CHAMBER 36 (Ananta, Aux, Castur, Faust, Karina) Party fast traveled to Chamber 36! "Keep chewing on tough meat and you're gonna wreck your teeth..." Aux lectured before the group approached the young boy. He wore a yellow sleeveless top and poofy blue pants. His shoes were longer than average and he donned long, silver hair down to his neck. The boy punched the wall before turning around. His eyes widened as he stepped forward, summoning his KINGDOM KEY keyblade. "Who are you?! And how long have you been spying on me!?" He wasn't sure if the boy came with another group, or was still new. Aux looked towards Ananta. "Pick up another stray? That, or he's Riku or Sora..." "What do you know about us!?" Riku continued shouting questions as he stood his ground. "Answer me or else... you don't know what this is... but it's a powerful weapon stronger than any blade. It's powered by the strength of my heart. Not just anyone can wield it..." This boy. Knows nothing. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMBER 2 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Sora) The party fast traveled to Chamber 2! Straight or RIGHT?
CHAMBER 12 The party was fast traveled to Chamber 12! The group looked around as everything seemed to look just like any other chamber. Pinocchio and Kairi stepped forward as they looked around. "Aww, Riku's not here..." Pinocchio said sadly. "Guess we'll keep looking somewhere else. He's really good at this game..." "Man... Why does Riku always have to go off an be so cool all the time." Sora found a nearby wall and kicked it hard. As he did, the chamber started to shake. "Whoa!" he gasped out. "Uh-oh... I think I made it mad." Two gelatinous heartless fell from above, being held up by their stretchy arms. Their stomachs being giant cages, they descended from above, and each heartless swallowed a prisoner. The left taking Kairi, and the right taking Pinocchio. "Get me outta here!" Pinocchio yelled. "Sora!" Kari called out. "Kairi! Pinocchio!" Sora tried to chase after them, but both heartless slingshoted themselves back into the air, and were using their long arms to swing across the room before heading out of the chamber. "We gotta go after them! They have Kairi!" Sora said as he led the others out. The party was flooded back out to Chamber 9! Chamber's 10, 11, and 12 are closed off! (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Sora) Straight or left? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMBER 33 (Ananta, Aux, Caster, Faust, Karina) The party fast traveled to Chamber 33! LEFT or straight? "I doubt we'd do anything major from the inside against this thing... My guess is if he won't open that gaping maw of his, we'll just have to force him. Upset his stomach or something... Wherever it is." He took a pause and turned to Castur. "And you are NOT eating me, thank you. I already get chewed up enough as it is by this one," he pointed his head at Karina as they kept walking. As they hit "Another Dead end! Sora! Pinocchio where are you!" A disgruntled young boy;s voice called out. It didn't sound like any voice from their party, "Whoever that is... seem to be just as lost as we are...." He turned to Karina. "Always left right?"
CHAMBER 9 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Pinocchio, Kairi, Sora) Back, left or right? Sora stopped mid-run as he looked back at everyone? "Huh?" Kairi walked up to him and gave him a small slap in the back of the head. "You lazy bum! I was trying to tell you that they were the ones helping us." Sora chuckled, embarrassed by it all. "Oh... he he. My bad... But you never know right? If I can't even protect Pinocchio, how can I hope to protect you and Riku?..." "Sora..." Kairi held his hand and smiled. "We protect each other." Sora offered a small nod and smile before replying. "Yeah." "Hi Sora! We still have to find Riku, don't we," Pinocchio smiled. "Uh-huh. So let's get going!" Kairi said. "That way!" "That way!" "That way" All three of them pointed in different directions as they said their sentence in unison. Sora pointed left, Kairi pointed right, and Pinocchio pointed straight back. They didn't seem to know where they were going.
