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  1. Krowley
    Aux overheard Karina's statement on marriage and scoffed. At this point, he was sitting against a tree with his knees bent and his arms rested against his knees.
    "Well that's dumb..." He looked off into the dimming sky as the stars seemed a little less brighter than when this whole mess started.
    "Marriage is supposed to be an oath. A vow that two people swear to keep in allegiance to each other, and not to their respective houses. What your describing sounds more like an assignment instead of a choice." He turned to Karina and thought about what she said. "Who were you assigned to anyways?"


    Tunnel 1-A

    "I'm done here, I've said all I need to for now," Kaizo said, pulling his cloak over his shoulder. Time around them was slowly beginnning to return to normal, but not before he stopped to say one more thing.
    "You know what's the most infurating part of it all?... I'll never know why out of everyone in that world, he chose you..." He turned to exit. "And now I'll never know. So I'll just have to look for my own resolution."
    He walked off, with all his time magic fully fading, and time returning to it's normal pace.

    Kaida could move again in time enough for the water drop on the wall to finish pouring down to the ground.
    Post by: Krowley, May 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    TUNNEL 3

    "Doctor is always in my friend," he winked, tipping his hat towards Faust. "If you ever need a housa call, simply drop some blood on that calling card I gave you, and I'll be there in a New Orlean minute!"
    Shadow Faust stood in front of Faust, twitching in front of him with a twisted grin. "But I'd tread lightly with how you handle your new Shadow friend. He can be a little... mischievous."
    Shadow Faust laughed in response.

    And I'd also keep this little meeting of our on the down low. If you go and start running your mouth, I'll know... Cuz you're in my world now, not your world... And I've got friends on the other side."

    Laughter from shadows on the wall could be heard as Facilier saluted his farewell to Faust.
    Post by: Krowley, May 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    Tunnel 3

    "Let's just say the first one's free..." He held the charm up to Faust's finger, only for it to snap down on the boy's finger. The red blood filled up the pendent.
    "There is of course a small service charge," he chuckled as he put the necklace around Faust. The wooden necklace turned black as Faust's shadow crawled from out of the ground.
    "I'd like you to meet your other half... your shadow. They can be your deepest fears, or your right hand man," he said, before having his own shadow high five him.
    Facilier's shadow was moving on it's own, walking and moving differently from the doctor. "Like what you see?


    Tunnel 1-A

    "Enough!" Kaizo blurted out, holding his hand forward to perform a stop spell on Kaida.
    While it was amusing at first, he was beginning to grow impatient with her.


    Tunnel 1-B

    As Ananta wandered about in her own tunnel, an ominous presence had made itself known.
    A green portal of dark energy opened as a tall pale woman walked through it. She wore a long black cloak, with a horned helmet and a staff in her hand. She gave an endearing smile as she walked towards the girl.


    Aux leveled up! (61)
    Karina leveled up! (61)
    Kel leveled up! (60) (61) All stats increased!

    Aux moved past a few dead bushes as he approached the group. He managed to hear the end of the conversation Karina and Kel were having. "Kind of like an outdoor cat," he shrugged. He looked around to see if there were any more pirates. "Not that I'm exactly concerned but... where's Castur?"

    Away from the group, Scroop had found Castur in a nearby clearing, slowly sneaking up behind him.
    He reached into his vest pocket and threw a few large pellets of food at the back of his head before aiming his pistol at the man. "Consider that your last meal... cabin boy..." he groaned.
    Post by: Krowley, May 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley
    Kaizo winced above as he felt his knees bend ever so slightly. "That's just so precious. Like a bird trying to fight a cat."

    Tunnel 3

    "Well with a little help from my friends on the other side, you can do a lot more than you ever imagined. I just want to see what im working with here." He revealed a small necklace with a wooden charm on it. "Know what this is?"
    Post by: Krowley, May 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    TUNNEL 3

    "Well little man, it's not so much what I want from you, but what you... want from us."
    He spoke in a smooth, deep voice and came off as quite a showman. "You seem like the kinda fella who doesnt like being tied down, moving from place to place to find all the pleasures life has to offer. Am I right?"

    Without letting him finish the took out a deck of tarot cards and began shuffling them in his hands as he walked around Faust. "Let me give y'all a little demonstration so you dont think I'm some kinda charlatain.."
    He drew three different cards and revealed them to Faust. "Your past is the cloud card. You spent your days in the cloud- your mind or otherwise, and I see that you wanted more than what your floating paradise could offer. Second card is the dice card. Your present seems to be full ofchances and risks I see... something that triggered you into a path where you let the cards choose your fate. A respectable way to live," he grinned.

    His face turned serious as he revealed the third card. "Now your future is something I think my friends and I can help with. The coin card... meaning there will be a choice that affects your entire future. One choice that puts your down the path of the blessed... or the path of the cursed. Quite the mind boggle huh?
    Post by: Krowley, May 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    TUNNEL 1-A

    Caught off guard, Kaizo quickly turned to try and cast a stop spell. "Sto-" kaidas attack connected, much to his shock as he quickly flew up his arm to block the impact. While he felt it wouldnt do much damage the spacial damage caused the attack to feel heavier.

    Jumping back, he rubbed his wrist. "Well well, looks like the little bird is trying to fly."

