Posting this in the music section since I have to rant about something... First of all, Dream Theater was f-ing amazing. Every song they played was incredible, I would definitely pay to see them again. Now after seeing that performance, it was like "Man that was awesome, now lets see Iron Maiden deliver even more bad-azz tunes" (most of which are from the early to mid 80's). Iron Maiden comes out and announces that they have a new album coming out sometime this August, and played about 4 tunes from that album. Everyone in the crowd just practically looked at each other and was like "Eh? What is this crap." (seriously, their new album is awful). About 5 songs in people started chanting "play some old shi-" because the stuff they were playing was just... bad. I don't know how else to describe it. Bruce Dickinson eventually caught onto the chant and started feeding the fans a speech on how "People just want to hear the old shi- and none of their newer stuff, and how that the new album coming out was 3rd in presales and blahblahblah... whatever". Eventually they went on the play "Number of the Beast" and "Hallowed be Thy Name", but right after that they went right back into their newer stuff again. After examining the crowd, I could feel that they felt the same way about their newer music. 90% of the people there didn't even know the songs being played, let alone actually enjoyed listening to them. The fact that they went on to play this stuff and not playing a single track from "Somewhere In Time" or "Powerslave" just really disappointed both me and the entire crowd tonight. Point being, I don't think I will ever see Iron Maiden in concert again. I understand that they are really excited about this new album and want to play stuff from it, but it was clear the people there wanted to hear the tracks from their golden days... and simply enough, they did not deliver. So uh... yeah. Discussion on the Final Frontier tour (with Dream Theater) and Iron Maiden's new album.
[or should I say, DPWorlf?]
Got a LG Rumor Touch for my birthday. =D Just a heads up to anyone flying Spirit Airlines anytime soon, you may want to check up on this. Sucks too since I was about to buy tickets from them for August... hopefully it's resolved by then.
Thought I would try here first before asking elsewhere. Anyways, I fail at graphics so I want a sig to be done for me. If you are going to give this a try, please be someone who is good with photoshop/gimp/etc. ^^ Text: Roxasvsriku Image: Rock Shooter/gallery_42334_1_362766.png Background: Maybe something dark? I dunno Size: Maybe around 450x150. If you need more details let me know, thanks.
It's the night before your execution, and you granted one last meal of your choice. What is your desire for your final meal? *inb4freedomfries*
[It's that Sidney Crosby scored the game winner.] FUUUUU-
Greetings all. Now typically we have been updating our cutscene archive when the English dubs of the game are out, but since the North American release could be as far away as August, we decided have a couple of the main cutscenes ready for download from the Japanese game. These cutscenes were recorded and converted by Misty and rendered by me. A special thanks to her for recording these for us! So far we have six new videos for you guys, all of which are of higher quality then the other videos in our archive. And of course with higher quality, comes bigger file size. These videos are also in Raw format, perfect for voice overs and amvs! These cutscenes can also be downloaded on our Archive Page: 1. Birth by Sleep: Introduction DOWNLOAD 2. Birth by Sleep: Aqua's Ending DOWNLOAD 3. Birth by Sleep: Terra's Ending DOWNLOAD 4. Birth by Sleep: Ven's Ending DOWNLOAD 5. Birth by Sleep: Final Ending + Credits DOWNLOAD 6. Birth by Sleep: Secret Ending DOWNLOAD Streaming versions might come later. Also, if you are someone who likes recording KH content and would be interested in recording content for Kh-Vids, we want to hear from you! If you are interested, please e-mail me at with the subject "KHV content recorder". In the e-mail please include what consoles you can record Kingdom Hearts content from and what you will be able to donate to our archive. We look forward to working with you! In the mean time, enjoy these videos. ^^ - RvR Look up the pictures and the video at your own risk, it's too disturbing to post here. Just truly horrible that this happened... as dangerous as the sport is, this should have not have happened. Thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Big help as always, Wikipedia.
Watch Grammy awards y/n?
Eh... okay so I finished the first season and it was okay but uh... something bugs me. Spoiler So did Fuko die or what? I mean at the wedding it made it look like that would be her final appearance (like assuming she died in the hospital) but then she comes back randomly several times in the series. Unless if I missed something, is she dead or still in the hospital?
Gentlemen, behold! ....
Attention members and guests, is once again looking for new partnerships with other Kingdom Hearts and Square Enix communities! Requirements for Affiliating with KHV: • At least 500 or so unique hits daily • Has a lot of original content • Must have a unique, clean, and beautiful layout • Must be updated regularly • Must be about at least one game in the SQUARE-ENIX franchise • Must be a domain name or a sub-domain name • Must not be on free hosting If you meet these requirements and are looking for an opportunity to increase your site's traffic while helping our own, we look forward to getting in contact with you! =) If you're interested, please e-mail me at or pm me with the following information: • Make sure the subject of the email is named "Affiliation Request" • How many unique hits your site receives • Your site's name • Your site's URL • Any additional notes If accepted, we will add your website to our Affiliates list on our site's home page (and of course we would expect you to do the same). ^^ Once again, we look forward to these new partnerships and benefits with you! All the best, staff
Think it has a few other titles also... but anyways >.> Just finished the series, some parts pissed me off but it definitely makes up for it in the end. Great series, has anyone else seen it? Series info:
This is a guideline on how to post in this section. Keep in mind that this still follows the general rules of KH-Vids, but you'll see something a bit extra here on how to suggest and which attitude to keep during the whole process. Before Suggesting Before making a new thread, be sure to check the Suggestions Index. This is mainly to avoid duplicate topics, but can also serve as inspiration for your own eventual suggestion(s)! If you're not completely sure with the Index, be sure to double check with a member of the staff. Please, do not make threads with multiple suggestions on it.This makes it really hard to index properly. One thread per suggestion is preferred and any thread with multiple suggestions will not be indexed. Bumping threads here is allowed. It's why we have an index with pending suggestions. So feel free to bump a thread you feel may benefit the site. But be mindful of this and don't bump every little suggestion to see any update in it. As a rule of thumb, if you see at least five (5) threads updated asking to see developments, then wait until at least one of those is resolved to update whatever you have in mind. Reports are not Suggestions. For posts, threads, or other such things that need deletion or are causing problems, please utilize the Report feature. This is an area for suggestions on the site only. Bugs, glitches, and other such things are for Site Assistance. For things on the site that need fixing (e.g. avatars not uploading, posts not going through, etc.), there's the Site Assistance Sub-Forum. This place is for new suggestions for the site. If you're not sure what the difference is, feel free to contact a member of the staff and they'll happily tell you where the thread is supposed to go. Xenforo Add-ons & Resources If you want to suggest something of this nature, feel free. Here you can see many of the Add-ons provided. But there are some things which you need to keep in mind: Xenforo Version: Most of the time, if something isn't on-par with our current Xenforo version it will not work. If you're unsure of which Xenforo version we run, check the bottom of the forum and it'll say it. Currently, we're on Xenforo 1.2.3. So Ideally, any stadard Xenforo product version product will probably work. Compatibility: Sometimes, even if the version is correct, it can still tend to be buggy or defective. We will try to make it work, however, we are not miracle workers and may have to uninstall it. Support: Is the creator of the Add-on offering enough support if an issue arises? Check to see if the thread for the mod gets replies from the creator or if anyone is helping out with the add-on. We can usually manage, but if it ends up being problematic, we might need to remove it. Some terms utilized in the Xenforo website can be pretty foreign. If you have any doubt about what a certain Mod or Plug-in does, feel free to ask an Administrator. But remember not to bug them constantly about it. More importantly, remember to add details about the Mod/Plug-in you find, adding any links or info you may find. It helps all who see the suggested add-on to understand the whole scope of what it can do. If you need help with this, feel free to approach a member of the staff as they might be able to help. When Suggesting Remember to be clear with your suggestion. If we don't understand a suggestion or if there's a communication issue, then the suggestion could be misunderstood and not taken into consideration. Always aim for presenting it in a concise and intelligent manner. Be humble with suggestions. The tone of a suggestion and the reason why it's being suggested sometimes determine why the suggestion is rejected. Remember that the suggestions should aim to help the community, and not to impose yourself. This only annoys. Be polite when presenting the pros and the cons. Make proper suggestions. Do not make suggestions which do not encroach on people nor have malicious intentions towards others. This also means not making suggestions in aggressive, passive-aggressive or insulting tone. If you're found making suggestions like this, then your thread will be deleted and you'll be told to start again until you make a proper and acceptable suggestion. This also also applies posts made inside threads. Repeated intentional failures or intentional misconduct on this will net you punitive action. Do not make suggestions flaming either any member of the KH-Vids community, be they staff or not. This includes suggesting to have someone banned. Threads of this nature will be instantly deleted, and a warning will be given to the thread creator. If you have a problem with a staff member, please contact an Administrator via Personal Conversation or Skype. If you have a problem with a member, please contact any of the members on our staff team. Suggestions are made to help the forum, not cause conflict between others. Expect criticism on your suggestion. Most of the time not everyone will agree with your suggestion, so be prepared to view the downside to it and if needed, negotiate to make the member or staff see things your way. However, by any means do not start bashing or harassing someone either on the thread itself or anywhere on the KH-Vids Forum for not agreeing with you. Doing so will result in punitive action being taken against you. Staff is not obligated to comply to demands. We will try our best to please everyone, and will always try to be fair about things. However, sometimes we might say no, and you'll have to accept it -- we usually have a good reason and will always listen to what you might have to say. But not everything is up for debate, and not everything is possible/viable. So please bear with us, and we'll in turn try to do our best for you. Please respect these guidelines if you wish to see the best results for your idea for the forum. We look forward to seeing some good suggestions! Cheers, KH-Vids.Net Staff
Didn't realize how small the thing is.... compared to the huge 30 gig zune I have anyhow. Pretty damn awesome though. Now to re-sync all my songs... >.< Since I just recently counted at least 7 people in the Spam Zone alone with .gif images in their sig exceeding the 500kb limit, I will kindly warn you now to remove them or we will do it ourselves with a warning for signature violations. If you want to check how big your gif file is, right-click the .gif and click "properties". If the file size is more than 500kb you must remove it at this time. People complain about the site's speed, and large signatures are a huge chunk of the problem. If people continue to ignore this rule I will disable .gif image files to be allowed in sigs. Hopefully it will not come to that point. If you wish to keep your current .gif image by resizing it, I suggest posting a request in the graphics section. -Edit- This rule applies to both Premiums and staff members as well.
[God I have never seen so many Miku's in one place] Anyways it was interesting since it was my first con, there was actually a lot more to do than I expected. Best part was the meet & greet with LittleKuriboh and Team Four Star (why didn't I bring a camera...) and LK's panel where he premiered a new abridged episode. Not a bad way to spend a few hours of Halloween at.