As Enzo watched the king and his followers leave their presence, their party decreased by two. With Aria's most recent question, he scoffed. "Pfft... nothing holds back a Belmont. Except maybe a high price tag. Or spicy food... Or riddles... Come to think of it, there was a lot that held us back..." Enzo had a small moment of disturbing clarity before shaking his head. "Anyways... not sure if this helps with the whole currency debacle, but I've got something to pitch in if it helps." He flipped a coin up in the air before catching it in his palm. "Too big to be a gil... " He bit it down with his teeth. "Definately worth something though," he tossed the coin to Torrin. "And if we're picking armor colors, I'd like to go with Gold... Not that I'd be able to tell. But I think I could make a bold statement to my enemies," He smiled with his hands on his hips.
Boss Battle • Monstro Mayhem Grand Spectre: R O U N D 2 Stratos (x2) > Kaida (x2) > Beuce > Aux > Grand Spectre (x3) Pinocchio's Parasie Cage: R O U N D 2 Steel (x2) > Faust (x2) > Marshmallow (4) > Kel > Karina > AJ > Parasite Cage Kairi's Parasite Cage: R O U N D 2 Castur (x2) > Ignis > Luna > Ananta > Marx > Parasite Cage Grand Spectre x5: 3,000/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Pinocchio's Parasite Cage: 3,167/7,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Kairi's Parasite Cage: 5,933/7,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status - NORMAL) Riku: 80/100 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Sora: 100/100 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Kaida Metronome Stratos Beuce Aux 122/122 HP 14/15 MP 60% CG Buff:Luck - 20% Dodge Chance - 40% Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Curaga Balloonra Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Fox Taser 3/3 Thunder Bell 3/3 Strike Raid 3/3 Ninja Vanish (0/5) Spoiler: ITEM Ether x1 Phoenix Down x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Able to reach higher enemies Item Boost - Items are more effective Second Chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck Second Wind - Recover from knockout Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken Cheer - Summons last longer MP Haste - MP is restored faster Reload Boost - Commands reload faster MP Rage - Restore MP when taking damage Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance Keyblade Ability - Hakuna Matata Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s mist - 200 CG Trinity Limit - ??? CG 116/116 HP 9/10 MP 81% CG Buff: Luck - 20% Dodge Chance - 40% Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Reluctancy (11/11) Break Time (11/11) Reflect (0/0) Bass Boost (0/0) - LOCKED Spoiler: ITEM Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Hi-Potion x1 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Can attack higher targets Magic Lock on - Raises the base accuracy of magic to 100 Item Boost - Increases the potency of items Cheer - Summons will stay for longer Second Wind - Automatically recover from knockout once Gift - Gift another player an item Guard - Defends against attacks Cover - Guard for an ally MP Haste - MP is restored more quickly Damage Syphon - CG is gained upon taking damage Reload Boost - Cooldowns are shortened Counterattack - Counter with a combo when guarding Critical Plus - Critical strike chance is increased Healing Guard - Heal when guarding MP gift - Sacrifice MP to restore an ally’s Berserker - damage increases while health is low Auto aura lv 1 - Go into a level 1 aura at will Beginner lessons - Increase the power of commands for the party by 30% Keyblade Ability - Lolipop Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist - 200 CG 99/99 HP 12/12 MP 80% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Stopga Ruin Spoiler: ITEM Ultra Phoenix Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Second Wind - Recovers from knockout once Damage Syphon - Gain CG from taking damage Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly Second chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage Gift - Give another player an item Cheer - Summons last longer Keyblade Ability - Light Control Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura 84/134 HP 7/9 MP 25% CG Buff: 20% Luck Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash - 5/5 Hyperjump - 7/7 Powerline - 6/6 Hammer Down (8/8) Shadow Pain (0/0) - LOCKED Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-Ether x1 Mega-Potion x1 Phoenix Down x1 Spoiler: SUMMON (Insert summon pics here) Spoiler: ABILITY Magic Lock-on - Raises the base accuracy of magic Guard - Defend against incoming damage Cover - Guard for an ally Gift - Give another player an item Item boost - Increase the potency of items Berserk - Increase damage on low health Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly Healing Guard - Heal when guarding MP rage - Regain MP when damage is taken MP Gift - Give another player MP at the cost of your own Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance Reload Boost - Skill commands reload faster Second Chance - Retain HP after taking massive damage Keyblade Ability - Item Boost Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall - 200 CG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJ LIGHTNING STRIKE Faust DARKEST FEARS Karina CRITICAL IMPACT Kel Steel Group Bonuses 50/100 HP 6/10 MP 105% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Marshmallow Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Blizzaga Thundaga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether potion Balloon Letter Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Second Chance Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Valor Wisdom Ground Combo Base: 200%, 25 CG Wind: 300%, 50 CG Air Combo Base: 175%, 25 CG Wind: 275%, 50 CG Light: 300%, 40 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Wind Whirlwind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale Cyclone Wind Boost 2 Reverse Aero Vortex 7/7 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 40/90 HP 3/9 MP 120% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marshmallow Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Thundaga Blizzaga Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Mega-Potion x2 Ether x2 hi-potion Hi-ether Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Poison Edge 5/5 Osmose 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Lucky Lucky (Lady Luck) Ground Combo Base: 125%, 15 CG Magic: 275%, 20 CG Thunder: 225%, 30 CG Air Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Magic: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 25 CG Light: 225%, 20 CG Black Mage Fast Magic Spell Upgrade Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Spoiler: LIMITS Final Ragnarok Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser Thunder Thunderbolt Static Electricity Thunder Boost Thunder Thrust Lightning Strike Thunder Boost 2 Super Shocker Twin Lightning 0/7 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 