OBJECTION! *yawns*
Well, both ones are very cute :'D Or to be more precise, the avvy is adorable :3 8/10 8/10 <3
Sorry, I think I'll pass : P Don't really feel like it x'3 You have fun, though :P
ooh, an RP : O I don't know... I don't really RP x'P
What thread? : o
Your design is admirable .__. When I made it, I didn't notice the preview button x''''D
x'D gotta admire your patience...
x'D Argh! My head would explode if I even began to try to comprehend the frustration of that .___.* But I like it though : D Being able to make...
Thanks ^^ took ages to make it, really x'D The customizing page was really confusing x'3
Well, everyone always goes on about how bing bang is proved true, but it really isn't. Big bang is just a theory. People believes in most things as long as it's not religious :P
Um, it is allowed .__. Here it is :3
There's only one person here who actually knows my real name... .__. ...How sad.... T__T
Lovely! *_*
>:O it's all Domo's fault for looking so eatable *_* *pours milk and yoghurt on Domo*
This is gonna sound weird, but the emperors new groove is soooooo much better in swedish .__.
Wow. That was just... ..wow. .__.
Hey. When I said "what's with that?" I didn't ask what you meant by that. This is the goddamn christian group, and if you guys keep acting so tough I'll.. ...I'll... ... >__< Just don't, okay? Especially you TR O__< if you wanna fight, at least do it in PM so that the rest of us won't have to stand it.
Müsli have never looked as tempting to me as it does on this picture *__* ...Yeah. ._.
What's with that? <__<
Thanks.... x'''D