yes. yes it has .__.
have you not read the posts above you...? ^__^' And like I said, it's obvious that Terra's been there but that doesn't have to mean that it was him that he asked to erase him. And the shadow is just too obvious. And I think that he asked Aqua instead of terra because Terra probably would've said no : o So he asked Aqua because he could probablyconvince her to help him, if he said that it was what he really wanted, I don't think that Aqua would find it easy to refuse. Though I'm almost certain that Terra would.
Yeah, but Terra doesn't have a waist like that <__<' And it's not impossible that he were there before/after him, no? :3
Well, people have been making alot of threads/posts about this, so when I saw the shadow it seemed so obvious .___.
WARNING :3 Maay contain spoilers. Maybe. [ I just watched the part when Ven asks 'someone' to erase him. And you can see the persons shadow. It totally looks like Aqua .__. right? Though, it seems so simple, so I'm probably wrong <__<' but still, if you look at the shadow it looks so much like her with the short hair and the sleeve... :S What do you think? : o ]
you make my eyes cry .__.
You got me there : I
Including the derepp? O:
Really now? D:
Hang out with your cool friends, huh? ^____^ But really, I can see why he's teasing you if you're calling him fatty. <__<'
o__o ...And to think that Greece got 74 points when Sweden got like..20 ;__; Eurovision is wrong on so many different levels :<
Maaaaaybe :<
Crap. Safety strikes again <__<** oh, well! >: O We will picnic around the safety and starve you out =___= The müsli will be mine. Oh yes, the...
Well, I know what that's like x'3 a nickename, huh? : o hmm.... *deep thought*
Beware the power of cheap rewinded plastic! x@ *throws a waterballoon at Müsli-boy* Now the wet and heavy müsli weighs you down! >: D yay :3
The Hives ^____^ Aahhh the memories *__* they are great onstage! O: Second were blindside...<3 Gah<3
>x@ Rarrrghh! *hisses and retreats into dark cave* Come forth, my minions! >:O *calls forth...
School is slowly but surely driving me insane >__<*** But other than that, pretty good ^^
There will be no mercy for you and your buddy-shaped müsli! >:O *throws shuriken after the fleeing ones* You will all go to müsli-hell! >x@
*Pins Domo to the table with forks* now, now. I blame the man! >:@