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  1. Krowley
  2. Krowley
    "Thanks," Aux replied dryly to Kel.
    Aux looked to Castur briefly before looking back at the two mops in his hands.
    "Well.... This is my life now," He plopped the mops onto the floor and begin to dual sweep along the wooden floors. He was used to chores from back home. The whole concept of it all made him long more for home. He'd help with things around the house with his mother until his father came home. A brief memory of the three of them sharing a meal entered his head. It had been over four years since he's seen them last. ll he could do was sweep and reminisce as everything else around him wasn't phasing him much.

    Jim scowled as he continued to peel the potato peelings into the same bucket as Kel. "I could ask you the same thing..." He replied to Karina as he leaned his elbows on his knees as he continued to cut potatoes. "You're a little whiles away from from the nearest spaceport.. How'd you guys end up in the Kerian Abyss?" he asked suspiciously.

    As they talked below deck, Castur had ventured off to where a few of the alien pirates were whispering quietly to each other

    "So when is it going down?"
    "We're just waiting on the signal now."
    "Who's giving the signal?"

    Before he could listen further, Scroop fell from the rafts in front of him, as his spider-like legs elevated higher than the man. He hissed as his glowing eye were locked onto Castur.
    "Cabin boys should learn to mind their own business."


    "Well that's the whole point o' livin' now i'n't?" he replied. "Just getting from place to place for personal gain and what not?"
    As Beuce spoke on, Jack nodded in agreement to his arrangement. "I like the cut o' yer jib my good man. Honor among thieves is a lost tradition sad as it is."
    He adjusted his pirate hat as he extended his ring covered filthy hand to Luna. "Welcome lady and gents... to the crew of the black Pearl. I'll be yer Captain Jack Sparrow. And what do they call you lot?"
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 18, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley

    "My chicken!" Enzo gasped, as the book fell through his hands onto the floor. Being pushed slowly out by Torrin, he didn't exactly put up much of a fight, but did manage to give brief wimpers until the group fully exited the library.

    As they were gently and subtly dismissed from the place of academia, Enzo squinted around the hall they were dragged to and stuffed his hands into his pockets. He sniffed his nose a bit to see if any food was nearby. He was dissapointed as their was no pleasant scent to be had. He wasn't used to this much darkness and lack of food in his more current lifestyle.

    "I don't know about anyone else, but I could use a real pick me up." He turned to Torrin. "If you know where the Sleeping Keys are, I wouldn't mind taking a visit there if we have the time," he smiled cheerily.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 18, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley
    "Nah," Enzo shrugged as he chuckled. "The pursuit of knowledge is not one I care for." He happily and mindlessly slipped over the pages of the book he was holding. "I don't really need to know what happened or what's been.. I only care about what lies ahead and how to get there." He turned to the group and smiled with his teeth wide. "I'm kinda like a shark in that way... CHOMP CHOMP!" He said, with a side grin, before turning back to the book.He has just finished reading a passage of how to serve chicken with duck, licking his lips as he did so.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley


    As the party went below deck, they were greeted by a large alien cyborg and a young teenager that was roughly their age. The cyborg was hefty with a mechanical eye, leg, and impressively weaponized arm. The younger teenager has brown hair, fair skin, and an earring and his hair tied back in a tiny tail. The peak image of rebellious youth.

    "Hey Jimbo, looks like the Captain thought you could use some friends, aye?!" The cyborg joyfully told the teen.
    The teenager continued to crub the pot in silence as something seemed to be bothering him. "Hehe..." Silver rubbed the back of his neck as he got up to greet the new arrivals. "Well look at all the fine lot o' yas... Captain bringin' in such fine and distinguished ladies and gents to grace my humble galley. Had l known, l'd have tucked in me shirt." he chuckled, before offering his hand to shake. He quickly switched it to the other less deadly arm, but didn't have much response from the group.

    Aw, now, don't be too put off by this hunk of hardware! These gears have been tough getting used to... but they do come in mighty handy from time to time."
    His cyborg eye began to twitch a bit. "Welp Captain's just update me on who ya are. Mr. Castur.. Ms Karina.. Ms. Ignis.. Mr. Kel aaaand Mr. Aux it seems. Well I go by Mr. Silver and that over is Jimbo.Say hi Jimbo!" He said, calling back to the young boy. Their was nothing but silence as Mr. Silver turned back to the group. "See uhh.. Jimbo hasn't been having a very good day so just.. bare that in mind. He's a good lad. Just not havin' the best o' times if yah catch me drift..." He reached over and grabbed two mops into the hands of Castur and Aux. He then shot out two sponges to Karina and Ignis and finally a potato peeler to Kel. "Meet Mr and Mrs. Mop, Ladies sponge and steel wool, and o' course, Mr. Potato peeler..." He rubbed his hands on his apron. "If yah don't mind now, I've got some... other priorities I need to be checking on. But I demand that the floors be spotless, the dinner be ready to cook, and those dishes, ready to serve on!" He barked at them."I'll be keepin' a close on ye," he chuckled as his cyborg eye darted a laser across all of them.

    Mr. Silver left in a quick hurry as the galley was left silent. Aux quickly looked at his mop, and then to Castur. "Anybody wanna trade?..."


    "Lost boys on board the Jolly Roger!" A pirate yelled out.

    "Don't you brats know whose ship this is!" The pirate drew out their swords as they prepared to fight. "Let's make the lot of them walked the plank!"
    The pirates cheered as they went in closer.



    Jack waved his finger forward and back as if wasn't exactly sober. "Well that right there's a long story... The keyblade and I met not to long ago... It involved a boy, a duck, and a dog..." He looked at Steel for a moment. "Might be a distant relative of yours..." He continued on as he strolled along the beaches. "Regardless of the circumstances, the boy had that weapon and I saw the properties it held... That boy... with the brown spiky hair. Whose name was..." He paused for a moment trying to recall, blinking his eyes wide open. "Sorrin." He spun around again pacing the other way.

    "After Sorrin and I shared our adventure, I tried to find a keyblade of my own to no avail. Just thinking of all the chests I could open with such a creation. But such is the roll of the die that is life..." He examined the raft they arrived in on. "As for what the service is, theres a certain special black box I'm trying to find. But some other horrible pirates also trying to find it... You can tell how horrible they are just by the sight of them. Not even the charming kind of unkempt..." He cleared his throat breifly. "So I am in need of some locksmiths such as yourself to help me find the box, open it with your lovely tool there and help me... Captain Jack Sparrow save everyone," He smiled as he leaned on their boat. "I mean, you could of course refuse, but a couple of corsairs such as yerselves wouldn't make it fr into the ocean. Not with Davey Jones lurking about. He currently controls the seas you know.. If you want to travel far out, you wouldn't make it ten knots without his little beasty swallowing you whole. Especially not on this thing."

    He knocked against the raft, as if trying to break it. He used more force as he grunted, causing the mast to crack. He stepped back and gasped. "That crack could've been you necks," he grimaced. "But... I have a ship, I've got a crew... And you're welcome to join it! I even got a fancy little compass to help you get where you need to go... So what say you... " He paused for a moments. "Whoever you are..."