Enzo lazily walked behind the rest of the group, being a silent presence as he took in the world around him. The darkness was heavy, and Torrin's words put a sense of tension on the situation at hand. Enzo gave a thumbs up as he walked behind the group with his hands in his pockets. "We're sneakily walking along, While Enzo is singing a song. Surrounded by darkness and forces unknown, and also the chance that we could break our bones," He hummed his little tune as he walked along. "Waking as if we are frightened and scared, Mercy will never be sullied or spared, If we are found, we'll be bound and in prison, From the dark forces that here are ariseeeeeen." "And the order in which we'll surely die is as follows," Enzo cleared his throat. "Boreas will be the first to defend us, And put up a fight that will be stupendous, But sad as it is, he'll fall to the fight, From all of their archers and all of their knights. Next will be Qamar who gives us away, Loud and obnoxious and all in your face, She will be silenced and quelled of your voice, Only by me since she gave me no choice. Then there's Aria and sweet Eilonwy, Since they have values, their lives spared will be, Only to be used in the darkest of ways, as princess of light, and obefient slave. Then there is Torrin ho falls from his quest, Dies in Enzo's arm's; his friend who's the best. Whispers that he was so cool with his style, As Enzo then nods then gives him a smile. As Torrin then dies, held in Enzo's arms. Enzo yells VENGEANCE and charges to harm! He summons his blade and enters the fray, Ready to help and reclaim this worst day. But like each legend, he falls in the end, but not before taking out ten thousand men. The only one left, who is left to recall, This story of sadness, and friendship and awe, A musical man, known by all true men! The bard of the group, whose name is called..." Enzo paused for a moment before turning to Lumen. "What's your name again?..."
CHAMBER 24 (Ananta, Aux, Caster, Faust, Karina) Faust fast traveled and caught up with the group in the middle of something awkward! Straight or LEFT?
CHAMBER 22 (Faust) Straight or LEFT? ----------------------------------------------- CHAMBER 24 (Ananta, Aux, Caster, Karina) The group fast traveled to Chamber 24! Straight or left?
CHAMBER 17 (Faust) Left or Straight?
CHAMBER 9 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Pinocchio, Kairi, Sora) Left or RIGHT? Kel, Marx, and Ignis ran into Kaida and AJ! "Hey Sora, Hi Kairi!" Pinocchio said as Kel was dragging him by his arm. "These are my new friends!" Sora looked at how Kel had him by the arm and assumed the worst. "Hey... let go of Pinocchio!" Sora called out, holding his wooden sword in a battle ready stance. "Sora..." Kairi tried to speak, realizing they dressed similarly to their older companions. "Stay behind me Kairi, I'll tae care of em!" Sora went in with his wooden sword and charged at Kel. "Let go of him!" ------------------------------------------------------------ CHAMBER 14 (Faust) Faust fast traveled to Chamber 14 Straight or left?
CHAMBER 2 Faust fast travelled to Chamber 2! Left or Right?
"Everyone is upset with Aux," he replied. "I was working against you all for months. And my lack of a sunny disposition doesn't help much either," he snidely added. "If you wanna go straight, then great. Forward it is..." CHAMBER 22 (Ananta, Aux, Caster, Karina) Straight or left? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMBER 26 (AJ, Kaida, Kairi, Sora) Left or RIGHT? "Cool!" Sora exclaimed. "Y'know, Riku and I used to train a lot on the island in case we needed to fight any touch baddies in the worlds beyond. Check it out!" Sora showcased a basic wooden sword to AJ and Kaida. "It's not as fancy as Riku's... but I think it'll get the job done. What about you guys! You know how to fight?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMBER 9 (Ignis, Kel, Marx, Pinocchio) Straight or LEFT? Pinocchio kept trying to run away as Kel was already caught up with him.
CHAMBER 5 (Ignis, Kel, Marx) "But I have to find the others! We aren't done playing yet!" Pinocchio whined. The little wooden puppet ran off ahead. Pinocchio ran straight ahead! ----------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMBER 27 (AJ, Kaida, Kairi, Sora) Chamber 28 is now closed off! Where would you like to go? Straight, or left? Sora walked beside Kairi with arms bent behind his head. He seemed rather carefree, as if he didn't have a care in the world. "So are you guys from another world to? Riku, Sora and I built a raft to go and see what's out there!" Kairi cheered. "Yeah, Kairi's from another world too... but she's too young to remember." "Looks like we didn't get very far though..." She said, looking around the world. "Still! This would've never happened back on our island! So bizzare..." Sora said with a smile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAMBER 16 The party fast traveled to chamber 16! Where would you like to go? Straight or right? Seeing Ananta's defeated expression made Aux feel guilty as he sighed to himself. He didn't hate the girl, but he didn't like being told how to feel either. From the looks of it, Karina was the same. "Why didn't we go left the first time then?" Aux grumbled to himself.
