What the fuck is wrong with Zac Effron? He looks like Light, if he got the part he's obviously good enough. Lighten up. Someone being in one bad movie doesnt mean all movies following will be bad.
Meh. Its wiki.
: B
You used to be really annoying but your okay now.
That makes three. Yeah. Even though it's for poseurs, its the only place I can shop these days. There was no smoke around. Oh lawd.
Grey farted on it. I just love being in the prescene of graves.
I don't see what's so weird about it ._. Graveyards are fun. We considered a lot, it doesn't look anything like dust to me, and there was no smoke around.
I mean, when I first nsaw him I thought he looked like L, but omg the eyes.
...I never realized how much Ulquiorra looks like Trent.
Patrick's ****ing obsessed with /x/.
I love graveyards, mostly at night. They're fun. Especially on Halloween.
Hawt. I didn't know you were still hanging around me. -looks behind herself- ...well, I do have a huge poster of Ryuk. Maybe I got too used to it being there o: He has been dubbed the Sandman.
Exactly. If this was DS's picture, then we'd probably care.
But if it was a shinigami, then the others couldn't see it ;A; They'd think I'm insannne!
I have been haunted. So I was hanging around a graveyard like I usually do with mai buds Clouddart and Grey, and like, I decided to hop on this huge grave in the middle of the Cemetery. The guys name, first of all, was completely LULZY. For christ's sake, his last name was SANDMAN. No, no ****ing joke, OSCAR SANDMAN. I decided to snap a pic for my myspace because graveyards + Madi + darkness = awesome, but when I went to view it, something ****ing messed up was in the background... o lawd is dat sum ghost No photoshop, swear on my love for TDI. I have no skills in any photo editing programs whatsoever. You think Sandman wasn't too happy about us sitting on his grave?
Molotov is one hardcore woodland creature <3
Pst, guys! o lawd is dat sum trailer Teehee. Trent picked up Heather and threw her!
Hey guys, for those of you that don't have Teletoon, check out what's going on up in good ol' Canada: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYNyIDCBtxc I. AM. SO. EXCITED.
You get with a bunch of people and manage to stay awake the longest 8D
An awake-a-thon :'D