52/97 HP 5/5 MP 75% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Poison Edge 4/4 Splatter Combo 4/4 Zantetsuken 5/5 Strike Raid 2/2 Magnify 0/11 Dark Aura 7/7 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) EXP Writer III Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Reload Boost Critical Plus Auto Aura I Dark Control (Oblivion) Ground Combo Base: 425%, 35 CG Fire: 525%, 55 CG Dark: 550%, 50 CG Home Run: 575%, 40 CG Air Combo Base: 400%, 40 CG Fire: 500%, 60 CG Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Darkness Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Power Critical Impact Power Boost Home Run Fatal Mode Power Boost 2 Combat Experience Sacrifice 7/7 Dark Shadow Claws Dark Boost Dark Reach Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge 58/108 HP 5/5 MP 105% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Baymax Maui Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ITEMS Phoenix Down Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Ultra-Potion Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 1/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Poison Edge 4/4 Zantetsuken 0/5 Fox Taser 4/4 Magnify 11/11 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Item Boost Second Wind Cheer (Equipped) Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Second Chance Reload Boost Berserk MP Rage Battle Cry Auto Aura Lvl 1 Critical Plus Dark Control (Oblivion) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Power: 425%, 40 CG Blade: 425%, 40 CG Ice: 375%, 55 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Ice: 350%, 60 CG Paupu Knight Potential Turbo Hit Lucky Charm Intertwined We’ll Go Together Ars Arcanum Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun[/spoiler] Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Homerun 46/96 HP 4/9 MP 115% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Sparky Fairy Godmother Spoiler: MAGIC Stopga Firaga Thundaga Spoiler: ITEMS Ultra Potion Mega Ether Elixer Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Splattercombo 5/5 Faith 5/5 Thunder Bell 1/3 Fox Taser 0/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (50%) Guard Item Boost Lucky Lucky MP Haste Second Chance MP Gift Healing Guard Second Wind Battle Cry Tribute Protect and Serve (Lionheart) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Speed: 350%, 70 CG Water: 375%, 55 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Speed: 325%, 75 CG Water: 350%, 55 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Vector to the Heavens Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Speed Fever Pitch Head Start Rapid Spin Speed Rave Assault Boost Stop Barrier Bullet Burst 8/8 Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave Valor - 10% Str Wisdom - 10% Mag Lucky Lucky - 30% Luck Cheer - +2 Combo Accuracy AJ: 120% Faust: 130% Karina: 110% Kel: 110% Steel: 110% Crit Chance Anata: 30% Faust: 30% Karina: 45% Kel: 75% Steel: 45% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ananta Castur FIRESTORM Ignis Luna Marx Group Bonuses 47/97 HP 7/10 MP 65% CG AEROGA - 2 Cycles Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Stopga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Hi Ether x4 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 4/4 Thunder Bell 0/3 Break Time 6/6 Crystalline 11/11 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Second Wind MP Haste MP Rage Damage Syphon Second Chance Reload Boost Critical Plus Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Valor Wisdom Ground Combo Base: 275%, 35 CG Magic: 425%, 40 CG Water: 375%, 50 CG Air Combo Base: 250%, 40 CG Magic: 400%, 45 CG Water: 350%, 55 CG Light: 375%, 55 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Trinity Limit Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser Water Splash Dash High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave Wave Surfer Water Boost 2 Wave Shield Wipeout 6/6 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 54/104 HP 10/12 MP 65% CG AEROGA - 2 Cycles Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Crystalinne 7/7 Quake 7/7 Splattercombo 6/6 Poison Edge 7/7 Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Mega-Potion Ether Hi-Ether Balloon Letter Phoenix Down Ultra-Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Hammer Down 0/12 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Guard Magic Lock-On Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphoon Cover MP Haste Reload Boost Second Chance Healing Guard Ground Combo Base: 100% Air Combo Base: 100% Blacksmith Refine Iron Will Stock Up Recycler Exhaust Spoiler: Aura Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash Wind Highwinds Wind Boost Final Gale 70/120 HP 7/7 MP 115% CG STR + 5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Bambi Mushu Marahute Fairy Godmother Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Mega-Ether Hi-Ether Barrier Surge 0/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Fire Strike 3/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Cross Slash 3/3[/spoiler] Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30 %) Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky Berserk Critical Plus Auto Aura Lvl 1 Ground Combo Base: 425%, 35 CG Fire: 525%, 55 CG Air Combo Base: 400%, 40 CG Fire: 500%, 60 CG Soldier Valor Combo Master Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Firestorm Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge Blazing Sun Fire Boost 2 Third Degree Mega Flare 9/9 75/135 HP 12/14 MP 55% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Baymax Cheshire Cat Maximus Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Blizzaga Curaga Stopga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Ultra-Potion Ether Phoenix Down Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Elixir Mega-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 0/3 Faith 4/4 Crystalline 11/11 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Counterattack Reload Boost Healing Guard Lollipop (Companion) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Light: 375%, 55 CG Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Human Shield Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Ultima Cannon Spoiler: Aura Light Rising Wing Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven Wingblade Light Boost 2 Wings of Light Salvation 8/8 50/100 HP 5/9 MP 90% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Ballonra Minega Graviga Blizzaga Firaga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Balloon Letter Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 3/3 Osmose 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Chance Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Reload Boost Guard Critical Plus Ground Combos Base: 125%, 5 CG Air Combos Base 125%, 5 CG Black Mage Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Valor - +100% Str Wisdom - +50% Mag Lucky Lucky - 10% Luck Combo Accuracy Ananta: 110% Castur: 110% Ignis: 90% Luna: 90% Marx: 110% Crit Chance Ananta: 25% Castur: 10% Ignis: 25% Luna: 25% Marx: 10%
