Hello. Have fun here. Don't let ur shyness-ness get in the way of posting! <3
I'll go invite men. <3 ..... I'll bring some tequlia while I'm at it.
I agree with CtR. Meh hates Rinoa. =P
avi:9/10 sig: 10/10 COoooool. ^_^
As your twin sister, I'm inclined to agree.
Agreed. *gives you rep* =D Enjoy~
=P Meanie.
Poor guy... oh well, the pizza was free. *shrugs*
You deserve a cookie. Good boy. :glomp:
*giggle snort* That's what she said.
Confusing. Me and my friends were always so adamant about Reno being Axel's somebody. Bah.
Hahaha. This is win. Seriously. XD Point for CtR.
Hello. Just wanted to say hi. :3
Hello. :3 I hope you have funnnn on here!
Nice to meet you. Have fun, follow the rules, ect.....
Man -Vs- Woman? Joy. I personally think no one specifically is better than the others.
=P Seriousness in the spam-zone? Bah, humbug.
=O Did your brother die?!?! Poor thing.
Sho! (Gotta love his catchphrases) and Joshua. They rock. Unique personalities. There's always ONE like Neku and ONE like Shiki in every game.
Ummm.... Vexen, Xigbar, and Zemnas. For obvious reasons. They just don't dieee~! They're so hard to beat! DX