Luxord watched as Xigbar played around it was truelly amusing. Looking at Roxas the Gambler of Fate wonderd how long it would take for the young nobody to figure out the problem. With Luxord's stratigy there was an side benefit if Tiffa did not trade her life when Gambler presented the chance Roxas would hate her. With that both of the opposing partys would be weak slowly destroying themselves. With an light chuckle Luxord made the deck of cards disappear.
yeah sorry i rushed that post
i read the first book i mean to me they looked plain so i did not really have an urge to read those. Then i saw the movie at the cinema so that killed my little desire to read the books so yeah. Then some of my friends became obsesed with Edward OMG that was so annoying :(. So yeah well anyways i dont argue with the fans im just like whatever good for you.
its just my opinion so call it what you want
well simply the point is this its alright to enjoy a movie but its wrong to try to make your life into the movie.
yeah anyways hopefully you see my point guys
like i said in a post like this its great that someone likes a movie it is wrong to become obsessed with it. i mean some of the girls at my school thought i would be good in a twilight movie that i thought was an insult so i stoped talking to them. I mean seriosly its A MOVIE sure im a demyx fan and a Jack Sparrow fan that does not mean i punch people that says jack is a butt pirate or demyx is gay. Im just like whatever good for you and continue on with my life instead of making my life try to imitate a movie gesh.
i think the movie seriosly sucked thats my opinon that does not mean it was good to other people. Even though i hated the movie i feel sorry for the dude i mean its great your a fan of a person but that does not mean you have to hurt yourself to pleaze a person that does not exist because after all Edward is a fictional character
not really and im thinking up things to type for the next chapter
that sucks well im listening to music
just lookin at post that about it
lol its alright :) so whatcha doin :)
cool cant wait to c it :)
so whatcha doin :)
ooooooooo that sucks :( well i dont want ur eyes to be killed
well just read the chapter :)
o ul c ~evil laugh~
o boy that sucks yep he is not nice at all but remember without Xemnase Xeol cant get his heart back
well lets see 1.Xeol was badly injured because of that fight so he been sleeping some of his past was revieled 2. the next chapter an new...
true but remember Xion will be getting recurited causing Xeol to be demoted again