Aux's hands were still in searing pain, as he looked up to find Ursula, was preparing some sort of powerful magical attack involving the cauldron below. His hands were in too much of a burning hand for him to clench his fists to do much damage. He maybe summoning the keyblade would help? But how would it here? He'd still be gripping onto something and hurting his palms even more. Maybe he could at least cure his hands. But even then, he'd still need the blade to make it effective. His hand shook, wanting to summon it, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. As he recalled what he did to his late friend, a memory from earlier resurfaced into his head. Spoiler Three years ago...Aux was walking down the streets of the Central Haven shop district as he was carrying a punching bag over his shoulder like a large duffel bag. He was fully suited in his academy uniform. "Hey Aux!" a boy's voice called out, causing aux to stop and turn. It was a blue haired boy who waved and did a brisk jog to catch up to him. "I thought that was you," he smiled. "You're the only one who still keeps the uniform on even after training!" Aux stayed silent as if not knowing who he was. The boy scratched the back of his head. "Right, I should probably introduce myself. My name is-" At that moment, his memory gltiched for a moment as if he couldn't remember the boy's name. "You're the guy who does clean up, right?" Aux confirmed. "Yeah that's me," the boy replied with a smile. "I think the official title is 'Custodial assistant of-" "What do you want?" Aux asked coldly. "Oh... well, Krowley told me what happened. About the whole thing with your memories and all. Just wanted to see if you needed a friend," he smiled offering his hand to shake. Aux looked at his hand and immediately turned around to keep walking. "I don't need your pity." The boy quickly jogged to keep up hastily. "Oh no, I-I didn't mean it like that! I just thought, since I'm new here, and you feel as if you're new here that we could help each other out. I mean that's what friends are for, right?" Aux stopped walking, causing the blue haired boy to quick smack his face into Aux's punching bag and down onto the ground. Aux turned around and looked at the boy, now sitting on the floor. He winced a bit as he made impact with the ground. "We're not friends," Aux replied through his helmet. "Well I mean... not yet. I don't even know what you look like." he chuckled to himself as he got off the ground. Aux took off his helmet and glared at the boy. "I see myself everyday and don't even recognize it," he said, pointing to his face aggressively. "Tell me... what exactly does that have to do with friendship?" The boy paused for a brief moment as if trying to keep in laughter. He let out a small chortle through his nose. "OH, THAT'S IT!" Aux grabbed the boy off the ground by his collar, prompting the boy to immediately defend itself. "No no no! You just have helmet hair and I thought it was funny!" Aux stopped and raised an eyebrow. "What?" "Your hair, it's all... messy." "So?" "You don't care?" Aux dropped the boy onto his feet again. "Why should I?" The boy quickly turned his attention to the store next to them titled; 'Dress and Suit.' The boy smiled before turning to Aux and said; "Wait right here!" He excitedly went around him and into the store. Aux was prepared to immediately walk off, but stopped himself after only two steps. He didn't know why. This kid was clearly annoying him, but something about his optimism was different. Maybe it's because he hadn't had much of it himself lately. He decided to wait it out for a minute out of just sheer curiosity. The boy came out of the store and through a small black piece of clothing at Aux. He looked down at the piece of clothing and found that it was a black hat with the taboo design of a lion on it. He raised an eyebrow at it before looking at the boy. "There! That should help keep your hair all nice and flat," he smiled. As folded his arms in his accomplishment, he looked down at his wrist and widened his eyes at the time. "Aww man, I'm late... I gotta head out, but I'll see you tomorrow buddy!" He gave a quick wave as he rushed past him and ran up the street. "I don't want this!" he yelled at the boy running off. "Not yet you don't!" he yelled back, continuing to run. "And we're not friends!" "Not yet we're not!" he yelled, being even further way before fading from view. Aux looked at the hat and scoffed before looking at a nearby trash can. He could've just thrown it away. He could have... Present dayAux saw that Ursula was still wielding the trident preparing to strike. He quickly charged in front of her and held out his hand to summon a new keyblade. The Trident met the keyblade with a powerful clang, as Aux prevented her from striking the cauldron, He parried away her attack before using his keyblade to strike against her and push her against the wall. He used his keyblade and spent almost all his MP casting Aero spells on everyone. Word count: 936 EXP: 200 BP: 0/204 Flotsam: 0/300 Jetsam: 166/300 Ursula: 1306/2000
Guild Hall Update 3.07 ABILITIES - Combo Levels and Aerial combo levels reduced. Same effect, but equipping less levels! LIMITS - Level 50 Limits will be reduced from requiring 300% to 100%! - Level 25 Limits will be increased from requiring 200% to 300%! AURAS - Cyclone: Reverse Aero will cost 4 MP instead of 2. - Wavesurfer: Wipeout will now reduce overall MP from 1 to 2. JOBS - Paladin: Excalibur requires an skill command extra slot to equip - Dark Knight: Dark Aura requires an skill command extra slot to equip - Paopu Knight: Paradigm shift cooldown decreased to 8. - Red Mage: Master of None can deal a maximum of 300% damage (From 250) SUMMONS - Players gain HP while on a controlled summon. The player can have the summon take damage instead. However, once the summon's HP depletes, the summon vanishes. - Players gain 40 HP while on Dumbo - Players gain 50 HP while in Maximus - Players gain 60 HP while on Baymax - Players gain 100 HP while on Marshmallow SKILL COMMANDS - All "Other" skill commands will cost 2 Skill command slots. KEYBLADES - Oathkeeper: NEW ABILITY: Light Control: Gain an extra 25% CG each time a light command is used.