Sing along if you know the words! VALJEAN One game more! Another game and new journey to start. This never-ending road of Kingdom Hearts; The players waiting all this time Will surely buy the game online One game more! MARIUS I did not live until I played. Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance VALJEAN One game more. MARIUS & COSETTE Tomorrow we will get the game It's real, with actual existence EPONINE One more game for me to own. MARIUS & COSETTE Will we see a waking Ven? EPONINE One more day with me not caring. MARIUS & COSETTE I was born to play it new. EPONINE What a life I might have known. MARIUS & COSETTE And I want to play Riku! EPONINE But he never saw me there! ENJOLRAS One more day before the storm! MARIUS Do I follow where she goes? ENJOLRAS At the barricades of gamestop. MARIUS Shall I join my brothers there? ENJOLRAS When our ranks begin to form MARIUS Should I stay; should I care? ENJOLRAS Will you take your place with me? ALL The time is now, the day is here! VALJEAN One game more! JAVERT One game more to resolution, Won't stop playing 'till I'm done! We feel sorry for the newbies, they won't know what's going on! VALJEAN One game more! M. & MME. THENARDIER Watch 'em run amuck, Catch 'em as they fall, Never know your luck When you're on critical, Here a little tip There a little guide Most are older players, so they're all cought up! Students (2 Groups) 1: One game to a new beginning 2: Raise the flag of fandom high! 1: Riku fighting with the king! 2: Riku fighting with the king king! 1: There's a new world for exploring 2: There's a new world, so much fun! ALL Do you hear the people sing? MARIUS My place is here, I fight with you! VALJEAN One game more! MARIUS & COSETTE One more game for me to own. EPONINE One more game for me to own! MARIUS & COSETTE Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance JAVERT(overlapping) We will play our favorite heroes Wielding keyblades left and right Fighting heartless and nobodies, Never sleeping through the night VALJEAN One game more! MARIUS & COSETTE Tomorrow we will get the game EPONINE What a life I might have known! MARIUS & COSETTE It's real, with actual existence JAVERT(overlapping) One game more to resolution, Won't stop playing 'till I'm done! We feel sorry for the newbies, THENARDIERS(overlapping) Watch 'em run amuck, Catch 'em as they fall, Never know your luck When you're on critical, VALJEAN Tomorrow we'll be far away, Tomorrow is the judgement day ALL Tomorrow we'll discover What our God Nomura has in store! One more dawn One more game One game more!
What Castur said felt almost more insulting than re-assuring. "Yeah, I'm playing a character too. It's called 'the guy who doesn't like to be attacked for fun.' And since you don't like things all convoluted, I'll keep the character description nice and simple," He stepped closer to Castur until he was within arm's length "He does not... like being attacked... for fun." Aux said with a glare. "And Japello is fine. He's with a couple of the others back in the mouth of the whale."
"Not giving up if you don't try," Aux shrugged. As Karina mentioned the idea of who could be down there, he could only hope that at least Kaida was alright. He knew she could take care of herself, but he was on decent ground with her again and didn't want anything to ruin that. "Yeah that's me... guy who doesn't care," he said in a sarcastic tone. He took a quick look at the left path before slowly following Karina to the right. The path was fairly straight forward without any crossroads for a couple chambers "I still haven't met half of this group, I mean, there was Luna, Beuce, Steel, Kaida, Stratos, and-" He paused his words as he locked his eyes on Ananta. "Dammit it's you!" He realized how rude that was and instantly tried to correct it. "I mean, thank goodness it's you." Nailed it. His head tried to wander elsewhere onto Castur. The one who last he saw, tried to kill him because of Karina's desire to off him as well. This was just not a fun room for him to be in right now. CHAMBER 14 (Ananta, Aux, Castur, Karina) Which way do you wish to go? Straight, Left, or back? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAMBER 28 (AJ, Kaida, Kairi) As the group approached the dead end, they came across a young boy scratching the back of his head as he looked around at the walls. He had spiky brown hair and bright red and white clothing. On his feet were also large yellow shoes. "Aww man... another dead end," the boy sighed. "Sora!" Kairi called out, running up to the boy. "I'm so happy you're okay." "Aww, I coulda taken care of myself," the boy chuckled. "You know you can always count on me in a fight." "Well, I wasn't concerned at first, because Riku was with you." "Oh..." "But then I started to worry once I heard you got separated. So I got our new friends to help out," Kairi smiled. "This is AJ, and that's Kaida!" Sora raised an eyebrow. "Are they related." Kairi chuckled. "Heheheeeee. I don't think so." Sora waved his hand at the two as he jogged up tot them. "Well, thanks a lot for chipping in. Y'know there are some real creepy monsters in here...." He offered his hand to Kaida to shake. "I'm Sora by the way! Nice to meet you Kaida!" he smiled.
