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  1. Dexnail
  2. Dexnail
    The events where absolutly amussing to the Gambler. Now it was time for his special game he prepaired for Tiffa."fair lady time for our game to begin" the blond said with an smirk before snapping his fingers. 5 enlarged cards appeared infront of the gambler. With another snap this time with his right hand cards appeard circerling Tiffa and himself. "now shall i tell you the rulez to our delightfull game" Luxord said to Tiffa as the cards circuled around them and with the 5 cards floating infront of himself.
    Post by: Dexnail, Feb 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Dexnail
  4. Dexnail
  5. Dexnail
  6. Dexnail
    Also as a creator of the original Welcome to the Underdome I will create an training thread that is exclussively for the characters training and each tech will require a certain training points. Also now on i want you to make an describtion of the move that you will use on ur chars profile. Here is the template also this is the amount of TP that will be required to learn each rank. C being 25, B being 40, and A being 50 the templet is below fallow it.

    Technique Name:
    Rank: C-A, C being little damage and A being fatal
    describtion: here i want you to describe the movement that is required. I want you to be very describtive on this.
    Preperation: this is what it takes for your char to be prepaired to use it, this can range from a starting stance or getting things set into the ground etc.
    Post by: Dexnail, Feb 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dexnail
    Xeol simply laid the dead girl's body on the sand looking at her for a few moments. Xathabats body started to fade with a sigh the brunnet looked at Pheonix. "well she is fadding so get done what you need to get done with" the fog wielder said to the man. A few moments later he heard a loud squal from a bird that flew with a another up in the sky. Xeol watched as the two flew before they seperated going opposite directions. The two birds reminded him of Xathabat with him as the years went by fallowing one path together then seperated somewhere along the adventure. "as a life begins there will always be a ending" that was all Xeol said before he walked away disappearing into the mist.
    Post by: Dexnail, Jan 12, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dexnail
    Xeol simply nodded his head yes to Pheonix. "you can live the life you want to live not being tied down by your past remember that" he said to Xathabats sister before the fog wielder walked into the opend void. The ocean water lightly brushed against the beach. Nothing changed since that outbreak the air was slightly foggy. Then a dark void oppend there Xeol stepped out as he held Xathabat's body looking around this braught back some old memories. Yes, this was the spot he made the promise to Xathabats somebody that he was not able to keep because he got sent away. Sitting down with the dead girl's body in his arms Xeol looked at the ocean as the sun started going down making the sky turn orange and made the water sparkle. "im sorry i should have been around sooner" the brunnet said as he looked at the setting sun. The fog wielder looked at Xathabat's face "atleast we returned back to the place that we made our promise when we were so young' the brunnet said with an sad smile before he looked up at the sky wondering if her soul finnaly was in peace.
    Post by: Dexnail, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dexnail
  10. Dexnail
  11. Dexnail
  12. Dexnail
  13. Dexnail
    Xeol silently lowerd his head hiding the sad frown on his face as Sarax talked to Pheonix. "she had a chance to have a happy life unlike a thief like me" the fog wielder said as he walked over to Xathabats corpse. The brunnet gently picked up the girl's light body "ill bury her in a place where and when she was truelly happy" Xeol said before he opend an void to escape the dark realm remembering the first time he met her when he had a heart. "im not mad at you it was Xathabats decision to turn this page in her chapter not mine or yours" his jade green eyes said gently to Xathabat's sister after he looked at her for a few seconds before looking at the newly opend dark void..
    Post by: Dexnail, Jan 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dexnail
    Xeol arrived he saw that Xathabat was fighting with her sister and Pheonix was there as well. The fog wielder stood a foot away of the fighting girls watching without saying anything. The brunnet gently placed his hand on Pheonix shoulder "let her take care of her own problems helping will only put oil on this fire" Xeol said to the man. "if Xathabats she does win we can celebrate if not...we can say our goodbyes before she fades its her choice we must not interupt pleaze understand what im saying" the fog wielder said to Pheonix once again. He watched the two fight Xeol did not want Xathabat to fade but if it did come to that at least he would be able to give her some love to allow her to rest in peace.
    Post by: Dexnail, Jan 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dexnail
    Darkness could always show people thier past that is what the fog wielder felt. Xeol kept walking ahead as he heard familier screams of the people he and his gang killed in the past echoing around. The part that made it worst was it was when he still had a heart. "it was for servival" Xeol simply said to himself. As he got even deeper in the darkness realm the brunnet saw a swing. Xeol put his hand on it clossing his eyes "if it werent for Xathabat making me relize myself again i would have gained a heart full of guilt" the fog wielder said as he oppend his eyes again as he started sprinting forward deeper into the darkness hopefully getting closer to Xathabat.
    Post by: Dexnail, Dec 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Dexnail
    yeah true hows ur day :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for cstar, Dec 30, 2009
  17. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    ello howsa doing :)

    ello howsa doing :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Vladimir Makarov, Dec 30, 2009
  18. Dexnail
  19. Dexnail
    Xeol was leaning against the wall at the rebels base. An emotionales tear droped to the ground making an slight thud. "Xathabat" the brunnet said silently as he continued to look down at the ground. The fog wielder raised his hand oppening an dark void taking steps towards it. "i need to say it to her before its too late" Xeol said as he enterd the dark void searching the darkness for Xathabat.
    Post by: Dexnail, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dexnail