After hearing Beuce's explanation, Aux thought to himself for a moment and recalled the incident that sent them all spiralling into the relam of darkness. While he wasn't directly responsible for them losing their keyblades, he didn't have much of an excuse for what he dd after that. "That's fair," Aux whispered back before returning to the conversation. Ursula had finished talking and was already on the offensive with her two slithering electric eels. Karina and Beuce had already started the counter offensive with their keyblades, prompting Aux to want to do the same. He was about to summon a keyblade before pausing a brief moment. He still hadn't forgiven himself for everything that happened after the Stormbringer battle. When he used his keyblade, No Heart found him, and when he used darkness, the remnant took over. He knew the dark remnant inside him had fled, but part of him was almost afraid to attempt it again. He shook his head, trying to focus on the task at hand as he would fight for now, just using his own fists. Karina was pretty on the nose about getting rid of the trident from Ursula's vengeful hands, but the eels were distracting enough, so he would do his best to try and keep them out of the picture. Flotsam and Jetsam slithered around the party, Aux ready to help keep them at bay, so someone could get the trident from Ursula. He took the eel that was shooting lasers at Beuce and gripped it hard by it's tail. He violently swung it against the wall without mercy as he berated it constantly with each violent thrash against the wall. "Try! Shooting! Lasers! Now!" he grunted, spacing his words while the eel was beginning to see stars. Before he could hit him against the wall again, he felt the eel give him a violent electric shock, causing Aux to let go as the eel quickly escaped his grasp. Jetsam swam up via serpentine behind Aux and delivered another powerful shock to Aux on his back. Grunting, Aux turned around and glared at the eel, as he swam up to tower over him. Jetsam opened his mouth to deliver an electrical beam like his similar counterpart did to Beuce before hand. Aux quickly grabbed Jetsam by the snout and looked at his oddly discolored eyes, with a heated expression. "Yeah, no," he said pulling the eel towards him. As Flotsam began swimming back to help his counterpart, Aux threw Jetsam into the other eel, causing the two to collide and hit the wall, dazing them. He looked back to Ursula and reached for the trident in her hand. He was probably strong enough to grab it away from the middle aged sea witch. As he put both hands on the trident, Ursula, grinned, causing the trident to glow brightly. The intense light was actually heat, causing Aux to burn his as he let go from the searing hot weapon, bubbles floating from his hands from the steaming effect it caused. He quickly swayed his hands rapidly as he tried to cool them in the water surrounding them. Ursula was not making this easy for any of them. Word count: 534 EXP: 100 BP: 0/102 Flotsam: 100/300 Jetsam: 268/300 Ursula: 1718/2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laguna led the group back to where Sweet the medic, and a couple of the king's men were tending to the king. Laguna looked around, and was wondering what happened. "Sweet! Where's Rourke?" He stopped for a moment to look at the king who looked like he was slowly dying. "Hey.. is he okay?" "Rourke took Kida and Milo down to the sublevel. He did a real number on the king here to get the information. I know I wanted the payment, but... not like this..." "How's he doing?" Laguna asked, kneeling to check on him. "Internal bleeding. There's nothing more I can do." Laguna shook his head in disbelief. "This is wrong..." "I'm with you. I talked with Mole, Audrey and Vinny and they agree. Rourke's on a massive power trip. He's been after that crystal since Iceland." "Where is my daughter?" the king asked faintly. "Rourke took her to the basement with Milo," sweet replied. "She has been chosen... like her mother before her. In times of danger... the crystal will choose a host... one of royal blood... to protect itself... and its people. It will accept no other. "Wait a minute. Choose? So this thing is alive?" Laguna asked. "In a way. The crystal thrives... on the collective emotions... of all who came before us. In return, it provides power... longevity, protection. As it grew... it developed a consciousness of its own." He coughed as he held his side before looking to the keybladers. "I believe you sentinals call it by a different name; Kingdom Hearts... In my arrogance... I sought to use it as a weapon of war... but it's power proved too great to control. It overwhelmed us... and led to our destruction. That's why I hid it beneath the city... to keep history from repeating itself. And to prevent Kida from suffering the same fate... as my beloved wife. Rourke violence will cause Kida to be used as a vessel. And If she remains bonded to the crystal... she could be lost to it forever." The king was growing more and more faint in his voice. "The love of my daughter is all I have left. My burden would have become hers... when the time was right... but now... it falls to you," he said to the wielders. "Return the crystal... Save Atlantis... Save my daughter..." Those were the king's last words as he shut his eyes and grew limp.