    TUNNEL 2

    A small puff of purple smoke was blown towards Zidane, as small glittering pieces of dust fell over him.
    Before Zidane could charge forward, his vision began to blurr and subsequently passed out onto the floor.
    From behind him, was a tall slender man in a black and plum suit. He was a slick man with a gap in the front of his toothy grin.
    "Well kid was right about one thing, battle didn't go at all like he wanted..." He reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out a small card in between his fingers.
    "I actually came for your Mr... Faust, was it? My Card...." The man gave Faust a small business card, with his information on it.


    Aux watched in disgust as Karina killed one Pirate after the other. While he was all for punishing the murderous ravagers, he still felt uneasy at the sight of their innards being spilled out on display. If he had to put an end to the evil pirates, he would much rather them be killed in a less gruesome manner. And whats worse, they were actually competing.

    All he could do was sigh, as he rose up to his feet and tried to find a place to lie low before striking at the enemy. He found a bulky enough tree to take cover with before hearing one of the pirates yell; "Come out! We can see you hiding behind that tree!" Aux confused, looked at his arms, that were sticking out like a sore thumb. He was too muscular to even hide behind trees now.

    "Well, that's embarassing," he told himself before casting 'Stopga' on both the pirates. He casually stroller up to them as he gave both of them a hard punch to the head before knocking both their heads together. He walked pass them, counting down out loud. "Three, two..." Before he said one, both pirates cringed from the delayed pain as they fell to the floor, knocked out with some serious brain damage to their squishy alien heads. He looked around to see if any of the familiar faces were seen. Scroop, Silver or Zulu were no where in sight though.

    Pirates Defeated: 2
    Pirates injured:
    Pirate A; 32/50
    Pirates remaining: 11/20
    Words: 243
    EXP: 49
    Post by: Krowley, May 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    TUNNEL 1-A

    Kaizo chortled. "Oh right, you've been very out of the loop, haven't you?" He changed the subject, wishing to keep it that way.
    "As for Sora, I think we both could agree he would want whats best for all worlds. And in my own, way I'm doing just that."
    He yawned loudly to himself. "So very much to learn. You understand so little. But I suppose that's why I'll hold off on that fateful battle. It's not fun to destroy you at the stage you're at. I want you at your strongest. And when you finally fall after working so hard to reach that point. Then, AND ONLY THEN, will I be satisfied in taking your place in the Order."
    Post by: Krowley, May 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley

    Aux leveled up! (59)(60) All stats increased!
    Castur leveled up! (59)
    Karina leveled up! (59) (60) All stats increased!
    Kel leveled up! (59)

    Aux thought to himself for a moment. "The ambush plan sounds like our best course of action. Once we get Faris and Jim to-" Before he finished his sentence, Ignis had already picked up the two over her shoulder and was fleeing for cover. "Well... that takes care of that, I guess. We can have time for recon when were done clearing the scouting group. Sooner we knock 'em down, sooner we can move on."

    Sounds of nearby gunfire was heard as Scroop's voice bellowed out. "Come out little vermin!"
    Aux cracked his knuckles. "Oh, this is gonna be fun...."



    TUNNEL 1-A

    "Unfortunate indeed," he said as he dragged Kaida up by her collar.
    "You talk a lot for an after thought." He looked at the stopped space around them. "This is all you need to know about me. I'm stronger than you, smarter than you, and far more qualified for the job. What happens now is going to be because of you Kaida. Because you're not gonna be strong enough to help anyone if you can't even help yourself," he dropped her back onto her feet, having finished messing with her head.

    "I bet you haven't even reached your second Aura... But this around you? This is my third... If I were to fight you one on one, who do you think would win?"
    Post by: Krowley, May 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley
    TUNNEL 1-A

    "We met informally once, but I suppose you wouldn't remember," he scoffed. "Allow me to give you a friendly reminder."
    He took step after step forward as he towered over her.
    "It's a little story that takes place in Central Haven. Your predecessor- a man of great respect and power; took quite a favorable eye on me as his successor. So much so that I felt I was being groomed to take his place when he retired." His eyes grew more fierce with each step he took towards her. "Lo and behold, you appear out of the blue. Barely any training of skill to speak of and he gives his position- MY RIGHTFUL PLACE to a tiny pale girl who was so absent to the light, that she was afraid of the SUN ITSELF!" he pushed her hard onto the ground as he stood above her.

    "I know all about you Kaida. But you don't know anything about me. What I've worked for, What I yearned for!" He realized he was breathing heavier then normal, and slowly composed himself. "You are right about one thing though... I'm quite fickle when it comes to judging quality. So allow me to review yours..."

    He knelt down in front of her and spoke softly. "You have none."
    Post by: Krowley, May 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley

    TUNNEL 1-A

    As Kaida entered further into the tunnel, something odd began to happen.
    The dripping of the water from the leaking walls started to slow down as it dripped down the wall. What was even stranger was that the droplet stopped in the middle before finishing its course.
    The color in the tunnel turned to black and white as the loud stopping of a clock was heard.

    A silent static-like noise could be heard as footsteps were heard behind Kaida.
    The young man was roughly Kaida's regular age, being in the mid teens. He was sharply dressed, with clean black hair and glasses.
    He looked up and down at the young girl and sighed in disappointment. "I cam all this way just for a glance at who his successor was... And I'm left disappointed." He rose his hand to his chin to ponder for a moment. "Still, I suppose it's befitting I see you for what you actually are. A child that was given what she never earned."

