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  1. Dexnail
    Leo looked at the creatures face he made an disgusted face. "true but" the brunnet said twirling his dagger. Then he stoped the dagger pointing towards the creatures neck "if i did not do anything then i would be a monster of cowardice that is a life i dont want to live" he said with an smirk before he charged towards the girl.
    Post by: Dexnail, Dec 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dexnail
  3. Dexnail
    not much so how about you :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Legion, Dec 17, 2009
  4. Dexnail
    Leo stood back up looking at the two then at the creature. Picking up his dagger then holding it with the point down and the jagged blade facing towards the creature. "i dont know what you are but that does not mean i will stand by allowing you to hurt Katrina or Reese" the brunnet said to Rhixan.
    Post by: Dexnail, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Dexnail
  6. Dexnail
  7. Dexnail
  8. Dexnail
    Luxord stayed silent as the xion card went back into the deck. The Gambler of Fate started to make the cards go from one hand to his other then afterwards the cards shuffeling themselves in his left hand. "Roxas sadly you still dont understand even when i plainly explained things to you in wonderland durring our mission" the britsh blond said remembering the times he actually did not hate Roxas. "no point gained by rambling on about our past yet that what makes us who we are fate has permently made it so" Luxord said with an gambling smirk on his face. He knew Xigbar would do his thing while he would do his. With some cards slidding out of his left sleeve of his uniform into his left hand. Luxord threw 5 cards at the keyblader while in the other hand he made some more appear quickly. Fallowing the first attack the Gambler of fate made the cards in his right hand lay on the ground then with an uppercut motion the cards grew bigger doing an flipping motion creating an wave of 10 cards.
    Post by: Dexnail, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dexnail
  10. Dexnail
    lol sorry so whatcha doin
    Profile Post by Dexnail for cstar, Dec 15, 2009
  11. Dexnail
  12. Dexnail
  13. Dexnail
  14. Dexnail
  15. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    hey guess what ~poke~

    hey guess what ~poke~
    Profile Post by Dexnail for cstar, Dec 15, 2009
  16. Dexnail
  17. Dexnail
    Leo stared at the glow for a few minuts not being able to speak. "they are hearts but why are they glowing and why are the shipment hearts" the brunnet said. He figured there was something not right but he did not know what.

    Amber looked down with an sad smile. "that my father is kidnapping people and testing on their hearts" she said to her. That did not sound like the loving father she knew but things did not feel like they were before.
    Post by: Dexnail, Dec 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    so how you been

    so how you been
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Vladimir Makarov, Dec 15, 2009
  19. Dexnail
    Leo saw Reese fight the heartless but his attention was what was behind the door. Knowing Katrina was protected the brunnet walked over to the door keeping his balance. His eyes became wide when he oppend the door seeing what was behind it. There was tons of jars in the room. Leo squatted down to get a better look he jumped back when he saw that there was a heart in the jar. The brunnet stared at the pink glow of the hearts in all of the glass jars.

    Amber looked outside wondering when her dad would be back. "do you think those rumors are true" she asked her friend. Sometimes she could not recognize her father anymore.
    Post by: Dexnail, Dec 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dexnail