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I never left - just not around to post.
Twenty miles is a bit much for one way...get a bike. Problem solved.
But walking is nice! Fresh air and all. Go say hi to the coos.
My game collection was growing far too large. So large that my tv unit is filled to the brim with games and DVDs and can no longer accommodate new releases. So I spend my money elsewhere and now I can't fit anything in my room. Its a tough life.
I tend to go outside and do stuff. I'm most active when there's no distraction from the internet and I actually sleep better.
Withholding your baguettes, eh?
Watch Puchimas first. It'd only take you about 4 hours to watch both seasons (Only about 2 mins per episode).
We can play some Ass Creed and I can show the world how good you are. :3
"My love for Sabby is like smalahove!"
Give me 5 Fangs and we have a deal.
At least you can do something afterwards, I work from anywhere from 12pm - 1:30pm for 8 and a half hours a day, 4 to 6 days a week. I would love a 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday job.
I don't have this problem. I know all (at least most) of all my shifts. My problem is I start and finish work at times when I can't do anything, even if I plan. But I at least have a job (even if it's crappy and only the toughest of souls can survive). I miss the days of not wanting money and running free all summer.
I would agree, most definitely agree, except... no Fang. Therefore it's wrong - you're wrong - and you should let it go.
I always say "no homo". Like, whenever I see a lass walking down the street I always say, 'Hey gurl, you're looking fine! ...No homo.' Then we brofist and everything's sweet.
I never said it was because they were black. I was stating the colour of the eyes, that's all.
Its the eyes - those soulless, black pits of black olives.
Sara .
Swordser's dog suits RvR. >:3