I'm back! :d hai ollie! :d
V__V I know. I'm okay right now, but.... bah. D':
I wish. D:
It sure feels like forever. XD Blame my mommeh. She needs to take a trip with the nice men in the white coats. .... <.< ..... >.> :sweat:
In the abyss of hell.... grounded. DX Blame my mommeh. She's such a meanie. ... And she has a SHOrT SHORT SHORT SHORT temper.
OMG! I haven't been on in FOR-EVER. DX
Oh my crap. I haven't been on in forever! DX I'm back! YEAH! Hopefulwishes lives again!
HI. I snuck on uber-quick. Love ya! Byez!
"Just a year or two, but they're breeding like roaches. I never seem to get a break nowadays...."
Following Phobia around, Peony's eyes were as big as saucers. "Woooooooow." Once she saw Demyx's room, she was excited to see what her room would be like.
Melody nodded her approval. "Sounds nice. I need a break from all the fighting anyways..." OOC: ;D People SHOULD pop up. >.> SOmetime soon, anyways.
Peony smiled gleefully; almost like a child on chrismas. "Wooooooow. This place is beeeee-autiful."
No, desu is the ending to every sentance. Kin'youbi is friday. :sweat: Nya~
After packing up all the leftovers, Kangen was tired. "Momiji-nee-san, it's time to go home~~~" Noticing he was knocked out on Shigure's couch, she decided to go home by herself. "Oh well, it's can't be helped."
Kyo wa kin'youbi desu~ (This litteraly means 'today is friday'.) >:]
OOC: Yussss~! Your wish is my command. >:3 Come, and let the kitty live! Hmmmm, the bishie you have created is cute... can my character be your character's eventual love intrest or something? :D
Melody followed Noir's lead. "I wonder what it'll look like?"
Melody shook her head. "Nah... It's okay. Why don't you show me that town you were talking about earlier?"