    Post by: Krowley, May 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Beuce leveled up! (58)
    Luna leveled up! (58) (59)
    Marx leveled up! (58) (59)
    Steel leveled up! (58) (59)

    Davy Jones tilted his head at the Marx's words. "Perhaps you misunderstood what the Flying Dutchman is... We do not follow the mortal laws of the living sea dogs. Now lest you wish to join the crew of the dead, I'll be more than happy to kill ye meself..."
    Gilgamesh rose from the ship. "Yeah, I don't really think it matters why their here. I mean, I kidnapped their friend and all, but that's not why there here Dave."
    Davy Jones turned to Gilgamesh. "When you offered yer assistance, you said you would help me hunt down the box with YOU-KNOW-WHAT inside. So pray tell Mr. Gilgamesh... what is their purpose here?"
    "Oh, it's just that they're here as a distraction while Jack Sparrow goes off to find your box." Gilgamesh replied, pointing to the Black Pearl quickly sailing away in the opposite direction.
    "Sparrow...." Davey Jones scoffed as his tentacled beard coiled. He turned to the tall swordsman. "Mr. Gilgamesh! Seeing as how I can not walk on land, you are to procure that box for me!"
    Gilgamesh shrugged. "I mean I don't see why not. But then again, I don't see why.." Gilgamesh knelt down so Davey Jones could climb on his back.
    "Men! Dispose of these trespassers! Send them straight to the locker!"

    Gilgamesh quickly slashed open a rift in space and walked through with the Captain.



    As all the commotion continued with the gun fire, Kel was urging Jim to leave.
    "I'm not leaving without him!" Jim yelled, trying to peek his head out to look for Silver.
    Examining what the could do, Aux quickly grabbed the lid of one of the barrels and use it as a shield.
    "Time to go. Sorry about this..." Aux said to Jim.
    "Sorry for wha-"
    Aux gave a quick sucker punch to Jim as he was knocked out. As he fell, Aux caught him in his arm and through the teen over his shoulder.
    "Move!" he barked to the rest of his party as they all ran towards the escape dingy that Farris was ready to cast off.

    "Run little rabbit!" Leo yelled to Karina. "The hunt has only just begun!"

    "About time! I almost left without you!" Farries yelled back as she performed the blast off procedure and set sail to the nearest planet.
    Aux made sure to keep an eye on Castur so he wouldn't take the controls again. Last thing they needed was another Castur Disaster...

    In the midst of their escape, gunfire continued to follow them as the ship was following closely behind them. With some quick maneuvering, Farris managed to keep low in nearby rotting forest.
    As they were flying along the planet's terrain, they noticed that the planet was barren. No treasure or any sort of visible life could be seen.
    As Farries quickly docked, Ignis took her over her shoulder as Farris had taken heavy damage in the escape. Aux passed along Jim to her as well as she guarded the two in a neaby hollowed out tree.

    They weren't out of the woods yet so to speak, as a search party could be heard headin towards them.
    Aux turned to the group. Now what?"


    Ananta leveled up! (60) All stats increased!
    AJ leveled up! (60) All stats increased!
    Faust leveled up! (59)(60) All stats increased!
    Kaida leveled up! (60) All stats increased!

    Peter Pan nodded in approval before Tinkerbell could be seen miming her own disapproval of the situation. "No, they're not gonna conspire against us Tink! You worry too much!"
    He turned to the group before announcing the teams.
    "Ananta and Kaida will take the first tunnel! Zidane and Faust will take the second! AJ and I will take the third! And Slightly, Cubby and Stratos will take the fourth!"
    Peter clapped his hands together before hovering above the ground. "Right! Hop to it lost boys! and uh... girls? Remember that Skull Rock is a place of misdirection! It'll try and show you things that may or not be real..." He spoke in an unsettling matter before laughing it off. "Haha, I'm just teasing! Nothing but local superstition! We're off now!" Peter ordered, as everyone took their path.

    TUNNEL 1

    Kaida and Ananta had walked inside, but after only a few hundred meters, there was a fork in the road.

    TUNNEL 2

    Zidane began twirling his swords around before turning to Faust. "So whatcha think's in there? Diamonds? Gold? A monster?!"

    TUNNEL 3

    Peter hovered around AJ as the two ventured deep into the tunnel. "So what's the deal with you. You look like a kid and sound like a kid... But you treat everything as if you were a grown up. Where's the fun in that?" He asked curiously.

    TUNNEL 4

    The group didn't make it more than 50 steps before Slightly and Cubby were wrestling over some dispute.
    Post by: Krowley, May 26, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    Tinkerbell turned to Ananta, and despite, her flattery, blew a silent raspberry at her before running behind peter. She pouted with her arms folded in displeasure.
    "It's okay, Tink doesn't like any girls," Cubby consoled.
    "Yeah, she's just jealous," Slightly chuckled. Tinkerbell immediately took the fox boys tail and wrapped it around his leg, causing the boy to trip. "Owch! I was only joshin!"
    Tinkerbell wobbled her head from side to side as if mimicking.

    Zidane blinked for a few moments as he turned to the rest of the party. "Does he speak english?" he asked quietly, pointing at Faust.
    "What he means is he wants a challenge men! I don't know whats in that chest, but i Hook want it, then it's gotta be worth somethin! And Peter Pan'll never lose to a codfish!"
    He thought to himself for a moment before speaking. "Hmmm, way I see it is we can split up to look for the treasure. The pathway to Skull rock goes in four directions. First lost boy..." he paused for a moment. "Or GIRL, gets first dibs on whatever's inside! And if yah want want dibs... you can fight for it? Deal? Good!" He said, without waiting for reply.