"The heart of Atlantis?" Laguna asked, lowering his weapon. "That was one of the things I was looking most forward to researching! Rourke showed us all that missing page, but... I didn't think he was gonna commit genocide for it!" He looked to the group with a newfound inspiration to stop his former employer. "Well what the heck are you guys just standing around here for, we gotta stop him! I saw him taking Milo and the princess bck to her father's palace. That missing page said the heart of Atlantis was in the eyes of it's king... I bet you anything the heart has to be in there somewhere!" --------------------------------------------
With the group on high damage output, Kaida threw a balloon spell and strike raid to distract Te Ka, moving it's head out of the way, the lava god looked back and barely winced at Baymax's rocket fist. Stratos was up as he provided a powerful bass boost causing the creature to scream out in pain. Kel followed up with a powerful Excalibur attack, with Maui making a powerful chomp onto the monster. With AJ at his max potential, he summoned a maelstrom of wind the powerful gusts of wind. Ta ka's lava was cooled by the intense pressure, causing the lava god to cool down. Seizing an opportunity, Moana quickly looked at the heart of Te fiti before looking at Te Ka. The lava had cooled down enough for Moana to see a spiraled outline on Te Ka's chest. She held up the heart of Tefiti as a bright green glow emerged, getting Te Ka's attention. "Let her come to me," Moana told the ocean. The ocean parted a path for Te Ka as the lava god looked up in exhaustion. Weakened and withered, Te Ka charged the the baron path towards Moana. Walking with confidence, Moana walked along the same path to reconvene with her in the middle. "I have crossed the horizon to find you, I know your name. They have stolen the heart inside you, but this does not define you. This is not who you are, you know who you are," she sang. "Who you truly are..." The lava monster fully cooled down as it bent down to Moana's level. Moana pressed her face against Te Ka's cooled earthen face. Te Ka closed her eyes at peace, with Moana placing the heart onto the lava monster. As she did, the rocks around Te Ka began to crumble, as beneath the molten core was a green giant goddess. "Te fiti!" Moana cheered happily. MISSION COMPLETE! Kel leveled up! (53) Marx leveled up! (52) Stratos leveled up! (52)(53) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triton nodded at Luna's sentiment, ordering one of the guards to swim on ahead. "Ensure the palace guard protects the kingdom. No hostiles get past the gorge. The soldier nodded as he swam off ahead. With Triton capable of defending himself for the time being, he looked at the party as they swam off to Ursula's lair. "Please bring her back," he solemnly requested, his guards escorting him to the screams of peril in the kingdom. Sebastian tended to the concerned king as the party swam back towards Ursula's grotto. As they did, Aux thought about what Karina said regarding the Mortimer character. For some reason he just felt it was her ex or something for her to get so riled up about it. Back at Ursula's grotto, the group swam up tot he sea witch who was looming over her bubbly cauldron. "Well well... seems my little worms got the bait after all," Ursula grinned. "I always was a woman with an eye for a bargain..." She snapped her fingers as Flotsam zapped Beuce's back before Jetsam quickly grabbed the trident and gave it to Ursula. "At last... it's mine!" she said, with a crazed look in her eyes. "You got your prize. Now return the girl." Ursula looked to the group and chuckled. "A deal's a deal. She snapped her fingers as a swarm of ink enveloped behind her, Ariel appearing back in mermaid form. Her voice has returned to her since the contract was broken. "N-no!" he cried out. "He was just about to kiss me... I was almost human..." "Sorry princess, but you weren't meant for life on the land," Ursula said, zapping her into a cage. "Hey! We had a deal!" Aux barked. "I said I'd bring her back to the water! I never she'd go back with you!" she cackled. "That's the beautiful thing about contracts sweeties. There's always a loophole. And now..." She used the triton to shoot the exit to her grotto, causing several rocks to close off their escape. "I'm going to be rid of you before taking my revenge on Atlantica! My poopsies have been watching you and I've learned so much about you. Frankly, I don't see why Mizrabel got defeated by you lot! But now that you're in MY ocean, I'm going to take back TWO princesses of heart!" As this went on, Aux leaned over to Beuce. "Bad time, but... Who's Mizrabel?" he whispered to Beuce. "Now prepare to meet your maker!" Ursula grinned throwing a potion into her cauldron. The potion bubbled as it switched a different hue of red. MISSION START!