    Post by: Krowley, Apr 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    "Some things... even I can't fix..." Aux said in reply to Kel as he sighed, watching them squabble betwixt each other.
    Farris chuckled slowly as she watched them bicker. "You guys are a riot," She took Castur by the shoulders and knee'd him in the groin. "That ain't gonna get you anywhere here though... I'll be the only Captain on this ship thank you..." She turned to her crew "And seeing as how my crew found you, you are now property of my ship. Finders keepers after all..." she smirked. "Of course, I could always have them throw you back out on that dead dingy of yours, but I wouldn't recommend it."
    "But Captain... wouldn't it just be far easier to hehe... Loot their treasure and throw them into the abyss?" Mr. Scroop suggested.
    As the pirate cheered, Farris stomped her foot down. "We are pirates, but we aren't killers! We take everything but the lives of people! And so long as I'm Captain that's how it's gonna be! Am I making myself clear Mr. Scroop?" She asked, with a look of ferocity in her eyes.

    Groaning with squinted eyes, Scroop replied; "Transparently..."
    "Good..." She said before strolling back to the group, hands behind her back as she walked. "So we've got a theatrical Castur, a hot tempered Karina, an impatient Ignis, a reserved Kel..." She looked up at Aux. "And what do they call you Mr. talking mute?"
    Aux placed his hand folded over each other just in case she planned to do to him what he did to Castur. "Faust. The traveling magician," he replied sarcastically.

    Farris did not seem amused.
    "Aux," he replied in surrender.

    "And a big dumb Aux," Farris finished. "You five are now property of me. So feel free to report below deck for your assignments... We're on a bit of a journey you see. So the quicker you pitch in, the quicker we can ditch you at the nearest spaceport," se said, walking back up the stairs. "Mr. Silver is our ship's cook. Report to him for your new attire and job duties. If you have any complaints... Well... you've already met Mr. Scroop."
    Scroop clicked his claws sinisterly as he chuckled under his raspy voice.

    "Crew dismissed... We're expected to reach our destination in three cycles..." Farris left the deck with the pirates returning back to work.
    One of the pirates with multiple arms chuckled as attempted to grab Aux's hat. From the corner of his eye, he saw the incoming hand and spun around to grab the creature by the beard, He pulled downward and punched the man across his face. Watching as the lummox fell down. "He quickly ripped off a piece of the pirate's armband and tied it around the back of his hat to fashion a bandana. "Finders keepers right," he shrugged to the rest of the group. He plucked a cybernetic eye enhancement from the knocked out body and added covered his left eye with it.

    Since joining the group, Aux always had to tip toe and help people. He didn't have to help anyone here. He began heading below deck with his new look, making sure his show of force was enough to at least make them back off for a bit.



    As Luna exited the very conveniently placed vendor, a large huffing sound could be heard from a man running very briskly toward them. From the short distance it looked like a pirate similarly dressed. He seemed to be muttering something to himself as he seemed to be frantically running towards or away from something. Either way something didn't seem right with him. He kept muttering words as he passed the group on his run.
    "Box, Davey jones, heart, curse," he quickly looked down at Beuce's keyblade. "M'ship, keyblade, Turner...." He paused for a moment as he quickly spun around and pointed at the weapon. "Keyblade! Yes, it's magic.. opens boxes, and locks and other things I'm sure- but it opens boxes!" he was talking very rapidly and off key. He smelled of rum and spoke both loudly and softly simultaneously.

    He cleared his throat before speaking again. Cataching his breath, he tried to play off a more non-chalant demeanor. " I'm sure you're all wondering who I am at this point. Random pirate approaches a group of people and begins muttering nonsense..." There was a small brief pause. "Captain Jack Sparrow at yah service," he smiled his very colorful and metalic teeth. "Might I inquire if I'm able to procure your services... more importantly that magic key's services..."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 9, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    As it seemed the five party members were surely doomed, a large tightening sound was formed around the vessel.
    From outside the window of the craft, several ropes could be seen tying the ship sightly. Being pulled in, all the people inside were being tossed from side to side as they were being pulled onto another vessel. Pushing away from the controls, Aux looked outside the window. It was a large sailing ship with steampunk mechanisms floating through the lanes between. The ship was pulled more and more quickly before passing a small barrier surrounding the ship. The barrier was thin and seemed to allow people to breathe on the ship, as all the malicious looking patrons aboard the ship began to tug and pull at the ship, ripping off the ropes as they pulled open the door.

    The strangers on the ship were alien to be sure. Not human and very alien as they laughed sinisterly and pulled them outta the ship.
    "We got a couple a' strange ones her don't we?" One spoke out as they all poked and prodded at the company, laughing as they did so. The laugh slowly faded as an insectoid alien stepped forward. A crimson colored shell and bright yellow eyes, He grimaced at the sound of them with a gruff groan. "They look like the cabin boy..." He clamped his claws together. "And I do so despise unwanted visitors..." He was prepared to attack them, before he was interrupted by a strong female voice.

    "That's enough Mr. Scroop!"
    The crowd fell silent as a woman dressed as the captain came marching down the steps to the deck. She wore her long purple hair tied back with a black coat. "We just lost Mr Arrow to that black hole and we don't need to lose anymore..." She looked up and down at the five new guests. "Much as I'd like to see that..." She walked with authority toward them, being no taller than Karina. "Name's Captain Faris Scherwiz. Tell me who you are and why you're on my ship!"


    The rowboat that held Ananta, Kaida, AJ, Stratos, and Faust fell from the sky and onto a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean. The rowboat fell with a loud crash as it broke on impact, watching as all five of them rolled onto the deck. Several colorful pirate circled the groups with swords in their hands. And even stranger, they had all turned very young!
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    Enzo quickly ran along the side of the book shelves upon hearing Torrin's word of books he would find more interesting. Enzo was zooming in a light skipping sort of motion running his fingers along the shelf. "Come on it's got to be here..." he muttered to himself.

    Since he was learning to read braille in his classes with Take and Atmos, he had slowly started to get more confident in his reading ability. And who that confidence, there was only one book he had on his mind to find and read. He felt book after book of braille, but none that was looking for. "Where is it... where is it...." sifting from shelf after shelf, he stopped in one the earlier shelf columns as he smiled and took the book off the shelf. He ran happily towards the nearest table he could sense, skipping happily. "My life has bern leading up to such a perfect mome-" Unable to see the hanging sign in front of him, Enzo shook his head anand kept prancing off to the nearest chair. "STILL IN THTHE TOP 10" he smiled, sitting down on a rathercomfortable and cushy armchair. He placed the book on his lap and showed it to Torrin. "This is the only book I need!" Though it was in braille and unable to be read by most, Enzo announced the title as he flipped the first few pages. "A thousand ways to prepare chicken... page 1..." he glided his finger across the page. Oh yeah chef... drizzle that honey..."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley
    As castur cast gravity and returned the gravitation of the vessel to normal, Aux fell to the floor with a loud thud. He leaned forward and rubbed the back of his head as he winced in pain. He slowly opened his eyes as he tried to adjust to the current surroundings. Last he recalled, he had just finished gepetto with the ship.

    It didn't take long for him to recognize the faces of Karina, Ignis, and castur. He vaguely remembered Kel from the earlier world of Deep Jungle, but didnt have much face time with him outside that. Castur was fiddling around with the buttons, which gave Aux a quick wake up call. "Are you dense?! If you keep messing with the controls, you're gonna-" as Aux got into his feet to stop him, a large hissing sound was being heard. Like air being let out of a balloon. The oxygen gauge on the ship was decreasing at an alarming rate.