    "So who will be on what team? Slightly and Cubby count as one, so that means we have to divide into four teams! Who wants to go with who?" Zidane asked.


    "It's been so long my old companions..." A shrill voice spoke from the top deck.
    All heads turned up to find a young man in a black coat. "Some more than others of course..."
    "That's the guy that showed me the map!" Jim pointed.
    "Yes, and what a stroke of luck that you managed to discover it's true properties... It was a risk yes, but look how much chaos was spread from such a small little thing..." The man pulled his hood back to show an older teen with messy orange red hair and discolored red and blue eyes. Several pirates were showing up behind him, chortling with devious intent.
    "I was one of the first to join your cause. But I had a different path as Doctor L! Nequa took me under her wing and has shown me the ways of chaos!" He looked down at the group. "Kel, so good to see you again. It's been so long since those jungle days. Karina and... Arctus, was it? I believe we were already reintroduced in that laboratory you destroyed. You vexed me greatly," he chuckled insanely.
    "Raisor... When I first met you, you were still a boy. When I last left you, you had taken the form of a deer. And now you're a fully grown woman!" he laughed a little harder than necessary this time.
    "And finally. Aux. You were my trigger... but it seems you've strained from the chaotic path. A pity. You would have made a powerful ally. But I still must thank you as inspiration that there was a better path. Not as the fraile boy Leo... but as the abrasive, ingenious ZULU!" he cackled.

    Aux leaned over to Kel, a bit confused. "I thought he was Kross..."
    "But enough time for chat!" Zulu said, after stopping his laughter abruptly. "The Map, Mr. Hawkins..."
    Jim reached into his pocket, clutching the map. "And if I refuse?"
    Several of the pirates, armed themselves with heavy weaponry, including canons, pistols, and other artillery.
    "Well that's just cheating..." Aux sighed.

    "Maybe... but since when I have I ever played by the rules... OPEN FIRE!" Zulu yelled, laughing as the group took cover.

    "We're outgunned!" Jim yelled, hiding behind the mast. "What do we do?!" he said, yelling over the laser shots.


    Sparrow and his crew sailed with the three keybladers out into the middle of the ocean, where Sparrow nervously looked at his twitching compass.
    Jack has a small crew, and they were helping keep the ship on course. Two notable members on the ship were Mr. Gibbs, an older, rough, but sensible looking man, and Tia Dalma. A voodoo witch with messy hair and tattered clothes.

    Tia Dalma observed him behind the wheel as she spoke to the group. "Ayeee... Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants! Or... do know, but are loathe to claim it as his own. Your key go to a chest, and it is what lay inside the chest he seek, don't it?" She spoke more loudly so Jack could hear.

    "What *is* inside?" Asked Mr. Gibbs.
    "You know of... Davy Jones, yes? A man of de sea. A great sailor, until he ran afoul of dat which vex all men. A woman. He fell in love.
    "No-no-no-no, I heard it was the *sea* he fell in love with," Gibbs said.

    Same story, different versions, and all are true. See, it was a *woman*, as changing, and harsh, and untamable as the sea. Him never stopped loving her. But the pain it cause 'im was too much to live wid. But not enough to cause him to die. So he put him heart in the chest. It was not wort' feeling what... small fleeting joy life brings, and so... he carved out him heart, lock it away in a chest, and hide de chest from de world. De keys, he keep wid him at all times."

    "Ahh true.. but we have them, and they have special magical keys that do oh so many magical things that could probably give you a run for your money," Jack said, still facing forward.

    So all that's left is to climb aboard the Flying Dutchman, grab your lady friend, you go to your place of origin, and I depart, knowing I did good in the world. Everyone wins!" He said, with a grin.
    Tia Dalma looked at him suspiciously. "Let me see your hand." She quickly grabbed his hand to reveal a dark black marking.
    "The Black Spot... That thing will always tell the Krakken where to find Jack. How'd that end up on you?"
    The rest of the crew stopped to look at him as well.
    Stopping the wheel, Jack tried to ignore their gaze, but caved very quickly. Sparrow whined incessantly. "Uggh, fine! I owe Davy Jones a debt for making me Captain of the Black Pearl... Happy?!"
    "What's the debt?" Gibbs asked.
    "Well uhh... the logistics aren't important... Let's just say the men with the keys are the key to making this all go away. They help settle the debt, we find the chest, kill his heart, and then everyone gets to roam the seas, without fear or guilt. I think it's a good plan..." Jack smiled.

    Gibbs noticed the fog start to gloom in around them. "Was clear skies a moment ago..."
    "This is not the work of nature...." Tia Dalma said with a tilted head.

    As they spoke, a large ship rose from the depths, covered with marine life and aquatic monsters.
    "Right... I'll get the rowboat ready."

    A quick transition later, Beuce, Steel and Marx were sent on their way to Davy Jones' ship. The vessel when they climbed aboard was crawling with monstrous pirates, with the captain having a beard made from tentacles. He looked to be one of the more larger threats with his lobster-like hand and ghostly eyes. Next to him, was Gilgamesh, sitting on the chest that Luna was in.