"I volunteer," Enzo said, walking towards Aria. "Normally I despise doing any more work than I have to but well... you fed. And dammit that will get me to do pretty much anything." He limbered up his arms be wrapping them around his elbows, stretching and twisting his back as he prepared himself. "So what are fighting today? Heartless? people? Our crippling mortality?" Before bending his knees to squat down he quickly shook his leg so his keyblade would fall out of his pant leg. "Sorry... can't squat if that's still in there." He bent his knees as he did a deep squat, bending his legs in the process.
Boss Battle • TE KĀ R O U N D 4 Kaida (x2) > Baymax (6) > Stratos > Kel > Maui (7) > AJ > Marx > Te Ka ROUND 1 Kaida cast Balloon! Kaida used Balloon! WEAKNESS! Reverse Aero! Dealt 306 Damage! Kaida cast Balloon! Kaida used Balloon! WEAKNESS! Reverse Aero! Dealt 306 Damage! Kaida cast Curaga on AJ! Healed to full HP! Baymax used Healthcare on Stratos! Healed full HP! Stratos took 10 Burning Damage! Stratos used Curaga on Kel! Healed to full HP! Kel took 10 Burning Damage! Kel summoned Maui! Maui used Shark Bite! WEAKNESS! REVERSE AERO! Dealt 1,192 Damage! HP HALT! Water commands boosted by 25%! Wind commands boosted by 25! AJ took 10 Burning Damage! AJ cast Reverse Aero on Te Ka! Marx used a Hi=Potion! Healed to full HP! Te Ka used Eruption! All player accuracy fell to 50%! April showers is canceled out. Lava Rain ensues! All players take 30 lava damage! ROUND 4 Kaida's Turn! TE KA - 5,000/10,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: [LAVA RAIN](x2 weaker) CYCLONE AJ Marx Kaida CRITICAL IMPACT Kel Rhythm Mixer Stratos Group Bonuses 60/100 HP 4/10 MP 125% CG(Burned - 1 Cycles) Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Tidal Wave 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Second Wind Lucky Lucky MP Haste Damage Syphon Ground Combo Base: 200%, 25 CG Wind: 300%, 50 CG Accuracy: 115% Air Combo Base: 175%, 25 CG Wind: 275%, 50 CG Light: 300%, 40 CG Accuracy: 115% Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Rebirth Mystic Aura Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven Wind Whirlwind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale Cyclone Wind Boost 2 Reverse Aero Vortex 7/7 70/100 HP 7/9 MP 70% CG(Burned - 2 Cycles) Spoiler: SUMMONS Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Balloon Graviga Minega Blizzaga Firaga Thundaga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Ether Hi-Potion x1 Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Balloon Letter Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 3/3 Osmose 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Chance Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Reload Boost Guard Critical Plus Ground Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Air Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Black Mage Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Final Arcanum 81/111 HP 3/14 MP 189% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Curaga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 3/3 Fox Taser 4/4 Red Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Second Chance Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Cheer MP Haste Reload Boost Critical Plus MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) MP Haste (Spellbinder) Ground Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Air Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Trinity Limit Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge. Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second 68/108 HP 2/5 MP 75% CG(Burned - 1 Cycles) Spoiler: ITEMS Phoenix Down x2 Ether Hi-Ether Balloon Letter Ultra Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Aerial Slam 2/3 Zantetsuken 5/5 Poison Edge 1/4 Splattercombo 3/3 April Showers 6/6 Magnify 8/8 Paradigm Shift 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Marahute Maui Baymax Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Second Chance Tribute Cheer Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Berserk Reload Boost Battle Cry Auto Aura Lv 1 Critical Plus All 4-1 (+100%) (All for One) Ground Combos Base: 305%, 65 CG Ice: 405%, 85 CG Blade: 455%, 70 CG Power: 455%, 70 CG Accuracy: 155% Air Combos Base: 280%, 70 CG Ice: 380%, 90 CG Accuracy: 155% Total Dodge: 20% Paupu Knight Potential (+40%) Turbo Hit Intertwined Good Luck Charm We’ll Go Together Spoiler: LIMITS Ars Arcanum Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin Blade Blade Boost Judgment Power Power Boost Home Run 66/106 HP 8/10 MP 112% CG(Burned - 2 Cycles) Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Stopga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 6/6 Aqua Splash 6/6 Aerial Slam 6/6 April Showers 2/12 Hammer Down 10/10 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Second Wind Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counter Attack MP Rage Critical Plus Healing Guard MP Gift Auto Aura Lv1 Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Sound: 355%, 65 CG Darkness: 400%, 40 CG Accuracy: 105% Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Sound: 330%, 70 CG Space: 350%, 65 CG Accuracy: 105% Total Dodge: 40% Blacksmith Refine Iron Will (+10% Resistance to Elements) Stock Up Recycler Exhaust Spoiler: LIMITS Trinity Limit Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Metronome Beginner Lessons Reverb Rhythm Mixer Intermediate Lessons Tune Up Bass Boost 12/12 Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +5 Valor +10% Wisdom +10% Lucky Lucky +25% Total Critical Chance: AJ: 40% Marx: 40% Kaida: 40% Kel: 80% Stratos: 40% Sound Aura Lv2: 50% to all commands
December 2018 This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!
As the party began to swim off towards Triton palace, Aux floated about in a stationary way as he somberly followed. "Seriously, what the heck's a Mortimer?!" he called out, swimming after them. As they swam into Triton's kingdom, the king of the seas himself rose up in anger at the sight of them. "I thought I warned the five of you to leave me kingdom!" He quickly grabbed his Trident as he aimed it towards them, his weapon giving off a bright magical hue. "You'd better have a good explanation or-" "Your majesty, wait!" the Jamaican crab screamed as he quickly swam onto the scene. "Sebastian?... Wha... where's Ariel? What are you doing here?" "It's Ursula your majesty. She tricked your daughter into making a deal. She's on two legs on the surface world. Flounder and I were keeping an eye on her, but den one of the seahorses from da royal palace spotted a bunch of dose dark creature heading towards da palace!" Triton lowered his trident. "The Kingdom! Why that no good-" he stopped his anger for a moment at the thought of his daughter. "But what about Ariel. Is she safe?" he asked concerned. "No for long," Aux answered. "She's going to keep her away from your reach to be abducted by someone who needs the princesses of heart. We made a deal to get the trident from you in exchange for your daughter." Triton looked at his trident and gripped it. "She planned this all along... she used Ariel against me to get my trident. And now the kingdom is going to be under siege because I wasn't more compassionate with Ariel...." As he sadly loosened his grip on the Trident, one of his royal guards swam in. "Your highness! The dark creatures have returned and is attacking the palace. What are your orders?" Flustered, he looked at his trident, and then to the wielders. He sighed before offering his Trident. I need to protect me kingdom... But my daughter is worth far too much for me to lose. Not after her mother..."
