*drops cookie* Kiburedo.....! You... Hate... People....?
Yes. I have love in my heart for everybody! xD ......*nibbles on cookie* ...For now...? *takes a step back*
*makes overly happy face when she sees the cookie* OMG! Kiburedo! *:glomp:s Kiburedo* I love you! Aww... Tularim... *:glomp:s* Don't be sad!
Gah! No more! I feel slimy!! *feels like she's about to barf* So true... Sweets! *reaches out for sweets*
I've never been licked before.... Agh! I am? *falls on floor* I should really start counting my stalkers.. Aww... Poor Kiburedo has to walk...
*Squrims around* I'm being....Licked. Yay! *is being stalked* xD Wait.. Can Kiburedo drive....?
Of cousre you can. xD The more stalkers the weirder. Well... I don't know... Have I just been..Licked? lol... Yelly to Glompy.
Why are you showing so much affection Tularim? *is now confused* OMG! Kiburedo.... I NOW LOVE YOU!! *claps for sweets* xD
*shifty eyes* ....Maybe.... *looks at Random Angel* I would... If he didn't stalk me. xDDD
*walks out of room* Now I'm sad.
Approximately 148,988 people..... Wow.
O.O *jaw drops* HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!
That's what I thought.
It does.. I want to go see it. Tularim..... What do you mean../wrist?
Hm.... Movies... There's..... Step Up 2......... The Eye......... Over her Dead body..... And probably more.
As long as we can all stand each other... It's all good. Sorry if that bothers you Chaser...........
It's not thar it's amazing.. It's just sad that you guys would argue about how sensetive females are....
Hi Destiny! Hi Random Angel! Hi Sadden! Hi everybody else! I'm fine... But it looks like most of you aren't. Can't we all just be friends?
Wow... Just.. WOW.
O.o........... At least he's gone... *looks for Fire* Fire? Fire? Are you crying? Why?