    "We changed the film's plot a bit, but it's all good," Gilgamesh shrugged.
    "I am Captain Davy Jones of the Flying Dutchman!" the captain announced. "The only ones that come aboard my ship, are desperate souls wishing to prolong the afterlife by serving as my crew members. You three are neither dead nor dying. What is your purpose here?!" the captain spoke.
    Post by: Krowley, May 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    "Captain James Hook to you little one! And should you wish to leave my ship in one piece, you will address me as such!" Hook barked. "As for not going after the treasure, I simply... don't have the time!" Hook folded his arms and looked away.
    Smee whispered to the children in hopes of being more reasonable. "You see, Capn doesn't want to go to skull rock because the crocodile that took his hand lives there."
    "SMEE!" Hook yelled as his first mate was already giving away his fears. After hearing Faust's request, Hook chuckled once he composed himself again. "My young boy, I swear on my remaining hand, that the contents in that chest are exactly what you need to free you from your curse. And Captain Hook ALWAYS keeps his promise...." Hook said, as he adjusted his hook.

    From out of no where, the sound of Hook's voice was heard, but not from Hook himself
    "AnD yOU cAN ALWays TrUSt the WOrd of A cODFISH!!"
    "Yes, you can always trust the-" Hook spoke, before immediately drawing his sword. "Who said that!"
    "Why I dID! I'm CapTAIn JAmeS HooK of The JolLY RogeR!"

    As Hook was distracted by Hook, a few small figures in shrouded animal skins, hinted at the keyblade wielders to follow them off the boat and onto a floating rowboat. The group complied as Hook was being kept busy.
    "Uhh, Cap'n... the children are-"
    "NOT NOW SMEE! Captain Hook will never back down from being mocked! Well, you'll have to try better than that to pull one over on Captain Hook, Pan! If I were you, I'd give up!"
    "IF YoU WeRe Me!" Captain Hook's vocal impersonator revealed himself as a young red haired boy with pointed ears, and lime green clothes. He floated in the air as if by magic and stood in front of hook. "-I'd be ugly!" he laughed, using his dagger to prod Hook in his rear.

    Pan quickly flew off without another word, laughing along the way.
    Humiliated, Hook shook his working hand in a fist. "I'LL GET YOU PETER PAN! IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!"


    The rowboat with the hooded children and keyblade wielders at this point was already to shore as Peter Pan; the flying boy, quickly joined them.
    "Ahh more recruits! Good job men!" he told the few hooded kids, who disrobed their disguises.
    There was a tall slendy one with a fox hood, a short tubby one with a bear hood, and a medium build one with a monkey hood.
    "But where are my manners! We have girl's present after all!" He took off his hat, and gave a bow. "Name's Peter Pan! Leader of the lost boys! That's Slightly, Cubby, and Zidane!!
    "Howdy!" Slightly waved.
    "Hiya!" Cubby saluted.
    "Pleased to meet ya!" Zidane said, taking out his swords. "Let's brawl!"

    "Don't worry about those," Pan said in reply to the said. "Zidane's out best fighter against pirates."
    "But you saw the way these guys fought! I wanna test me metal!" Zidane chipperly said.
    "Time for that later, Z! We've got treasure to find!" Pan ordered. "We've got treasure to find!"

    As Peter said this, a small floating light circled around him. Upon closer inspection, it was a tiny fairy. "Oh yeah, and this here is Tinkerbell! Tink is the one who gave us the ability to fly.. Say Hi Tink!"
    Tinkerbell, at the sight of Kaida and Ananta, immiately turned red and turned around. "Aww don't be like that, Tink!" He quickly turned to the group and whispered to them. "Sorry, she's the jealous type..."
    He folded his arms and sat cross legged in the air. "Well you know about us now, what about you?"


    "He! Not even close!" Gilgamesh said, as he laughed at Steel's proposal. "I was approached by a mysterious and shadowy organization who had promised to give me ANY keyblade if I did their bidding with it." His keyblade quickly changed shape several times before vanished. "You must feel so ridiculous..."

    After hearing Beuce's words he folded his arms. "Well your words are quite disappointing. I was hoping to maybe joke around, cause some chaos... but it seems you just want to move the plot along. That's all anyone wants to do these days.... And My alegiance with Nequa is to keep me in this game for the long haul baby! Gilgamesh isn't getting put on the bus, no sir! GILGAMESH IS A RECURRING VILLAIN NOW! And he's going to be a thorn in your side! So if you want the plot to advance, you can find your precious princess aboard the flying dutchman!"

    He used the sword on his back to tear open another rift as he threw the chest inside. "Let's see what your 'character development' gets you..." he walked through with a more menacing tone as he vanished without a trace.

    Jack Sparrow squinted at the spot he fled and back to the group. "You all saw the tall man disappear too, yes? That wasn't just the rum talking?..."
    He walked forward and waved his hand around to see if he was still there before putting his sword away. "Right... well all aboard gents. Sooner we get aboard this skipper, sooner we can find our princess. He grabbed the rope tightly from his ship nearby. "Say hello to the Black Pearl..." He said, introducing his ship.

    "Mr. Gibb!" He said, calling onto the ship. "Cast off those line!"


    Beuce leveled up! (AP increased!)
    Luna leveled up! (AP increased!)
    Marx leveled up! (AP increased!)
    Steel leveled up! (AP increased!)



