ill see what i can do. but i can post the code i used later if u want that instead cause i have to leave right now im not sure if its even possible to do that. i really dont know
1. it was spam because it wasnt about codes. but anyway im not gonna argue and spam about this 2. i think if u saved during cutscenes, the game would freeze =/ 3. i dont think it went wrong. i think that was suppose to happen. didnt antiweapon say that there was digits for the head of xigbars weapon? well i probably used the other one which was wierd. and when i attacked it would turn into alittle blue fire like thing. and when i drived it made the other keyblade disappear.
wah? i get it but if he only works in that one area how come u still get bsod when trying to play as him in the world of nothing? now if we can play as party riku in the final fight, can we do the thing where u leave the area while playing as him? ive seen a vid where they left the area while playing as the riku from the final fight, but it wasnt party riku. do u think itll freeze? :offtopic:
GRRRRR! i tried out the armburst code again and this time it didnt freeze but i was wielding a disk! wtf! how in the world did antiweapon get this code to work!
thanx bro. and i still get a bsod when tron sora. i got one earlier 2day but i had played for along time be4 it bsod. then i enter a tournement and it bsod me after the first round =/
hey guys can someone quickly post xigbars armburst digits. thanx
yeah mods can. but then they'll get in trouble because i didnt do anything wrong. nobody can just pm me and say im banning u! why? for no reason! if that happened thats like abusing there powers. so yeah u cant bann me for any damn reason. it has to be a good damn reason
same here. i dont care about finding riku that much anymore, but if we could have a debug room it would be cool. how on earth did u get sora to wield xigbar's armbursts! ive done everything! this is what i did: 1. use the code. but maybe i got the digits wrong (doubt that) 2. used mulans movset 3. and i moded sword of ancesters to xigbar's armburst and it still freezes when i press x! can u please give me the codes u put in! i really want to use the armbursts! please and thanx u =] hey r u still in the mood to test codes?
oh im so scared! they cant bann me for my opinion. if i said something inoppropreate then i could get bann. and if i ever do get bann ill change my sig to DONT BANN ME BRO! lol
You post is rather... small. And, um... typical from a mod. lol ^^
dont forget that ishotansem will have his tommorow. btw this is our aka the 3 amigos/the 3 musketierrs/the 3 stooges/ the 3 blind mice's (me,ishotansem,and ansem the wise 59) sigs! its gonna be our catch frase! if u dont understand it type that in on youtube or just ask for the story. lol its funny but also unfair
r u talking to me? cause if u r, that code i posted works. i just used it again. i drived into wisdom form like a thousand times test the code i posted on page 100. that code works but i need some buddy to make sure it works. it works for me. do u need the codes? new vid yet? btw is the last world sora mermaid sora?
kk. ill go test it one more time just to make sure it works. bye! and im also leaviing. ill be on later though. c'ya
really? well i would try my code with out ur code but the game freezes if i try to walk so i cant test my code alone.but when i use ur code and the play as tron sora code i can walk around. and when i use my code with it i can drive into wisdom sora. can u try it right now? because im POSSITIVE that itll work. but u gotta use ur code with it. or u can try it alone without ur code, but i couldnt cause i need ur code for tron sora to be able to walk around and do stuff. anybody up for testing? use my code with mikael's code and see if its not glitched up when driving into wisdom sora, or any drive form, but test wisdom out first.
sure, here u go :): Drive as Tron Sora (flawless) 11CFA404 00000669 11CFA406 0000066B 11CFA408 0000066D 11CFA40A 0000066F 11CFA40C 00000671 and use mikaels code with it. then ull be flawlessly driving! no problems at ALL! someone tell me if they had trouble using it. just make sure to use ur code when using mine.
thats not a bad theory. but i dont think that terra is the person u fight in fm. they call the engimatic soldier the lingering spirit. so maybe hes terras nobody. maybe not. but what i think is that hes not terra but a different form of terra. but i dont really know if thats when he chooses the next wielder. but sora wasnt suppose to be the keyblade wielder, so i think that the es was mad that riku was not the one he met up with in sunset horrizen cause riku was the one he chose to wield the keyblade.
Game: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep,358/2 Days,Coded,and 3. i have ALL the systems needed for the next games. All my systems r up to date except for my ds. i have the old blue ds. Games i want the most from greatest to least: Kingdom Hearts:Birth By Sleep>3>358/2 Days>Coded i just want coded for the cutscenes. but i really want bbs! i think itll be awsome!
yep. but i also crashed when trying to drive into valor sora the next time i drived. thats strange. maybe one of the codes i had on glitched it. but i have good news! i have found a code that needs ur code on too! but it will let u drive into valor,wisdom,master,final,and anti sora without it crashing! i had no problems driving what so ever. i could make one for fm if anyone such as antiweapon needs it. does anybody want that code? but first ill need someone to test it. c if it works for them. or i can just post the code. the code works. i had no problems driving at ALL.
thanx dude. ur name will be engraved at the code vault. cant belive ur leaving D;
well r u planing to use it in ur last vid? cause if u r i have found away to drive FLAWLESSLY. i dont think the other code is flawless. cause when i used it, i drove into valor form and it was fine then later i tried to drive into wisdom sora and it crashed ><. so i retried the code and it crashed when i tried to drive into valor form. so i did something to see if it would stop the freezing and it worked. im still playing and it never froze. but i need someone to test it just to make sure thats its not just me. thanx aton!