    Slowly turning his head to Castur, he spoke very bluntly. "I hate you. So much."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    April 2019
    This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!


    Post by: Krowley, Apr 2, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. Krowley
    Meanwhile in the Castle of the Horned King...

    Shadow Mortimer lay seating on the round table where all the villains gathered, his ink oozing all over the edge he was sitting on. "So when's the little meetin' supposed to come to order already?" He asked impatiently.
    In the room he sat in, Oogie Boogie, Jafar, and Dr. Facilier were also waiting patiently.
    "Geez, all this sittin' around is started to give me bed bugs... Not that I'm complainin'... heheh..." Oogie teased.
    "Perhaps we should simply get on with it, seeing as how we all have much more crucial matters to attend to."
    "Room's looking a little empty gentlemen," Doctor Facilier intervened. "Perhaps we should wait for more of our asteemed alumni before we begin. I'm sure whoever arranged this little suare should be here soon enough."
    "Right you are good doctor..." Maleficent spoke as she walked into the room. "While I wished for Hades and Hook to attend, this will suffice for now."
    Facilier looked around the room. "We are still 3 members short. Am I to assume that the Horned King, the sea witch, and the horseman have yet to arrive."
    "And that is how it will remain..." Maleficent replied. "I wished to leave the Horseman and his majesty out of this secret meeting. And as for Ursula... I'm afraid she's fallen to the strength of the keyblade. A pity too... she was one of our strongest allies. But alas, her lust for revenge got the best of her in the end. And it only took five of them to strike her down..."

    "FIVE?!" Oogie, said with a shock. "A full house like her lost to a flush!"
    Jafar thought to himself as he pet his staff. "But last I recall it took more than a dozen of them to take down Mizrabel."
    "Pfft, last month's story, You guys definitely traded up when you hired me as her replacement..." Mortimer scoffed.
    "Then you see why I arranged this meeting. The wielders are getting stronger. We need to intervene where needed if any of us stand a chance of making it to the endgame..." Maleficent argued.
    "Then why leave out two of our aces? Trying to make a coup of things?" Facilier asked, with a suspicious look. "Still trying to make a dark arrangement of a baker's dozen huh?"
    Maleficent nodded. "If you are referring to the thirteen darknesses, then no... I'm not planning to overthrow the king. I simply believe that they would not see fit to my... course of action. The horseman is loyal to only the king. And the King himself wishes to arrogant in his own affairs to press forward."

    "And how the heck we gonna do that? Little twerps are gonna keep picking us off!" Mortimer argued.
    "By using the same method you take down any powerful force..." Maleficent grinned. "By exploiting only the most vulnerable areas..."


    Back in Monstro....

    All players received the Wishing Star keyblade!

    As the group moved toward the mouth after exiting the whale's throat, the mouth began to shake more violently. Geppetto and Aux had just finished arranging the boats. The Destiny Islands trio quickly hopped onto the old man's boat with Pinocchio and Jiminy in tow. "Remember, if you ever need a conscience, or someone to chronicle your journey, I'm only a whistle away!" Jiminy yelled at the group.
    "Hey back off yah bug, that job's taken!" Bernard yelled from Luna's dress pocket.

    Aux spun around and watched as everyone was running ouf of the maze. "Ship's are ready... What's goin on-"
    Before he could finish, the whale's tongue shoved everyone forward onto different vessels.

    Karina knocked flat into him as Aux held his ground. Castur was pushed right behind her, followed by Ignis. Aux held his ground as he tried to prevent them from knocking him over. Once Kel hits Ignis, the five of them were sandwiched into the Atlantean craft, with the door shutting behind them.

    Kaida flew onto a new rowboat that was built by Geppetto. AJ flew in front of her directly after as Faust and Stratos were flown in as well. Ananta was the last to be pushed onto the boat, landing on the soft bodies of the other keyblade wielders.

    Beuce was pushed onto the newly repaired raft from beyond the reef, hanging onto the mast by his mystical prosthetic arm. He grabbed Luna as she too was knocked in. Marx and Steel hung onto the mast's edge as a gust of wind grew stronger.

    "Hold on to your hats kids!" Geppetto yelled.
    The whale slowly opened it's mouth as the four ships flew out of the mouth onto the vast ocean. Geppetto's ship with Kairi, Sora, Riku and Pinocchio landed no problem. Something a little more unorthodox happened with the other vessels however. Small rifts had opened up and there were thrown out to vastly different areas. The rifts closed as quickly as they appeared, creating further questions...

    Whale Completion Bonus:

    Attendance Bonus: 10,000 EXP
    Maze Search Bonus: 15,000 EXP
    Boss Fight Bonus: 20,000 EXP

    Ananta completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Castur completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Faust completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Ignis completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Aux completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    AJ completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Kaida completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Kel completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Karina completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Marx completed 100% of the missions. Gained 45,000 EXP
    Beuce completed 66% of the missions. Gained 30,000 EXP
    Luna completed 66% of the missions. Gained 30,000 EXP
    Stratos completed 66% of the missions. Gained 30,000 EXP
    Steel completed 66% of the missions. Gained 30,000 EXP

    Ananta leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    AJ leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    Aux leveled up! (55)(56)
    Beuce leveled up! (54)(55) - AP increased!
    Castur leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    Faust leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    Ignis leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    Kaida leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    Karina leveled up! (55)(56)
    Kel leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    Luna leveled up! (54)(55) - AP increased!
    Marx leveled up! (54)(55)(56) - AP increased!
    Steel leveled up! (54)(55) - AP increased!
    Stratos leveled up! (54)(55) - AP increased!

    Post by: Krowley, Apr 1, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    "Well if you ain't an aussie... you're a yank. And if you ain't a yank, yer something else entirely."
    "This Olynpus place sounds quite exciting! Maybe we'll find some more dastardly villains to face!" Bianca cheered
    "And maybe some new lovely ladies that need rescuing," Jake suavely added, adjusting his hair.
    Bernard quickly took out a pen and paper. "Well actually, I've been keeping tabs on that for a while now and uhh... according to that moogle fella, we've actually run across more princesses than realized."
    "What do you mean Bernard?" Bianc asked, quickly looking at his notebook.

    "Well according to that list from the arcade, there were three lists of seven princesses. That makes-"
    "Twenty-one beutiful dames," Jake interrupted.
    "And also targets," Biance said with worry.
    "Well not necessarily, we've actually run into quite a few of 'em..." He flipped a couple of pages back.
    "So from what we know, Snow White was captured by the man in the black mask when she was put under a sleeping spell," Bernard began.
    "Then they met that Cinderella lady. Last we heard she was siting pretty safe and cozy with her prince charming," Jake added.
    Bianca continued on. "Alice woke up from her dream and was saved from that horrible headless man. And Mulan was spared from that evil Nequa."
    "Then some stuff went south with that whole Belle and Rapunzel business. More masked cretins."
    "But we met this princess Minnie and last we saw, she was saved from the castle of illusion!" Bianca finished with and optimistic tone.
    "So that's 4 ladies spared, and 3 ladies taken. The bad guys only need 7 for their evil plan don't they?"

