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  1. Dandersnuff
    Profile Post

    O__O holy fudge!

    O__O holy fudge!
    Profile Post by Dandersnuff for Scattered_Dream, Dec 21, 2009
  2. Dandersnuff
    :C I would have liked it better if he would've had a different voice. It would have been a bit more interesting with a new voice, more like a new character : D Now he's pretty much the same as Roxas <.<

    Yeah, well : D The game will still be awesome *_*
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Dec 1, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Dandersnuff
  4. Dandersnuff
  5. Dandersnuff
  6. Dandersnuff
  7. Dandersnuff
  8. Dandersnuff
    Hm. I kinda like the changed version better. It's not like we know much at all about Aqua, but I don't think the first version fits her, for some reason x'D
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Oct 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Dandersnuff
  10. Dandersnuff
  11. Dandersnuff
  12. Dandersnuff
    T___T *sob*
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Oct 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Dandersnuff
    Me and my sister renting barbie movies.
    Which costs us money.


    ...Then watching them.

    Post by: Dandersnuff, Oct 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Dandersnuff
    My camera haven't really been the same since uncle Werner sat on it ;__;
    My hair looks all dark, and I look all weird and shiny O_< arggh!
    I would've taken an old picture if there actually were any. I'm a master in the art of dodging photos. =,..,=

    oh, well.

    ..And now that I look at it more closely, my lower lip looks a tad askew.. =_='
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Oct 12, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  15. Dandersnuff
  16. Dandersnuff
    Indeed. Have some more.
    Profile Post by Dandersnuff for Missingheart, Oct 11, 2009
  17. Dandersnuff
  18. Dandersnuff
    He has promised alot, but done nothing. I really don't think that he deserved that price.

    Hopefully, some day, he will <__<
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Oct 10, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  19. Dandersnuff
    Funny as in good..? ;__;
    Profile Post by Dandersnuff for Missingheart, Oct 10, 2009
  20. Dandersnuff