*glomps* :glomp: Okay! :3 I'm lagging as well, do not worry!
Nuuuu~ My mom said I have to wait 'til next week. T^T
Unfortunatly, this is true. V_V Our mom is mean. The end.
Peony just munched on her panda crackers. Glancing at the dancers. "Hey Demyx, why DO your lesser nobodies dance?"
Kangen popped her head out of the kitchen again. "Guden tag Reiya! I'm Kangen! Nice to meet chu~ Do like strudel?"
XD Lmao. @_@ I just ran out of Dr.Pepper over here.
It's okay; He's alllll dry now. <.< ...... >.> He just doesn't get anywhere near the pool. XD Nya~
Once inside the cemetry grounds, Melody quickly found her mother and father's tomb-stones. Here lie Peony and Nazo Quartet: A great mother, and a great comrade. A great father, and loyal soldier.
Melody was hanging up-side-down in a tree. She spotted a cemetary. "Ohhh~! That's the cemetary mama and baba were buried in!" Jumping down from the tree, I headed towards that direction.
*twirls can in circles* Try to get girl, try to get it! 8D
*keeps can out of reach* Muahaha.
Okay, sorry for being a pest... ^_^" I seem to do that alot.
Hewow. Never seen you before. :3 Nice to meet chu!~
*was ignored* ;_;
..... <.< ..... >.> *is still drinking Dr.pepper while invisible*
Cradling her buster-sword in her hand, Melody climed up a near-by tree. "Woah! The view up here is AWESOME! Ah nature... <3"
I posted in that Ligh -vs- Dark thing. Sorry I wasn't on earlier, I had to finish some school work. *mumbles* Damn teachers...
Melody was walking around what looked like a battle-field. "Hmmm... I wonder what became of the fighters?" She shrugged; the grass sure can't speak, so how was she gonna know? "Dum dum dum, dooo." Humming a song, she twirled in the sunlight.
Okay! .... When and WHERE do we start?
Terrible. My Geography teacher has it out for me. -.-