    Bernard looked into his most recent pages. "Since we left the realm o' darkness, we've run into a couple of more I'm sure.
    "Met a princess named Kida in Atlantis. Her home should keep her well protected though.
    "The mermaid princess is safe in her underwater as well," Bianca added.
    "And that young Miss Moana is sailing far away from any land which'll make her harder to track." Bernard said, scribbling down what his fellow mice had told him.
    "The chief's daughter Pocahontas did the same," Bianca said, pointing at the page on Bernard's list.
    "And back in Arendelle, there were two of the ladies; Elsa and Anna. Elsa's fine and well but Anna... got taken from right under our noses by that slimy mouse yank." Jake said, kicking the ground.
    "Anna... taken..." Bernard said as he jotted it down quickly.
    "And with Luna and Kairi safe with us, that makes.... 4 princesses captured and 11 princesses saved."
    "So we've saved every 1 in 3 damsels... I can live with those odds," Jake scoffed.
    "Now word or sightings of any Tiana, Vanille, Eilonwy, Merida, Jasmine or Aurora though.. If the masked fellas or anyone else gets their hands on them
    "So we need to start saving every 1 in 4 princesses then," Jake joked.
    Bianca quickly nudged him with her handbag. "We need to save all of them!"

    As the destiny island trio overheard this, Kairi stepped forward.
    "Sorry, but what's all this about me being a princess?"
    "Well you see little lady, some bad men are gonna try to come after you and- OW!"
    Bianca hit Jake with his handbag again. "Stop it Jake, you're going to scare her.
    "Don't worry about what he said little missy, all you need to know is you'll be safe as long as you stick with us."

    Riku thought for a moment before stepping forward to speak up. "Thanks... but we'll pass."
    "Huh? But Riku..." Sora reached out.
    "I know it's not ideal and they're a real strong crowd to be with... But this is our journey. If we follow them, we'll just be treated like kids again."
    "But they've already traveled to so many worlds. We could learn a lot from them..."
    "I agree with Riku," Kairi replied.
    Sora looked shocked as she took Riku's side. "Kairi!"
    "I liked our original plan of helping Gepetto and Pinocchio find their home. I want to help people... but I want to know that we did it on our own."
    "With our own adventures. Together, nothing will stop us," Riku affirmed.

    As Riku said this, the entirety of the whale shook violently for five seconds, causing everything and everyone to shake.

    "Well that can't be good..." Jake said, after tumbling over.
    "We should get to the boats... If that whale is about do what I think it's gonna do..." Bernard shuttered.
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    After Faust finished speaking, an Australian accent blared out of no where. "I couldn't agree more bucko!"
    Jake the mouse jumped out from behind the flower in Ananta's hair. "Thanks for the lift Sheila!" he saluted to her before hopping onto the floor beneath them.
    "We've still got a job to do and the Rescue Aid Society doesn't take breaks when it comes to the safety of others! BIANCA! BERNARD! Sound off!" He yelled, looking around the group to see which characters they hitched a ride on.

    Bianca pushed her small little head out of Kaida's pouch and quickly climbed down her leg. "Present!" she cheered.
    "Bernard! Fall in!" Jake ordered.
    "You aren't the boss of me Jake!" Bernard's voice came out from Luna's direction.
    "Oh Bernard, please come out, I feel like it's been ages since I last saw your lovely face!" Bianca asked politely.

    "Coming Miss Bianca!" Bermard quickly hopped out of Luna's front jacket pocket and slid down her arm before plopping onto the ground. He quickly got up and dusted himself off.
    Bianca raced up to Bernard and hugged him. "Bernard! Are you all right?!"
    "Well aside from some water damage, I'll live. But a-a-re you alright Miss Bianca?"
    She nodded and smiled.
    "No need to worry about me, mate! I can hold my own in any scrape!"
    "I wasn't," Bernard said with a sigh.
    Jake cleared his throat. "Now, as self appointed leader of this mission, I propose we find a reunion point in case we all get seperated again! We should start with-"
    "Cool! Talking mice!" Sora said, squating down to get a better view.
    Jake did a 360 turn, seeing all the people surrounding him. "What the... How many yanks you add to this roster?!"
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 25, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    "As a matter of fact," enzo began as he tried to feel around the workers table for some sort of writing utensil and object to write on. Unbeknown to him, he grabbed what seemed to be a fancy piece of cloth along with a piece of charcoal. "I'm looking to make some wings. About, yay big," he said, holding up his hands to show him. "The wings I think could be like a part of a mechanized suit with optional shielding- But you're the artist so I'll let you decide." He continued to scribble on the cloth with rough and vigorous scribbles. "And while I'm not too picky, I think gold would be a nice touch for color." Hr held up the sheet in front of watts for reference. "Will that do as an outline?"

    The drawing he held up was nothing but nonsense.
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    In th mouth of the whale, pinocchio raced towards his dad as geppetto greeted him with open arms. "Ho ho, my boy, you're alright! You have no idea how worried I was."
    Pinocchio smiled as he was lifted into gepettos arms. "I want scared father..." the boy's nose magically grew a few inches as he blushed. "I mean, I was a little scared... but Sora and Riku were with me. So I knew it'd be okay. Plus, I met so many new friends, father!" He smiled.

    As the two rejoiced with each other, Aux took a look at the boat from beyond the reef. It was pretty worn down, but repairable with a good patch job. He looked around for some durable materials and began tying the mast.

    As Jiminy cricket hopped on pinocchios shoulder, the two caught up as he told the cricket everything that happened. Gepetto took notice of Aux working quietly and walked towards him. "Is everyone alright? I hope they aren't lost in there.."
    "They're fine," Aux quickly replied. "They're just celebrating that they found each other."

    Geppetto looked at the stomach entrance and then back to Aux. "You dont wish to celebrate with them?"

    After he finished securing the mast, he brushed his hands off. "I havent really earned that right just yet." With the exception of Kaida, he wasn't sure just how much the group had accepted him. And even then, he wasn't sure if Kaida was comfortable around him. Too much had happened. Too many resentful things said.

    "Besides, working helps me clear my mind. Used to help my dad fix things all the time back home. Sooner I help you with these boats, sooner everyone gets where they need to be."

    Aux lifted a large plank of wood over his shoulder as he handed geppetto some rope. The old man nodded as the two began working on another boat.
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 19, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    Aux titled his head back ever so slightly as he stood in place. She was lashing out again.

    Fear, anger, resentment, and all the other negative emotions associated with darkness were streaming out of her. Having the darkness take root was bound to happen eventually. She hadn't learned to properly channel it's lingering affects.

    "Then next time make it a choice... Using darkness is like swimming in an ocean. If you don't know how to swim, you'll drown. Darkness doesn't care how strong you are, if you don't know how to float, it'll drag you to the bottom. " he spoke with a hint of an aggressive tone. "But hey... what do I know about darkness, right?" He walked off towards the exit. "I'll wait outside with the old man..." Pinocchio quickly ran ahead of him
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley
    As Aux watched the young trio bonding with each other, he looked down to the floor. Something about them being happy together got under his skin. He walked off as he looked away from the sight of it.He hesitated for a moment as his eyes caught a glimpse of Kaida crying from being with her friends again. He felt he wasn't exactly the best person to be near her at that time. "We should just go already..." He began to walk off before seeing Karina on her knees. He had brief flashbacks of his own struggle with darkness. Part of him wanted to scold her, but he had seen Karina in some of her most vulnerable moments already. Adding fuel tot he fire was probably not the best course of action.

