I already have a PSP, but if I didn't, I'd buy one. I'm so curious about BBS :O so mysterioussss... =_= Also, from what I've seen it's really beautifully made. I've also heard that the battle system is great *__* 358/2 looks kinda pixel-ish when fighting, as I recall it :o
You better have a good reason for all that poking O__< Nice sunglasses, by the way. ._. Very stylish.
Well... ....What I did was getting my sis to spam the reaction command button when the clones were up, so that I could focus on going the right way, which I kinda failed at alone.. x''D Also, be careful to watch his movements :O then it's quite easy to figure out what he'll do and when, which will help you to avoid them. Wisdom form is good too : D Just keep moving and shoot at him constantly.
swoosh! >:3
d'aww :O Colds should be swooshed from the face of this good earth! >:O
I'm good ^____________^ you? :3
no need to apologize x'D I'm fine ^__^ only, I just rented a Naruto DVD box and my DVD player broke ;__; ouch.
independence day? :O what's that? x'D I don't think we have that in sweden.. x3
Heya :D I'm fine ^___^ See you like D.Gray-Man : D
But you know you can red the manga for free online att mangafox.com :D
ah, no, I watched them at Narutomagic.com :)
hm? .__. you watch anime then?
Yeah, it's pretty ^___^ So, I see you like Naruto :D Have you read the latest chapter? :3
better? :'D
Me neither... x''D
hello there ^________^
I was playing a guy in a school play the other week. This pretty much sums it up .__.'
Yeah, that's exactly what I said... ^__^' And thanks for uploading the pic ;3 Omisgosh, an UFO at the beach! : O ...! ven asked the UFO to erase him! It WAS on the SAME beach! go me C:
The outfits looks bleach-inspired : D like the espada :3
Crisis core is great :D