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  1. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    o that sucks

    o that sucks
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Legion, Nov 27, 2009
  2. Dexnail
    goin really good how about you
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Legion, Nov 27, 2009
  3. Dexnail
    im doin good how r u :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for cstar, Nov 27, 2009
  4. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    heya govna :)

    heya govna :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for cstar, Nov 27, 2009
  5. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    heya bud :)

    heya bud :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Legion, Nov 27, 2009
  6. Dexnail
    Suna put his hands together and bowed slightly towards the man. "allow our saviors light guide and protect you" he prayed to his general. Afterwards he walked outside he looked outside at the moon.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dexnail
    thank you fayt the king of awesomeness :)
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dexnail
    u watched all of the eps already i love Russia and France :)
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Dexnail
    heya Fayt can you pleaze find my old bio because i really liked that one and i want to join this rp again :)
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dexnail
    Boris nodded "well said" he replied to the Wu leader. He wanted to conquer all of China but fate made his ambition become cut short. "we should be heading out soon" the Wei leader suggested.

    Xiahu was listening to the two leaders that got boring so he sat beside the Wu girl. "o this is gona be a fun little hike" he said to Rea with an smile. Even though he did not trust Wei or Wu Xiahu would still act friendly towards the 2 armys.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    alrighty will do :)

    alrighty will do :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Asterisk, Nov 25, 2009
  12. Dexnail
    Boris just nodded slightly staying silent. "what every you say remember if we end up messing up the blame will be on you" the Wei leader said sternly. "after all that land use to be yours until those basterds started their rebellion" he said.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dexnail
    Boris just stayed silent looking at the map. To him the area was a trap it gave the yellow turbans the advantage. With an grunt he pointed at the mountain formation on the map that lined the side of the area towards Yellow Turban territory. "you see the formations here those will prove to troublesome" the Blood Bull said as he pointed at the mountain ranges then his hand moved to another side path that went around the mountains but it was a swamp. "even though its a swamp alot better then getting crushed by falling rocks" the Wei leader said.

    Suna looked at the man "im sorry but that would prove to be a sin to our fallowers" he said kindly. "if we flee this settlement leaving our people the same purifying light will leave with us leaving the people here abandoned" he said. "even though you can go ill stay here to presume my teachings" Suna said afterwards he pointed to the catapults that was outside. "to assest you use those i trust your insticts fallow them" he said to him.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dexnail
    Xiahu was at his seat he could parts of the conversation. Standing up and walking over to the group "heya" he said to them with an child like smile. Then he looked at the map "so this is the place we gotta head to soon" the shu general asked as he pointed towards an dot on the map that most of the time symbolised as a base for allied troops.

    Boris just crossed his arms he was done talking useless conversation was not his way of doing things.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dexnail
    Unknown to the other nations Boris was already fighting a battle so far he was losing. With his stern and very strong personality would not let his weakness be revielled. Guarding would be easir on his diseased body but ofcourse he would not complain to be the weapon of the allied forces. "i guess so nothing will be done if we dont agree" that was all Boris said.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Dexnail
    Boris looked at the Wu leader for a few seconds. "for the size of our army someone needs to protect the supplies" the Blood Bull simply said as he pointed to a medium size unclamed land of mostly grass with mountains that lined the sides on the map that was on the table. "ill do that job only fools would leave that unprotected" the Wei leader said in a stern tone.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dexnail
    Suna looked at him with curiosly "thou shall explain" he asked kindly. Knowing the terrain he could probly guess where the enemy would be coming from. Also by looking outside Suna could tell some catapults for his army was ready for use.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dexnail
    Suna was slightly surprissed for once the 3 agreed to something and now it proved to be an burdan towards his way of peace. "that is troubling" he said as he played with his brown long beard. "they must meet somewhere correct then with god's holy fury shall empower us to attack before they attack us" Suna said.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dexnail
    alrighty thank you Rexy :3
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Rexa, Nov 25, 2009
  20. Dexnail
    Suna got done with his preaching it was an long prayer. Upon his way back to his quarters he saw Shin Kei. Taking peacefull steps the preacher up to the commander "dear son of the holy savior rightious prosperity is heading towards our way but first the 3 kingdoms must be smitted" Suna said to the man.
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home