Ven is romhack his textures aren't in the game.
Well, it might be possible if you were to use Sepiroth as a ally, and then replace sepiroth with DW Roxas, then he might have a HP Bar. But I'm not entirely sure about this.
Final Mix lol? What would the extra's be? Play against KH1 Bosses? :lolface:
Hey, nice vid. Your emu speed was slightly a bit slow, but my computer can't compare to your's :D. It goes at 40 FPS :(
Well, is it possible in a really random way? I mean..... Could you mod Sora to Limit's status. Then use the Limit is replaced by that 08 (Which is unknown) to be able to use drives/limits? After all, DW limit can still use all abilties, and can use magics (Essentially, magic)
Wisdom form is the really strange one, as it's the only one which shoots. There is a DW Wisdom Fix, which allows you to use it in final form, but i don't know what it is :(.
It could have 000***** couldn't it?
Tried, it crashes. Also, it doesn't even allow me to open up the option of Trinity.
Spoiler 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 21CD51C8 58455F57 21CD51CC 00303130 01C9553F 0000000A 2032EF0C 80528106 2032EF10 81088109 2032EF14 810B810C 2032EF18 810D810E 2032EF1C 81108111 2032EF20 8237810F 2032EF22 810A8230 1032F01C 0000???? ---- UCM 21c6c93c 05050505 21c6c940 00000005 20191C70 00000000 21C6C948 0F0F0101 201C9A80 0000102D Use this instead, it's got unlimited finishers, most abilities which are pretty useful, a Left hand Mod, All growth abilties MAX + (Infinite Jump, Glide which is so fast, the camera can't follow PS: Don't use other forms, they crash when they jump). Follow instructions above. Argh, I forgot this is Normal.... The code above is FM only, but there's no reason why it couldn't be ported.
It's an upgraded form of Max + Abilities. So it has Infinte Jump as an add-on instead of Aerial Dodge. So, to use Limits, you need to use the Ability Trinity Limit as one of his abilties?
What do you mean by Beserk Finisher? Infinite Jump huh... The Growth Abilties MAX already does this for you, you don't need it lols...
How can it use limits if it is a form???? And could you label the last 3 three lines please?
there are codes to unlock ALL three pages of panel slots, I've used it. Also, all abilities are limited to using the codes that Prof. 9 made, these allow more than one Ability Panels (So you could have 2 guard panels, and get all of Guard's abilites eg aero block, counter block, perfect block...)
Well, you have to do your full code first in CODEBREAKER format, otherwise it won't work. Then only you convert it to ARMAX. Joker is on the front page.
Is it any different to the code before? I don't really see how....
First page, look for them.
Front page, should be a long, massive code.
Don't think so... Because it's one massive line, and the keyblade is so short. You would have to use a whole creeper for it. It's possible, but then again, it might be part of the background, as you can interact with it - Climb it, and examine it.
Front page, just use the 99 Level in the KH2FM ZIP Stats attachment.
So... .Enter all the codes you want. Then substitue each of the ?? with the [ID**] of the form's moveset which you want.