Yumiko threw her hands up in the air, streching. She then brought them down to her sides and yawned. She had just woken up from her long sleep and was now making her way to the lounge.
Not that I know of.... Happy February 14th guys..
........... Hi.
Tularim... You...Are....An ....IDIOT. I'm in a potato sack you twisted fool! You should be ashamed!! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! ............. YOu're probably the one hanging carmera's in all the rooms. *hops away*
All right then.... Go ahead... Kiss the sack.
*rolls around in sack* It depends... Are you're lips posinous...?
No! I just rather not die from a kiss of death... No... I'm stuck! In a sack! I knew it! I feel so smart!.... LEAVE IT!
*sigh* Drop the sack then. .....Maybe. *shifty eyes*
Well... Yeah... Nevermind. *moves around in sack* WTF? I want out! Chaser... There has to be something nice about the second one.
No... It's just.. Why use Hikari? No! *hides in potato sack*
O.o. No! No kisses of death! *tries to run* ...What's with your sig Tul?
*goes into chibi form* Don't make me bite you.
*pats head* You don't get it because your a boy.... You'll understand when you're more mature little one.
....Does somebody need a hug...? *:glomp:s Tularim*
*stares at Sadden*... *runs into the kitchen* OMG! *:glomp:s Sadden* You're even cuter as a chibi!!
WTF?! *beats off Tularim with a bat* I wsn't being serious genius!
Yes. Eating animals are bad! Even animal crackers! Tularim.... Bite me. *eats whip cream* I love this stuff...
Um... I am a vegetarian.
*Raises eyebrow* Right.....? And Fire's going to smile. There's mnothing wrong being little Tularim.
OMG! I love that song Sadden! I know... *pats Tularim's shoulder* You're a very sensitive little boy...