    "You could've beaten that thing without darkness," he told her. "Not sure why you felt the need to use it."
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley

    With the first cage destroyed, Pinocchio came popping out of the cage. "Whooaaa!" cried the little wooden puppet as he was blasted airborne.
    Aux looked around the room to see if anyone planned on catching him. While he trusted one of them would catch him, he didn't want to leave it to chance. "Damn," he sighed. He raced to where the puppet was falling and slid across the floor, the puppet landing directly onto his arms. Pinocchio smiled as he was about to hug Aux. "Gee, thanks Mister-"
    Aux quickly put Pinocchio on his feet and ordered him to "Sit!" before running to join back into the fray.

    The final cage was being bombarded by attacks left and right. As the rest of the party put in work, Riku and Sora were racing against one another with keyblades in hand. The jumped up in unison as they each performed a diagonal slash against the heartless. Twitching in pain, the heartless eventually faded like the other as Kairi was thrown airborne.
    "I got her!" Sora yelled.
    "I got her!" Riku yelled over him. As they looked at each other in a staring rivalry, Kairi crashed into both of them and all threw rolled on the ground.
    "I got both of you!" She said, giggling and hugging both of her friends' necks.
    Sora and Riku stared at each other seriously before giving in and laughing along with Kairi.

    Kairi helped the both of them up as she looked at Sora's hand. "You've got a keyblade too!"
    "Yeah, now I can help protect you too!" Sora smiled. He turned to Riku and nodded. "And I'll be sure to have Riku's back... Because even if I like to goof off now and then... I'll always be focused on the things that matter to me.
    Riku chuckled a bit as he smiled. "You're so lame."
    "Are not!"
    "Are too!" Riku grabbed Sora's neck under his arm and gave him a noogie.
    "Hey, quit it!" Sora said, quickly excaping it. "So.. are we still friends?"
    "Of course," Riku scoffed. "I'll always be stronger. But I'll never rely on darkness as much as I would on my friends. I mean... look what happened to that girl," he motioned to Karina. "That kinda stuff will never happen as long as you two are around." Riku quickly dispersed his keyblade as Sora followed suit.

    "Hey guys, I just thought of something!" Kairi cheered. "If Riku got a keyblade... and Sora got one... Maybe I'll get one too one day!"
    Sora and Riku quickly turned to each other. There was a brief pause of silence before they both burst out laughing.
    "Hey, it could happen! And when that day comes... I'll be the one who protects the both of you!"
    The laughing got harder as Sora fell on his back and held his stomach. Riku held his sides as his knees almost buckled.
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley
    Boss Battle • Monstro Mayhem
    Grand Spectre: R O U N D 4
    Stratos (x2) > Kaida (x2) > Beuce > Baymax (x6) > Aux > Grand Spectre (x3)
    Pinocchio's Parasie Cage: R O U N D 4
    Steel (x2) > Faust (x2) > Marshmallow (x2) > Kel > Karina > AJ > Baymax (x5) > Parasite Cage
    Kairi's Parasite Cage: R O U N D 4
    Castur (x2) > Ignis > Luna > Maximus (x6) > Ananta > Marx > Parasite Cage


    Grand Spectre: 0/5,000 HP
    Pinocchio's Parasite Cage: 1,000/7,500 HP
    Kairi's Parasite Cage: 2,756/7,500 HP

    (Status - NORMAL)

    Riku: 100/100 HP
    Sora: 100/100 HP

    • 122/122 HP
      15/15 MP
      60% CG

      Buff:Luck - 20%
      Dodge Chance - 40%
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Fox Taser 3/3
      Thunder Bell 3/3
      Strike Raid 3/3

      Ninja Vanish (0/5)
      Cheshire Cat
      Experiment 221
      High Jump - Able to reach higher enemies
      Item Boost - Items are more effective
      Second Chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage
      Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck
      Second Wind - Recover from knockout
      Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken
      Cheer - Summons last longer
      MP Haste - MP is restored faster
      Reload Boost - Commands reload faster
      MP Rage - Restore MP when taking damage
      Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance

      Keyblade Ability - Hakuna Matata
      Hunter’s mist - 200 CG
      Trinity Limit - ??? CG

    • 116/116 HP
      8/10 MP
      81% CG

      Buff: Luck - 20%
      Dodge Chance - 40%
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Reluctancy (11/11)
      Break Time (11/11)

      Reflect (0/0)
      Bass Boost (0/0) - LOCKED
      Ether x1
      Hi-Ether x1
      Balloon Letter x1
      Cheshire Cat
      Fairy Godmother
      High Jump - Can attack higher targets
      Magic Lock on - Raises the base accuracy of magic to 100
      Item Boost - Increases the potency of items
      Cheer - Summons will stay for longer
      Second Wind - Automatically recover from knockout once
      Gift - Gift another player an item
      Guard - Defends against attacks
      Cover - Guard for an ally
      MP Haste - MP is restored more quickly
      Damage Syphon - CG is gained upon taking damage
      Reload Boost - Cooldowns are shortened
      Counterattack - Counter with a combo when guarding
      Critical Plus - Critical strike chance is increased
      Healing Guard - Heal when guarding
      MP gift - Sacrifice MP to restore an ally’s
      Berserker - damage increases while health is low
      Auto aura lv 1 - Go into a level 1 aura at will

      Beginner lessons - Increase the power of commands for the party by 30%
      Keyblade Ability - Lolipop
      Hunter’s Mist - 200 CG

    • 90/99 HP
      12/12 MP
      129% CG

      Buff: None
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Ultra Phoenix
      Cheshire Cat
      Fairy Godmother
      Second Wind - Recovers from knockout once
      Damage Syphon - Gain CG from taking damage
      Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck
      MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly
      Gift - Give another player an item
      Cheer - Summons last longer

      Keyblade Ability - Light Control
      Mystic Aura

    • 134/134 HP
      8/9 MP
      65% CG

      Buff: 20% Luck
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Sliding Dash - 5/5
      Hyperjump - 7/7
      Powerline - 6/6

      Hammer Down (8/8)
      Shadow Pain (0/0) - LOCKED
      Hi-Potion x5
      Hi-Ether x1
      Phoenix Down x1
      (Insert summon pics here)
      Magic Lock-on - Raises the base accuracy of magic
      Guard - Defend against incoming damage
      Cover - Guard for an ally
      Gift - Give another player an item
      Item boost - Increase the potency of items
      Berserk - Increase damage on low health
      Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken
      MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly
      Healing Guard - Heal when guarding
      MP rage - Regain MP when damage is taken
      MP Gift - Give another player MP at the cost of your own
      Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance
      Reload Boost - Skill commands reload faster
      Second Chance - Retain HP after taking massive damage

      Keyblade Ability - Item Boost
      Guardian’s Wall - 200 CG


    • 100/100 HP
      2/10 MP
      60% CG
      Balloon Letter
      Phoenix Down
      Red Slash 5/5
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Wind
      MP Haste
      Lucky Lucky
      Second Chance

      Red Mage
      Synch Blade
      Dual Cast
      Master of None

      Ground Combo
      Base: 200%, 25 CG
      Wind: 300%, 50 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 175%, 25 CG
      Wind: 275%, 50 CG
      Light: 300%, 40 CG
      Mystic Aura
      High Winds
      Wind Boost
      Final Gale

