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  1. Starlight
    Guess, guess who is back :3. My grammar, I believe has improved a lot. I hope all of you guys have had a great summer, will have an amazing Christmas.
    Post by: Starlight, Dec 9, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Starlight
  3. Starlight
  4. Starlight
    Okay, I seemed to notice while I was in the car with my friend Stardust, that there is in fact no Narnia posts. Come on Narnia is beast! A great and epic series, not to mention good movies too. Can I hear a ye-yeaahhh! for the people for C.S. Lewis!
    Thread by: Starlight, Dec 7, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Literature
  5. Starlight
    My dear dear Marie the Dauphine of France. Such nasty little silly rules you had to live by. What a bad queen you became. :3 Any other thoughts anybody you can reply. Haha it's a good book, there is quite a bit of history in this book too. A good read for young adults.
    Thread by: Starlight, Dec 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Literature
  6. Starlight
    So I'd like to start this thread in honor of the house of night series:Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted, Tempted, Burned, and awakened. Let the conversations on Zoey, Stevie Rae and others begin mwuahahaha!
    Thread by: Starlight, Dec 7, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Literature
  7. Starlight
    Yeah it's Axel's sister who still hasn't been named I'm thinking Alex though.
    WAY TOO LAZY TO GO OUT OF MY WAY and post on photobucket for you guys to see, so you just get the link to my Devi page to see it. Also the original sketch is there too.
    Thread by: Starlight, Nov 8, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Starlight

    well Stardust yeaahhh I did like die for three days nasty fevers and headachs that is what kept me away from coming back RAWR I wanna work on backups but this little problem of mine Keeps my VOICE into CRAP T~T maybe we should gets together this weekend I don't think I am contagious anymore too.
    Post by: Starlight, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Starlight
    I just need a few tips on shading. I have photoshop and such but when ever I look up for tutorials they always involve a tablet. Anyone want to help with that, I currently need it until christmas when I will be receiving a tablet. Also some inking, I know how to use pen but it doesn't always turn out so great.
    Thread by: Starlight, Sep 23, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Starlight
    Personally before I knew my true feelings that I'm also attracted to women also, but before hand I had no problem. If people are gay why shouldn't marriage be an option. Yeah I'm catholic sure my religion may not agree with it, but they welcome them anyways. If males are attracted males female attracted to females, who cares it's who they are it's who I am... It's so annoying sometimes, now I hop no one minds bring in religion again. If god created humans and humans can be okay then there should be nothing wrong with it. Another thing that goes all with this crud is stereotyping. Like the talk like this " omg that outfit looks sooo good" hand thingy. -.- I have plenty of gay friends and they don't all act like that.

    But yeah the US government is going to crap, free speech is being taken away. Freedom of religion is also being taken away, I know of some religions that allow gays and is their religion so is basing on religion a bunch of crap too.
    Post by: Starlight, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. Starlight
    lol well I found it but amm to lazy and sick to get up and plug it in XD and it's a laptop too.
    Post by: Starlight, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Starlight
    Yari yari! lol. I hate macs but I can't find my other computer that is my dell pc
    Post by: Starlight, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Starlight
    Lol my first name on here was really silly. I don't even remember it anymore I had an admin change it for me.

    XD I'm on an evil mac computer right noa, it keeps screwing me up with controls. Stupid air notebook
    Post by: Starlight, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Starlight
    yep I do. Tehe that is why I decided to be Starlight cuz she is my on my bestest friends ^^
    Post by: Starlight, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Starlight
    Stardust I'm sick ;p see you tomorrow at school hopefully. I have an upper respiratory infection XP Which was what Kennedy had >-< WHICH is actually contagious grrrr.
    Post by: Starlight, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Starlight
    Pointin it out

    Zhe Axelrific Family!! (Zhe one Zhe Only 4TH!!) ^^

    Courtesy of Stardust who is sitting next to me

    Ohhhh yeahs I am back for Zhe day >.> but will disappear sooon
    maybe dunnnoooo
    Post by: Starlight, Aug 29, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Starlight
    I also second this because I not only read and watched (not to mention stole her Manga >.>) But it's really great and if you can the best thing to do is actually we uuhh call someone using that thing so no caller idea shows up and do the laugh. It's pretty funny
    Post by: Starlight, Jan 10, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Starlight
    Elxi!!!! XD hi I'm bored
    Profile Post by Starlight for Stardust, Jan 10, 2009
  19. Starlight
    Mm thankies!! ^_^ I appreciate it and I don't mind at all I'm a huge noob at making amvs yea started like a month ago I think and this is only like the sixth one I've made my first was really good >> surprisingly but the timing got messed up. Then again thanks I'm gonna go edit it to
    Post by: Starlight, Mar 6, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  20. Starlight
    mmm StarDust here here
    Post by: Starlight, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Production Studio