Boss Battle • TE KĀ R O U N D 3 Kaida (x2) > Baymax (7) > Stratos > Kel > AJ > Marx > Te Ka ROUND 1 Kaida summoned Baymax! Kaida cast Curaga on AJ! Healed 94 HP! Baymax used Healthcare on Stratos! Healed to full HP! Stratos took 10 Burning Damage! Stratos sed Curaga on Marx! Healed to full HP! Kel took 10 Burning Damage! Kel activated Critical Impact! Kel used Poison Edge! CRITICAL! Dealt 451 Damage! AJ activated Cyclone! AJ took 10 Burbing Damage! AJ cast Reverse Aero on Te Ka! Marx used Tidal Wave! WEAKNESS! REVERSE AERO! Dealt 604 Damage! Te Ka used Lava shots! Hit AJ! Dealt 40 Damage! Missed AJ! Hit Marx! Dealt 40 Damage! Hit Kel! Dealt 33 Damage! Hit Stratos! Dealt 30 Damage! ROUND 4 Kaida's Turn! TE KA - 6,327/10,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Doused (3 Cycles)(x2 weaker) CYCLONE AJ Marx Kaida CRITICAL IMPACT Kel Rhythm Mixer Stratos Group Bonuses 45/100 HP 6/10 MP 125% CG(Burned - 2 Cycles) Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Tidal Wave 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Second Wind Lucky Lucky MP Haste Damage Syphon Ground Combo Base: 200%, 25 CG Wind: 300%, 50 CG Accuracy: 115% Air Combo Base: 175%, 25 CG Wind: 275%, 50 CG Light: 300%, 40 CG Accuracy: 115% Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Rebirth Mystic Aura Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven Wind Whirlwind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale Cyclone Wind Boost 2 Reverse Aero Vortex 7/7 60/100 HP 8/9 MP 70% CG(Burned - 3 Cycles) Spoiler: SUMMONS Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Balloon Graviga Minega Blizzaga Firaga Thundaga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Balloon Letter Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 3/3 Osmose 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Chance Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Reload Boost Guard Critical Plus Ground Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Air Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Black Mage Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Final Arcanum 111/111 HP 7/14 MP 112% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Curaga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 0/3 Fox Taser 4/4 Red Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Second Chance Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Cheer MP Haste Reload Boost Critical Plus MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) MP Haste (Spellbinder) Ground Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Air Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Trinity Limit Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge. Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second 20/108 HP 5/5 MP 75% CG(Burned - 2 Cycles) Spoiler: ITEMS Phoenix Down x2 Ether Hi-Ether Balloon Letter Ultra Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Aerial Slam 1/3 Zantetsuken 5/5 Poison Edge 0/4 Splattercombo 3/3 April Showers 6/6 Magnify 8/8 Paradigm Shift 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Marahute Maui Baymax Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Second Chance Tribute Cheer Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Berserk Reload Boost Battle Cry Auto Aura Lv 1 Critical Plus All 4-1 (+100%) (All for One) Ground Combos Base: 305%, 65 CG Ice: 405%, 85 CG Blade: 455%, 70 CG Power: 455%, 70 CG Accuracy: 155% Air Combos Base: 280%, 70 CG Ice: 380%, 90 CG Accuracy: 155% Total Dodge: 20% Paupu Knight Potential (+40%) Turbo Hit Intertwined Good Luck Charm We’ll Go Together Spoiler: LIMITS Ars Arcanum Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin Blade Blade Boost Judgment Power Power Boost Home Run 66/106 HP 10/10 MP 64% CG(Burned - 2 Cycles) Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Stopga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 6/6 Aqua Splash 6/6 Aerial Slam 6/6 April Showers 0/12 Hammer Down 10/10 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Second Wind Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counter Attack MP Rage Critical Plus Healing Guard MP Gift Auto Aura Lv1 Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Sound: 355%, 65 CG Darkness: 400%, 40 CG Accuracy: 105% Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Sound: 330%, 70 CG Space: 350%, 65 CG Accuracy: 105% Total Dodge: 40% Blacksmith Refine Iron Will (+10% Resistance to Elements) Stock Up Recycler Exhaust Spoiler: LIMITS Trinity Limit Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Metronome Beginner Lessons Reverb Rhythm Mixer Intermediate Lessons Tune Up Bass Boost 12/12 Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +5 Valor +10% Wisdom +10% Lucky Lucky +25% Total Critical Chance: AJ: 40% Marx: 40% Kaida: 40% Kel: 80% Stratos: 40% Sound Aura Lv2: 50% to all commands
