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  1. tSG1
    Nice one :)

    Wait, does this mean that you're leaving?
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  2. tSG1
    Can this be ported to the Japanese version?
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: New Releases
  3. tSG1
    Oh right, that's okay then. Thanks anyways :)
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  4. tSG1
    I like it, but is it possible to bring out the red a bit more? I want it to be a contrast to the character :)
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  5. tSG1
    Okay, thanks XD
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  6. tSG1
    I will post later - Didn't notice it. Will replace later. Will edit this post. Sorry about not filling in the form, I asked it from DPWolf, and he rejected it, so I pasted here.
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  7. tSG1
    Signature: Same size as mine right now please
    Text (optional, try to keep it short):
    Font (optional)
    Color scheme (or I can pick one): Could you possibly use the middle bit (where it's most orange/red as a background and/or color scheme?
    Border (yes/no): No.
    Could you just have her head at the left, and the rest of the background in the middle/right?

    Rep will be given :)
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  8. tSG1
    Profile Post

    Not paying :)

    Not paying :)
    Profile Post by tSG1 for Kaidron Blaze, Jan 18, 2010
  9. tSG1
    Already been hacked and released...
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. tSG1
  11. tSG1
  12. tSG1
    Front page, get all drive forms.
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 14, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  13. tSG1
    I would say a combination of the amazing block (with counter ability, but use only if your final attack is a dash forward [Like Two across one])

    Many of it/her attacks are well telegraphed in advance, so you should be able to block many of them. The only real problem is when she starts using her vortex ability, plus the light rays shining down at random intervals. To counter this, weave in and out (while gliding) of the map so none of her attacks hit you. BTW, when she uses her Desperation attack, glide to her, and keep gliding, as another vortex will appear in between the attack. This is one of the most easiest battles if you are able to block/counter properly. Zero gear works best if you try the game again, on Kingdom Key +.
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  14. tSG1
    Oh right... So is it possible to hack the different abilities that Terra has or perhaps make him able to use him flying ship thing?
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 11, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  15. tSG1
    This is amazing. There is no other way to put it :). I love how you used the travel lines, and the blue and her character blend really nicely together.

    My only comment is on the uppermost right hand side, which looks grainy in comparison to the rest of the signature. Same in the bottom middle left area. Also, the underside of her arm looks poorly cropped. Nice work though! :)
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 11, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. tSG1
    Perhaps the game thinks of it as Terra's Cannon, as well as a bit of his keyblade inside the ball (surrounded by loads of effects to give it a massive shape)
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 11, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  17. tSG1
    Well, it's possible that Some of damage given off by the weapons is caused by effects, and not actually the raw keyblade hitting a person. So if we manage to create effects, it's possible that a full Play as Terra can be made. But then again, Terra's keyblade is not actually just one keyblade, it changes forms as well. How confusing :S
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 11, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  18. tSG1
    Is it.... Having a counter animation and backflipping? :lolface:
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  19. tSG1
    DMA or not?
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  20. tSG1
    Well, there is a theory that i've been working on where it might be possible. Firstly, if you get the DW Hooded Roxas UCM, then replace Antiform with that (So you can drive into DW Hooded Roxas).
    Secondly, you have to create a Drive into Hooded Roxas code which allows you to drive into DW Hooded Roxas.
    (The first step might not be neccessary...)
    Then use the first DW Roxas code which allows you to play as DW Hooded Roxas, removing the code which starts like this :
    11CE0B68 0000????
    (This is to replace Sora)

    This should allows DW Hooded Roxas to be un-DMA, as well as drivable.
    Post by: tSG1, Jan 7, 2010 in forum: Code Vault