      Wind Boost 2
      Reverse Aero
      Vortex 7/7

      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

    • 90/90 HP
      1/9 MP
      245% CG
      Cheshire Cat
      Mega-Potion x2
      Ether x2
      Ultra Potion
      Phoenix Down
      Poison Edge 5/5
      Osmose 1/4
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (40%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      MP Rage
      Critical Plus
      Lucky Lucky (Lady Luck)

      Ground Combo
      Base: 125%, 15 CG
      Magic: 275%, 20 CG
      Thunder: 225%, 30 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 100%, 5 CG
      Magic: 250%, 10 CG
      Thunder: 200%, 25 CG
      Light: 225%, 20 CG

      Black Mage
      Fast Magic
      Spell Upgrade
      Status Plus
      MP Haste
      Curse of the Black Mage
      Final Ragnarok
      Magic Boost

      Static Electricity
      Thunder Boost
      Thunder Thrust

      Lightning Strike
      Thunder Boost 2
      Super Shocker
      Twin Lightning 1/7

      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

    • 87/97 HP
      5/5 MP
      160% CG
      Poison Edge 4/4
      Splatter Combo 0/4
      Zantetsuken 5/5
      Strike Raid 2/2
      Magnify 1/11
      Dark Aura 7/7
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      EXP Writer III
      Damage Syphon
      Second Wind
      Lucky Lucky
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      Critical Plus
      Auto Aura I
      Dark Control (Oblivion)

      Ground Combo
      Base: 425%, 35 CG
      Fire: 525%, 55 CG
      Dark: 550%, 50 CG
      Home Run: 575%, 40 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 400%, 40 CG
      Fire: 500%, 60 CG

      Dark Knight
      Soul Eater
      Dread Spikes
      Darkness Boost
      Dark Magic
      Lingering Darkness
      Critical Impact
      Power Boost
      Home Run

      Fatal Mode
      Power Boost 2
      Combat Experience
      Sacrifice 7/7

      Shadow Claws
      Dark Boost
      Dark Reach

      Flame On
      Fire Boost
      Fire Surge

    • 108/108 HP
      5/5 MP
      140% CG
      Fairy Godmother
      Cheshire Cat
      Phoenix Down
      Balloon Letter
      Phoenix Down
      Barrier Surge 2/3
      Fist Bump 3/3
      Poison Edge 1/4
      Zantetsuken 2/5
      Fox Taser 4/4
      Magnify 11/11
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (30%)
      Item Boost
      Second Wind
      Cheer (Equipped)
      Damage Syphon
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      MP Rage
      Battle Cry
      Auto Aura Lvl 1
      Critical Plus
      Dark Control (Oblivion)

      Ground Combos
      Base: 275%, 35 CG
      Power: 425%, 40 CG
      Blade: 425%, 40 CG
      Ice: 375%, 55 CG

      Air Combos
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Ice: 350%, 60 CG

      Paupu Knight
      Turbo Hit
      Lucky Charm
      We’ll Go Together
      Ars Arcanum
      Dragon Blaze
      Trip Around the Sun[/spoiler]
      Stay Frosty
      Ice Boost
      Glacial Spin

      Blade Boost

      Power Boost

    • 96/96 HP
      4/9 MP
      140% CG
      Fairy Godmother
      Mega Ether
      Phoenix Down
      Barrier Surge 0/3
      Splattercombo 5/5
      Faith 5/5
      Thunder Bell 2/3
      Fox Taser 1/5
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (50%)
      Item Boost
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      Second Chance
      MP Gift
      Healing Guard
      Second Wind
      Battle Cry
      Protect and Serve (Lionheart)

      Ground Combos
      Base: 275%, 35 CG
      Speed: 350%, 70 CG
      Water: 375%, 55 CG

      Air Combos
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Speed: 325%, 75 CG
      Water: 350%, 55 CG
      Vector to the Heavens
      Trip Around the Sun
      Fever Pitch
      Head Start
      Rapid Spin

      Speed Rave
      Assault Boost
      Stop Barrier
      Bullet Burst 8/8

      High Tide
      Water Boost
      Choice Wave

    • Valor - 10% Str
      Wisdom - 10% Mag
      Lucky Lucky - 30% Luck
      Cheer - +2
      Combo Accuracy
      AJ: 120%
      Faust: 130%
      Karina: 110%
      Kel: 110%
      Steel: 110%

      Crit Chance
      Anata: 30%
      Faust: 30%
      Karina: 45%
      Kel: 75%
      Steel: 45%


    • 86/97 HP
      8/10 MP
      85% CG

      AEROGA - 1 Cycles
      Fairy Godmother
      Cheshire Cat
      Hi Ether x4
      Faith 4/4
      Thunder Bell 1/3
      Break Time 6/6
      Crystalline 11/11
      Red Slash 5/5
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Item Boost
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Wind
      MP Haste
      MP Rage
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      Critical Plus

      Red Mage
      Synch Blade
      Dual Cast
      Master of None

      Ground Combo
      Base: 275%, 35 CG
      Magic: 425%, 40 CG
      Water: 375%, 50 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Magic: 400%, 45 CG
      Water: 350%, 55 CG
      Light: 375%, 55 CG
      Trinity Limit
      Crystalline Shield
      Magic Boost

      Splash Dash
      High Tide
      Water Boost
      Choice Wave

      Wave Surfer
      Water Boost 2
      Wave Shield
      Wipeout 6/6

      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

    • 65/104 HP
      9/12 MP
      85% CG

      AEROGA - 1 Cycles
      Crystalinne 7/7
      Quake 7/7
      Splattercombo 6/6
      Poison Edge 7/7
      Balloon Letter
      Phoenix Down
      Ultra-Phoenix Down
      Hammer Down 0/12
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (40%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Item Boost
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphoon
      MP Haste
      Reload Boost
      Second Chance
      Healing Guard
      Ground Combo
      Base: 100%

      Air Combo
      Base: 100%

      Iron Will
      Stock Up
      Gravity Boost
      Spacial Bomb

      Down to Earth
      Earth Boost
      Pillar Smash

      Wind Boost
      Final Gale

    • 120/120 HP
      7/7 MP
      190% CG

      STR + 5​
      Fairy Godmother
      Barrier Surge 1/3
      Fist Bump 3/3
      Fire Strike 3/3
      Sliding Dash 3/3
      Strike Raid 2/2
      Cross Slash 0/3[/spoiler]
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (30 %)
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Lucky Lucky
      Critical Plus
      Auto Aura Lvl 1

      Ground Combo
      Base: 425%, 35 CG
      Fire: 525%, 55 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 400%, 40 CG
      Fire: 500%, 60 CG

      Combo Master
      Warrior’s Spirit
      Quick Offense
      MP Lock
      Army of One
      Flame On
      Fire Boost
      Fire Surge

      Blazing Sun
      Fire Boost 2
      Third Degree
      Mega Flare 9/9

    • 132/135 HP
      8/14 MP
      95% CG
      Fairy Godmother
      Cheshire Cat
      Phoenix Down
      Barrier Surge 1/3
      Faith 4/4
      Crystalline 11/11
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Item Boost
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      Healing Guard
      Lollipop (Companion)

      Ground Combos
      Base: 275%, 35 CG

      Air Combos
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Light: 375%, 55 CG

      Damage Control
      Human Shield
      Command Barrier
      Ultima Cannon
      Rising Wing
      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

