Ello whats up??? I'm really bored right now -___-
I did it's just being stupidddddd -____________- bleeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh
it is??? omg it's not supposed to be @_@
I took the music off after stardust logged off. so I don't know what chur taking about and kh3 trailer is sweet I cant wait for the keyblade wars sounds like sooooooo much fun ^^
More until chu get back from chur tri[p or will chu have internety there too???
nyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh =P
Ne not like I care if I get kicked out or anything............I just seriously won't give chu chur death note tee-shirt and manga drawing book I bought for your b-day
never ever Stardust
I was just kidding I was tring to make a joke from Charlie the unicorn -________-;;;
you haven't listen to that song yet Shunnnnnnnnn shunnnnnnn shun the none listener
-starts dieing of laughter- damn chu Stardust making me laugh so much xD x.x
LMBO ahahahaaaaa I knew it would -gasps- that made me laugh
idk o.o << >> she dissapeared!!! =o................................ She probly packing actually for her trip out of state
I think that what might have happened cuz I was just drawing and the sketch book feel and I tried to get and got it then like two minutes later I relizedi had a cut on my finger............................poor poor finger
I don't know I looked down and there was a big cut on my finger
But hey it spices the page up a little with an awesome melody j/k anyways I'll be changing it to a new song tomorrow or maybe even in a hour __________________ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-runs around in circle holding my finger- omg omg I somehow cut it wahhhhhh cwappers __________________ -breaths- omg I can''t wait till someone else comes on and hear the music and goes omg where's that coming for just like stardust
Under the sea from the little mermaid lol
lmbo even harder ahahahaha Omg I do that a lot don't especially with the pikachu lmao
Ne cool like stardust
lmbo that would be from my signature I put music on it =^0^=