Yeah... its pretty depressing. As I've said, I don't agree with what he did, he should've let the mods handle it, but what they don't get is that, the only reason he did it was because he, literally, wanted to 'protect' KHV. He tells me so all the time. It was an impulse, attacking someone who he thought was trolling his home. If it weren't for us meeting here, I'd probably have nothing to do this summer...
Adiel didn't make the best choice. He stood up to someone he believed to be a troll... in his mind, he was trying to make the site better. While I dont agree with the way he acted, I do believe that he didn't deserve this. Nearly every time he made a thread, he'd message me and ask "Madi, if I do so and so, will I get banned?" All the time, he would be as cautious as possible, walking on eggshells...
He's been so depressed since getting banned. The day of his banning he called me up in tears and for the entire month after it all he could do was cry. He just sent me another message saying that all he wants is to experience it again. Just for one day. I still hope, no matter what... me and Adiel met here. It's special to us.
"Christmas for me has always been great... but I think the only Christmas present I want this year is to come back to KHV. To see my friends, to RP again... to be where I love. I miss you all. Merry Christmas." -Adiel, AKA Finalform/EraserRain
Yeah, and I'll make an edit thread for that as well. Personally, I'm gonna be watching the January 2009 version. I cant wait for it to come to america, so I'll cheat <3
I do see some truth to what you're saying. Like me, I like to say I defy stereotypes. However, someone's always gonna be asking 'So, what do you classify yourself as?' If I tell them what I've just said, they'll say "But everyone has to be something." The only reason I decided to give myself a stereotype is because I can't stand being called emo, but I still want to dress how I like. I mean, people see the way I act and ask me why I'm not a prep. I tell them its because that just isn't me. I like vampires, graveyards, roaming around town at night... I like blue lipstick and thick eyeliner, I like corsets and Doc Martins! But the way I dress and what I like shouldn't affect my personality... I love the look on peoples faces when weird goth girl comes walking down the hallways and gives them a hug and starts talking about bunnies with them, it's just so much fun. Stereotypes are overrated, and I mean... if I get annoyed being called emo when I'm not, I don't even wanna know how bad actual emos must feel. It's like being looked down on. Emos aren't gonna stop being depressed if you just kick them when they're down... I don't understand life. Really, the only place where stereotypes aren't gonna matter to any body, where we can all get along-- is in Heaven. (Yes I have been watching Heathers)
Wait, wait... I watched the special last night, TDA is coming to Cartoon Network in late spring whereas its coming January for Teletoon. There is still hope, guys!
Dane Cook isn't funny.
Lol reminds me of whenever I post this...
The stupid files are just a bunch of movie quotes set to Kingdom hearts clips =/ The only one I found seriously funny was the fourth one in the second season or whatever.
So the special is on this week, and I have what could be taken as a bit of bad news, guys... I think TDA is going to be made by Teletoon without controversial words + jokes. The special had no swearing and even used the same words cartoon network does like 'shut it'. The special took no time to come here, in fact, the special aired in Canada on November 29th; it's here on December 18th. Same year. So yeah...
Nine. 22 is the amount of teens that are on that show, rofl <3 Pawfehct.
Ohhhhwownecrobump. But since we're still conversing about this... I now despise the word emo. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Not emos themselves, just the word and stereotype in general, I hate it! Ugh. So when I was 8 I decided I wanted to be a goth. So I waited. For years. Finally I got the audacity to go out and buy a shitload of goth things, and I get called an emo. Understandable, except for one little detail. I'm not depressing. I'm not sad. In fact, I'm the happiest person I've met, and some people tell me I'm the nicest they've met. Not trying to sound self-absorbed, but yeah. Every. Single. Day. 10 kids in the hallway, calling me emo. And it's not just me! I hang out with a LOT of scene kids, and people apparently think pretty neon rainbow colors are emo now. I'm just so hurt, angry, and pissed off. I can't do anything about these people. I mean, I've never physically hurt someone until this year. Kids have said that simple word and I've thrown them into lockers, pushed them over, thrown punches. I ask first, of course, but jesus... It used to be I'd politely lecture them because they'd be all "wtf? she's supposed to get mad!" But dear god, they've found my weakness. I mean dude. I am soooo afraid of pain I can avoid. Why the hell would I mutilate myself? And on the topic of these so called 'emo' bands... Dude, not all the songs most of them write are emo. Yes, every band has a sad song. Inspiration from a death, a lost love--a tragedy. But that doesnt make them emo. Like, for the longest time Panic! At The Disco was labeled as emo. They didn't appreciate this, and neither did the fans. Their lyrics are very angry, and agressive, and nearly ALL of them were written based on novels by the god who is Chuck Palahniuk. Then they changed their sound completely to a Beatles-esque rhythm. Every single song is happy, or a little bit confusing. It's just... a perfect example of a great band being called a bunch of pansies who can only whine, when really they can make amazing music..
My gopher screams.
I do.
Is that your meme obsession for the week? I'm ashamed.
Owen won the exact same way as he did in the Canadian version.
That's some dumbshit n00b mispelling Total Drama Action.
Adiel-mon x Lucario
Woooah obvious troll.