Boss Battle • TE KĀ R O U N D 1 Kaida (x2) > Stratos > Kel > AJ > Marx > Te Ka ROUND 1 Kaida used Balloon! WEAKNESS! CRITICAL! Dealt 306 Damage! Kaida used Thunder Bell! Dealt 143 Damage! Kaida used Balloon! WEAKNESS! Dealt 153 Damage! Kaida used Thunder Bell! Dealt 143 Damage! Stratos activated Rhythm Mixer! Stratos used Rhythm Mixer! Kel used Aerial Slam! WEAKNESS! CRITICAL! Dealt 1195 Damage! AJ used Tidal Wave! WEAKNESS! Dealt 570 Damage! Marx cast Balloon! Dealt 107 Damage! Te Ka used Lava shots! Hit AJ! Dealt 40 Damage! AJ took 10 Burning Damage! Hit AJ! Dealt 40 Damage! AJ took 10 Burning Damage! AJ held on with Second Chance! Hit Marx! Dealt 40 Damage! Marx took 10 Burning Damage! Hit Kel! Dealt 35 Damage Kel took 10 Burning Damage! Hit Stratos! Dealt 30 Damage! Stratos took 9 Burning Damage! TE KA - 7,383/10,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Doused (5 Cycles) AJ Marx Kaida Kel Rhythm Mixer Stratos Group Bonuses 1/100 HP 8/10 MP 85% CG(Burned - 3 Cycles) Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Tidal Wave 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Second Wind Lucky Lucky MP Haste Damage Syphon Second Chance Ground Combo Base: 200%, 25 CG Wind: 300%, 50 CG Accuracy: 115% Air Combo Base: 175%, 25 CG Wind: 275%, 50 CG Light: 300%, 40 CG Accuracy: 115% Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Rebirth Mystic Aura Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven Wind Whirlwind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale Cyclone Wind Boost 2 Reverse Aero Vortex 7/7 50/100 HP 8/9 MP 50% CG(Burned - 3 Cycles) Spoiler: SUMMONS Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Balloon Graviga Minega Blizzaga Firaga Thundaga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Balloon Letter Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 3/3 Osmose 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Chance Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Reload Boost Guard Critical Plus Ground Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Air Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Black Mage Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Final Arcanum 111/111 HP 12/14 MP 55% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Curaga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 0/3 Fox Taser 4/4 Red Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Second Chance Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Cheer MP Haste Reload Boost Critical Plus MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) MP Haste (Spellbinder) Ground Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Air Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Trinity Limit Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge. Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second 63/108 HP 5/5 MP 43% CG(Burned - 3 Cycles) Spoiler: ITEMS Phoenix Down x2 Ether Hi-Ether Balloon Letter Ultra Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Aerial Slam 0/3 Zantetsuken 5/5 Poison Edge 4/4 Splattercombo 3/3 April Showers 6/6 Magnify 8/8 Paradigm Shift 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Marahute Maui Baymax Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Second Chance Tribute Cheer Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Berserk Reload Boost Battle Cry Auto Aura Lv 1 Critical Plus All 4-1 (+100%) (All for One) Ground Combos Base: 305%, 65 CG Ice: 405%, 85 CG Blade: 455%, 70 CG Power: 455%, 70 CG Accuracy: 155% Air Combos Base: 280%, 70 CG Ice: 380%, 90 CG Accuracy: 155% Total Dodge: 20% Paupu Knight Potential (+40%) Turbo Hit Intertwined Good Luck Charm We’ll Go Together Spoiler: LIMITS Ars Arcanum Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin Blade Blade Boost Judgment Power Power Boost Home Run 67/106 HP 10/10 MP 19% CG(Burned - 3 Cycles) Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Stopga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 6/6 Aqua Splash 6/6 Aerial Slam 6/6 April Showers 0/12 Hammer Down 10/10 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Second Wind Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counter Attack MP Rage Critical Plus Healing Guard MP Gift Auto Aura Lv1 Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Sound: 355%, 65 CG Darkness: 400%, 40 CG Accuracy: 105% Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Sound: 330%, 70 CG Space: 350%, 65 CG Accuracy: 105% Total Dodge: 40% Blacksmith Refine Iron Will (+10% Resistance to Elements) Stock Up Recycler Exhaust Spoiler: LIMITS Trinity Limit Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Metronome Beginner Lessons Reverb Rhythm Mixer Intermediate Lessons Tune Up Bass Boost 12/12 Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +5 Valor +10% Wisdom +10% Lucky Lucky +25% Total Critical Chance: AJ: 40% Marx: 40% Kaida: 40% Kel: 80% Stratos: 40% Sound Aura Lv2: 50% to all commands
Happy 7 years of SOS! The rewards have been granted to their respective players! Ananta leveled up! (52) Ignis leveled up! (52) Kaida leveled up! (52) Karina leveled up! (52)