    "Don't start..." Aux added in reply to Kel's comment about black helmets. "And I will mop this pink blob off the floor so long as it CO-OPERATES!" He said as he started mopping more aggressively through his gritted teeth. As he brushed the mop over the pink blob again, a small giggle was heard, causing Aux to immediately stop.

    The small pink blob grew larger as it floated to eye range in it's odd gelatinous form. Just to eyes on a floating pink transparent goop.

    "What the hell is that!" Aux said, pushing himself towards the sink.
    "WhAt ThE HeLL is THAt!" The gelatinous blob mimicked in a high pitch tone before running away onto the deck.
    Jim quickly stood up as the alien creature ran out of the gally.
    "That's Morph! He's silver's shapeshifting pet and we aren't supposed to let him out!" Jim raced passed Aux, dumping the discarded peelings onto the ground as he raced out.
    Aux threw both mops on the ground in frustration.
    "I JUST MOPPED THERE!" He yelled, chasing after Jim.


    Aux leveled up!
    Castur leveled up!
    Ignis leveled up!
    Karina leveled up!

    The rest of the party followed suit as they were now on the suspiciously empty deck. Jim was seen trying to calm down Morph who was for some reason leaning towards the door of Captain Farris' quarters. As Jim quickly caught Morph in his hand, he could hear something coming from her cabin. Muffled cries of anger as the door was being knocked against. Jim put Morph in his pocket and leaned in.
    "Captain Farris?" Jim asked, as he quickly opened the door.
    Farris fell to the ground, with her mouth gagged, and her arms and legs bound tightly.

    Falling to the ground, Jim quickly undid her "Captain? What's going on, why are you-"
    "Wretched little low lifes, I'll make sure they all hang!" She said, spitting out her gag. "After everything I did for those welps, they pull a mutiny on me!"
    "Mutiny... but why?" Jim asked confused. "What's the point if we're all gonna be rich?"
    "I don't know... but they're gonna be cutting heads so they get bigger shares. Bunch of greedy sons of-"
    "What about Silver? Is he okay?" Jim asked, in a concerned tone of voice.
    Farris remained silent. "I couldn't tell yah kid.." She quickly loosened her straps as she rubbed her wrists. "Scroop and a few others are the ones that blind sided me. All I know is that they were following some guy in a hood. Kept calling himself... Doctor L?"

    Aux paused a moment.
    "Why does that sound familiar?"
    "Who cares! Kid, we gotta get off this ship. If they get your map, they can get their treasure, but if we get on the spare dingy, we can escape and think of a game plan."
    "Not without Silver!" Jim replied.
    "For all we know, he's already dead! They're held in the artillery room with all my weapons. You need to know when to hold and fold em, and right now... WE NEED TO FOLD EM!"
    Jim grasped the map tightly in his hand. "Start the ship... I'm gonna do some recon and see if he's still here. If you wanna help, that's your call. But I'm not leaving him behind..."
    "At least give me the map then!" Farris ordered.
    "Map stays with me.. I'm the only one that knows how to use it." He turned to the group. "If you wanna help help, otherwise, you can wait on the ship with Farris..." He then turned to the Captain. "If I'm not back in 1,000 ticks, leave without me. If things get to hot, I'll destroy the map," he told Farris.

    Post by: Krowley, May 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    May 2019
    This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!



    APRIL ATTENDANCE has been moved to MAY
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    "Time for some catch up ladies and gents!"
    "Also to make sure Krowley does not cry over doing lottery every week, Weekly Lottery will be suspended until further notice in 2019..."








    Winner for October 29, 2018 - November 4, 2018
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    Winner for December 3, 2018 - December 9, 2018
    Winner for December 10, 2018 - December 16, 2018
    Winner for December 17, 2018 - December 23, 2018
    Winner for December 24, 2018 - December 30, 2019
    Post by: Krowley, May 3, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. Krowley

    "Who knows," Jim shrugged to Castur and Kel's response. "Sounded like he just wanted someone to find it..." As he tossed the metallix orb in his hand, his eyebrows furrowed at Karina's lecture. "Sound like someone who never grew up on a budget," he said, continuing to toss the orb. "This is my ticket to pay her back for everything. All my screw ups, all the repairs.. My mom's basically been scrounging to keep us afloat for years, ever since my dad..." he was going to continue on, but stopped himself. "Anyways.. I didn't have much of a budget to hire a professional crew. This is all I could afford after my mom's inn burned down..."

    Aux wouldn't know what to do if he knew that his family home was destroyed.

    "That sucks," he replied as he tried to mop aggressively. There was this small pink blob that he couldn't quite get rid of. "But whatever that guy told is is probably something he knew you'd want to hear. In my experience, nothing good comes from a guy in a black cloak. Or anyone else on this ship for that matter."

    Jim shurgged. "There not all spider psychos... Silver's alright. Helps me out when he can. And despite Farris'... methods, she's a good Captain."
    A though crossed Jim's head as he stood more upright. "Why? What kinda low lifes have you run into?"
    Post by: Krowley, May 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    "Aww shucks," Enzo blushed,scratching his cheek with his finger. He tussled her hair as he smiled. "You're as bright and welcoming as they come, yah little firefly."
    As his head turned from Aria to Torrin, he could feel a feeling of relaxed joy. "You know what... I'm not that hungry." He inhaled deeply before exhaling. "Maybe it's just all this closure and good vibes around me right now... but I don't really need to eat right now. I'm just in a content state of satisfac-"

    As he said this, he let out a loud, uninterrupted burp. A moment of silence passed as he beat his chest and covered his mouth in embarrassment.