      Light Boost 2
      Wings of Light
      Salvation 8/8

    • 100/100 HP
      5/9 MP
      90% CG
      Ultra Potion
      Phoenix Down
      Balloon Letter
      Tidal Wave 3/3
      Osmose 3/3
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Chance
      Damage Syphon
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      Reload Boost
      Critical Plus

      Ground Combos
      Base: 125%, 5 CG

      Air Combos
      Base 125%, 5 CG

      Black Mage
      Spell Upgrade
      Fast Magic
      Status Plus
      MP Haste
      Curse of the Black Mage

    • Valor - +100% Str
      Wisdom - +50% Mag
      Lucky Lucky - 10% Luck

      Combo Accuracy
      Ananta: 110%
      Castur: 110%
      Ignis: 90%
      Luna: 90%
      Marx: 110%

      Crit Chance
      Ananta: 25%
      Castur: 10%
      Ignis: 25%
      Luna: 25%
      Marx: 10%
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    Boss Battle • Monstro Mayhem
    Grand Spectre: R O U N D 3
    Stratos (x2) > Kaida (x2) > Beuce > Baymax (x6) > Aux > Grand Spectre (x3)
    Pinocchio's Parasie Cage: R O U N D 3
    Steel (x2) > Faust (x2) > Marshmallow (x3) > Kel > Karina > AJ > Baymax (x5) > Parasite Cage
    Kairi's Parasite Cage: R O U N D 3
    Castur (x2) > Ignis > Luna > Maximus (x6) > Ananta > Marx > Parasite Cage


    Grand Spectre: 750/5,000 HP
    Pinocchio's Parasite Cage: 2,464/7,500 HP
    Kairi's Parasite Cage: 5,032/7,500 HP

    (Status - NORMAL)

    Riku: 80/100 HP
    Sora: 100/100 HP

    • 122/122 HP
      15/15 MP
      60% CG

      Buff:Luck - 20%
      Dodge Chance - 40%
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Fox Taser 3/3
      Thunder Bell 3/3
      Strike Raid 3/3

      Ninja Vanish (0/5)
      Phoenix Down x1
      Cheshire Cat
      Experiment 221
      High Jump - Able to reach higher enemies
      Item Boost - Items are more effective
      Second Chance - Retain 1 HP after taking massive damage
      Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck
      Second Wind - Recover from knockout
      Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken
      Cheer - Summons last longer
      MP Haste - MP is restored faster
      Reload Boost - Commands reload faster
      MP Rage - Restore MP when taking damage
      Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance

      Keyblade Ability - Hakuna Matata
      Hunter’s mist - 200 CG
      Trinity Limit - ??? CG

    • 116/116 HP
      10/10 MP
      81% CG

      Buff: Luck - 20%
      Dodge Chance - 40%
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Reluctancy (11/11)
      Break Time (11/11)

      Reflect (0/0)
      Bass Boost (0/0) - LOCKED
      Ether x1
      Hi-Ether x1
      Balloon Letter x1
      Cheshire Cat
      Fairy Godmother
      High Jump - Can attack higher targets
      Magic Lock on - Raises the base accuracy of magic to 100
      Item Boost - Increases the potency of items
      Cheer - Summons will stay for longer
      Second Wind - Automatically recover from knockout once
      Gift - Gift another player an item
      Guard - Defends against attacks
      Cover - Guard for an ally
      MP Haste - MP is restored more quickly
      Damage Syphon - CG is gained upon taking damage
      Reload Boost - Cooldowns are shortened
      Counterattack - Counter with a combo when guarding
      Critical Plus - Critical strike chance is increased
      Healing Guard - Heal when guarding
      MP gift - Sacrifice MP to restore an ally’s
      Berserker - damage increases while health is low
      Auto aura lv 1 - Go into a level 1 aura at will

      Beginner lessons - Increase the power of commands for the party by 30%
      Keyblade Ability - Lolipop
      Hunter’s Mist - 200 CG

    • 1/99 HP
      12/12 MP
      129% CG

      Buff: None
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Ultra Phoenix
      Cheshire Cat
      Fairy Godmother
      Second Wind - Recovers from knockout once
      Damage Syphon - Gain CG from taking damage
      Lucky Lucky - Increase party luck
      MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly
      Gift - Give another player an item
      Cheer - Summons last longer

      Keyblade Ability - Light Control
      Mystic Aura

    • 134/134 HP
      7/9 MP
      25% CG

      Buff: 20% Luck
      Resistance: None
      Combos are ineffective
      Sliding Dash - 5/5
      Hyperjump - 7/7
      Powerline - 6/6

      Hammer Down (8/8)
      Shadow Pain (0/0) - LOCKED
      Hi-Potion x5
      Hi-Ether x1
      Phoenix Down x1
      (Insert summon pics here)
      Magic Lock-on - Raises the base accuracy of magic
      Guard - Defend against incoming damage
      Cover - Guard for an ally
      Gift - Give another player an item
      Item boost - Increase the potency of items
      Berserk - Increase damage on low health
      Damage Syphon - Gain CG when damage is taken
      MP Haste - MP is recovered more quickly
      Healing Guard - Heal when guarding
      MP rage - Regain MP when damage is taken
      MP Gift - Give another player MP at the cost of your own
      Critical plus - Increase critical strike chance
      Reload Boost - Skill commands reload faster
      Second Chance - Retain HP after taking massive damage

      Keyblade Ability - Item Boost
      Guardian’s Wall - 200 CG


    • 90/100 HP
      2/10 MP
      10% CG
      Balloon Letter
      Phoenix Down
      Red Slash 5/5
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Wind
      MP Haste
      Lucky Lucky
      Second Chance

      Red Mage
      Synch Blade
      Dual Cast
      Master of None

      Ground Combo
      Base: 200%, 25 CG
      Wind: 300%, 50 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 175%, 25 CG
      Wind: 275%, 50 CG
      Light: 300%, 40 CG
      Mystic Aura
      High Winds
      Wind Boost
      Final Gale

      Wind Boost 2
      Reverse Aero
      Vortex 7/7

      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

    • 30/90 HP
      3/9 MP
      185% CG
      Cheshire Cat
      Mega-Potion x2
      Ether x2
      Ultra Potion
      Phoenix Down
      Poison Edge 5/5
      Osmose 0/4
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (40%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      MP Rage
      Critical Plus
      Lucky Lucky (Lady Luck)

      Ground Combo
      Base: 125%, 15 CG
      Magic: 275%, 20 CG
      Thunder: 225%, 30 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 100%, 5 CG
      Magic: 250%, 10 CG
      Thunder: 200%, 25 CG
      Light: 225%, 20 CG

      Black Mage
      Fast Magic
      Spell Upgrade
      Status Plus
      MP Haste
      Curse of the Black Mage
      Final Ragnarok
      Magic Boost

      Static Electricity
      Thunder Boost
      Thunder Thrust

      Lightning Strike
      Thunder Boost 2
      Super Shocker
      Twin Lightning 1/7

      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

    • 39/97 HP
      3/5 MP
      115% CG
      Poison Edge 4/4
      Splatter Combo 4/4
      Zantetsuken 5/5
      Strike Raid 2/2
      Magnify 0/11
      Dark Aura 7/7
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      EXP Writer III
      Damage Syphon
      Second Wind
      Lucky Lucky
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      Critical Plus
      Auto Aura I
      Dark Control (Oblivion)

