Leo looked at her then at the dead body. The brunnet heard the girls question looking he put his hand on his left ear that had a small mic in it. "Tidus come on give me a visiol" he said calmy as he pushed the dead body off of the boat landing in the water below. Tidus was looking with his binoculers as he watched the scene. He found where the locked door was with a guard still guarding it. "its a few steps ahead then turn left" the blue heard man said into the mic. Leo nodded when he heard Tidus' remark. Signaling the brunnet pressed his body against the wall. Peeking his head out a little Leo saw the guard with some hesitation the brunn et threw his dagger at the guard's head. The blade dug itself into the man's skull afterward the guard droped to the floor dead. "unlock that door up there" Leo said calmy to Katrinna pointing to the door ahead.
yeah sadly so how are the rp at the other site
well i got a wrestling turnament to wrestle in
not much just relaxin so whatcha doin
good well i been rpin at a bleach rp site since theres like no good ones here
im sorry to hear that pleze dont stess urself too much :(
thats good my day is goin alright i just have to wake up early in the mornin
so how ya doin :)
~hug very very tightly~ that is so so sad pleaze be happy not only you suffer your friends suffer as well. People will miss you so much so pleaze break ur addiction pleaze i know i would be sad if anything happend to you :(.
not much sorry i havnt been on here that much
its goin really great so how about you :)
heya buddy :)
heya bud :)
ello govna :)
alright i just did well there is no availuble teams so i guess i gotta make one or somethin
so what team is my char in because it says ragnarok on my sheet but i dont see my chars name in member listing of that team
o really lol that must have been a good sleep :3
After Reese left to do his own business Leo looked at the bloody dagger. "he hated taking peoples lives but it was for survive or did he truelly enjoy killing" those thought always stayed in his mind. Taking out a cloth then started to wipe the blood off of the blade "i cant let her see me like this" the brunnet said. "alright you can come up here now" Leo said to Katrina as he looked down at the water.
i had wrestling practice at 9 this mornin then afterwards i relaxed so what you done today
thats good so what have u done today