Beverly Hills" and from Green Day, I like "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."
Wow Sadden... I never knew you could be so cruel... I wonder what Tularim's comeback will be....? *sits on floor and watchs Sadden and Tularim*
*claps* Yay! Sadden learned how to dress himself!
O.O...... I knew that.... I'm obviously glomping your... ARM! Yeah.... I'm glomping your arm... Where did you think I was holding you?!?!
That's not nice Tularim. *:glomp:s Sadden* You're fine the way you are, dear.... Just fine. xD
*pokes head out of sack*....Is he gone?
O.O *hides in potato sack*
O.o Sadden.... You're scaring me.