"Well ready or not, we're casting off," Maui instructed as he led the way to Te Fiti and the lava monster; Te Ka. As they sailed the sea, Maui eventually turned to Moana and paused for a moment. "What?" Moana asked. "I figured it out," Maui grinned. "You know, the ocean used to love when I pulled up islands 'cause your ancestors would sail her seas and find 'em. All those new lands, new villages. It was the water that connected 'em all. And if I were the ocean, I think I'd be looking for a curly-haired non-princess to start that again." Moana smiled. "That is literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Probably should have saved it for Te Fiti." Maui nodded. "I did. Moana of Motunui, I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the great sea." In front of them was a smoking mountain that slowly began to ignite with a lava glow. "It's time," Maui nodded to the other. "Let's go save the world..." Before he transformed with his hook, Moana stopped him for a moment. "Maui. Thank you." She then turned to the rest. "All of you." "You're welcome," Maui winked. "Cheeeehoooo!" he yelled out, charging into battle. AJ unlocked Level 2 Wind Aura: CYCLONE! MISSION START! Boss Battle • TE KĀ R O U N D 1 Kaida (x2) > Stratos > Kel > AJ > Marx > Te Ka ROUND 1 Kaida's turn! TAKA - 10,000/10,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) AJ Marx Kaida Kel Stratos Group Bonuses 100/100 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Tidal Wave 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Second Wind Lucky Lucky MP Haste Damage Syphon Second Chance Ground Combo Base: 200%, 25 CG Wind: 300%, 50 CG Accuracy: 115% Air Combo Base: 175%, 25 CG Wind: 275%, 50 CG Light: 300%, 40 CG Accuracy: 115% Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Rebirth Mystic Aura Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven Wind Whirlwind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale Cyclone Wind Boost 2 Reverse Aero Vortex 7/7 100/100 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Maui Spoiler: MAGIC Balloon Graviga Minega Blizzaga Firaga Thundaga Drain Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Ultra Potion Phoenix Down Balloon Letter Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 3/3 Osmose 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Cheer Second Chance Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP Haste Reload Boost Guard Critical Plus Ground Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Air Combo Base: 125%, 5 CG Black Mage Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste Curse of the Black Mage Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Final Arcanum 111/111 HP 14/14 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Curaga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 3/3 Fox Taser 4/4 Red Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Second Chance Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Cheer MP Haste Reload Boost Critical Plus MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) MP Haste (Spellbinder) Ground Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Air Combo Base: 100%, 5 CG Speed: 175%, 40 CG Time: 250%, 10 CG Thunder: 200%, 20 CG Accuracy: 125% Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Synch Blade Dual Cast Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Trinity Limit Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge. Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second 108/108 HP 5/5 MP 0% CG Spoiler: ITEMS Phoenix Down x2 Ether Hi-Ether Balloon Letter Ultra Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Aerial Slam 3/3 Zantetsuken 5/5 Poison Edge 4/4 Splattercombo 3/3 April Showers 6/6 Magnify 8/8 Paradigm Shift 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Marahute Maui Baymax Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Second Chance Tribute Cheer Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Berserk Reload Boost Battle Cry Auto Aura Lv 1 Critical Plus All 4-1 (+100%) (All for One) Ground Combos Base: 305%, 65 CG Ice: 405%, 85 CG Blade: 455%, 70 CG Power: 455%, 70 CG Accuracy: 155% Air Combos Base: 280%, 70 CG Ice: 380%, 90 CG Accuracy: 155% Total Dodge: 20% Paupu Knight Potential (+40%) Turbo Hit Intertwined Good Luck Charm We’ll Go Together Spoiler: LIMITS Ars Arcanum Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin Blade Blade Boost Judgment Power Power Boost Home Run 106/106 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Stopga Balloon Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Tidal Wave 6/6 Aqua Splash 6/6 Aerial Slam 6/6 April Showers 12/12 Hammer Down 10/10 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (40%) Item Boost Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Second Wind Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counter Attack MP Rage Critical Plus Healing Guard MP Gift Auto Aura Lv1 Ground Combos Base: 275%, 35 CG Sound: 355%, 65 CG Darkness: 400%, 40 CG Accuracy: 105% Air Combos Base: 250%, 40 CG Sound: 330%, 70 CG Space: 350%, 65 CG Accuracy: 105% Total Dodge: 40% Blacksmith Refine Iron Will (+10% Resistance to Elements) Stock Up Recycler Exhaust Spoiler: LIMITS Trinity Limit Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Metronome Beginner Lessons Reverb Rhythm Mixer Intermediate Lessons Tune Up Bass Boost 12/12 Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +5 Valor +10% Wisdom +10% Lucky Lucky +25% Total Critical Chance: AJ: 40% Marx: 40% Kaida: 40% Kel: 80% Stratos: 40%