Try using Emuhaste instead, it works fine.
Maybe he means story wise? Dunno. Or perhaps he meant that the first game is harder to beat.
Pretty good actually. Intense.
Oh right. Yes, DW Sora can use Magics. DW Limit can also use Ragnarok lols.
Putting a bunch of enemies there to be able to perform the RC's kind of pointless.....
Really Good, it's amazing.
Just a bunch of Model mods, keyblade mods, moveset mods etc.
Well, before it was normal sora with Valor's Moveset. This one is Normal Sora with normal abilities, such as Guard Break. He can't do limits, it's a form. If he was just DW Sora without driving, then he wouldn't be able to perform magics as well.
LOL Nice. Could you play with limits and everything? A DW Sora, (like the Limit Sora, he holds two keyblades and does dual damage with all abilites) has been made by Riku Angel and Devil and Sora_101. Go to the Video Warehouse and look for the code. It works fine with Final's magic:)
Oh right. Did you try jokering them?
Sorry, I'm at a wedding dinner right now, could you go to riku angel devil's video which is DW sora. There, look for two lines which have 05050505 in the end of one line, and on the second just 05
Post please? Thanks :)
Try this code, it's for FM, but hopefully it'll get ported, or somebody can port it. I'll post later, have to eat, and I have to trawl :(
I'm good, playing Call of Duty MW2 :D
What do you mean?
You can just use a room warp to get to Garden of Assemblage.
nice code, was it done on emu?
So if I try to use them they won't work? :(
Tried :( Does nothing in the actual data battle. BTW, I used it with the Press R3 to perform reaction...
Which code are you talking about?