      Ground Combo
      Base: 425%, 35 CG
      Fire: 525%, 55 CG
      Dark: 550%, 50 CG
      Home Run: 575%, 40 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 400%, 40 CG
      Fire: 500%, 60 CG

      Dark Knight
      Soul Eater
      Dread Spikes
      Darkness Boost
      Dark Magic
      Lingering Darkness
      Critical Impact
      Power Boost
      Home Run

      Fatal Mode
      Power Boost 2
      Combat Experience
      Sacrifice 7/7

      Shadow Claws
      Dark Boost
      Dark Reach

      Flame On
      Fire Boost
      Fire Surge

    • 48/108 HP
      5/5 MP
      140% CG
      Fairy Godmother
      Cheshire Cat
      Phoenix Down
      Balloon Letter
      Phoenix Down
      Barrier Surge 2/3
      Fist Bump 3/3
      Poison Edge 0/4
      Zantetsuken 1/5
      Fox Taser 4/4
      Magnify 11/11
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (30%)
      Item Boost
      Second Wind
      Cheer (Equipped)
      Damage Syphon
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      MP Rage
      Battle Cry
      Auto Aura Lvl 1
      Critical Plus
      Dark Control (Oblivion)

      Ground Combos
      Base: 275%, 35 CG
      Power: 425%, 40 CG
      Blade: 425%, 40 CG
      Ice: 375%, 55 CG

      Air Combos
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Ice: 350%, 60 CG

      Paupu Knight
      Turbo Hit
      Lucky Charm
      We’ll Go Together
      Ars Arcanum
      Dragon Blaze
      Trip Around the Sun[/spoiler]
      Stay Frosty
      Ice Boost
      Glacial Spin

      Blade Boost

      Power Boost

    • 46/96 HP
      4/9 MP
      210% CG
      Fairy Godmother
      Ultra Potion
      Mega Ether
      Phoenix Down
      Barrier Surge 3/3
      Splattercombo 5/5
      Faith 5/5
      Thunder Bell 1/3
      Fox Taser 0/5
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (50%)
      Item Boost
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      Second Chance
      MP Gift
      Healing Guard
      Second Wind
      Battle Cry
      Protect and Serve (Lionheart)

      Ground Combos
      Base: 275%, 35 CG
      Speed: 350%, 70 CG
      Water: 375%, 55 CG

      Air Combos
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Speed: 325%, 75 CG
      Water: 350%, 55 CG
      Vector to the Heavens
      Trip Around the Sun
      Fever Pitch
      Head Start
      Rapid Spin

      Speed Rave
      Assault Boost
      Stop Barrier
      Bullet Burst 8/8

      High Tide
      Water Boost
      Choice Wave

    • Valor - 10% Str
      Wisdom - 10% Mag
      Lucky Lucky - 30% Luck
      Cheer - +2
      Combo Accuracy
      AJ: 120%
      Faust: 130%
      Karina: 110%
      Kel: 110%
      Steel: 110%

      Crit Chance
      Anata: 30%
      Faust: 30%
      Karina: 45%
      Kel: 75%
      Steel: 45%


    • 56/97 HP
      8/10 MP
      85% CG

      AEROGA - 1 Cycles
      Fairy Godmother
      Cheshire Cat
      Hi Ether x4
      Faith 4/4
      Thunder Bell 1/3
      Break Time 6/6
      Crystalline 11/11
      Red Slash 5/5
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Item Boost
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Wind
      MP Haste
      MP Rage
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      Critical Plus

      Red Mage
      Synch Blade
      Dual Cast
      Master of None

      Ground Combo
      Base: 275%, 35 CG
      Magic: 425%, 40 CG
      Water: 375%, 50 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Magic: 400%, 45 CG
      Water: 350%, 55 CG
      Light: 375%, 55 CG
      Trinity Limit
      Crystalline Shield
      Magic Boost

      Splash Dash
      High Tide
      Water Boost
      Choice Wave

      Wave Surfer
      Water Boost 2
      Wave Shield
      Wipeout 6/6

      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

    • 96/104 HP
      9/12 MP
      70% CG

      AEROGA - 1 Cycles
      Crystalinne 7/7
      Quake 7/7
      Splattercombo 6/6
      Poison Edge 7/7
      Balloon Letter
      Phoenix Down
      Ultra-Phoenix Down
      Hammer Down 0/12
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (40%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Item Boost
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphoon
      MP Haste
      Reload Boost
      Second Chance
      Healing Guard
      Ground Combo
      Base: 100%

      Air Combo
      Base: 100%

      Iron Will
      Stock Up
      Gravity Boost
      Spacial Bomb

      Down to Earth
      Earth Boost
      Pillar Smash

      Wind Boost
      Final Gale

    • 120/120 HP
      7/7 MP
      150% CG

      STR + 5​
      Fairy Godmother
      Barrier Surge 1/3
      Fist Bump 3/3
      Fire Strike 3/3
      Sliding Dash 3/3
      Strike Raid 2/2
      Cross Slash 0/3[/spoiler]
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (30 %)
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Lucky Lucky
      Critical Plus
      Auto Aura Lvl 1

      Ground Combo
      Base: 425%, 35 CG
      Fire: 525%, 55 CG

      Air Combo
      Base: 400%, 40 CG
      Fire: 500%, 60 CG

      Combo Master
      Warrior’s Spirit
      Quick Offense
      MP Lock
      Army of One
      Flame On
      Fire Boost
      Fire Surge

      Blazing Sun
      Fire Boost 2
      Third Degree
      Mega Flare 9/9

    • 132/135 HP
      8/14 MP
      60% CG
      Fairy Godmother
      Cheshire Cat
      Phoenix Down
      Barrier Surge 1/3
      Faith 4/4
      Crystalline 11/11
      High Jump
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Item Boost
      Second Wind
      Damage Syphon
      Second Chance
      Reload Boost
      Healing Guard
      Lollipop (Companion)

      Ground Combos
      Base: 275%, 35 CG

      Air Combos
      Base: 250%, 40 CG
      Light: 375%, 55 CG

      Damage Control
      Human Shield
      Command Barrier
      Ultima Cannon
      Rising Wing
      Light Boost
      Force of Heaven

      Light Boost 2
      Wings of Light
      Salvation 8/8

    • 100/100 HP
      5/9 MP
      90% CG
      Hi-Potion x2
      Ultra Potion
      Phoenix Down
      Balloon Letter
      Tidal Wave 3/3
      Osmose 3/3
      Dodge Roll (20%)
      Magic Lock-On
      Second Chance
      Damage Syphon
      Lucky Lucky
      MP Haste
      Reload Boost
      Critical Plus

      Ground Combos
      Base: 125%, 5 CG

      Air Combos
      Base 125%, 5 CG

      Black Mage
      Spell Upgrade
      Fast Magic
      Status Plus
      MP Haste
      Curse of the Black Mage

    • Valor - +100% Str
      Wisdom - +50% Mag
      Lucky Lucky - 10% Luck

      Combo Accuracy
      Ananta: 110%
      Castur: 110%
      Ignis: 90%
      Luna: 90%
      Marx: 110%

      Crit Chance
      Ananta: 25%
      Castur: 10%
      Ignis: 25%
      Luna: 25%
      Marx: 10%
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena