:D Yay! I also know the days of the week. :3
Popping her head out of the kitchen, Kangen asked calmly. "Did he leave? Oh darn. Momiji! That still means you can't have any!"
"Well... It's an old, little victorian-style home where a town used to be. Most of the town was destroyed by those unbirths so..."
XD He he. :glomp: I just learned some numbers in japanese! Yay. Ichi(one) Nii(two) San(three) Yon(four) Go(five).
Do we have to go through this again? -.- You know what I mean.
Watashi mo~! (Me too~!)
Melody dead-panned. "Actually, I don't live out here in the forest. I just visit it. My home lies far away from here."
Peony nodded. "I believe we did. Which one though..?"
Hehe. I'd let you borrow it, but I've become attached to the darn thing. <3 Nya~
Hehe. At least I know I'm not alone~
I'm alright. :3 Just.... bored. I'm currently attending summer-school, but it's not all that bad. It's good to have something to do.
Melody shook her head; no. "Never. I'm not very social, you see..."
"Hai, Sai-san. You may take some leftovers with you." Nodding, she noticed Momiji bounding over to the kitchen. "Momiji-nii-chan, where on earth are you going? Not to get the leftover strudel, I hope. That's for my snack tomorrow."
Lmao. :3 Nya~
Melody nodded her head again. "Sometimes. This forest is peaceful.... mostly."
Peony nodded. "It's understandable..."
Understandable. I learnt some japanese from a DS game. 'My Japanese Teacher'.
XD Exactly, dear friends. Some people belive anime is a waste of paper. T^T Which makes me sad.
Me too.. :D
Well, i don't know how to spell it, sue me.