Only to have him fly through hoops.
Parfait. I hate it how they never give you a spoon long enough to scrap the bottom and the left overs just laugh at you. >:
Everyone, please! Spoiler Have a headpat!
I use the term, "It could be worse, so it ain't all bad" sometimes when I'm describing an issue I'm struggling with. I wouldn't use it to describe someone else's problem but at least to me it makes me feel slightly better in my given situation.
They all die. Spoiler Just kidding!
Sonic's gonna use that pup as a spring.
Never bought it on the PS3 so I will be definitely getting it on the PS4. Kinda hoping for a physical release but that may be wishful thinking. Still gonna buy it!
It takes at least 2 days to go from "Preparing Dispatch" to "Dispatched".
As long as you believe, they exist here.
It contained yaoi. I can see why you were banned! >:
I was going to finish it after my exams (had watched up to episode 9) but I figured it be easier to watch them all today. AND WATCH THEM ALL I DID! I regret nothing. <3
I am satisfied. P.S Mako best girl.
It will come eventually.
For the memories.
Shhhh! No one's meant to know Amaury's secretly Shia LaBeouf!