If you watch Jaws backwards, its about a shark that throws up so many people that they have to open a beach.
You've been begging for them, and now they're finally here! Today we give you two torrents to start off with. Now you're probably asking why only two? Don't worry, we hope to make more batches in the near future. However, we need to see how many seeders we can get over the next few weeks before we decide if it's worth doing the rest. Here are the two torrents we're releasing (they will be added to the archive soon): -Kingdom Hearts II Cutscenes (Standard Quality) (Mp4) - 2.84 GB -Kingdom Hearts Re:COM Cutscenes (English Dub) (.avi) - 480 MB New to torrents? I'll help you out. The first thing you'll need is a bittorent client. I highly recommend utorrent 2.2.1. You can use the newer version (3.0) if you want, but a lot of people including myself went back to using this one since it seems to be the best. Once downloaded and installed, open the provided files and choose where you want them to be saved. Once your download is completed, it will automatically start seeding the torrent as long as you don't move/remove the files or close utorrent. We highly encourage you to seed these torrents as long and as much as you can, so other people can download them faster and help with the seeding. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message or post here. Also note the download might be slow at first since I'm the only one seeding at the moment (hence why we need all we can get). Cheers and happy downloading. -EDIT- If you are having problems downloading the files with Safari, use Firefox or another browser just to get the torrent file. In Internet Explorer, right-click the link and select "save-target as" if you are getting the page of text.
http://www.the-top-tens.com/lists/singers-perform-london-olympics-opening-ceremonies.asp London better deliver.
Decisions man. Decisions.
[video=youtube;MGt25mv4-2Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGt25mv4-2Q[/video] At least they did a lot better job than Toyota.
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-12-01/aniplex-confirms-u.s-release-of-fate/zero-bd-boxes Look at those affordable prices.
I'm not sure why they would give that up, it's glorious.
Who else is getting this crap?
Starts this week. CLICK FOR LARGER VERSION So far I plan on watching (or possibly watching): -Black Rock Shooter -Another -Mouretsu Pirates -Lupiin lll -Steins;gate special episode -Hidan no Aria ova -Toradora ova -Higurashi ova -Denpa ova -Mirai Nikki oda -K-ON! movie So yeah. Winter discussion general.
I'm sorry. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/new...adokawa-has-no-plans-for-3rd-haruhi-tv-season
Opening (Warning: Contains disturbing images) [video=youtube;9TzvJ2qoG_s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TzvJ2qoG_s[/video] So it came out today in English, about an hour into the first chapter. Anyone else playing it? Starting to get pretty creepy.
Didn't feel like bumping any graphic shops so yeah. Anyways I'd like someone who has experience (and is actually good) to make a sig and avatar for me. Unfortunately the quality on the sources aren't all that great but hopefully it's workable. Sig: Image: http://i.imgur.com/wLpWd.jpg Text: Okabe Rintarou Theme: Uh... I'm always bad at this. Something dark-ish I guess. Size: Similar to the one I have, or whatever looks best. Avatar: Image: http://i.imgur.com/MTLBR.jpg No text Theme: Same as above to match the sig I guess that's it. Also I'm in no rush to get it, though when I do and if I like it, I'll use them for quite a while. Thanks in advance for anyone who tries.
For those who don't like Kairi because she never fights, do we have something exciting to show you. Now a lot of you have seen this clip already, but it was recorded with a crappy video camera a few months ago at a convention. But now an HD version has finally surfaced today on YouTube, and boy is this one hell of a preview. Take a look. [video=youtube;XuVMx5LjBGI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuVMx5LjBGI[/video] For those not in the know, Dead Fantasy is a CGI series created by the talented animator Monty Oum which features characters from Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dead or Alive, and Ninja Gaiden. To keep it short, start at Dead Fantasy 1 and work your way up to 5... his work will speak for itself. Kairi is also featured in Dead Fantasy II and IV, but this is the first appearance of Namine in the series. Here's the speculation of this clip. Some screenshots: So what do you guys think of the preview? What do you predict will happen next?
Madoka, madoka everywhere.
Why can't I have awesome neighbors like this [video=youtube;V5qJCEaTdr8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5qJCEaTdr8[/video]
Plot: I know this show is really old, and honestly I regret waiting to watch it until now. Despite all the blood and gore in it, this is one of the funniest series I have ever seen... I couldn't stop laughing through most of it. Overall pretty weird stuff but definitely watch it if you need a good laugh. Don't watch it though if you can't handle blood (even though it's done in a comical way).
Alright well... I'm not saying Simple and Clean or Sanctuary (+ all the remixes) are bad songs because they are both really good, but am I the only one who would like to see a new opening song for each of the future games? Because I feel those two songs are really becoming old and are no longer fresh. Though the question would be should Utada make a new song just for the KH series or just use another song she has already made? Or maybe have a new artist do the opening all together? I feel that the OST is very important in a game but the KH series seems to be getting lazy with the last few games.