I have G,G,G,MVG,VG,VG,-G. But my teachers said that with some hard work, my two VG's can be extended to MVG's ;3 ...Yeah, swedish grades are weird .__.
: D ......
Tic toc tic toc tic toc ._______.
MMMMmmmmmarabou milkchocolate with digistivekex :3 Nom nom.
Appleee :O They look better, and as Fadedphantom said, no viruses and easier to use.
Why hello ;___; *early mid-life crisis* (26!)
... .__. I have nothing left to tell you... ..Than this; 24! :O
....What? ._. oh, 22!
20, yes? .___.
Rainbow, as I said, just because people are online it doesn't mean that they checks the SGM constantly. No need to take it so personally. Never heard of that movie. What's it about? :o
In KH1, yes. This is KH2 :3 I really liked Leon in this one.
Oh yes they do! :O LIAR! >:@
God. No, really .___. [EDIT:] Also, I have a lot respect for my older sister. She is one of the few people that I actually care of what they think of me.
Death Note, actually. Haven't watched anime in a while now. I really prefer to read manga. Anyways, DN was probably one of the best animes I've ever watched, even though it was so short....(only 37 episodes..) It was Exiting and very well drawn :3
Sweden, the land of perfect! : D No, not really, but still. Sweden is pretty nice .___. And It's not as cold as people say <___< We don't have polarbears >_<* And the summers are really nice ^^ The nature is beautiful, and the people are pretty ;3
The Lion King. No question about it. ;___;
RM, don't be like that : ( just because People are online, it doesn't mean they the SGM.
If you don't wanna smoke you can always get a tapeworm : o They'll make you nice and skinny in no time, sweety. And I hear they can be up to ten metres long : D
^ this. You? Us? Gift? Nu-huh. Don't think so O_<
...And then I woke up -THE END-