Are you 5 feet tall?
Close it. Save yourself.
Only winners get sick bags. at playing Tomb Raider.
Heels are just another weapon in her arsenal.
Let it go~
I prefer the original. When men looked like women and all was right in the world.
No, it means those 2 million votes are wrong.
I felt the need to rewatch it immediately completing it. Definitely doing that this summer. <3
Chicken was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title lol.
People, please! Why must you be down? Be up!
This. I have money in my wallet that needs spending!
I charge at him first chance I get. Then I run away.
That's awfully late. I think I'll just watch my own copy. *smug*
You made a good ch- Nope!
7 years since she fell into Limbo.
Two projects due this week, two reflective essays and one exam. ;__;
That's cause you're supa busy! We should talk sometime over summer...JUST A COUPLE OF WEEKS NOW!
Hey gurl ;D <3
The guy's masculinity is threatened by this. Spoiler