    "Whooo, that cleared up some room," he yelled, clearing his throat. "Apologies still... Anyways, I'm good to rustle up some grub now!"
    Post by: Krowley, May 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley

    A large gunshot was fired from the ship's Captain as he berated his crew. "What's going on out here! Mr. Smee! Report!!"
    A small, elderly stout man with a striped shirt and red cap began floundering about the deck in his sandals. "W-well Cap'n, it looks like most of the crew is incapacitated,
    "Oh incapacitated, right on schedule-- INCAPACITATED?!" He asked in an angered tone. He raised his hand to reveal a sharp hook as he walked down in his red coat. He was prepared to take out whatever threat befell his men until he noticed the children aboard his ship. He sighed heavily in disappointment at the sight of them. "Oh wonderful, more of Pan's brats! What do you bilge rats want from me this time?..." He paused for a minute at the sight of their keyblades. "Oh?... Keyblades.... but then that must make you..." He twirled his thinly curled mustache as he broke out laughing. "These are the brats that are giving everyone such trouble?! And here I thought you'd be older... Unless?" Hook gasped. "Perhaps the rumors are true?"
    "Rumors Cap'n?" Smee asked.
    "The Curse of Neverland... I heard the mermaids say of how a curse has befallen the land. It curses those who arrive to turn into mere children..." He grinned for a moment until he heard a ticking sound
    "AAHH! SMEE! It's back! The crocodile that took me hand..."

    From over the ship, the crocodile was grinning as it splashed playfully in the water. Captain Hook shuttered as Smee shooed it away.
    Realizing the children were still watching, he tried to compose himself. "Yes... well.... I'm afraid if you wish to return to your former selves you'll have to find the treasure hidden in skull rock. But I'd hurry if I were you, I understand Peter Pan wants the treasure for himself... and that spritely crow isn't known for sharing his keep..."


    "Yeah yeah, back to the brig with you... I don't be wantin' anymore trouble from you. And take care o' Jimbo. Don't be so hard on him lad!" Silver called out, smiling as he turned to attend other matters.

    Back in the lower part of the ship, Jim was replying to Kel's question. "Well, guess I shouldn't be hiding it from you since we're going there anyways... We're heading to Tresure Planet!" He exclaimed in excitement. There was a small pause as know one seemed to "You know... TREASURE PLANET!"
    "The planet... of treasure?" Aux asked.
    "Not just any treasure, the loot of a thousand worlds!" Jim said, standing up. He all of a sudden started sounding like an excited kid instead of a loner teen. "Captain Nathaneal Flint was a pirate who raided world after world of their treasures. Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere. And then. gathering up their spoils vanished without a trace. Flint's secret trove was never found, but that's becuse they didn't have this...." Jim unveiled a small sphere from his pocket. "Some guy in a black hood showed me how to use it. This is the key to finding the planet. And once we get there, I'm gonna get my share, go back home and change my future..."

    His smile faded as he slumped back down. "But it hasn't exactly been smooth sailing so far... So I've been hiding down here till we get there.."


    As Sparrow returned to his ship with weilders in tow, Jack paused at the sight of a large man in a black coat, with his back turned towards the group.
    "Umm... beggin' yer pardon mate... but that's my ship you'd be gawking at. State your purpose.
    The stranger continued to remain silent as he inhaled deeply.
    He reached to a lever behind one of the rocks he stood by, causing a mechanism to activate. A chain from beneath the sand unveiled itself as it grabbed Luna by the ankle and pulled her towards the stranger. The man turned around as he used his heavy sword to cut open a portal and pull out a chest. He laid the chest in front of the chain, and closed the chest once Luna was inside. "Got me some nice booty, I did!" the man cheered. The voice was familiar but the appearance was different.
    He looked at the group. "Hey wait a minute.. is that.. Beuce? Hey Beucy boy, remember me! It's Gilgamesh? REMEMBER?! I WAS A CAMEO!"
    He waved as Sparrow looked to the group. "Don't know who this joker is, but he's kidnapped the only woman I've seen for miles.
    Sparrow unsheathed his sword. "Unleash the damsel or prepare for distress mate! You're facing one of the most feared men in the Caribbean..."
    "Johnny Depp?" Gilgamesh asked confused.
    "Captain Jack Sparrow! And his crew of raggamuffin key wielders!"
    "Oh, I got me one of those, see?!" Gilgamesh summoned his keyblade as he showed it to them.

    Sparrow turned to his comrades, unnerved. "It appears I've underestimated this fellow..."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley

    Enzo immediately stood up at the sound of Torrin's whistle and began to jog lightly over to where he was coming from.
    After a few steps, his shin hit another tombstone, causing him to limp. Trying to kick away the pain, he continued on. He hit his head on a nearby branch, that scrap and whipped across his forehead.
    At that point, Enzo took a more cautious stroll as he headed toward's Torrin's aura. It was like seeing in the dark for him.