Boss Battle • Monstro Mayhem Grand Spectre: R O U N D 1 Stratos (x2) > Kaida (x2) > Beuce > Aux > Grand Spectre (x3) Pinocchio's Parasie Cage: R O U N D 1 Steel (x2) > Faust (x2) > Marshmallow (5) > Kel > Karina > AJ > Parasite Cage Kairi's Parasite Cage: R O U N D 1 Castur (x2) > Ignis > Luna > Ananta > Marx > Parasite Cage Grand Spectre: 3,000/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Pinocchio's Parasite Cage: 5,109/7,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Kairi's Parasite Cage: 7,287/7,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status - NORMAL) Riku: 80/100 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Sora: 100/100 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Kaida Metronome Stratos Beuce Aux 61/122 HP 14/15 MP 60% CG Buff:Luck - 20% Dodge Chance - 40% Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Curaga Balloonra Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Fox Taser 3/3 Thunder Bell 3/3 Strike Raid 3/3 Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Ether x1 Phoenix Down x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Able to reach higher enemies Item Boost - Items are more effective Second Chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck Second Wind - Recover from knockout Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken Cheer - Summons last longer MP Haste - MP is restored faster Reload Boost - Commands reload faster MP Rage - Restore MP when taking damage Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance Keyblade Ability - Hakuna Matata Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s mist - 200 CG Trinity Limit - ??? CG 30/116 HP 10/10 MP 38% CG Buff: Luck - 20% Dodge Chance - 40% Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Reluctancy (11/11) Break Time (11/11) Reflect (0/0) Bass Boost (0/0) - LOCKED Spoiler: ITEM Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Hi-Potion x2 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Can attack higher targets Magic Lock on - Raises the base accuracy of magic to 100 Item Boost - Increases the potency of items Cheer - Summons will stay for longer Second Wind - Automatically recover from knockout once Gift - Gift another player an item Guard - Defends against attacks Cover - Guard for an ally MP Haste - MP is restored more quickly Damage Syphon - CG is gained upon taking damage Reload Boost - Cooldowns are shortened Counterattack - Counter with a combo when guarding Critical Plus - Critical strike chance is increased Healing Guard - Heal when guarding MP gift - Sacrifice MP to restore an ally’s Berserker - damage increases while health is low Auto aura lv 1 - Go into a level 1 aura at will Beginner lessons - Increase the power of commands for the party by 30% Keyblade Ability - Lolipop Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist - 200 CG 19/99 HP 12/12 MP 40% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Stopga Ruin Spoiler: ITEM Ultra Phoenix Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Second Wind - Recovers from knockout once Damage Syphon - Gain CG from taking damage Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly Second chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage Gift - Give another player an item Cheer - Summons last longer Keyblade Ability - Light Control Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura 84/134 HP 9/9 MP 25% CG Buff: 20% Luck Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash - 5/5 Hyperjump - 7/7 Powerline - 6/6 Hammer Down (8/8) Shadow Pain (0/0) - LOCKED Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-Ether x1 Mega-Potion x1 Phoenix Down x1 Spoiler: SUMMON (Insert summon pics here) Spoiler: ABILITY Magic Lock-on - Raises the base accuracy of magic Guard - Defend against incoming damage Cover - Guard for an ally Gift - Give another player an item Item boost - Increase the potency of items Berserk - Increase damage on low health Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly Healing Guard - Heal when guarding MP rage - Regain MP when damage is taken MP Gift - Give another player MP at the cost of your own Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance Reload Boost - Skill commands reload faster Second Chance - Retain HP after taking massive damage Keyblade Ability - Item Boost Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall - 200 CG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJ LIGHTNING STRIKE Faust DARKEST FEARS Karina CRITICAL IMPACT Kel Steel Group Bonuses 100/100 HP 7/10 MP 75% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Marshmallow Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Blizzaga Thundaga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether potion Balloon Letter Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Second Chance Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Valor Wisdom Ground Combo Base: 200%, 25 CG Wind: 300%, 50 CG Air Combo Base: 175%, 25 CG Wind: 275%, 50 CG Light: 300%, 40 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Wind Whirlwind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale Cyclone Wind Boost 2 Reverse Aero Vortex 7/7 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 90/90 HP 5/9 MP 35% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marshmallow Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Thundaga Blizzaga Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Mega-Potion x2 Ether x2 hi-potion Hi-ether Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Poison Edge 5/5 Osmose 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Lucky Lucky (Lady Luck) Ground Combo Base: 125%, 15 CG Magic: 275%, 20 CG Thunder: 225%, 30 CG Air Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Magic: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 25 CG Light: 225%, 20 CG Black Mage Fast Magic Spell Upgrade Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Spoiler: LIMITS Final Ragnarok Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser Thunder Thunderbolt Static Electricity Thunder Boost Thunder Thrust Lightning Strike Thunder Boost 2 Super Shocker Twin Lightning 0/7 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 87/97 HP 5/5 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Poison Edge 4/4 Splatter Combo 4/4 Zantetsuken 5/5 Strike Raid 2/2 Magnify 0/11 Dark Aura 7/7 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) EXP Writer III Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Reload Boost Critical Plus Auto Aura I Dark Control (Oblivion) Ground Combo Base: 425%, 35 CG Fire: 525%, 55 CG Dark: 550%, 50 CG Home Run: 575%, 40 CG Air Combo Base: 400%, 40 CG Fire: 500%, 60 CG Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Darkness Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Power Critical Impact Power Boost Home Run Fatal Mode Power Boost 2 Combat Experience Sacrifice 7/7 Dark Shadow Claws Dark Boost Dark Reach Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge 108/108 HP 5/5 MP 30% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Baymax Maui Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ITEMS Phoenix Down Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Ultra-Potion Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 0/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Poison Edge 4/4 Zantetsuken 5/5 Fox Taser 4/4 Magnify 11/11 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Item Boost Second Wind Cheer (Equipped) Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Second Chance Reload Boost Berserk MP Rage Battle Cry Auto Aura Lvl 1 Critical Plus Dark Control (Oblivion) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Power: 425%, 40 CG Blade: 425%, 40 CG Ice: 375%, 55 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Ice: 350%, 60 CG Paupu Knight Potential Turbo Hit Lucky Charm Intertwined We’ll Go Together Ars Arcanum Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun[/spoiler] Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Homerun 96/96 HP 6/9 MP 35% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Sparky Fairy Godmother Spoiler: MAGIC Stopga Firaga Thundaga Spoiler: ITEMS Ultra Potion Mega Ether Elixer Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Splattercombo 5/5 Faith 5/5 Thunder Bell 3/3 Fox Taser 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (50%) Guard Item Boost Lucky Lucky MP Haste Second Chance MP Gift Healing Guard Second Wind Battle Cry Tribute Protect and Serve (Lionheart) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Speed: 350%, 70 CG Water: 375%, 55 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Speed: 325%, 75 CG Water: 350%, 55 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Vector to the Heavens Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Speed Fever Pitch Head Start Rapid Spin Speed Rave Assault Boost Stop Barrier Bullet Burst 8/8 Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave Valor - 10% Str Wisdom - 10% Mag Lucky Lucky - 30% Luck Cheer - +2 Combo Accuracy AJ: 120% Faust: 130% Karina: 110% Kel: 110% Steel: 110% Crit Chance Anata: 30% Faust: 30% Karina: 45% Kel: 75% Steel: 45% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ananta Castur FIRESTORM Ignis Luna Marx Group Bonuses 97/97 HP 8/10 MP 0% CG AEROGA - 3 Cycles Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Stopga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Hi Ether x4 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 4/4 Thunder Bell 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Crystalline 11/11 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Second Wind MP Haste MP Rage Damage Syphon Second Chance Reload Boost Critical Plus Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Valor Wisdom Ground Combo Base: 275%, 35 CG Magic: 425%, 40 CG Water: 375%, 50 CG Air Combo Base: 250%, 40 CG Magic: 400%, 45 CG Water: 350%, 55 CG Light: 375%, 55 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Trinity Limit Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser Water Splash Dash High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave Wave Surfer Water Boost 2 Wave Shield Wipeout 6/6 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 104/104 HP 10/12 MP 0% CG AEROGA - 3 Cycles Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Crystalinne 4/4 Quake 4/4 Splattercombo 3/3 Poison Edge 4/4 Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Mega-Potion Ether Hi-Ether Balloon Letter Phoenix Down Ultra-Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Hammer Down 12/12 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Guard Magic Lock-On Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphoon Cover MP Haste Reload Boost Second Chance Healing Guard Ground Combo Base: 100% Air Combo Base: 100% Blacksmith Refine Iron Will Stock Up Recycler Exhaust Spoiler: Aura Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash Wind Highwinds Wind Boost Final Gale 120/120 HP 7/7 MP 60% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Bambi Mushu Marahute Fairy Godmother Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Mega-Ether Hi-Ether Barrier Surge 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Fire Strike 3/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Cross Slash 3/3[/spoiler] Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30 %) Second Wind Damage Syphoon Second Chance Lucky Lucky Berserk Critical Plus Auto Aura Lvl 1 Ground Combo Base: 425%, 35 CG Fire: 525%, 55 CG Air Combo Base: 400%, 40 CG Fire: 500%, 60 CG Soldier Valor Combo Master Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Firestorm Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge Blazing Sun Fire Boost 2 Third Degree Mega Flare 9/9 135/135 HP 12/14 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Baymax Cheshire Cat Maximus Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Blizzaga Curaga Stopga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Ultra-Potion Ether Phoenix Down Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Elixir Mega-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Faith 4/4 Crystalline 11/11 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Counterattack Reload Boost Healing Guard Lollipop (Companion) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Light: 375%, 55 CG Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Human Shield Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Ultima Cannon Spoiler: Aura Light Rising Wing Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven Wingblade Light Boost 2 Wings of Light Salvation 8/8 100/100 HP 6/9 MP 30% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Ballonra Minega Graviga Blizzaga Firaga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Balloon Letter Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 3/3 Osmose 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Chance Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Reload Boost Guard Critical Plus Ground Combos Base: 125%, 5 CG Air Combos Base 125%, 5 CG Black Mage Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Valor - +100% Str Wisdom - +50% Mag Lucky Lucky - 10% Luck Combo Accuracy Ananta: 110% Castur: 110% Ignis: 90% Luna: 90% Marx: 110% Crit Chance Ananta: 25% Castur: 10% Ignis: 25% Luna: 25% Marx: 10%
"Aww, you do care!" Enzo smiled at Torrin before being shoved back against the wall. His shoulder blades hit the back of the wall, causing him to let out a small wince of pain before looking back at Nora. He was called worse than commoner before and never let class get in his way after the events of a fire. An old man showed him that a hindered life could still be bold, and thus always spoke his mind. Even if the situation need not call for such a moment. He kept a hand in his pocket as he addressed her again. "And if you wanted my tongue Ms. Nora, I could offer it to you in a much more pleasing fashion," he smiled, rubbing the back of his shoulder. "Along with any other parts you may wish to..." he cleared his throat quietly. "Acquire."
He watched as everyone introduced themselves, coming up with his own conclusion as how to "I see you're quite the commander. You have my utmost respect for all you must have accomplished to get where you are. My name is Enzo," Enzo said with a gracious bow. "And while I understand we are your captors, may I just say that I have never laid eyes on a creature more beautiful." He tried his best to make sure his eyes aligned with her to avoid any suspicions. He flashed a loving grin as he smiled at her. "The aroma that comes off you is intoxicating. The smell of war with the scent of metal and iron. But underneath there are hints of citrus. Like a dagger that was used on the field and in the scullery. I wish to learn all I can of you ms. Nora... I wish to earn your favor and your admiration. As you have already won mine..." Though he embellished a bit, there were hints of her aura that seemed captivating to him.
"When the heck did you wake up?!" Aux asked Beuce as everyone delved deeper into the whale's throat. As they arrived in the stomach, the area was filled with a harsh acid, as in front of the battle ready Riku, was two paraiste heartless, heartless ghost that the group had seen in the whale's chambers. "Kairi, Don't worry, I'll get you out of there..." Riku charge in with his kingdom key before being knocked back hard by one of the cages. "Riku!" Sora called out, as he reached into his pocket to take out a potion, he ran forward before tripping over his large shoes and watched as the potion stumbled out of his hand and onto the ghost heartless. The heartless let out a wicked cry of pain, as the entire area shook. The stomach filled with acid, as th groups were seperated onto different platforms with different enemies... MISSION START! Boss Battle • Monstro Mayhem Grand Spectre: R O U N D 1 Stratos (x2) > Kaida (x2) > Beuce > Aux > Grand Spectrer Pinocchio's Parasie Cage: R O U N D 1 Steel (x2) > Faust (x2) > Kel > Karina > AJ > Parasite Cage Kairi's Parasite Cage: R O U N D 1 Castur (x2) > Ignis > Luna > Ananta > Marx > Parasite Cage Grand Spectre: 4,500/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Pinocchio's Parasite Cage: 7,500/7,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Kairi's Parasite Cage: 7,500/7,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status - NORMAL) Riku: 80/100 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Sora: 100/100 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Kaida Metronome Stratos Beuce Aux 122/122 HP 15/15 MP 0% CG Buff:Luck - 20% Dodge Chance - 40% Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Curaga Balloonra Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Fox Taser 3/3 Thunder Bell 3/3 Strike Raid 3/3 Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Hi-Potion x1 Ether x1 Phoenix Down x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Able to reach higher enemies Item Boost - Items are more effective Second Chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck Second Wind - Recover from knockout Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken Cheer - Summons last longer MP Haste - MP is restored faster Reload Boost - Commands reload faster MP Rage - Restore MP when taking damage Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance Keyblade Ability - Hakuna Matata Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s mist - 200 CG Trinity Limit - ??? CG 116/116 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Buff: Luck - 20% Dodge Chance - 40% Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Reluctancy (11/11) Break Time (11/11) Reflect (0/0) Bass Boost (0/0) - LOCKED Spoiler: ITEM Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Hi-Potion x4 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Can attack higher targets Magic Lock on - Raises the base accuracy of magic to 100 Item Boost - Increases the potency of items Cheer - Summons will stay for longer Second Wind - Automatically recover from knockout once Gift - Gift another player an item Guard - Defends against attacks Cover - Guard for an ally MP Haste - MP is restored more quickly Damage Syphon - CG is gained upon taking damage Reload Boost - Cooldowns are shortened Counterattack - Counter with a combo when guarding Critical Plus - Critical strike chance is increased Healing Guard - Heal when guarding MP gift - Sacrifice MP to restore an ally’s Berserker - damage increases while health is low Auto aura lv 1 - Go into a level 1 aura at will Beginner lessons - Increase the power of commands for the party by 30% Keyblade Ability - Lolipop Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist - 200 CG 99/99 HP 12/12 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Stopga Ruin Spoiler: ITEM Ultra Phoenix Hi-potion Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Second Wind - Recovers from knockout once Damage Syphon - Gain CG from taking damage Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly Second chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage Gift - Give another player an item Cheer - Summons last longer Keyblade Ability - Light Control Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura 134/134 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Buff: 20% Luck Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combos are ineffective Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash - 5/5 Hyperjump - 7/7 Powerline - 6/6 Hammer Down (8/8) Shadow Pain (0/0) - LOCKED Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-Ether x1 Mega-Potion x1 Phoenix Down x1 Spoiler: SUMMON (Insert summon pics here) Spoiler: ABILITY Magic Lock-on - Raises the base accuracy of magic Guard - Defend against incoming damage Cover - Guard for an ally Gift - Give another player an item Item boost - Increase the potency of items Berserk - Increase damage on low health Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly Healing Guard - Heal when guarding MP rage - Regain MP when damage is taken MP Gift - Give another player MP at the cost of your own Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance Reload Boost - Skill commands reload faster Second Chance - Retain HP after taking massive damage Keyblade Ability - Item Boost Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall - 200 CG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJ LIGHTNING STRIKE Faust DARKEST FEARS Karina CRITICAL IMPACT Kel Steel Group Bonuses 100/100 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Blizzaga Thundaga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether potion Balloon Letter Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Second Chance Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Valor Wisdom Ground Combo Base: 200%, 25 CG Wind: 300%, 50 CG Air Combo Base: 175%, 25 CG Wind: 275%, 50 CG Light: 300%, 40 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Wind Whirlwind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale Cyclone Wind Boost 2 Reverse Aero Vortex 7/7 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 90/90 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marshmallow Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Thundaga Blizzaga Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Mega-Potion x2 Ether x2 hi-potion Hi-ether Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Poison Edge 5/5 Osmose 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Lucky Lucky (Lady Luck) Ground Combo Base: 125%, 15 CG Magic: 275%, 20 CG Thunder: 225%, 30 CG Air Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Magic: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 25 CG Light: 225%, 20 CG Black Mage Fast Magic Spell Upgrade Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Spoiler: LIMITS Final Ragnarok Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser Thunder Thunderbolt Static Electricity Thunder Boost Thunder Thrust Lightning Strike Thunder Boost 2 Super Shocker Twin Lightning 7/7 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 97/97 HP 5/5 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Poison Edge 4/4 Splatter Combo 4/4 Zantetsuken 5/5 Strike Raid 2/2 Magnify 11/11 Dark Aura 7/7 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) EXP Writer III Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Reload Boost Critical Plus Auto Aura I Dark Control (Oblivion) Ground Combo Base: 425%, 35 CG Fire: 525%, 55 CG Dark: 550%, 50 CG Home Run: 575%, 40 CG Air Combo Base: 400%, 40 CG Fire: 500%, 60 CG Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Darkness Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Power Critical Impact Power Boost Home Run Fatal Mode Power Boost 2 Combat Experience Sacrifice 7/7 Dark Shadow Claws Dark Boost Dark Reach Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge 108/108 HP 5/5 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Baymax Maui Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ITEMS Phoenix Down Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Ultra-Potion Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Poison Edge 4/4 Zantetsuken 5/5 Fox Taser 4/4 Magnify 11/11 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Item Boost Second Wind Cheer (Equipped) Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Second Chance Reload Boost Berserk MP Rage Battle Cry Auto Aura Lvl 1 Critical Plus Dark Control (Oblivion) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Power: 425%, 40 CG Blade: 425%, 40 CG Ice: 375%, 55 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Ice: 350%, 60 CG Paupu Knight Potential Turbo Hit Lucky Charm Intertwined We’ll Go Together Spoiler: LIMITS Ars Arcanum Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Homerun 96/96 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Sparky Fairy Godmother Spoiler: MAGIC Stopga Firaga Thundaga Spoiler: ITEMS Ultra Potion Mega Ether Elixer Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Splattercombo 5/5 Faith 5/5 Thunder Bell 3/3 Fox Taser 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (50%) Guard Item Boost Lucky Lucky MP Haste Second Chance MP Gift Healing Guard Second Wind Battle Cry Tribute Protect and Serve (Lionheart) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Speed: 350%, 70 CG Water: 375%, 55 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Speed: 325%, 75 CG Water: 350%, 55 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Vector to the Heavens Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Speed Fever Pitch Head Start Rapid Spin Speed Rave Assault Boost Stop Barrier Bullet Burst 8/8 Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave Valor - 10% Str Wisdom - 10% Mag Lucky Lucky - 30% Luck Cheer - +2 Combo Accuracy AJ: 120% Faust: 130% Karina: 110% Kel: 110% Steel: 110% Crit Chance Anata: 30% Faust: 30% Karina: 45% Kel: 75% Steel: 45% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ananta Castur FIRESTORM Ignis Luna Marx Group Bonuses 97/97 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Stopga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Hi Ether x4 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 4/4 Thunder Bell 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Crystalline 11/11 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Second Wind MP Haste MP Rage Damage Syphon Second Chance Reload Boost Critical Plus Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Valor Wisdom Ground Combo Base: 275%, 35 CG Magic: 425%, 40 CG Water: 375%, 50 CG Air Combo Base: 250%, 40 CG Magic: 400%, 45 CG Water: 350%, 55 CG Light: 375%, 55 CG Spoiler: LIMITS Trinity Limit Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser Water Splash Dash High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave Wave Surfer Water Boost 2 Wave Shield Wipeout 6/6 Light Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven 104/104 HP 12/12 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Crystalinne 4/4 Quake 4/4 Splattercombo 3/3 Poison Edge 4/4 Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Mega-Potion Ether Hi-Ether Balloon Letter Phoenix Down Ultra-Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Hammer Down 12/12 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Guard Magic Lock-On Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphoon Cover MP Haste Reload Boost Second Chance Healing Guard Ground Combo Base: 100% Air Combo Base: 100% Blacksmith Refine Iron Will Stock Up Recycler Exhaust Spoiler: Aura Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash Wind Highwinds Wind Boost Final Gale 120/120 HP 7/7 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Bambi Mushu Marahute Fairy Godmother Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Mega-Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Fire Strike 3/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30 %) Second Wind Damage Syphoon Second Chance Lucky Lucky Berserk Critical Plus Auto Aura Lvl 1 Ground Combo Base: 425%, 35 CG Fire: 525%, 55 CG Air Combo Base: 400%, 40 CG Fire: 500%, 60 CG Soldier Valor Combo Master Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Firestorm Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge Blazing Sun Fire Boost 2 Third Degree Mega Flare 9/9 135/135 HP 14/14 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Baymax Cheshire Cat Maximus Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Blizzaga Curaga Stopga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Ultra-Potion Ether Phoenix Down Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Elixir Mega-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Faith 4/4 Crystalline 11/11 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Counterattack Reload Boost Healing Guard Lollipop (Companion) Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Light: 375%, 55 CG Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Human Shield Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Ultima Cannon Spoiler: Aura Light Rising Wing Halo Light Boost Force of Heaven Wingblade Light Boost 2 Wings of Light Salvation 8/8 100/100 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Ballonra Minega Graviga Blizzaga Firaga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Balloon Letter Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 3/3 Osmose 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Chance Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Reload Boost Guard Critical Plus Ground Combos Base: 125%, 5 CG Air Combos Base 125%, 5 CG Black Mage Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Valor - +100% Str Wisdom - +50% Mag Lucky Lucky - 10% Luck Combo Accuracy Ananta: 110% Castur: 110% Ignis: 90% Luna: 90% Marx: 110% Crit Chance Ananta: 25% Castur: 10% Ignis: 25% Luna: 25% Marx: 10%
Aux unequipped Monk for Blacksmith Buying and equipping 4 Hi-potions for 600 Munny, bringing me down from 17,183 to 16,573. Unequipping all combo levels. Equipping Gift, Item Boost, and MP Rage. Equipping Monochrome.
February 2019 This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!
"I don't think that's how the timeline works in this case!" he yelled chasing after Kaida. "But I mean... how are you even dealing with that? He's the guy you gave you your keyblade," he said quietly to her. "You don't have any questions you tried to ask him? Any answers or reasons you'd want from the man who is one of the most powerful wielders of modern times?" As he said this Sora jumped up to a piece of drifwood, before the piece of driftwood fell on top of him, causing him to hold his bruised head. "Ow..." he quietly said to himself. "Why does he remind me of someone?" Aux said quietly to himself.
Riku stood on the higher ground as he scoffed at his friend. "Sora... stop bothering them with our problems. This fight doesn't concern them." Sora looked back at them before looking to Riku. "My heart says different... I know you're stronger than me. You're better at me than lot of stuff. But your wrong about this. If they want to help us get our friends back, I say we let them." "We?" Riku asked. "How will you fight without a weapon? That swords not gonna do you much good. You should've taken the free keyblade. " I know now I don’t need the Keyblade. I’ve got a better weapon. My heart." Riku scoffed again. :Your heart? What good will that weak little thing do for you?" "All though my heart may be weak, it’s not alone. It's going to grow with each new experience, and it’ll find a home with all the friends I’ll make. I’ll become a part of their hearts just as they’ll become a part of mine. These people we met... I'm not going to forget them. The words they told me... their faces. Their hearts. They're going to stay with me no matter how far from the island we get. I'll make friends with as many people as I can! And if they think of me now and then...if they don’t forget me...then our hearts will be one. (He takes out the wooden sword) "I don’t need a weapon. My friends will be my power!" The wayward wind keyblade appeared in Sora's hand, as he stood back in amazement. "Whoa!" Riku was at a loss for words, simply choosing to to grit his teeth and go into the tunnel leading to the stomach. "Riku, wait!" Sora yelled, chasing after him. Aux blinked as he leaned over to Kaida. "Please tell me that's not who I think it is..."
"Is this all of you?" Enzo asked. The woman shook her head. He took her by the arm and wrapped her arm around his neck, to help her get to her feet. The child crying still, he picked up and put over his shoulder. "There is a time and place to cry little boy, but that water won't help here... Just keep your eyes shut until we get out." He quickly took out his keyblade from his pant leg and cast a water spell over the flames, He created an accessible walkway that he dashed through as he ran far enough with enough adrenalin pumping in his body, that he couldn't think about anything else. The fires were thick with heat, but Enzo continued to cast water spells and was running out of the building, as soon as he was close enough to the exit, he heard a loud meowing sound. "AHH.. must save cat." He heard the cat near the window close by and immediately kicked through the glass with his foot. He then made a quick turn, and rapped his foot around the cat, who was hissing at the fire. He gently tapped his foot on the underbelly of the cat, before lifting it off the ground with his foot and tossing it out the window. A loud, scream was let loose as the cat flew out the window. "You're welcome!" Enzo called out, before exiting with the small family in tow. Enzo's face was covered in soot as he took the family in a safe distance before running off to reconvene with Aria. He cast a couple of water spells to drench the heartless before slashing at them with his keyblade to extinguish them permenantly. "Where are they coming from?" he asked in a serious tone to Aria.
"F-fire?" Enzo, asked trying to keep up a pleasant smile. There was obviously something about the job that was getting him as he quickly looked around himself to wonder just how close they were to any intense heat. As the fires grew, Enzo took a few steps back, almost afraid of the searing humidity that came off the buildings. He tried to make another sentence, but his mouth continued to quiver and he was unable to form words. He just kept mumbling quietly to himself as he the word 'fire' was hushly repeated over and over to himself. His smile faded as his face was now flushed with fear. He closed his eyes tightly as he covered his temple with both hands. Not again... He kept hearing the screams of people echo in his head and the memory of him calling out for his mother. Not again... His eyes darted back and forth as a crackling spark from the enchanted fire, caused him to wince and jump a bit. His mind jumping back and forth from his current age and his childhood memory. Not again.... He shut his eyes as tightly as he could, hoping he would awaken from this repeating nightmare. He couldn't do this. Not again... As he was trapped in his own head of torment and screams, a kid crying broke him out of his traumatic loop. The child sounded like they were no older than six. Not again. He flew his head up with faint eyes wide open as he looked in the direction of the building. A few tears strolling down his face, he saw small auras of light amidst the blinding heat of the fires. The screams and cries from the townspeople being in present day. He couldn't do anything back then. But that was then. Never again. Recomposing himself, he took a very solemnt breath and kept his mind in focus, he took off his glasses and wiped away any tears from his face before putting them back on. He took a very big breath before bolting off into the direction of the fires. "I'M VERY TRULY TERRIFIED, BUT ANSWER TO THE CHILDREN'S CRIES-" Enzo ran in and disappeared into the fires with his voice trailing off.
Aux made a small groaning noise as he dusted himself off. "You have... kids?" Aux asked as he tried to jump back into reality as he shook his head to get re-aligned with himself. Sora and Riku immediately got up as they looked around. "Kairi! We have to go after her! Pinocchio too!" "Where's Kairi!? I thought she was here!" "She went into the maze with the rest of these guys. But then some... monster took her and-" "What!" Riku interrupted. "If she was with you, you were supposed to protect her! How could you let that happen!" "Riku, it happened fast and... we can get her back!" Sora tried to defend himself. "No... I can get her back. You've done enough." "Riku..." Sora tried to reach his hand out as his friend began to walk away. "Geppetto stopped working for a moment as he watched Riku pass by. "Oh.. is my Pinocchio safe?..." "He will be. I'll bring him back. Kairi too. Sora will stay here and sit this one out." "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Sora called out. Riku stopped and turned around. "Everything's a game to you. We're not on the island anymore. This isn't a race or a wooden sword fight! Bad things can happen in other worlds. You promised me you'd take things more seriously!" "Hey, I kept my promise. Besides, you can't fight that thing alone!" "Why not? I've done a lot on my own. I always had to push you to work on the raft. When we left the island I thought things were going to be different. But you're the same Sora as when we were kids... You never change." Riku turned and kept walking, but didn't make it to the chamber before the whale started to shake violently. A ghost's face appeared briefly before the chambers shut in on itself. "What... what was that?" Riku asked stepping back. "That's the ghost we saw earlier!" Sora called out. "And that's just the head." A ghostly wail was coming from a higher area. "I think it's coming from the throat," Jiminy proclaimed. "Then that's where I'm going," Riku nodded. "Well I'm coming too!" Sora argued. "No you aren't. You'll jest get in the way." Riku summoned his keyblade, and climbed a pile of rubble to get to the higher ledge. "Your heart just isn't strong enough..." Sora looked down sadly as he stayed put.
CHAMBER 21 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Sora) The group fast traveled to Chamber 21 As the party arrived at the dead end, the same heartless that took Kairi earlier, was dangling from the top of the chamber as it held Kairi inside. "Don't worry Kairi, we'll get you out!" He began to charge forward. "Sora wait!" The ground opened up from beneath the group as everyone fell in. The party is now back at the mouth!
Enzo chuckled at Qamar's threat. "Hahaha, classic Qamar..." He looked in the direction of the castle looming in the distance, as he could feel the energy differ from their previous location. He felt a bit uneasy, but still chose to keep high spirits as they walked along. He couldn't recall the last time he saw the castle, only that it was one of the last landmarks he saw before leaving this place all those years ago. "So Torrin, what do you plan to do when we get to your home? Any lost loves? Owed debts? Casualties of war you weren't affiliated with, but they still blame you for what happened and thus have vengeance sworn upon you?" That last one seemed oddly specific he realized.
CHAMBER 37 (Ananta, Aux, Castur, Faust, Karina, Riku) The party fast traveled to Chamber 37! "Riku," he replied to Ananta. "And thanks for the offer, but..." He gripped his fist as he kept walking. "I'll pass. I'm done being treated as a kid. When we left our island, we made a pact. That the three of us would help find Kairi find her real home. Once we set sail, there was no going back... We knew we might never see our parents again, and we took the risk. We had one chance to leave and we took it. After Destiny islands fell to darkness. Destiny Islands was the name of the place where the battle o 10k heartless took place. Interesting to know that was their ticket back to the realm of light. "But just because we lost our home, that was no excuse to stop searching. We couldn't let fear stop us.... I'm not afraid of the darkness!" Riku called out as his voice echoed throughout the chamber. As the group hit another dead end, a gelatinous heartless fell from above, it's giant stomach showing to be a cage that had Pinocchio inside of it. "Riku! Help!" he cried asthe heartless hung from the ceiling by it's arms. "Hey, drop him!" Riku was about to summon his keyblade when the chamber shook violently. A hole opened up beneath the group, causing them all to fall through All players fell back into the mouth! ------------------------------ CHAMBER 29 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Sora) The group fast traveled to Chamber 29! Left or RIGHT?
CHAMBER 35 Riku looked down at his weapon "A keyblade... so that'swhat its called." wraised an eyebrow at the group. "Just who are you guys supposed to be anyways?..." "He's Faust. The traveling magician." Aux sarcastically replied. He summoned his keyblade into his hand before making it vanish again. "So wait... you're all from other worlds then! My friends and I were going to go out and explore what was out there beyond our island, but then we got sucked into this mess." He dissolved his keyblade as he walked past them. "Well if love to pick your brains, but I have friends to find..."
CHAMBER 16 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Sora) A ghost's face appeared momentarily before vanishing as the party raced through. "Huh... what was..." Sora stopped for a moment. "Did you guys see something?" Left or Right?
CHAMBER 17 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Sora) Straight or left?
CHAMBER 14 (AJ, Ignis, Kaida, Kel, Marx, Sora) The party fast traveled to Chamber 14! Straight or left?