I wasnt even there and I remember it.
Madi Enbom, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby boy, and just look- isn't he just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby boy will weigh about 7 lbs, 8 oz and have black hair and green eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold! The father... Holy &#%@! You seduced the neighbor's kid, you cradle-robbing hussy! I hope for your sake he's over 18. We sure hope he resembles your husband. . .
I'm reading Diary by Chuck Palahniuk <3
I strongly dislike people who say the word hate. I think its unnecessary and strong.
******, ******. ******, ******. ******, ******. Bite mai buuuuttt.
What I wanna know is where the **** these smileys come from as far as keyboards go.
Eric Yorkie. Matsuda Touta, amirite?
Goddd, I can't wait for the Finale special! Gwen's gonna kick some serious ass!
At Hot Topic they have these fangs that you can actually GLUE onto your teeth... and I am guilty of owning some. But I've been a vampire obsessive since I was like, 4 years old. Twilight just makes me look like a total poser >>
...omg you live in Seattle? ME TOOOOO~ I wouldn't know. Everything's exactly the same where I am sooo... yeah. Kiss is apparently selling tickets to the midnight showing and like Jacob Black is supposed to be on ;_;
And I hate Twilight fangirls.
I'm going. I wanna see what its like as a movie. Im waiting two days though to avoid the fangirls.
Yeah, its like you feel like something was once there but now its gone. It happens to me mostly online =\
Exactly. I don't hate the book. I hate the fangirls.
I've read all four books, I like them, but I dont see what's so special and worth obsessing over. Seems normal to me.
edward is sooooo hawt!1!!!!!