He wasn't sure where all these new people were comin from, but at least there was a good number of hands helping out. He still didn't get the names of the people that were already here. As fancy as Faust's introduction was, Aux simply replied. "And I'm Aux..." He paused as if he was going to add a title, but simply left it at that. "Yeah, you guys can go on ahead," Aux told Karina and Luna as they seemed eager to charge in. "Think I'll stay here in the main whale hub." He took a seat one one of the intact boards and sighed as he folded his arms. There was a moment of silence as nothing but the sound of Geppetto hammering nails into the rafts could be heard. He was alone with the pun making mage, the princess who slapped him, an unconscious Beuce, and an ever silent Steel. He tapped his fingers awkwardlyon his arm as he looked around at the baron mouth. His eyes eventually fell on Jiminy. "Y'know... you seem like real swell folks for helping us out. Tell me young fella... Do you know what a conscience is? Because to Pinoke, I'm his conscience. I keep him outta trouble by telling him what's right and-" "-Karina, wait up,' Aux said, standing and making a quick fast walk towards the stomach chambers. Aux and Karina were fast travelled to Chamber 2! CHAMBER 2 (Aux, Karina) Left, Right or back?
Ignis fast traveled to Chamber 5! CHAMBER 5 (Kel, Marx, Ignis) Where do you wish to go? Straight, left or right?
I really dig the choreography in the start of something new" musical number at the beginning of the first film. It's simple sure, but there's definitely something nuance about the genuine movements of both characters. Notice the awkward "I'm totally not prepared for this musical karaoke, but know I have the vocals to back it up" expressions on their faces. Note their subtle stares at one another that indicate they feign interest for each other, but knowing their impulsive and attractive demeanor will probably cause them to leave one another within the next 5 years after hooking up. The choreography does a very good job at portraying the awkward and lame side sways of white kids at an unsupervised party. Like... a lot of white kids. The effortless clapping, the listless interest, The boy at the 0:49 mark in the middle that doesn't know what to do. The boy at the 2:24 mark in the middle that looks like he's trying to do the twist. All works of gold that really sell this as a rewarding musical number to show that this would indeed be the start of something new. (Also I thought this whole song was a metaphor for $ex when I saw it. Like. She's nervous, but the guy loosens up and gets her into it, getting her more comfortable, but as he starts getting aggressive towards her, she backs away, only to be pushed back into it by her fellow peers...)
No trouble at all miss, Geppeetto smiled. Aux stood there dumbfounded as Ignis raced in. "What... Why are people going into the whale?!" "They went to find my boy Pinocchio!" Geppetto replied from his sip. "I volunteered to fix your boats while I waited their safe return. Judging by your clothes, I'd say those kids from earlier were your friends." Aux looked at the tunnel. "Of course they did... Hey old timer! Any of them had blonde hair?" Geppetto nodded. "Two of them actually... And my name is Geppetto. Nice to meet you." Surprised that he could stay so well mannered in his situation, Aux gave a little two finger salute back. "Ditto." "I've warned Pinocchio about traveling in there.. He said there were strange creatures from there earlier. So two other boys; Sora and Riku, went in to go look for him." Aux scratched the back of his head. He wasn't sure if it was best to wait or venture off. Most people had already left except for one of them with silver hair. "Well, at least we know most of our own are in there," he said to Luna. "So why aren't you going after them?" he asked Faust.
1K Bonus achieved! Congratulations players of Kingdom Hearts SOS! You have reached another 1,000 replies. All players have been awarded 2,000 Munny for their dedication! 1,000 Posts - Anora - Nottingham - July 27 2012 2,000 Posts - Steel - Castle of Dreams - February 25 2013 3,000 Posts - Etrius - Kingdom of the Sun - September 14 2013 4,000 Posts - Beuce - Camelot - April 17 2014 5,000 Posts - Raisor - Central Haven - September 11 2014 6,000 Posts - Base - Wasteland - January 7 2016 7,000 Posts - Gwendolyn - San Fransokyo - February 25 2017 8,000 Posts - Aux - Shibuya - February 28 2018 9,000 Posts - Kaida - Ohana Island - June 21 2018 10,000 Posts - Arctus - Monstro - January 21 2019 CHAMBER 2 [Ananta, Castur] Where do you wish to go? ("✔" allow you to pass through. "X" means it is blocked off. The down arrow allows you to go to the previous chamber) X ⬆ ✔ ⬅ ✙ ➡ ✔ ⬇ ✔