You're very very welcome.
Melody was hanging upside down in a tree, humming to herself. [I hope starting off like this is good....] Her bustersword was strapped to her back, ready for use. 'Unbirths have been appearing left and right...' Shaken from her thoughs, she noticed three basic unbirths appear out of nowhere. Amusement shining in her eyes, Melody whipped out her buster sword and got in a battle stance.
:3 Haha. Thank chu. I hope any rep that dissapears comes back to you in the future.
I'm okay. :3 My rep has been replaced, so no worries. ;]
8D Yayness. OKay, when and where do we start~?
Awwwwww, nya~. Mine is based off of L Lawiet-san, nya~ and his like of sweet things.
Yus, yus you did. Nya~ It's too bad though, nya~! Here's the best idea to use. Find a chara that you like, and based on his or her likes, base...
Awesome, you brought Alice back! Nya~
>:] Muhaha. Le post~
Peony grinned. "Sounds like fun. Must be a lot of hiding places there. Me and Hattie would have oddles of fun."
Sitting down at the table, Kangen started to pass out the chop-sticks. "Eat up! I hope you all like it!" Kangen playfully glared at Shigure, who was nursing his slapped hand.
>:] Indeed. I shall give CtR the idea. It MAY work. :/
Shigure was already at the table, about to munch on some salmon. I then slapped his hand.... hard. "NIEN! Shigure-nii, you don't eat until everyone's at the table! Not doing so is rude!"
"Neon city? ....Heh. That sounds like New York, right Hattie?" Thinking, Peony scratched the back of her head. "I wonder what it's like, your world."
I know! They totally need to fix that. The way it is now, it's leaving us(the de-repped ppl), in the blank, thinking: WTF did I do this time?
I'm going to be busy most of this weekend, that's what I ment. :3 *nuzzles* Nya~!
I know right?! And they didn't even tell me who they were. I can't fix what I did wrong if I don't know what it is, right? Right. I think that...
Yeah, me too. Someone de-repped me for no apparent reason on 'Weird Dreams'. T^T Me so saaaad.
Done with cooking, Kangen set the table and put out the food. Looking around, she got the attention of everyone with a -albit LOUD- whistle. "Everyone! Dinner is ready! Hurry up and eat, before it gets cold, and nien warm!" OOC: >_^ I threw in 'nien'. It means 'no' or 'not'.
"There are billions of stars, Hattie. That must mean there are billions of worlds... somewhere."