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  1. Dandersnuff


    At my school we have eight computers, all of them broken.
    Post by: Dandersnuff, May 4, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Dandersnuff
    It's a tie between Roxas and Ven :'''D
    I really loved playing as Roxas when he had two keyblades ( Axel VS. Roxas ).
    I've always preferred the fast style.
    And I like Ven because, again, he's fast and also because I like the way he's holding his keyblade : D

    Can't wait til' BBS :'''3
    Post by: Dandersnuff, May 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Dandersnuff
  4. Dandersnuff
    A post telling people to post doesn't count as a post! :O
    Now you'll all have to run ten laps around your house!
    go go!
    Post by: Dandersnuff, May 2, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. Dandersnuff

    Back in my day....


    ....No, I still do that really .__.

    Post by: Dandersnuff, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Dandersnuff

    No, the _ .__.
    And yeah, you should.

    Post by: Dandersnuff, May 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Dandersnuff
    I was at Maxi Supermarket at the pastries and there was this sign that said

    Our nut-free products may contain nuts"

    Post by: Dandersnuff, May 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Dandersnuff


    I looove tattoos ^________________^
    especially those 'from dusk to dawn' ones : D

    But they have to be good quality and made by someone good with alot of experience, of course :P
    Poorly made tattoos are just sad >__<

    I know this guy ( who's actually called 'tattoo-guy ) who has this big, beautiful cross on his back with lots of colors and details :'''D

    too bad they're so expensive.. <__<*
    Or, well, I suppose that if they we're cheaper, people would end up getting tattoos that they'll come to regret later in their lives .__.

    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. Dandersnuff
    I just raised my SO grades from VG to MVG<3 ^___^
    ...But we have a math test on monday, and I have the feeling I'll fail it .__.
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. Dandersnuff
    Whaaa Dem-dems! x'''D <3
    I kinda liked it ^^
    More personal questions though, with a little less obvious answers, if possible :3
    Other than that, nice :3

    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Dandersnuff

    Wii Games?

    Well, I went to this Convention recently, and they had that wii Mario gocart game .__.
    4 controllers. Four people.

    >__< Really, the most addictive game I've ever played. But I can imagine it wouldn't be as fun playing just me alone .__.'
    The more the merrier :''''D
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 21, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  12. Dandersnuff
    Guys, just drop it. <__<'
    How's it in school for you guys? I have lots of homework to do .__.'
    ....And yet I'm sitting here... <_<***
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 21, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. Dandersnuff

    ...I often jumped onto the TT train while on the skateboard and jump (still on the skateboard and train.. :''D) over the bridge and land on the train.
    It takes some time to master it :'''D

    ...Oh, and once when me and my sis were really goofy we put the TV on mute and talked to different people ( Mostly uncle Scrooge, though ) and sang 'All in the Golden Afternoon' from Alice in wonderland, so that it looked like they sang it .__.

    Yeah, really .____.'
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Dandersnuff
    you're not very holy yourself, CN, but you have a point.
    If there's anything you guys need to sort out, do it somewhere else, mkay?
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 20, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Dandersnuff
    here in Sweden it's 15. .___.
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Dandersnuff
    Oh yes! How I love it! T___T
    I really cried my eyes out the first few times I saw it ;__;
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Dandersnuff
    I can put my fist into my mouth.

    ...If I feel like it .__. ​
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Dandersnuff
    9, 7...


    *loud fangirl noices*
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Dandersnuff
    Woaaah...<3 ​
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Dandersnuff
    Yes, and yes again ;P

    "Mycket" = "Very" in Swedish :3
    The V in MVG and VG is for "väl" which means...
    Like..."well"...Or something like that .__.
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Discussion