    He hovered his hands in front of him just in case there were any obstacles before grabbing Torrin by the arm.
    He gave a light smile as he patted Torrin on the shoulder.
    "Kinda dark out..." Enzo was keen at being subtle. With a breeze blowing around them, Enzo looked down at the stone he was called to. "So this is where they put you..." He spoke down at the stone before looking towards Torrin. "Ezekiel was the man who took me in after I lost my mother. He was old and cranky, but he was blind. I guess you could say I kinda felt sorry for him..." he looked down at the tombstone as he shared on. "Ezekiel was always kinda mean to me. If I was hungry he asked 'Well what do you want me to do about i?!'" Enzo mimicked in a crotchety old man's voice. "He was stubborn and smelly and didn't care what anyone said about him..."
    Enzo cleared his throat, preparing to give a short eulogy. "It's been a while you mean old man. Despite all the awful things you said and the way you treated me, you were my role model. I looked up to you... I mean until I was taller than you. Then I kind of looked down to you. But it was in admiration still... You taught me how to be independent and live my own life."

    Enzo took a deep sigh as he took his hand off Torrin.
    "He never once took care of me. He barely acknowledged me... But I still learned so much from him. He taught me how to survive in a dark world, and I'll always be grateful for that." He put his hands in his pocket before saluting Torrin. "And I'm grateful to you too best buddy. I never thought I'd be able to be back here without feeling miserable, but you made it fun. Thanks."

    He looked in the direction of the obelisk.
    "And sorry to hear about your mom. I kind of have a little song I made for mine if you wanna borrow it..."
    He cleared his throat as he began a soft spoken melody.

    "There are times when I'm alone and have a thought that comes to mind,
    And I think of how you're doing, and I hope you're doing fine,
    How I wish that I could look at you, the way you looked at me,
    But now I must rely on how you were from memory...

    I wave to you each morning as the rising sun will show,
    And I hope you're smiling, knowing how your loving son will grow.
    But the truth is mother, I don't want to grow up without you.
    Your little boy would stay your boy... if you would stay here too...

    I know I can't see you, But I guarantee you, w
    e'll never be far apart.
    And while I'm not near you, I always can hear you, whenever I hear my heart."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley
    Jim watched the three that were left with him as he remained aloof. "Let's just say I got some plans for when we get to our destination. Something that's gonna help me chart my own course..."

    Meanwhile, Scroop began to inch ever so taller as he loomed over Castur. "Problems?... No, I don't deal with problems..."

    He quickly snapped open his claw and pushed it around Castur. "I dispose of them.." he tightened his grip around Castur, grinning as he did so. "I'm sure no one will notice if a cabin boy goes missing... There are so many of you now after all. Multiplying like rats.."
    As he took pleasure in Castur's pain, Silver immediately stepped in and use his cyborg arm to crunch around Scroop's claw, causing him to release the man.

    Silver chewed on a fruit before looking at Scroop. "Mr. Scroop... you ever see what happens to a fresh pulp when you squeeze.. real tight!" Silver squeezed hard enough for Scroop to take a few steps back. "I don't want to have the captain be makin' yah drift for takin' out one of our own!" Silver scolded in his thick accent.

    Scroop held his claw as he glared at Silver. "I'd that's the case... we should've thrown off that boy when he got rid of Mr. Arrow.."

    "That was an accident Mr. Scroop... don't foul the boy for his folly.."

    "Oh didn't he tell you?" Scroop asked with a sinister grin. "That boy was in charge of securing everyone's lines during the last storm... but Mr arrows line was not secure... some say he was just being careless... but if I didn't know any better, I'd say he did it in purpose..."

    "THATS ENOUGH MR. SCROOP!" Silver barked.

    Scroop walked off as Silver watched him leave with his cyborg eye.

    "I'd be careful if I were you. Or he might try to kill one of you next...."

    As Scroop walked off, Silver turned to Castur. "Now looked here sir! You may be new, but yah can't go picking fights like that. I gave you a job and you go wandering off! Don't you know what kinda ship this is!"
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 25, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley

    "Yeah, but... I know they aren't here." Enzp replied softly, before approaching one of the tombstones. He hovered his hand in front of him until he felt the cold stone from one of the burial spots. He smiled softly as he patted down the tombstone. From the inscription, the tombstone belonged to someone's pet dog 'Lucky.'

    "The last time I was near this place, a fire had broken out in my home. I didn't understand as a kid, but some trivial war things were happening with the adults. And my house just so happen to be the center of those... trivial things..." He spoke in a lower tone, patting the tombstone as he talked. "The fire took everything from me. I wandered the streets for hours calling out for my mother. All I could hear were screams though. And then there was this... massive explosion of light." He rubbed the back of his head trying to recall what it was exactly. "And that one blast knocked my back into a wall. It's the whole reason I... y'know..The reason I can't... ." He took a deep sigh preparing to reveal a great insecurity.

    "The reason I can't sing in falsetto anymore... I think when neck hit the wall, it did something to the old chords," he chuckled. He turned back to the tombstone. "I never did find her. And I was lost in the dark for so long. All I could do was cry. I was alone," he said, looking back to Torrin. "And very scared. I was barely ten at the time with no where to go and no one to turn to. I suppose that's why I always just kept moving around."

    He sat down and crossed his legs before facing the tombstone.
    "I know this isn't where my mom was buried. Or if she's even buried, or if she's even dead." A small tear rolled down Enzo's cheek. "But it helps."

    He pressed his hand flat against the tombstone.
    "Love you mom. Hope you're doing okay," he smiled weakly.
    As he did, a thought crossed his mind.
    "Hey Torrin? While I'm saying hi to mom, could you tell me if you could find out if an 'Ezekiel' is burried here?" he asked.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 24, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena